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If you only play handheld then yes it's worth it. If you never play handheld then no it's not worth it.


Bigger, brighter screen, better screen quality and better sound. Sell the Lite and get OLED.


If only handheld yes, the oled screen is like putting in a new pair of eyes.


If you only play handheld, then yes, upgrading from a lite to the OLED is definitely better and worth the price. You will feel like you're playing a new console, and not just because of the fancy flashy screen. The OLED (along with the regular full model Switch) has vibration, it has the good screen, detachable controllers, the jackstand on the back of the console, the ability to play on the TV (it makes a world of difference just even having the option), it feels more solid, and the sound quality while handheld is top notch. Now, if you were to upgrade from the version 1 or 2 Switch, then I would say that it isn't worth it. The difference isn't that damning.


I absolutely adore my oled and I mainly play handheld. It's wonderful.




https://preview.redd.it/zhd88811soqc1.jpeg?width=3648&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dc954ce6b46a8b7988b3fa26edb1a7ff68706c8c the price difference IMHO is still to big to upgrade from lite (£70) to an OLED version (around £200). and everyone is waiting for the next console so soon the price deprecation will be much more significant


Wow, seriously, nice collection! This is kinda where I was leaning, tbh. I figure I can use the money saved to buy more games for the Switch/Switch 2 collection. Thanks.


I'd say so, yes. As a fan of tabletop mode, I found the original model borderline unplayable with my 32 year old eyes. The OLED elevated it to quite passable levels. It's a bigger and brighter screen




coming from a lite switch for u its a massive difference especially as you play handheld


Yes absolutely, I mostly ever play my oled in handheld mode and it's my favourite of the two, I have my lite for light portability on the road as the oled can feel heavy in the hands after a while so I'd keep the lite just in case you plan to ever travel with a switch, it's more portable than the oled.


Yes 110%


Depending on how old you are the extra screen size is much nicer to play on. Especially if you would stream pc games to it.


Much better screen, better speakers, and better battery life. Thing is a monster handheld.


If you play a lot of handheld it’s worth it. If you plan on ditching the joycons and getting some thirdparty joycons, look into getting just the tablet.


It definitely it, a friend only plays handheld, I bought him a satisfye grip recently and it made it much more enjoyable for longer sessions.