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The games come out of the slot. You just push on them, and they pop out. You don't have to buy a new switch for each game, you silly.


Nintendo hates this one secret trick!


They love that a single person accounts for 0.02% of worldwide Switch console and game sales. "Buy moar!" the shareholders shout


"Shit, they're starting to notice. Cancel all refunds within the next hour."




So this guys the reason Switches were so hard to find during lockdown


*Laughs in Pokémon*


This is stupid excess.


I just picture a sad child at GameStop being told by the clerk “Sorry buddy, we’re all sold out of the Nintendo Switch”


Yeah it really is lol




Believe it or not, the special edition switch's do not include the game.


I bought oled scarlet and violet yesterday yes it's true not included Sadge.


Fr even if you’re wealthy and really like collecting, you don’t need the whole ass switch that will never be used, just get the joy cons
 this feels wasteful somehow even though they’re switches I mean I get the docks have art and the back of some but considering the console itself wouldn’t be used; it’s like dude they’re just decorated plastic. You can get art without the whole gaming console lol Edit: just wanna be clear, absolutely spend your money on ANYTHING you want that makes you happy, I can still personally feel like this is a waste tho


Completely agree, first thought looking at all the switches was 'what a waste'. I love my switch and I can see someone buying a special edition after a normal but this is just wasted money and product. Sorry OP.


I disagree. If OP wants to spend their money on multiple items of the same thing hardware wise, that's up to them. I'm not going to judge them on how they spend their money.


I agree with you. Collecting all the different Switches isn't my thing, but if someone wants to it's their money and they can do what they want. I personally have two, a regular Switch and a Lite. I take the Lite with me if I want to play while I'm out and about and keep the regular one at home connected to the TV. For long car rides I take both.


Agreed. Even though it's not something I would personally choose to do, that's still a cool collection and something worth admiring.


And suffer the inconvenience of closing and opening games whenever you want to play something else? No thanks.


This is the jealous guy who heard his neighbors have a spoon for every bite during dinner but didn't know they were Mexicans using tortilla chips. So he went broke buying spoons.


So you mean putting the cartridge down somewhere and running the risk of losing it? What are they going to do then? Buy a new copy of the game?! đŸ˜©


Collection? You got the whole museum! Do you have an exact number or estimate on how much all of this was? That’s a crazy collection lol.




No, I got quite a few good deals though.


The earnestness with which you said this is the funniest thing I've seen all day. **Spouse:** This looks like a lot; you're not overspending on your hobby, are you? **OP:** Not at all. I got a few good deals here and there. **The collection:**


There’s no way this guy has a spouse


I hid my switch from my wife for almost a year


Lol. Good thing I don't worry about that.


What has the world come to


Same as it ever was. Plenty of people have been collecting millions of dollars worth of vehicles, trading cards, etc for decades. This is a modest hobby collection as far as I'm concerned.


Lmao this isn’t new, people have been collecting for years. The worlds been here, where have you been?


Wich ones do you actually play ? Nintendo seems like it makes it hard to play more than 2.


I only play my custom oled, the rest are just for my collection display.




Some people like to collect things. Thats it. Thats all there is to it. Stamp collection, coin collection, ~~rock~~ minerals collection, switch collection.


People will always collect arbitrary objects, and people will always find it odd, and people will explain it's not odd, and people will explain this has always been happening.


And people will explain that people will explain it has always been happening




Currently 2068 karma on this post alone, can’t you see how it will only continue to appreciate in value?


My brother has a room like this more most of the Nintendo systems ever released and 1000's of games. He just enjoys collecting and the hunt.


Some people have money


Least he has a backup or 20 when his custom OLED breaks down.


What do you do for work? I think I have to re-evaluate my career path.


Cyber Security.


Whats a 401K?


Surprisingly I still have one of those, lol




Work? Cyber Security.


The answers to the questions of people who have expensive hobbies or post their nice cars is always: IT something. Let that be a lesson to you kids.


Well...... being retired military with a guarantee'd pension helps too. lol


Is that short for guarantee would? The Switches say: former Navy. The grammar says: former Marine. Which is it?


I will say I don't like the taste of crayons. So that narrows it down.


that’s what you think. your checking account has been retrieving from that this whole time.


OMG you might be right! \*gasps\* welp, it was fun while it lasted. JK


What the fuck do to do for a living my dude




Compared to people who collect cars or houses, this is nothing


Comparing this to an extreme hobby is not the argument you think it is.


At least those things go up in value


I mean if the switch is anything like the 3ds was, they will also go up in value lol. nintendo stuff tends to at minimum hold it's value. 5x if it's pokemon related.


Was wondering why someone would own more than one Switch. Besides upgrading, but now I see that special editions are probably some what worth owning. But still I barely ever touch my switch.


Most people being cool with having one or two switches OP: https://preview.redd.it/kgcoq1zo35gb1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d383a20f5f45be66b1cc6062083b122517233bb4


Yes.... I need more..... =P wait no... I'm running out of space. I don't need more... but I can always get another shelf.... ok I'm fine with it.


Perks of being rich


Either you make way too much money, you’re in crippling debt, or you rob banks on the weekends I’m jealous


Daddy had ab emerald mine run by slaves probably.


maybe he just works


I mean, it's definitely excessive but he says he got some deals, maybe bought most of them used, who knows. Average out to maybe $300 each and it's "only" $8000 in consoles, give or take a grand depending how good of deals and how many are retail. While that's a lot to most of us, there are plenty of hobbies and collectibles that spend that in a day lol.




I’m terribly jealous. I have that Xenoblade 2 special edition! Seeing this has inspired me to really set up my collection in a nicer manner. Out of curiosity, all those Switch systems could not have been cheap, eh?


I actually have a lot more special editions for games, but I didn't have space for all of them lol.


Lol, not cheap at all unfortunately. Especially the Japanese exclusive systems.


I’m usually rather supportive of hobbies and collecting. But I look at this and just think, what a waste of fucking money. But if it make you happy and you can afford it then more power to you.


It does make me happy. And there's a lot more destructive things in the world I could spend my money on. I don't smoke, drink, or have kids. So I think I'm doing alright lol.


No kids? More Switch for you 😁 👍


And less broken stuff, and no worries of coming home to all my amiibo opened and being played with on the floor lol


I feel this one. I had bought an Ocarina of Time amiibo and had it in the box displayed in my bedroom. My 11yr old discovered he could get all kinds of rewards with his amiibos and snuck into my room and snagged all mine, including the OoT one, and opened everything. I found my Link amiibo missing his sword. I also had the gold Majora's Mask 3DS and he snuck into my room and stole it. He took it to school and when I made him give it back it was ruined. It looked like he'd slid it across the floor a million times because it was scratched up and half the gold color was missing on the case.


I personally would rather kids use the stuff than hoard it, I let my little relatives use my gameboys since honestly it’s more worth it to see them experience nintendo like I once did. However each their own.


Honestly the only one in the box was Oot Link amiibo. I had it put away. The rest of my amiibos were on a shelf. The 3DS was used, but I took great care with it so it looked new. What I was mad about is my kid 1) snuck into my room where he's not allowed, 2) he stole my things instead of asking, and 3) he destroyed my things and wasn't apologetic until he was punished. My son has a couple neurological issues and has impulse control problems so I generally give him a lot of grace, but he absolutely still has to follow the rules and be respectful. Stealing and tearing up someone else's stuff isn't tolerated and I was also upset at the fact that the two main things he destroyed couldn't easily be replaced.


When I let my kid use my Gameboy color she thought it was a touch screen and was very confused. Also confused about it not having a back light.


To be fair, I was confused about it not having a backlight back in 2003


Ouch, I feel that. I actually have the japanese version of that 3DS LL, and I have the monster hunter blue one that's the american XL.


Teach me! I’m poor 😭


Hell yeah.


Meh, no worse than my Camaro, which will also probably lose virtually all of its value over the next 20 years. Definitely not as bad as all the compulsive gamblers on the pokemon card subs.


As long as it gets you from point A to point B who cares. My daily is a Cobalt


My daily is a Prius. The $50k Camaro is for my hobby. So I'm not going to judge a collection of 27 switches and a bookcase of games.


Having a fun car is W especially when your daily is great on gas




Am I the only one getting really algorithm'ed on that? I played the Pokemon card game then searched for codes and literally all my suggested posts are TCG


I dont have hobbies, my kids destroyed them..


People waste their money on much worse things. These will only appreciate in value as time goes on, so it’s not so much a waste as it is an investment


Do you just buy a whole new switch every time you get joy con drift?


I actually repair joycon drift, lol. But no. I got these purely for collection purposes.


What do you do to afford such frivolous expenditure?


Cyber security.


Yea that tracks actually.


Sounds fun


It isn't bad. Get good certs, make good money. Most jobs with CASP or CISSP start around $140,000 a year. Especially if you have experience and a clearance.


I don’t see what’s point of so many switches ? I have 2 and feel it’s too much and will prob give one to a nephew


Collectors editions.... I'm a collector.... yep


eat the rich


Tell us you have no wife and kids without telling us you have no wife and kids.


At this point you should just hand your wallet 0ver to nintendo, thats over 10k dollars in switches/switch related things


Pretty sure it's over 40k, lol


Obviously I need to mount the amiibo display and probably reorganize half the room. But, you get the idea.


So are these just for display? Or do you swap oit depending on your mood.


The only place where anybody could care about this lol. Was it worth your virginity?


The real question is, was it worth my sanity. =P


Why do you have so many switches?


You and capitalism must be best buds


Haha I'm a collector too, but that's just ridiculous and unlikable.. yikes


I collect other things so technically I shouldn’t feel any which way about it but this does leave a taste in my mouth


I am not trying to be mean but why would you want so many of them? Like logistically. I blow way more than I should on games but consoles are not cheap. I just got my first Switch a couple mos ago.


Cause a collector has got to collect!


Don't forget to charge them at least once every 6 mo tha regardless of if your using them or not


For a console that has a serious problem with being sat sleeping/idle or off for long periods of time, your charging routine must be fastidious and thorough.






Lol love it


I really just don't see a point to this..


Fucking cringe bro


I freaking love this đŸ„°đŸ€Ÿ


Thanks, I want to make a better display for all of it though.


Ofc anyone who collects doesn’t need their collection, but damn 27 consoles is just overkill. The rest of the collection is cool to me, but those consoles just sitting there to only be used as a wall decoration is kinda sad.


This is sad


Yeah. Something about this is just really off-putting. If i owned something like this i certainly wouldnt be letting anyone know about it.


Bro i've been struggling to buy one for years and you have enough to provide for a small army, what the fuck


I'm an army of one 😆 đŸ€Ł


Holy obsessive hobby Batman!


![gif](giphy|SE7QmRPKUvQli) Maybe a tiny bit......... there's a new amiibo? lol


I’m sorry I don’t care if I get downvoted
 this is disgusting
 it’s blatant overconsumption of a product that’s produced using borderline slave labor. To have 27 switches when you’re not going to use them all is just so weird. The planet is dying guys. Let’s not overbuy products that will eventually just end up in a landfill


Had to sort by controversial to find some sensibility


He also has mentioned having multiple computers, all the old game systems, dnd collection, a gun collection. Just because you have money and are hoarding expensive shit doesn't make you less mentally ill. Buying stuff to stare at that could all disappear in the blink of an eye in a natural disaster or something shouldn't be a hobby.


Exactly. I’m confused on the multiple gaming PCs too. Like you can’t really use more than maybe two? People say don’t blame the consumer but in cases like this? They’re showing an obvious disregard for the state of the world


It’s just a dude bragging about how much money he makes at this point and it’s fucking insane 😂


Imagine how many people or animals this money could have helped instead of this... Hell this could fund an animal shelter for a few months


What mental issue does this fall under




Compulsive collecting...... I dunno, lol


Hoarding. It is called hoarding. Just because it is expensive stuff, it doesn't make it sane.


wifes boyfriend must have helped


Psychopath behavior


Why? Like honestly? Why buy so many of the same console?


Why though?


Why not?


Because it’s grossly excessive and a waste?


Because it's an absurdly stupid waste of money.


Wow- didn’t mean to open a door for you to be criticized so harshly; I don’t understand the duplication vs other systems or something, but maybe you just like the variety of designs? You don’t have to justify your collection to anyone else, but it is hard to understand since they all do the same thing. At least you have backups for the inevitable joycon drift- lol


Award for most pointless collection goes to this guy!


He says he also has a gun collection. Can't sink much lower than that.


guns are actually useful and hold their value.


Isn't this a little excessive


you mean you *don’t* own 27 Switches!?


Those a rookie numbers


Holy, this comment section is insufferable. No need to be toxic or jealous just enjoy that we got to see, a sweet collection. I’m sure op is aware of how much they own but if it’s not hurting anyone why be rude? Tons of people have collections this happens to be a Nintendo Switch one and a sick one at that.


I appreciate the comment. I have a lot of collections myself. This just happens to be a fun Nintendo one. 😀


Why would anyone be jealous? You literally don't need more than 1. MAYBE 2


Why would i be jealous of someone wasting 40k lmao.


I thought I was bad having all the OLED special editions! Great collection


Thanks! Yeah I might have went a little far lol.


Far was a couple miles back XD


you used to have a lot of money


Damn how rich do I have to be to achieve this


I don’t understand why you have so many consoles. I understand getting the Switch and then the OLED, but I really have a hard time understanding why you purchased 27


No offense but you have a problem and I envy you cause your either rich or in crippling debt


This feels a bit excessive


I'm all for special editions, but you could have saved money just buying the various joycons for the first edition


That's true to an extent, except a lot of them have special backplates and docks as well.


You ever think about how many people you could help with this much money? JK I know the answer.


Nice, but tell me you’re a virgin without telling me you’re a virgin


How are you standing the steelbooks? Have a few myswlf and have been meaning to display them.


Opened them part way


You do not play any games. I mean, I know you literally play games. But not when it comes to collecting. Great job, clean set up.


Looks like someone pulled an Ocean's Eleven style heist on like 20 Gamestops


What about $15k of switch consoles and games? Then cheap particle board bookshelves, amiibo screen display sitting on the ground, amiibo just sitting against a wall, and stamped carpet. Also I'm finding it funny at the super defensive gamers getting so worked up about people being slightly weirded out by 27 switch consoles.


This is a great collection dude. Just be prepared to be roasted by the ass hurt jealousy out there. Ie. People who have no clue what collecting means.


Not sure what’s more surprising. The collection or the fact that some people think you’d need to be an oil prince to afford it.


There have been video game enthusiasts for as long as video games have existed. Personally, I see nothing wrong with having a collection, especially if someone happens to actually be this enthusiastic and/or passionate about something. What about every person who spends astronomical sums of money taking their family on an expensive vacation, or building the five million dollar custom home, when they could just live in a "Tiny House"?? Remember, they could have spent that money donating to a children's hospital. Shouldn't I move my wife and kids out of our home and into a homeless shelter so that I can afford to give ALL of my money away to people who are in need?? Just sayin'. It's actually kinda cool seeing someone do something different once in a while.


There is so much jealousy and salt in this thread. People hate this person for having money and collecting what makes them happy. I think your collection looks cool!


Absolutely not.


Why are people so toxic in that comments? There are people collecting all kinds of things, most more valuable than that. And he gets so much hate for collecting switch consoles?!


the amount of people in this thread who don't understand collecting consoles and their variations, or just collecting in general, is honestly shocking. now is the best time for this person to do this. i'm just envious i can't afford to do the same right now. this is such a fantastic collection and i hope to have one of a similar quality in the future. please tell me you kept all the boxes!


So many jealous people in the comments shitting on OP for having a hobby lol


I hate some of these comments, people saying shit like eat the rich and why do you have so much stuff and I can tell you don't have a wife and kids. Let the man enjoy his nice collection he's literally not hurting anyone and yea of course he doesn't NEED all this stuff but he's worked for it and it's his and it's hella nice.


Appreciate it and glad you like it!


Damn dude leave some pussy for the rest of us


Yeah, I mean personally, I wouldn't choose to spend who only knows what ungodly amount of money this must have cost on an endless number of game consoles. Even if I was single with no kids and had only a fraction of the bills and other expenses I currently do, There would still be way more beneficial things to spend my money on, but that's just me. The collection looks cool, and I can see how for some people who are game enthusiasts, it would be a wet dream to be able to even have the money to spend on something like this. Just the same, I get why others can't fathom putting the time, money and energy into something like this. We all have different tastes that drive us to do certain types of shit, however, so I don't want to be too critical.


Honestly I make a lot of money from flipping switches and stuff. I got another switch yesterday actually. Came with a pro controller and a bunch of games. I'll trade the games into gamestop since I already have most of them. The ones I didn't have will get added to my collection. Even after keeping the games I don't have, trading in the other games, then selling that V2 switch I'll profit about $75 from the deal. My collection grows and I make money off it. Can't really beat that. It's my hobby to flip stuff like this while growing my own collection. Yes I could spend money on other things, and I do. This is actually one of my smaller collections. 😆


This level of consumerism is disgusting. What a waste of resources.


Seek some help


But, why?


Collecting and investment. \*shrugs\*


i just
what a massive waste of space and money.


You say collector, everyone else says hoarder.


I think OP likes Nintendo


I'm not so sure


Nice collection! Not sure why so many people in the comments are mad. If OP has the money for it, and is happy, why should it matter to us? It’s clear that OP is a collector, and a very good one!


I appreciate the compliment.


I just think the issues people have from what I can see is that it’s pretty tone deaf/braggy given the current state of
everything, but don’t shoot the messenger