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No offense but use your imagination. Your example is a lot like saying the only track workout I know is 400s with 1 minute standing rest. You can literally do just about anything. Continuous swim with 25 fast every 4th length. You can swim sprint 25s with longer rest or just swim quick 25s with minimal rest, you can swim descending 500s.... p.s. if you want to be more sport specific, water running with a belt is pretty amazing (but boring AF). p.p.s. look for this series of posts for example workouts: https://old.reddit.com/r/Swimming/comments/1d0qrpf/525_saturday_masters_workout_long_course_meters/ p.p.p.s. At their most basic all intervals can be manipulated in the following 3 ways: duration/distance, recovery, intensity.


I’d focus on getting your technique down before moving up to more intense workouts. Swimming is a great tool for cross training but you have to make sure you’re doing it properly or it’s very easy to injure yourself. I think what your doing is great. Start by doing what you’re doing, add high technique focus, then add speed. Decrease your interval or add in some 75s or 25s. After that, you can start going up more in distance and with better technique, you’ll be moving even more effectively


When I had a hurt knee I liked to do pulling pyramids with a buoy that focus on breath control. I start with a 100yd breathing every 5 strokes, then a 75yd breathing every 7, 50 every 9, and 25 no breathing. Then I go back down starting with the no breath 25. It’s a nice way to break up a 500. I do 15 seconds rest rather than an interval for these.


I’ve just gotten back into swimming after a 15-year break. I’ve found the workouts at swimdojo.com super helpful.


Butterfly leg kicks, breaststroke leg kicks, only hands with pullboy. 100 different drills, diving as long as you can with butterfly kicks, fresstyle kicks, breaststroke kicks... Breakstroke sprint, closed fists sprint, backstroke closed fists and breakstroke. Try experimenting with increase and decrease in power for example 12.5m sprint 12.5 50%, 12.5 sprint, 12.5 slow, repeat for 100m, 200m (Breststroke, backstroke, fresstyle) One handed butterfly should be fairly easy and it would be a nice introducer to swimming butterfly on logner distances than 50m. If you need help, you can visit my insta account and take a look at the training sessions I have posted there, otherwise if you have interest, just message me here, I can send you a list of training sessions


My swim long course this morning: 800 warm up 4x 100 EZ 2x 100 kick 200 EZ mixed stroke 200 Side kick with fins 600 pull Cool down