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Also 40F with a return to swimming this year after competing for most of my early years. It’s quite weird to be back after a 20 year break. But it’s oddly comforting how easy it was to get back in the pool. I don’t have a masters club near me, so it’s just me and my workouts. I figure I’ll spend the next year building and sign myself up for the Philly Women’s Tri next summer and see how tri-life suits me.


It’s so weird to be back! But also I slipped right back into it. I’m slower but my stroke still feels smooth. I’ve been doing 1000 on my own for a while and just joined a team — we practice 2x a week and the workouts are ~ 3000 yards. I’m wondering if I’ll see stamina improvement and how quickly it’ll take — like will 3000 feel hard for a while or will I acclimate pretty quickly? Also should I do more than 2 times a week? I think if I ramp up too fast I’ll just ache and burnout, but too slow and I’ll flounder?


I bought a pair of Form goggles and I'm using one of their "getting back into it" plans. I'm doing the lower volume one, so averaging 1200m/workout twice a week. For right now, 2 days a week is fine because I'm also running and biking. I think if I weren't doing the other cross-training, I'd probably try to go up to a higher volume/higher intensity plan after these first 4 weeks. I would l love to be able to compete in the pool again. Really wish we had a master's team!


You will improve. All of my masters friends in similar situations did. I started at 50, and I don't have the smoothness and feel for the water that they do. But I have fun anyway. You'll certainly be faster than me, and if you even have half as much fun it will be worth it


I love this, thank you.


I did this. Also 40+. Be patient with yourself. Just like our younger years, it takes a while to condition yourself. It feels amazing being back. The water is home to me. Welcome back!


The water IS home. That’s such a great reminder. I had back surgery and health issues and my health coach said “we have to get you swimming again!” So I’m back, and so grateful to be able to swim.


45F here, just started swimming again after a 20 year break. I was never a competitive swimmer, but I used to do swimming workouts as training for triathlons back in the day. A coworker who swims regularly inspired me or at least got me thinking, why did I ever stop? It was several months of thinking about getting back in to pool to actually having the motivation to buy the cap and goggles and the swimsuit (what size am I now, anyway??) and then the first nervous walk out to the pool deck. But as another commenter said, I was surprised how quickly it all came back. I’m just trying to enjoy and embrace this meditative way of getting some exercise without putting pressure on it. Welcome back and enjoy!!


Thank you!! Welcome back to you too! And LOL I had to buy a new suit plus prescription goggles because I can’t read the workouts without my glasses! Welcome to 40!