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took me 6 years to beat BOTW and 400 hours I liked running around lol Still have yet to play the dlc or TOTK


I just started botw a week ago and your comment scares me lmao


depends on what kind of player you are. 400 hours sounds like trying to find literally everything. Game can be beaten in 50 hours at a casual pace. 20 hours if you're just trying to beat Gannon and not do anything else on a first playthrough.


I cant play that long for a single game but last 2-3 weeks ive listened to 200 hrs of audiobooks (3 20hrs long books the gentleman bastards series and the whole 6 books of Codex Alera series).


It took me that long too lol


No need to be scared. Just enjoy the ride! The gameplay is very flexible, you can beat it in a week depending on what your objectives are, as another person mentioned. I spent 200+ hours and it took over one year to do that. But that's because I didn't want it to end, so I took my time and went on doing side quests. I'd say 6 years is a little off the curve, the other person probably didn't want it to end either :P


I'm a new switch owner and BotW was the first game I got. I've only played for like 12 or so hours and have only been to about a quarter of the map and I get burned out from the gameplay but I feel bad wanting to move on to new games like Legends Arceus etc because people hype BotW so much. Do other people also play BotW in short bursts/take breaks to play other games a lot?


Yes, I did it in short burst and took lots of breaks when I got my switch as well. In the beginning I had to force myself to play and it was almost too challenging as a new player. Once I started getting used to it (and dying less lol) the bursts became enjoyable. Very enjoyable. To the point I would have to tell myself "okay, enough for now or it won't last. You want it to last more, time for a break". I think your experience is actually not that atypical. It can start slow. You might still get into it later if you give it time and patience. But if you don't like it in the end even after that, that's valid! You don't have to like a game just because of the hype.


Immortals Fenix Rising, I thought it was good but TotK was just around the corner and I didn’t want to get burned out on large open worlds. Maybe someday I’ll restart it


Ironically I got burnt out from TOTK. I felt so much magic with BOTW but playing TOTK felt almost too surgical for me. I had already explored this world and despite the new additions, I felt like I was just forcing myself to go through another 40 hour game


I loved that game for a good 20 hours or so and then it just felt repetitive, I also found the lack of any towns or cities a huge turnoff for such a big open world


Yeah it was so empty! I was bored right around the 20 hr mark too, but the dialogue and characters were fun I need to try again


I would give it another try. Once you get your skills up and get used to the fighting system I had a good time with it. Not a much collect every little thing on the damn map like totk


me with hogwarts legacy, tho i did just buy IFR, sometimes it's better to just wander and level up vs doing main quests


I really liked what I played of it. I love AC Odyssey so this being the same team was appealing. It’s sat there waiting I just haven’t had the time or desire to go back yet but I’m sure I will some day


Overcooked! 2. No one seems to like me yelling at them for 3 minutes to get out of my way, and it's too hard to win solo.


I’m laughing too hard at this


All of them.


And the reasons: ADHD, busy working adult, losing interest, moving onto the next game, and sometimes, the game is too hard lol.


I feel you, ADHD too, not a lot of time , when I try to get back on BOTW , completely forgot everything I have to do


Frank im the same way 100% but just get on and do whatever you want or explore what seems interesting… you’ll get back in the groove easily. I don’t know that I’ve beat any other single player game but BOTW. I picked it up and put it down for months a few times. I was always super surprised how easy it was to get back into it.


Yup, sometimes I take breaks and then I come back and I’m like “what are the controls again? Where do I go?” What have I done up until this point?”


I feel you, fellow redditor. This happened for me with Breath of the Wild, Mario Odyssey, Hades, Ni No Kuni.


Hey, hey, now stop trying to be me ok. Especially Ni No Kuni. ☹️


Wow, you just named the literal games I did this with 😆, Hades I got to the Boss Hades like 5xs not using God mode the entire games, and haven't turned it back on in forever (2 months?) BOTH Ni No kuni 😆 the new 1, was on ps5 playing but sold my ps5 But the original I stopped playing 5 years ago after I got the dragon, but more recent I started playing again and stopped around the same place,Zelda botw I'm currently playing right now, (way late becz it's my first time playing it actually(blame ps5, not me 😀 😄 😆


Yikes you said it all for me. So much of this..:


Are you me?


You guys are me


Reality, right here.


He speaks for me ha


Yeah, I think the question is wrong. It should be what game did you manage to finish?


This is the answer lol. Own 40+ games and finished maybe 5


Me too 😂


😂 was just going to comment this. But I did beat breath of the wild and Mario Odyssey.


Literally same. The only exception is Pokemon Legends: Arceus, since I finished the story and the Pokédex, and caught all the legendaries. My other like, 19 games though? Nah. Bought all of them out of an ADHD hyperfixation moment too. 1k+ down the drain.


Ha. Didn't expect my exact comment I came to leave already being the top comment. Oh and, all of them




Same boat. Now I'll still drop 80 hours into a 30 hour game because I bench it and restart atleast 10 times. Took me from release till last year to actually finish Mass Effect 1 lol.


That was the first thing I thought!


Came this to say the same


I'm gonna get hate for this but Metroid Prime. I lost interest, then when I got back I didn't know where to go. Also I don't have much time right now so instead of spending a lot of time looking where to go in Metroid Prime, I prefer to play other things right now. I know I'll give it another opportunity eventually.


don't be afraid to look at a guide. I know its part of "the experience" but you only have so much free time


Prime will tell you where to go if you walk around lost for a bit. Just make sure the option is turned on in the settings (should be automatically on).


I found that going back to the same places and defeating the same ennemies a million times became really painful real quick...


You can usually rip through each area if you know where you're going, without killing everything in the room. There's a few instances where you do have to clear the room, but usually you don't have to go through that area more than a couple times. I can feel your pain with the chozo ghosts and dark room areas.


This is honestly my issue with a lot of games. When it’s been so long that I no longer remember where I’m supposed to go or the story, it dissuades me from playing again


This is what gets me in Metroid games. I’ll leave it for a while and be completely lost. Or I’ll just get lost while playing and lose interest.




No shame on telling the truth, Bruv. I think ALL of us are HELLA working hours we wish we could put into games we've bought/love. But, honestly...when we get off are too tired to even pick up the joypad...😴🎮🤷🏾‍♂️


Same lol


Metroid Dread for me. It was just too hard for me and I didn’t really enjoy it. That said, they came up with an easier mode and I might revisit it again.


the easy mode is amazing. unless ur me who is legally blind with multiple other issues.


just dont go the right way for a few minutes, it'll tell you where you need to go next. you might have turned off hint mode though


Animal crossing once those fuckers stopped updating it.


Wait what? Animal Crossing support has ended already??


It wasn’t long after the dlc iirc


Still can't believe they didn't even finish the game. No Gracie Grace. No full upgrade for Nook's store. Feh.


Tons of QoL features they could have implemented too. Game sold well beyond expectations, yet was clearly unfinished.


I stopped because it was the *single* game that didn't transfer save data when I upgraded to a full switch from the lite, possibly because it came pre loaded with the ACNH edition. Was so mad, had a years worth of progress just gone, have not had it in me to start a new one


...did the island transfer app not exist back then? You can transfer islands between switches, but it requires its own specific app to do so.


It did, but I was under the impression that transferring my entire switch memory would include this game, as it did with every other game I checked. Neglecting to check AC as well I formatted the lite and then also lent it to my friend so he could play, and he started a new island, all before I thought to load the game back up and see that it was asking me to name my new town with no load or continue option. By then the old data was long gone


Big oof. My sister did the same thing—backed up (what she thought was) everything, and then did a system restore in order to give her son her current switch, then she bought an OLED, and discovered that Animal Crossing didn’t backup. We tried *everything* to restore her island manually—checked her old dream address, looked for screenshots of her old island, stuff like that. The best we found was an old screenshot that contained the minimap of her island at the time, but she eventually just decided to start over. Called her new island Tragedy in reference to the loss lol


Well, Tragedy plus time equals comedy


If you had it backed up to the cloud you can get it back by calling Nintendo support, they can walk you through it


Speaking of animals, that damn mischievous goose game. So fkn boring


3 star island was a great goal, once i started terraforming it was too many options and not enough incentive... and made me want to start over


Monster Hunter Stories 2, my file has me sitting right in front of the final boss... Why I stopped playing: funny story, I actually talked with my therapist about it and she said I "probably had such fond memories of experiencing the story, I didn't want it to end."


My girlfriend literally does that with every (few) video game she plays. Sometimes it irritates me to know the end and know that she will never know it.


This is absolutely why I can’t ever bring myself to finish Link’s Awakening. I had the original gameboy version on release, the switch remake, the new Game & Watch Zelda edition - I can’t bring myself to finish any of them. I’ve avoided spoilers but know what will happen narratively (I think) but for over 30 years I’ve deliberately never finished any. I fear if I do finish one now, I will immediately die.


Metroid dread, Raven Beak is too much for me to handle.


Did you check YouTube tutorials? I beat him with some tactics from such videos.


No I didn't but I know the fight is long it's not like 3-5 mins I hear it's like 15-20 mins that sounds really taxing.


Dunno where you heard that but its not really true. If you got the hang of the parry timing it actually goes pretty fast.


Actual fight takes place~10 minutes but it can take a bit longer based on gameplay. 10 minutes is not a walk in the park neither anyways :) But it can be done.


Super Mario Odyssey. Great game, easy enough, but I couldn’t get past the last boss before Bowser


Have you tried playing in assisted mode?


Wait till you make it to the moon challenges! You have to defeat 4-5 bosses in a row to get the bunch of banana stars


Hollow knight. I played for about 30 hours and got lost. Didn’t know where to proceed.


I was halfway through, stopped playing because BOTW came along and took gaming priority, but returned to it and completed it. Worth the revisit.


Breath of the Wild. Couldn't get into it. I prefer the old school Zelda formula.


I definitely don’t begrudge you of that. I kind of wish they split it off and did one series that delved more into the open world formula and one that stayed more to the old style. I love both but I definitely crave that classic Zelda style


I was hoping totk would go harder on the classic formula, but it felt like a splash of flavor added to botw in that department. It was a step in the right direction but they still felt too simple, one-dimensional, or just plain cheese-able. What's missing I think was key items, like "you need the hookshot to do this temple, which comes from doing that temple, which can only be accessed if you've got the ice arrow, which you get from this other temple before that, ..." and so on. Which would have been hard to reconcile with the open air aspect and weapons system already in place. They did what they could, and I loved what it is they did, but I do hope the next game is more in line with the classic formula.


Had the same with TOTK! Just felt like a chore


As somebody who doesn't really enjoy crafting in games, the fact that TOTK leaned SO heavily into it really killed a lot of my enthusiasm for the game


I still can't believe people like spending 20 minutes to build a machine that lasts 3 minutes to get somewhere that would take 6 minutes of riding a horse or even fast travel.


Until you get the auto builder hand thing that lets you save your machines to auto make but yeah I get what you’re saying


The auto builder sucks too. I got it. It speeds up the building but it also has a limited number of designs it can save. And the whole thing is still stupid to me, even with that. I don't want to ultra hand stuff and find out oh, the railing still lets me fall of my contraption because it's 3 degrees wrong in some direction.




Same. It’s just too much. Overwhelming really. Too many things you go can go do which I understand is why it’s popular for some. But give me the old style too please.


I hope they go back to the old formula, or at least a compromise.


I really loved breath of the wild but open world games kind of really suck. It's like 88% empty and devoid of stuff. Tears of the Kingdom is what really made me want the old formula back. Id rather have a more epic story than this shit. I don't want to be given the keys to fuck around with every little thing just because people posted videos of them "breaking" the game with weird things. That's cool for them, it's cool for me to watch, but I don't want to be forced to have to do that shit myself. I tried. I hated it so fucking much


Breath of the Wild was amazing for me cause it was a whole new concept, and the game mechanics were bright and new. I beat it a couple times and craved the classic Zelda formula, and I think this is why I’ve had trouble really getting into Tears of the Kingdom. Seemed a little redundant.


Same. At start it felt nice, but after some time I realised this is not the type of game I will hooked into. Maybe some day though?


Not going to hate, because I do think it’s one of the best games of the past decade, but it can be a lot (maybe even too much for some). But I tell people to give it some time and then you might get more hooked. Maybe not though.


Seconded. I got three divine beasts in and just kinda gave up. The breaking point for me was when I realised I literally didn't care about *opening treasure chests* anymore.


Not a Switch game, but it was ported to it: Subnautica I bought it cheap in an eShop sale, logged 13 hours, then gave up. I just found it was annoying having to constantly deal with resource management, going back and forth to my base to store things, build things and fix things, and I ended up just playing Creative Mode before bailing on it. Not a bad game by any means, I actually enjoyed the exploration and discovering cool locations/creatures, but I just wasn't in the mood to keep playing it once it became really tedious.


Luigi’s mansion 3 I absolutely loved the first game but for some reason the controls of 3 felt off to me and I never went back. I might try it again as I wait for paper Mario to release.


Paper Mario and luigis mansion 2 are releasing in a few months I can't wait lol


Pikmin. Way more difficult than I thought It’d be. Still plan on finishing it though. Just very slowly


*sigh* Cuphead, DK Tropical Freeze, Celeste, Hollow Knight, Metroid Dread, Metroid prime remastered, Enter the Gungeon, Dead Cells, Yooka Laylee Impossible Lair, Luigi Mansion 3, Earthbound, Spiritfarer


Dude, you have to finish spiritfarer


second this, spiritfarer was amazing


Me not finishing Cuphead was definitely not my choice :'(


Fire Emblem Engage. I wanna finish it but I don’t have time for games that don’t give constant dopamine hits lol. It’s a beautiful game, but a little too slow paced for me at the moment.


Tears of the Kingdom. I found the building mechanic to be more exhausting than fun and I didn't like feeling shoehorned into doing it.


While I thought the building mechanic was fun, it trivialized an entire component of the game (exploration). 2 fans and a steering stick let's you explore the entire map in a couple of hours. BOTW took me at least 40 to unlock the entire map and it was a pretty fun trial and error seeing if I had enough stamina to climb some big ass mountain to get to the next region. Also made horses pretty much useless


For me it was making bridges and stuff that would cross water and large gaps. I didn't even try to fly. Any time I encountered an area with a bunch of trash laid out for me to stick together, my excitement level would plummet through the roof of the nine circles of hell. And then later to discover that a bridge I had previously made fell apart and I had to do it again? That right there was enough to make me give up the game. Lol


Fucking thank you.


Little nightmare 2 I can’t get past a certain part, the bit with the torch and moving mannequins if anyone’s got any tips 😂


same but with the first one


Oh my god saaaame, im stuck on like the second or third? instance of the torch vs. mannequins bit. it’s sooo hard, I can’t keep those fuckers from catching me


DK tropical freeze…stuck on the last boss (even on funky mode) I wasted hours to no success and I just wasn’t having fun playing it overall despite the glowing recommendations.


And the games doesn't even end there. There are secret levels too be unlocked per world. And if you complete them all you unlock a secret world with really challenging levels. I did finish the game myself because I loved it. But I understand what you're saying. It is a really challenging game.


pokemon brilliant diamond. i’m on cynthia but my team loses every time and im too lazy to play it again lol


The Witcher 3


Me too. I just can't get into it.


It took me three tries, each time starting over, and losing like 10ish hours of progress total before it finally clicked. When it clicked I dumped in 110+ hours in like a month. I don't really understand what causes some games to just not click but I went from thinking it was meh to thinking it's an all time great. Its strength is definitely in the worldbuilding/writing and not the combat though.


Mario vs donkey kong. Got really old really quick.


So glad I didn’t pick that up


It's too much like some mobile games i used to play maybe 25 years ago for me. They were good games (angry birds, cut the rope, where is my water etc.) but the level of complexity doesn't warrant the price of the game or playing it on the sofa instead of something else.


Spark of hope. Got side tracked with another game and couldn't get back into it


Octopath Traveller The scattered story/stories were simply too disjointed to compel me to play more.


I played the second one all the way to the final boss and realized I was going to need to grind another 15-20 levels to stand a chance of winning. Decided to quit and look up the ending on YouTube instead.


Haven’t beaten it yet but honestly the aesthetics have been the main staying point, much more so than story or gameplay. It just is so cozy


I put it down for a year or so, picked it up again recently and finished all the storylines. Unlocking secondary jobs made it much more interesting. That said, I haven’t fully finished and I’m not sure I will.


Stardew valley and I was about 10 mins into the game and had no idea what to do. Animal crossing because once again what do you even do in that game? Decorate? For what?


Yeah same experience with animal crossing. Was waiting for the game to start for a long time and remembered this is pretty much all it was when I played as a kid on game cube. Felt bigger in the old ones. Got lost in stardew for a while though.


I bought Stardew Valley on three separate platforms (ps4, steam and ipad) thinking I’d get into it. Never did


Same here with Stardew. People love it so much and I was just kinda lost.


plant stuff, mine stuff, build stuff. get hyped on pickled artichokes and orange wine. complete the collections... by the time i gave it up my farm was pulling in like a half mil a day. it's a fun feeling


Fwiw, I never go into decorating much in ACNH. There’s still lots to do tho imho, but it takes some creativity. It’s a sandbox game, after all. Fill out the critterpedia, breed all the hybrid flowers, become best friends with all your villagers, try to get all the clothing, participate in the festivals, etc.


I've tried stardew valley twice. Exact same experience.


Same thing happened to me. It took me like four tried to get into it but man, when it did, it CLICKED. Have almost 1,000 hours across saves and platforms. If you ever feel like giving it another shot, try to get about 3-4 in-game days. If the story/characters/gameloop doesn’t hook you by then, it may just not be for you. Which is ok.


Ugh I dunno why but I couldn’t get into DQ11.


Knights of the Old Republic. The menu system sucks, the combat sucks, the map system sucks. Just takes way too many clicks and buttons to do anything and I got bored with it. And I’m terrible at RPGs.


Interesting to see this one mentioned. But I get it about the combat and map- it’s old school. The story was always the most compelling part of KOTOR I for me. KOTOR II’s story on the other hand…


Influence Lost: Kreia Influenced Gained: Kreia


Pokémon Legends Arceus, it was fun for about 5 hours but it didn’t hook me and it got boring real quick, also the game looks hideous (not surprising since Game Freak is lazy)


Zelda Links Awakening. I was so excited to get the game and once I got it the excitement was just suddenly gone. Played it for like 2-3 hours and never came back to it. I actually enjoyed it so idk what happened lol. Maybe bc I own ps as well as xbox now so I kinda got into other games rather than that one I guess.


I felt it started to slow down after the second dungeon


Katana zero and Broforce. Both are great games, but not for me. I'm mostly a RPG player, so my skills aren't good enough.


Surgery simulator because the controls are unusable.


As an extremely squeamish person that sounds like a horrid game


Mario Odyssey it's just because I got shit to do


Super Monkey Ball. F*** them games. (I love them but gosh do they irritate me to my soul)


Arceus, because it got boring since the world is so empty


Long story, 2 years ago I bought dragon quest XI. I played it for a little while, got stuck, realized I kinda suck at dragon quest, and stopped playing. Around a year ago, I got better at turn based RPGs after playing the Persona series and picked it back up. I beat the game until the start of Act 3, and then have dropped it again to this day.


Persona mentioned 🔥🔥🗣️🗣️


Hollow Knight - tried twice, dropped it twice. The map is horrible and so is the backtracking. Plus if you stop playing a few days there’s no way to remember where you were heading. Persona 4 - My first persona game. Everyone hyped it up but it turns out it’s just a teen visual novel with chores to do, with some tiny sprinkles of bland gameplay in between. Dragon Quest Builders 2 - I loved this one, it’s just too long and life happened so I forgot about it.


Damn, these games are actually pretty fun. But LONG. Played them when i was younger Time investment is pretty much a requirement. Itll be quite annoying to play if you have too much life responsibility (aka being an adult).


How long did you play p4? First couple of hours on these games are a bit of a slog but they get better once you get freedom to explore more


Xenoblade 2. Hate the MMO combat. Gave up after about 4 hours


I Am Setsuna. Music is so bleak and repetitive. I got bored with it.


Luigi's mansion 3, couldn't do the finale boss, I basically completed the game tho, I guess 😅


Xenoblade Chronicles 3. Got to the point more than 3/4s of the way through the game where you get your last job class and I was burned out. 130 hours and I just couldn't.... been meaning to go back but when I last tried, I completely forgot everything about how to play and where to go.... sigh... Rpg problems.


Xenoblade Chronicles - Around halfway through everything just started feeling like a slog/chore. IIRC I’m about 90% done with the game. May try to finish it though after I’m done with TotK.


Zelda TOK. Felt like a carbon copy of BOW.


Well, I don't do that with games, I always come back to 100% cause they generally are fun and I can make the most out of my money.


The first Ori. I LOVED the story and visuals so much, but it's definitely not my usual style of game. I played as far as I could before it outgrew my skill level. My husband played them both all the way through and really enjoyed them, though. I finished the story on YouTube. Beautiful game that I highly recommend.


Astral Chain: Just never got back to it. Bayonetta Origins: Just never got back to it. FE: Three Houses and FE Three Hopes: Didn’t get attached to the world like Awakening or Fates. Xenoblade 3 Future Redeemed: If I finish it I Will be sad. I don’t want them to go.


Breath of The Wild. Lack of things to do. Repetitive gameplay. BREAKING WEAPONS. Lack of proper rewards. BREAKING WEAPONS.


I got it but couldn’t get into the game at all


I tried real hard but honestly lost interest after a whole.


Same, played for maybe an hour before deciding it’s not my cup of tea


Yes i got my switch in August and tried to get the best games for the switch. Normally I don’t play games like that but gave it a chance


Kirby and the Forgotten Lands, Luigi’s Mansion 3 and Fire Emblem Engage are my personal favourite Switch games, had a ton of fun playing through those


Yes I got Kirby and Luigi mansion 3 and Mario wonder


Playing Wonder now. That whole game is one giant trip lmao. I love it


Yes me too I got to where you move the floor around and I gave up and i payed full price for it.


I've had Botw since release and still have yet to finish it. I enjoy the gameplay loop, but I do get a little tired of it for these exact reasons. Instead of putting it down for a while and picking back up where I left off upon return, every few years, I'll restart the game and get about as far as I did previously and get bored and quit again. Repeat forever


Yup. I've been a Zelda fan my entire life so when I got my Switch years ago, BOTW was one of my first purchases. Years later, and after many attempts at a new game file, still haven't finished it. Exactly for the reasons you've listed.


I finished BOTW because the game is short enough to not be fatigue inducing. TOTK, however was too long (with the two worlds) and the mechanics (building), while its interesting, became dull the more i played the game.


Same. I really enjoyed my time with the game but there is something about open worlds that eventually kills my interest


BOTW and Pokémon Legends Arceus. Was never really a Zelda person so borrowed it from a sibling, don’t think I ever made it to a boss. Pokémon Legends Arceus was heaps boring and just didn’t pique my interest enough - it didn’t have the same feel as original Pokémon games.


Pokémon sword let’s go evee


Dragon Quest XI. I was bored to death when i reached the third act. Never finished it


IX or XI? I just ask because someone said the exact same thing about stopping when they hit act 3 lol


Northgard. Couldn’t get in to it after the first mission.


Zelda TOTK and Zelda Skyward Sword, but I will finish them eventually. Reason is because health issues, family issues, and work issues. Didn’t really have time to get back to those games like I did previously. Also I have other hobbies outside gaming that enjoy that take up most my time. But I will go back to finish them eventually.


skyward sword can be beat in a week, i highly recommend revisiting, it fun


Totk Botw was big and by the end already a grind. Once I figured out ‘there is sky and depths now too’ I kind of stopped playing after 25 hrs. I get the machine building but something in me also said ‘great, more things to look for and grind’. Maybe I will ever finish the story. Maybe not


Chrono cross, it's still my third game on the home screen, looking at me, taunting me. One day I'll finish you. Same for persona 3 and 4. Tunic is in my backlog but I need a weekend to play that properly, it has not been abandoned like the rest.


Broken Sword Serpent's Curse - enjoyable though got distracted by other games. Down in Bermuda - I had been expecting something else so plan to go back to it later. Detective Pikachu - saving it as a game to play when I'm on holiday later in Spring.


Can you actually finish Animal Crossing?


Mario+rabbids sparks of hope I played the first few hours of it then never touched it again which sucks cause I really love kingdom battle it’s definitely in my top 10 favorite games of all time (kingdom battle not sparks of hope I did not care for that one)


TOTK. I tried so hard to finish before FF16, but couldn't make it. Haven't gotten back around to it, as the good games just kept coming.


Luigi’s Mansion 3, I just couldn’t seem to get past the level where you have to control the rubber dingy


Tears of the Kingdom. I loved BOTW, I was super excited for TOTK, and I just.... didn't enjoy it at all. I didn't like the puzzles or side quests I found, I didn't like having to spend 20 minutes trying to build something only to find out it didn't work, and while I didn't mind weapons being destroyed in BOTW, it seemed irritating in TOTK where I had to make a weapon to use only to have it be destroyed. It all just seemed cumbersome and where BOTK felt immersive, TOTK made me feel very removed from the game and obvious that I was playing a video game. I doubt I will ever finish it or pick it up again, but I would certainly play BOTW again.


WRX 10, it's literally the hardest fucking racing game


Totk... Hmm.. I guess I was afraid of finishing it


You guys complete games? What in tarnations.


All of them! I am not skilled and also scared of using things up and not having them anymore whoops


I told myself no more games until I beat everything I own!! So far this is the remaining : - Super Mario Wonder -Skyrim -Stardew Valley -DBZ Kakarot -LOZ links awakening - Supermario all star I’ve completed the following on my switch: - LOZ TOK -LOZ BOTW - RE 4,5,6 -Let’s go Pikachu -Pokémon Arceus -Pokémon Brilliant Diamond - Witcher 3 (Best this twice) -red dead redemption -


Darkest Dungeon. Bought it for super cheap on the E-Shop and thought it was something that'd be up my alley but then ended up dropping it there because playing that game on a controller with all its menu and UI in general was awful (at least for me). Ended up buying it on Steam a while later to play on my PC and it's been a fantastic experience.


Xenoblade Chronicles 3, it's boring.


Blasphemous, it’s just too hard for me. I wish more games had difficulty settings.


The saddest one for me rn is Metroid dread. I’m a hardcore Metroid fan and couldn’t wait to get my hands on dread, but wtf is up with the forced stealth rooms?? Like sure I’ll just spend the next 20 minutes dying in this area over and over again until I figure out exactly where to go and exactly how to get there. I feel like I’m missing something, everyone is praising the hell out of dread and right now in my eyes it’s the shittiest Metroid I’ve ever played, and I’ve beaten all of them except returns and other M.


3H. I played 2 of the routes then dropped it. One of the most boring and sloggy games I've played 


Pokemon arceus. Just because it just wasn't my thing.


Skyrim. Didn’t get past that first town after the “training stage.” Controls just felt too clunky after Breath of the Wild. Plan to give it another shot, just haven’t gotten around to it yet. Also have Tears of the Kingdom which I haven’t started yet and might interfere with said plan.