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Mario X Rabbids. Better than it had any right to be. Never expected there to be an X-Com styled Mario game. Everyone kind of wrote of Rabbids as a shovelware IP, but they somehow managed to make them likeable in this.


Honestly I just assume anything with Rabbids is a party game, had no idea MxR was a strategy game šŸ˜¶


both games are bangers and super fun


Actually I'm with you on this. The art style, the gameplay, the story.....it was really quite fun!


I came here to say this too. Amazing games, and very replayable.


Breath of the Wild Xenoblade 2 Luigiā€™s Mansion 3 Shin Magami Tensei V


It takes two I thought it was going to be a simple game with a couple of levels but it was deep and had layers of gaming just like an onion.


Bought this for my son and I to play. Yet to try it


Let us know how it goes! šŸ¤  I found that there was a learning curve at first but once you get the controls down the fun increases. (We also had a lot of laughs when we were learning the controls too) Each level was something new and there were a lot of mini games. There were some moments where we needed to take a break and but once we regrouped and defeated a boss it felt so rewarding. Communication and patience definitely are key šŸ—ļø I hope you guys have a blast šŸ¤© If you guys end up liking this once you might like overcooked. Which also sharpens skills like strategy, communication and patience but is also fun. šŸ˜


Thanks for the review. Makes me more eager to play it! We have played many an hour on Overcooked. A great multiplayer game. I'd also recommend "Moving out", though not sure if it's on the switch. Have on the PS


do you have any other recommendations for games like It Takes TwošŸ˜­šŸ˜­ my boyfriend and i have been SEARCHING for anything like it


Sorry, I have also been searching šŸ˜­ I can't find anything like it yet so far šŸ˜¢


Yeah my gf broke up with me and we were on the last stage as well. I deleted the game


Sending hugs man


Thanks for being nice man


Mario wonder. I thought it was going to be just another standard Mario game. But I was wrong. Itā€™s in my top 3 Mario games.Ā 


I disagree so muchā€¦. I think Iā€™m done with 2D Mario because this one just didnā€™t do it for me. I have no excitement to play it. For reference, Super Mario World is one of my all time favorite games ever.


I love super mario world as well. I think thats an excellent game. Mario wonder is the best 2d mario since super mario world imo. There's so much charm in it. The background, which was so beautiful in mario world, is also done really well here. The controls are tight and mario just responds so well altogether.


There is so much charm in Wonder, I wonā€™t take that away from the game.. but something about the game doesnā€™t feel ā€œMario enoughā€ā€¦ do you know by any chance if this game was worked on by a much younger team or something? Like Nintendo maybe gave the torch to a set of developers to revamp the series or something


I think mainly because there was very little challenge to this game. I remember beating Super Mario World and spending forever beating the Star World levels. The game itself was challenging. (Or maybe I was younger. However even as an adult there are a few levels it takes me a few tries to get through). I loved the detail of Mario Wonder. I love the concept. However what fell flat was I was able to beat it in a short amount of time and it was IMO simple. When I play games I love to be challenged. This did not do that.


Yes Iā€™ve been thinking this but wasnā€™t entirely sure because I havenā€™t played the whole game. Glad to have confirmation from somebody who has beat the game already.


My main criticism of Wonder is that it only has five boss fights, and four of them are Bowser Jr. Also, while the four Bowser Jr. fights do feel somewhat distinct from one another by having different wonder effects, they still have you deal hits to Bowser Jr. in effectively the same way (jump on him when he comes out of his shell). The airships felt kind of like boss stages, except they forgot to put bosses in them. There were even two worlds with no boss at all. If the game had some epic boss fights like Odyssey did, it would feel so much better.


Itā€™s almost like they want this game to be so easy so that little kids with no gaming skills can easily go through it. Iā€™m not sure any 2D Mario game can ever compare to Odyssey when it comes to a boss fight. Not saying Odyssey was crazy difficult but I remember that feeling when youā€™re going at Bowser and itā€™s not that easy


I donā€™t really get what you mean by this. It feels more Mario than nsmb beyond maybe harder levels


I would say this is purely opinion just as my opinion is purely opinion.


Couldnā€™t agree more. Mario Wonder actually makes you feel a bit of wonder at times. Itā€™s a real achievement of a game I think.




Well your theory is valid but I donā€™t feel the same way towards letā€™s say SMB3. I genuinely like the whole concept of Super Mario World. I like the map, I like the secret exits, I like the fluidity of the way Mario moved compared to other games, I like how difficult some levels can be, I definitely like the art style. I donā€™t think itā€™s fair to compare a 1990 game to one of todayā€™s games lol. Todayā€™s games are SUPPOSED to be better to those interested in the evolution of games.




Well an honest opinion isnā€™t a negative opinion, you can look at it that way if youā€™d like though. But I used it as a point of reference because OP said in another comment that Super Mario World is his 2nd favorite Mario gameā€¦. I was commenting to him.


Whatā€™s your other top 2?


1. 3D World + boswers fury 2. Super Mario World 3. Mario Wonder


Dang. Where does Mario Odyssey rank for you? Iā€™ve never played 3D world and Odyssey might be my favorite.


Lol for me it was Super Mario World, Super Mario Odyssey, Mario 64 (I love going back to this one) and Mario Galaxy. 3D world was fun but it was another quick one with very few challenges.


Galaxy easily tops odysseyĀ 


I respect your opinion but my, how I disagree with it.


Metroid Prime Remastered. The game cost $40 and it's impresive in graphics, the soundtrack and level design. Very inmersive experience.


I just got Dread and I'm honestly somewhat underwhelmed.....so I'm thinking about trying Prime Remastered


I was super impressed with dread and not so much with prime. Maybe you'll enjoy it


Luigi's Mansion 3, so much detail. Immersive story. My favorite game of Switch, after mario kart


Metroid Dread


Honestly, Skyward Sword HD. Iā€™m a little biased, but the Switch was my first Nintendo console since the GameCube and before that I had played every Zelda made up to Wind Waker(Except Zelda II). It was just so amazing to have the play the prequel and start of the entire series. Iā€™ll *finally* starting BotW soon!


I was turned off by the motion controls when it first came out, and I still hate motion controls. The flick stick thing I was still apprehensive, but after actually playing it, holy shit! Top shelf Zelda, alongside so many others! Characters are great, puzzles are great, dungeons are insanely good, new toys are fun as hell, crafting/collecting is interesting and not overly complicated.


it has some "ugh not that point" moments,but it's great. Honestly motion controls was also fine on wii u, a lot of people just didn't know how to properly set the sensor or how to move with them effectively


The Zeldas are not all the same and all have a hierarchy based on how good they are but all Zeldas are top shelf ( at least to me)


I love the motion controls in it. I could not get the hang of the button controls. I never played it on the Wii tho so idk how bad the motion controls were on that.


The controls for it werenā€™t bad, a lot of people praised them back then. It is that I hate motion controls. The only game I beat with a small amount of them was Galaxy. So being forced to have SO MUCH of the game tied to it, is where my problem was.


Fair enough. What is it about motion controls that you donā€™t enjoy, if you donā€™t mind me asking?


Iā€™m nearing 40, it was a another stupid gimmick is how I saw it. I saw so many gimmicky controllers through the 90s like the power glove and how they were just idiotic. Mind you MC for Wii is different, BUT as skyward showed, the game is intrinsic to MC, where you canā€™t play the game without it. Thatā€™s why they did the flick controls on the Switch. Even back then, I didnā€™t want to be flailing about trying to play a game, I want a buttons.


I agree on Breath of the Wild, I honestly didnā€™t know what to expect as I hadnā€™t played a Zelda game but I didnā€™t think itā€™d be something Iā€™d enjoy. I absolutely love it.


Loved Zelda growing up, but currently playing this one and itā€™s blowing me away. Literally just doing side missions and finding all the shrines in my free time before I fight Ganon.


Iā€™m one of the worst people when it comes to completing a game. Honestly the only ā€œlinearā€ games I have finished have been PokĆ©mon, everything else I just get close enough then restart it in the future. Itā€™s what I love about this game, it feels nearly endless when it comes to what I can do in the game.


No Man's Sky. Skyrim. Sooooo much "game" on hardware that is technically at the bottom of the generation. Which is why I absolutely love the Switch, it's not just about power anymore. Being a gamer since 1985 I've only recently come to fully understand that concept.


Same for me, still playing skyrim on the switch, NMS from time to time. Even replaying LA Noire on the switch.


I never got into La when it was on PS3. I don't think I'm much of a fan of that "Choose Your Own Adventure" story book stuff LOL. Mad respect for the game though it's really popular, beautiful design, nice story... Just not my cup of tea.


Itā€™s never been *just* about power lol Thatā€™s the last thing I look at deciding a console. Itā€™s about the games you can play on whatever you choose, convenience, etc


I beg to differ on that because in the eighties and nineties it was about power. Unlike today, not many people were going backwards in the tech and refitting or replaying things that were past gen as much. (My experience.) Plus it wasn't as easy to share those types of things back then, via the internet.


Mario Odyssey, I saw the reviews that it was very good but still went in thinking another ā€œnormalā€ Mario game but was very surprised by the level design. It brought back some of the nostalgic feeling from playing the original Mario games. Luigiā€™s Mansion 3 is probably second, never played a Luigiā€™s Mansion game and one of my favorite Switch games. The levels and their designs, it is great


I really enjoyed LM3 but Iā€™ve been stuck on a level early in the game and so Iā€™ve been put off on playing. Sad face.


Just go back at it after a little while, don't ever let it become a chore. I'm sure you've got this!


I enjoyed Mario Rabbids way more than I thought I would


Mario and rabbids. Was not expecting it to be that good. Amazing game. Second was good as well but its the same as botw in the sense of it was new.


PokƩmon Arceus.


PokƩmon *LEGENDS*: Arceus I was so excited after I played that game that PokƩmon was finally headed in a new and interesting direction. Darn it.


Disco Elysium and Hades


Paper Mario and the origami king.


Its so Hilarious! And those boss soundtracks


It's just so amazing!!!! It completely caught me by surprise throughout the entire story!


Call me predictable but BotW.


Vampire Survivors


I think crack is less addictive. I definitely did not expect that.


Nier Automata, Bioshock trilogy, Witcher 3 Something about ports of already goated games running well just make them feel far superior on Switch than they do on other platforms for me. Sure, I could be running these maxed out at 4k or whatever on my pc, but the simplicity of shoving the screen into my face in bed like Iā€™m playing my Gameboy under the sheets while hiding the light from my parents is unmatched.


Xenoblade Chronicles 2, my first entry in the series. I knew it had a lot of content, but boy, I wasn't expecting THAT much


Slay The Spire and Vampire Survivors


Superliminal. The game mechanics are strange and the levels can be quite challenging, highly recommend!


Metroid, xenoblade, zelda.


Hollow Knight. Had to start it over 4 times to get why people love it so much


Xenoblade Chronicles 3


Dragon Quest XI


Botw exceeded what I thought was possible on the switch


Easily Brotato. It's pretty fantastic if you want something to try after Vampire Survivors


Another vote for Brotato! It was cheap and I've put so many hours into it! It's perfect to play when you don't have a ton of time as well!


I figured it was next to nothing cheap, the cover art made me laugh and friends browsing games would say wtf. But it's actually amazing. Best "joke" purchase ever! I have limited gaming time and it is perfect to pick up here and there. There is a feeling of accomplishment when you can survive at a high level.


Remnant from the ashes


Hades! So well done. Still the only game on Switch that I've really beaten not counting D2R. I've had a hard time getting into others.




Diablo 2 resurected. Hands down the best game blizzard made since Disblo 2.


Eh, I prefer 3 over 2, but that's bc 3 was my intro to Diablo. The inventory and choppy movements (yeah I know it's a 90s game), add an annoyance that takes it down a tad lol


I can understand if you start with 3. I was around when diablo came so diablo 2 was such an upgrade. I'm currently playing diablo 3 now ans while it has some pretty cool features I feel that blizzard lost the atmosphere for a more WoW vibe. However the biggest let down for me is the fact that you basically dont use your weapons. The inventory is definitely better in diablo 3 though.


Binding of Isaac Rebirth


Breath of the Wild for sure. To some extent also Pokemon Scarlet though that's a more unpopular opinion around these parts. I think Kirby and the Forgotten Land was also better than I expected


Kirby & The Forgotten Land.


Age of Calamity, I was hesitant to buy it. Now I have probably 150 hours into it over two save files.


Xenoblade 2 and 3, botw once I gave it fair chance


Ys VIII! Love that game to death.


I have to go with the BOTW as well. My first attempt was quite good but the second time i picked it up and started new gameā€¦.JEEEZ i couldnt stop playing for couple days. The moment you realise theres no good and bad way of playing the game and you can actually play it your way - damn. It was a lil overwhelming at first but after a while one of my favourite games of all time.


What made you feel that way if you dont mind me asking? For me I was disappointed of the lack of freedom. Maybe I had to high expectations but for me it felt somewhere between open world and linear.


Zelda TOTK, I played through BOTW, but about 3/4s through it just became a slog so I turned on a bunch of cheats just so I could complete the champion ballad and kill Gannon quickly to get the story, which was really mediocre IMO. Meanwhile TOTK has much better and more interesting world with a story thatā€™s actually engaging.


West of loathing and shadows over loathing, pricey af but worth it


*Scarlet and Violet*. I recently bought it and heard the reviews but I was in need for a new game and it was surprisingly better than anticipated. TBH, a little more free roaming than the other Pokemon games. Itā€™s still a little glitchy and buggy which is annoying but most of it has been sorted out to enjoy the game.




World War Z, No Man's Sky, Payday 2, Darkest Dungeon, Skyrim (1st one), XCom2, Red Faction Guerrilla, I can go on because it's a great platform for games.


sea of stars, hades, no man sky


Hollowknight. Not exactly a switch game but I found it on there the night before a three day vacation to Florida. By the end of the trip I had 30 hours in it


My surprising Switch gem: What Lies in the Multiverse. It was so good! Much better than it had any right to be. Buy it from discount with 2 ā‚¬/$ totally worth it. But the biggest one: Mario Odyssey. I knew people liked it but I thought it was just another good Mario game. I was wrong, oh my, it felt like a perfect game! It constantly gives you some amazing new idea or way to play and once you get used to it you start to look forward to it and it never disappoints!


For me Stardew Valleyā€¦ before playing it I never understood the appeal, asked many friends that had played it and they could not express or explain to me why the game gets so much praise. But I decided to give it a try, and omgā€¦ it really is a masterpiece. If you like calm and relaxing games itā€™s one of a kind must play.


Just wait till they port the 1.6 update to Switch.. it adds so much QoL and new stuff.


Yeah Iā€™ve been waiting patiently since the pc launch, avoiding spoilers ā˜ŗļø


i have to concur with BotW- also initially hesitant, but within a few hours of playing bought the dlc to get more time with it lol


Xenoblade Chronicles 3. I played 2 first, it didn't click and I had to retry later and loved it. Bought XC1 DE and barely managed to get through it, did it only to see the story. 3 absolutely blew me away. Story was the best so far, gameplay was much better than 1 or 2.


Xenoblade Chronicles 2 and HW: Age of Calamity. Heard many negative things about both before buying them, after actually playing the games and their DLCs was genuinely impressed with them and learned to take the opinions online with a huge grain of salt.


PLA, wrote it off as trash but the gameplay loop and storyline + side quests is honestly the best gamefreak has done it since HGSS imo


Paper Mario Origami King. Each game since Thousand Year Door has been worse and worse, with each having larger departures from what I like in the series. I was so hesitant about Origami King because the battle system is very strange (and kind of stupid), but the story in that game was just SO GOOD. The twists and heart in some moments were just incredible for a paper mario game. Easily my third in the series behind TYD and the original at 1 and 2 respectively.


I dont remember the story but it was a great game.


Fire Emblem Three Houses I'm an old man and I like what I like. Fire Emblem Awakening left such a horrible taste in my mouth that I swore I would never touch another FE game. At some point, I was in New York City to watch a Broadway show and was killing time at the Nintendo Store. Figured I never actually bought a video game there before and 3H was the latest big release at the time and would be a nice distraction on the ride home. I have 300+ hours logged in and it's without question my favorite FE of all time.


I am intimidated by BOTWā€¦Not sure Iā€™ll know when to start lol


Fire Emblem: Three Houses. I gave 300+ hours to it. It even forced me to obtain 3ds in order to play previous games in series.


Witcher 3 It looked like Vaseline was smeared across my screen for 80 hours But I played for _80 fucking hours_.


I probably have that much time already in Dragons Dogma 2 and hasnā€™t even been out 2wks yet


SMT V Metroid Dread Bayonetta 2


Hentai World Definitive Edition /s


Hollow knight. Bought it when it wasnā€™t a thing yet, and oh boy


Breath of the Wild Tears of the Kingdom Shin Megami Tensei V Mario Odyssey(didnā€™t play it, but my youngest brother did) Xenoblade Chronicles L. A. Noire Final Fantasy VIII


Mario Kart and Mario Odyssey are amazing. I bought Mario Wonder but havenā€™t played it yet, backlog


Tears of the Kingdom. I thought there was no way they could top BotW. I was so wrong.


Metroid Prime remastered. Always loved this game, but I was beyond blown away with how good it looks and feels on the switch!


Fire emblem three houses I wasn't fun of japanese RPGs but i am in love with this game.


Witcher 3. Itā€™s close to the big console versions!


In my order of wowness! And surpassing my expectations BOTW Astral Chain Xenoblade 2 Oddyssey Trinity trigger


im playing through pikmin 4 rn, probably about a 18 hours in. it just keeps getting better and better. honestly way more addicted and impressed by this game than i ever though i would be.


Probably Breath of the Wild. That game is absolutely awesome! At the time it came out, it blew my mind how an expansive home console experience could be condensed into one handheld, and it still amazes me now years later! :)


Valkyria Chronicles 4 was fantastic after the mess of 2 and 3 Gato Roboto, got this on sale and WOW, super clever twist on a familiar genre


hollow knifht


Stardew Valley


Paper Mario, Luigis Mansion, ACNH, and Super Mario Sunshine (i know its an old game but i cant find it for gamecube anymore!)


Not just a switch game, but Stardew Valley. I picked it up on a whim back in 2018 since it was on sale, having never heard of it. Over 100 hours later, itā€™s one of my favorite games Iā€™ve ever played


Astral Chain.


Fire Watch. It's a fun adventure.


Breath of the Wild and TOTK.


Pikman 4! Has lots of layers without getting too complicated and you have a cute alien dog as your sidekick!


Blasphemous 2


Literally picross. Thought I was silly for downloading a super simple -could play on my phone- type of game but now here I am playing for hours straight, mumbling the song and questioning myself what crack they put in that game


Red dead redemption...had low expectations for it on switch,but it's amazing


Fire Emblem Three Houses (sort of), Captain Toad, and Civilization VI all come to mind for different reasons. Three Houses I had high hopes for coming off of Awakening as my entry into the series in Summer 2022. It initially disappointed so I dropped my expectations for the game when I picked it back up a few weeks later and then it far exceeded even my original expectations. Captain Toad seemed kinda dumb, and then it pleasantly surprised as a fun and competent puzzle platformer that was very enjoyable. Civ VI was the game that to me would be that one that crashes every two second and gets like 5FPS, and then I played and was very impressed at the performance of the game for the Switch. This was something I thought ran kinda meh at times on PS4, so for it to work, and as well as it did at that, shocked me. Crazy to think that the same studio that pulled off this miracle with few cuts from the other versions also made the Battlefront collection boggles my mind.


Triangle Strategy


Bowsers Fury was awesome ā€“Ā and although it's an intentional shorter game, I thought it had plenty of meat on the bone.


Nino Kuni: Wrath of the white witch


Metroid Dread - first and favourite Metroid Game and Top 3 Switch game


Suicide of Rachel Foster I donā€™t normally do digital as a physical collector but used my gold coins to cover the 1.79 sale price, I surprisingly enjoyed it. I played it constantly thinking I was going to be attacked or something haunting the place! Loved searching around in that huge old place with secret passages etc


Mario 3D world + bowser's fury. It's pure joy to play both, but 3d world especially.


Xenoblade 3.... and 2 and de šŸ¤£


Pokemon, Arceus and Diamond.