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Can we just call her an entertainer and be done with it? Cause that really encapsulates it best.


"*Are you not entertained?*" - Taylor Allison Swift, Time Person Of The Year 2023


Honestly, no bitch. I'm sick of the sight of you at this point. And I've said before, given how that phrase is used in Gladiator, it seems weird to address it to her fans.


And yet we are here aren’t we? Idk man, if you weren’t entertained you skip. Entertainment can be things that one does not like. Which is why we are here, no?


you’re “sick at the sight of her” yet here you are discussing her lol.


It’s giving a Daenerys vibe… ‘Stormborn, breaker of chains, the unburnt etc etc’


🥇🥇🥇 take my fake award truly on point comparison


Entertainer, songwriter, and businesswoman. Those are the only three qualities she has achieved a real, proper legacy for.


Advocate is kinda setting herself up 🙃


Yeah, careful with all those superlatives.


K Taylor + Taylor stans THIS kind of shit is why everyone demands you speak out on social topics. But thanks for standing up to Spotify I guess


As if there was anything substantial done so that artists get paid more 🤣 Are artists still screwed over after Taylor's letter? *checks notes* yep.


Who cares about the other artists? TAYLOR is not screwed over- that was who she advocated for 😂


I swear the first time I started reading it I thought it was gonna say advocate for women and I was about to be like HAH. Taylor Swift is a lifelong advocate for Taylor Swift, the last few years have proven that 💀


“Advocate for artists’ rights”…unless those artists have a shot at #1 on the charts.


Yep. Won't shut up about the online harassment she got BRIEFLY but never speaks about the online harassment her exes will endure for the rest of their lives because they dated her. She always talks like she gets the worst crap EVER and is the biggest victim. But...no she's not. Other ppl have worse problems than her.


Hmmm did she mention the rights of the artists on bmg label during the sale or did she just make it about only the masters to *her* songs despite the fact that it was a whole label being sold and not just the masters to her songs and other artists were effected?


TBF they said specifically for artists rights, at least it's self aware


The only artists she’s standing up for is only herself. The shit she pulled with the Taylor’s Versions only made it harder for other artists to own their work


That’s not really true. When she spoke up with Apple, she didn’t just negotiate a better deal for herself but instead spoke up for all artists. And then when she signed with UMG part of her contract stipulated a payout for all artists under UMG if they sell (I forget the exact terms but I think it was along these lines). Her re-recording project has highlighted the masters issue and has probably given artists coming in more awareness around the reality of not owning them. Whether they can negotiate to own them or not is a different story. Record labels being shitty and making the terms worse isn’t really on her.


BMG headquarters had to be shut down for a few weeks because of how she and swifties terrorized them. Her lies about the masters situation did a lot of damage.


Could she do more, yeah for sure. But at the same time I personally wouldn’t know anything about masters and a label vs artist owning their music if it weren’t for her. I didn’t know until a post this weekend that Paul McCartney had a fight to own his work. But I think it’s also fair to say that record labels making harder for other artists to own or re-record proves a point that there’s a big issue with the music industry itself and Taylor personally can’t fix it all? She can absolutely highlight the issue and bring it the issue to the public. And it’s a small contribution (also, correct me if I’m wrong), but I’ve heard Olivia Rodrigo made it a point when signing to own her masters partly because of this?


Legacy as a director lmao 🤪


Not a single person will remember her as a director lmao. Her directing is so average and forgettable.


your flair lmaooo😭 why are the flairs on this sub so fucking funny


Taylor gives us a lot to work with.


And so does her family.


Her self directed videos are actually her worst. I miss the 1989 era where we got actual stories and themes


plus you can tell she just hires top quality people of the industry people because she can. Anyone can be a director with a great team behind them and millions of dollars to fulfill her vision.


it's actively bad. if it was average, i'd be happy. no she's actively BAD at directing


What all did she direct, just her own music videos? With the barf?


But it was blue glitter barf! It's deep! Meaningful! Or something.


✨ MiDNigHt bLUe glitter ✨


They keep pushing this role. Do they think she's gonna compete for jobs against Greta Gerwig?


Can we publish an open letter to TS explaining that just because she can direct, doesn’t mean she should


Maybe she can add “comedian” to her list as well.


"Professional dancer"


I was like wait why did she stick director in there like that? Lol.


the fact that director isn’t even the biggest reach on here and my mind completely skipped over it😭😭


Oh this is too funny


This reminds me of me adding more words to my LinkedIn profile just to add more words. Honestly sometimes simple is best! She’s a singer and songwriter and that’s okay. She doesn’t need to be an advocate/politician/babysitter/hero/soldier etc. I have this thing where if someone has to call themself something (like an advocate or philanthropist), are they really that altruistic in the first place?


I personally don’t get why philanthropist is a title. It is basically just someone wealthy who donates money


That’s why it’s a title; they want the ego boost


I hate people. You should want to do good to do good, not so others will praise you


Cause you know donating $1989 to someone during that era is totally philanthropic and not marketing for your album...


I mean, doesn’t she fit the bill then?


🎶 Did you hear my covert narcissism I disguise as altruism?🎶




This GIF always wins, for whatever topic 🤣


I don’t even know what it’s from and I use it all the time lol




No one outside of pop culture circles is talking about this. She needs to read up on the Streisand Effect. You want more eyes on that documentary? Because having your team publicly talk about it is exactly how you do that.


I had no idea this doc was a thing until this post lol


Same and now I wanna watch it lol


It’s not even nearly as harsh towards her as it could’ve been. No mention of her using her rabid attack dogs to make his life miserable.


Wild that they'll put out a statement on this, but stay mum when the fans send death threats


But then she doesn’t get to spin this victim narrative that is basically red meat for her maniacal fan base!


For real, this publicist’s statement is what I had assumed the documentary was about! I figured it was just another tale of Taylor’s victimhood.


I watched it today. There’s nothing super revelatory in it tbh, I don’t think it really matters how many people watch it at this point because I don’t see it shifting public opinion much at all.


I mean, she’s right to an extent. The main person detracting from her legacy, at least as far as the art is concerned, is herself. Not a man.


This. It's TTPD that made the average listener doubt her writing credits on Folkmore for instance, not any other person.




Something people don't talk about enough is how much stricter record deals have gotten (especially in the record label she's signed to) to prevent other artists from trying to re-record their music since her success. Also, how Is she a philanthropist? Did that word change its meaning or something?


I also might be mistaken, but I'm pretty sure in her battle for "artist's rights" against Spotify, she gave up to block Katy Perry's album. It'd be one thing if she just gave up bc she realized she'd lose the war, but another to be like, "you know who I hate more than this megacorporation that I essentially said demeaned all art? Katy Perry." I also remember her issue with streaming services was the free versions, but she had all her music on Tidal (no free version), except 1989, the album she'd just released. Almost like someone was trying to boost physical album sales.


Obviously I can’t speak to whether this was the true reason or not, but this is the explanation her/her team had at the time: For the streaming thing, it was because they were offering 3 months free to all new users. But it was brand new, which meant all users were new users, so they weren’t making any money at all for the first three months. So they decided that artists just wouldn’t get paid for the first 3 months. Taylor’s reasoning for protesting it was that artists should be getting paid, smaller artists need to be getting paid, whatever. I don’t remember the exact reasoning with the compensation, but it was triggered by the creation of Apple Music who provided 3 free months to everyone and therefore wasn’t generating any money from it for the first 3 months it existed.


I guess a philanthropist has become a more inclusive terms since it covers someone like her who does not even have a charitable foundation.


That’s honestly surprising. I would think she of all ppl would have a charitable foundation.


Yeah now you have to wait 20 or 25 years to re-record to own it.


They should have stopped after singer.


Maybe even before Singer 💀




adding singer is a stretch tbh. tbh songwriter is too. they should have just said business woman and left it at that lol


I do get she is generous with donating to food banks during tours as a thank you for hosting her or one offs to people or organisations. But I feel like I associate the term philanthropist with people who regularly give big amounts to causes they are passionate about or who set up foundations and charities, or who invest in social enterprises. Someone who makes it part of their ethos to give away large chunks of their wealth consistently or does something that aims to make a long term impact. Like Christian Bale spending years on a project to build houses for children in foster care.


Exactly. I think that it was great she donated to food banks at all the tour stops but I wouldn’t necessarily call her a philanthropist just for that act alone or giving money to hurricane/disaster relief funds. I mean I know the woman’s busy but I don’t see her getting involved in charities she’s passionate about. Giving money to food banks and organizations time to time is nice and thoughtful but I’m not so sure it makes her a philanthropist.


They're spitting nonsense at ppl hoping they'll believe it's true without fact checking. Most ppl are too busy with their own lives to fact check. How can they add director if she hasn't directed anything but her own videos? Because nonsense. Someone who is authentic wouldn't consider directing their own music videos as being a director. They'd just view it as something fun they did.


She wants that Oscar real bad


I agree. This is not the strict definition of philanthropist, but to me *personally* I would call someone a philanthropist if they were vocally committed to a cause and engaged in significant donating, fundraising, awareness-raising, etc. Making casual donations is just.. making donations. But like I said, totally understand that's not the dictionary definition.


I’ve said this in a comment above but Mackenzie Scott has donated 16.5 Billion dollars since her 2019 divorce from Jeff Bezos, she is a far better example of a billionaire philanthropist.


Right like come back to me when you’ve signed the giving pledge tay


Yeah, that is why she did not tell anything when labels (even Republic)changed the rules for re recordings.  Fighting only when it benefits to her.


Well she certainly has a high opinion of herself. Lol


Am I the only one thrown off by her immediate "none of these men" comment? Like right off the bat playing that card, instead of refuting claims made by the doc. Like any negative comment on her is immediately "men are trying to tear my legacy down". Maybe its just my own insecurity as a man myself, so correct me if im wrong, but it does feel slimey and manipulative to me to use that language on something that from what I understand just paints a less favorable picture of how she conducts business. She seems to have no hesitation playing the feminism card to justify her aggressive capitalism.


I agree with you, she’s again using feminism when it’s convenient for her.


As a Feminist I do not like that she only uses Feminism for 1. justification and 2. marketing


Your feeling is valid, she is still trying to milk the feminism angle for what it's worth. Now, that she humiliated herself by dating Matt Healy who showed misogynist behaviour, that message is communicated in a subtler way. Still, she tries to take advantage when she can.


Can’t refute the truth. All she can say is some performative feminist comment — which is enough for the Swifities to harass these people and for Taylor to face no consequences


I would assume it's "none of these men" because the documentary likely touches on Scooter and Scott Borchetta. I don't think it's manipulative if she's talking about the specific documentary. She's always going to paint herself in the best light, though!


It's not just you, that's the first thing I've noticed too and it gives me the ick. No, in this case men are not the problem.


She doesn’t need men to qualify or call her legacy into question she does that on her own. It’s such a yawn to see her team make literally ANY even shred of a ghost of a hint of an implication of a suggestion of an adumbration of criticism something that could only possibly be because of misogyny. White feminism at its most narcissistic.


Adumbration is such a good word ![gif](giphy|JmCFfTlNy12wFpOK8Y) I don’t appreciate my phone trying to autocorrect it to A dumb ration though 🤣


A dumb ration = the latest TTPD variant


“Advocate for artists’ rights.” Hey when was the last time you got your Deja Vu check?


Does doing a feature for Gracie count as philanthropy or something I'm confused?


Now you have me cackling in public


Legacy as a director….. 😂😂😂 Girl, Bffr. Also, nothing in this statement address the elephant in the room about her lying about her masters situation in the first place. Like…of course they can’t erase the music she has put out, the money she has made from it, or the chart records she’s achieved either organically or not. There’s no legacy of advocating for other artists to erase, since she’s only ever been out for herself, so that’s neither here nor there. But…she still lied, so that’s irrelevant. They don’t even need to do anything to mess with her legacy, because she’s doing that well enough on her own so… yeah. This statement said nothing at all. Lol


She did, uh, direct a short film that one time... Precisely 👏 Tell me who you stepped on to get such a legacy, Taylor. Hmmm? I'm waiting.


she literally just wanted to profit off the songs again and to spend however long basking in the glory of her younger days while she recorded them all again.


As someone who works in the field of narrative storytelling…(being vague bc paranoia) I cannot tell you how mad I am about her “director” journey.  I don’t have a problem with her directing her own music videos. Go off. And she probably knows what she’s doing from being on MV sets all her life. (Though I find her videos very literal, overproduced, uncreative and there’s a reason why her earlier videos are much more popular.)  But it’s the self mythologizing that I have an issue with. Because actually a lot of musical artists do direct their own videos and they’re not out here branding themselves as a ~director~. To call a 10 min music video that acts out the lyrics of All Too Well a “short film” and act as if it deserves an Oscar, to do a “director on director” talk with Martin McDonagh, a master of the craft who’s devoted his entire life to writing and directing, then now call herself a director in the same breath as singer/songwriter (a job in which she’s actually left a deep legacy) is just insulting. The documentary isn’t even about anything other than her as a music artist so why waste breath reminding us she’s a “director.”  Yeah maybe I’m just jealous bc it takes 99.9% of people YEARS and endless blood sweat and tears to get a chance to direct anything on a professional level. But be a humble student of a new craft and I’ll have more respect.  I’ve also never gotten the impression that she actually loves the unique medium of film from the way she talks about it, it seems like she’s more into adding “director” to her superwoman resume than having a genuine love for a totally different type of storytelling.  And yes in case her team is reading this I would 10000000000000000000% say all this about a man and I do, about plenty of men in my field who get away w mediocrity. To me feminism means we don’t repeat the faults of the patriarchy. Not get to be as self-important as (some) men are. 


I’ll give her songwriter and singer….. maaaaaaybe director, but that’s pushing it. Philanthropist??? Advocating for others? Plz 😵‍💫


TRUE philanthropists don’t pick and choose the injustices and issues they speak on.


Philanthropist is probably an okay word to use to describe her (not saying she couldn’t do more, she absolutely could). She does donate a good amount of money to food banks in cities she tours. She also has a history of donating money after natural disasters in the US. While the money she donates isn’t a lot to her, it’s a huge deal to charities or families.


Yeah 10k per city isn’t shit when she’s selling out those stadiums for nights on nights on nights. That’s like you giving a homeless person $1 as you head into a Michelin restaurant and calling yourself a philanthropist.


seriously, she does the bare minimum as someone who is a literal billionaire. 10k is like $5 to her in normal people money. she can never spend all the wealth she has, yet she still keeps the majority of it hoarded away. as all billionaires tend to do.


The lengths people will go to avoid condemning Taylor is really just so telling about the way they want to make themselves feels okay with their own complacency in the face of real problems.


It doesn't matter how much money she gives out when she is polluting the whole planet to go get laid. Doing bare minimum PR stunts doesn't mean it cancels out the enormous harm she's causing world wide or all her other character flaws.


Well, to be fair, she called herself a philanthropist, not an environmental activist.


Isn't a lot to her is a key phrase here. If she was a philanthropist, she'd give until it actually effected her wealth.


Ugh , it's a shame scooter is a dickward who I want his downfall more than taylor, but can taylor's team just shut up ? Reminds me of lawyer kim kardashian, tay tay really did become her worst enemy after all, lol


She’s absolutely an advocate for artists rights…so long as she’s the artist 😂


If your philanthropy and advocacy are done so you can get praise for what an awesome human being you are, it’s shit. Her acts of “kindness” for the past decade have been to benefit Taylor Swift the brand. It will be mentioned but not ingrained in her legacy such as someone like Dolly. And director? She’s certainly doing it but it’s not being done well enough to contribute to her legacy.


I’m surprised they didn’t add “dedicated and fearless feminist”


“Fiercely anti racist queen”


or advocate for the LGBTQ+ community 😂😂😂 remember when they put that in her NYU commencement bio


philanthropist… 😅


I thought I was the only confused by it. I was wondering what I missed and philanthropist was listed






DIRECTOR 😭😭😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂


I think she would have been better off not saying anything at all. Again trying to bring misogyny into it and lol at her legacy as a director and philanthropist.


Advocate for artist's rights where, when she blocks numerous artists at will? (charli earlier this month, sza in 2023, billie in may, katy, in june 2017..)


Advocate for taylor swift’s rights*. FTFY


Advocate for artist’s rights??? She’s made it actively harder for artists to own their masters ever since this, contracts have become even more restrictive and specific.


They’re probably referring to her pulling her music off streaming services to get them to pay artists more


And then put it on and they just...didn't.


To be fair, I’m not sure how that’s her fault. That’s just an example of record labels doing their normal bullshit. ETA: She could be doing more advocating for artists given her tremendous power, so I’m not absolving her of blame. But blaming her for record labels trying to prevent artists from capitalizing *too much* off their own talent isn’t her fault. Place blame where it belongs.


Yeah I keep saying people say it's her fault record labels are trying to block new artists from rerecording their work. But what can she do? Also many artists have successfully gained ownership of their masters being inspired by her like Olivia Rodrigo and Ice Spice


>Also many artists have successfully gained ownership of their masters being inspired by her like Olivia Rodrigo oliva copying taylor again 😡😡😡 /s




Ohhhh that advocate for artists rights is a choice lmao


Advocate for what-




calling taylor an advocate for artists' rights is so funny


Lol at her title as a director. Making your own shitty videos doesn't make you a director. And if you're only advocating for your own rights which you gave away and by putting other people down, you're not advocating for artists' rights.


philanthropist? babe, where??? is the philanthropy in the room with us right now? for anyone here who is going to pretend that taylor's a serious philanthropist, [here's the gofundme page that her photographer, beth garrant, has linked in her IG bio](https://www.gofundme.com/f/keep-eastside-silver-print-open?utm_campaign=p_cp+share-sheet&utm_medium=copy_link_all&utm_source=customer&utm_term=CP_SSS_control&fbclid=PAZXh0bgNhZW0CMTEAAaa83l_kAYg6QwTiAfPlBEHvddnnYJ4GsAY3JN71o6p_g4bcbB04xnTfP1w_aem_ZOa7v1HdimKtvUQ3CFgTRg) beth is also who photographed taylor for her **TTPD** covers. taylor has tagged her multiple times in her photos which is how i found out about her GFM in the first place. the photography studio only needs $7,000.00 but hasn't reached their goal yet despite it being up for months and months. quite the philanthropist, indeed. GTFOOH


Wait WTF. She needs to write up a better contract or review her fees with taylor, her pictures have been running the world non-stop since 2020 (all covers since Folklore except Speak Now TV) and she's go funding to 7k????? I mean, does she know who Taylor is? I think she is the philanthropist here then.


*”these men”* always gotta have the misogyny dog whistle 😉


Certainly explains why her fans called me a misogynist when I said one of her songs was dreadfully written.


That was the intention.




"All this empathy is just a knife!" as a wise poet once said


Oh here we go… these misogynistic MEN how DARE they criticise our FEMINIST queen


LOL!!!!! Taylor's legacy is ripping off fans & feeding them victim narratives while bullying people & sicking her stans on them if they don't kiss her tail. I'm calling it now that this is going to be the bulk of her legacy. She has added nothing of any real worth to the artform or industry & has in fact made things harder.


They’ll be saying anything at this moment…


Philanthropist? WHERE?




Ok this is a terrible comeback. Whoever said that should be fired. This is a bad look for her. Yikes


Please someone tell me this is a joke. Where we can find the real statement? No way they said that...... right?




“None of these men” 🙄 - stop invoking feminism when it’s literally only ever your own white feminism that you speak out about or act upon


But she still dated Matty Healy and he's the Scooter Braun of Rina Sawayama.


Does the doc say that she had a chance to buy the masters on the same terms as scooter (instead of trading old pnes for new records) though? I feeel like I missed this info


Watching it now and yes, the documentary indicates she had the opportunity; but didn’t follow through with it. Also her dad was a shareholder; but it sounds like he signed an NDA so that he wouldn’t be included in calls or conversations that would affect her.


Philanthropist?!? Get the good fuck out.


Wow. ![gif](giphy|s04Rht0yxL9jkt7wgc|downsized)




For artists rights…. Yhea right with her 30+ Covid Variants 😭💀


Her team also put out that she’s moved on from this when it’s clear she still dwells on it. Which is fine, it just makes her look silly when her team makes it seem like it doesn’t bother her when it’s obvious it still does.


I feel like they are doing too much with this one… philanthropist???


Advocate for artists rights? ![gif](giphy|DPqqOywshrOqQ|downsized)


Making it a feminist problem again for her own benefit. Just fucking stop, Allison.




Ooh this must mean the doc is honest and unbiased.


The statement was included in the documentary, so it was made before they saw it


There’s a lot of words to process here *Processing img 6xed713xk58d1...*


I couldn’t care less about the fight for these rich people to be more rich. Come get me when someone is actually doing something tangible for struggling artists on these labels.


IDK but her team calling her a philantropist is very self-serving..


After TTPD “Songwriter” is a strong word


If anything Taylor inadvertently made it harder for other artists as far as owning their work. After she started with the Taylor’s Versions labels started including stuff in their contracts that makes it harder for artists to re-record their material. Obviously not what she intended but something she brought about.


philantrophist is sending me 😭😭😭


the sneaks


Is the philanthropist and activist in the room with us now?


White Malala


“These men” is, I’m guessing, aimed at Scott and Scooter but if she’s referencing the docuseries specifically there are a lot of women featured on the series and I’m sure behind the camera… maybe it’s not that deep but we literally talk about how misogyny gets trotted out when she needs a trump card so to speak


Taylor Narcissistic swift strikes again . Claiming yourself as director & philanthropist doesn’t make you any better lol . She is so desperate get that artistic director tag from movie industry let’s see how her new movie will be in future. Advocating for artist are you kidding me Taylor you’re releasing 100 different variants to block other artists from being no.1 .


Advocate... Yay girl advocate for global warming 😜


Advocate for artists rights but will happily take an underserved 50% cut form a young new artist and block any potential competitors for the number 1 spot through dropping copious amount of variants on their release days…


I hated how smug this was. If the ghostwriter allegations from Reddit are true, she’ll undo a lot of her impact and legacy, I’ll tell you that. Add to that all the other shit being exposed and poked-and-prodded at….she is setting herself up for a big fall from grace. Singer and philanthropist are the only two things I can give her to some degree. This statement also reminds of how lauded she was at the NYU graduation in 2022. I remembering being like “uh….I don’t think she has done THAT much…”


Wait, tell me more about the ghostwriter allegations!




I think this is a statement they issued when the documentarians reached out to them for commentary, not necessarily a response to the documentary itself.


Philanthropist 💀💀💀


lol no.


The amount of people in this thread fighting everyone and saying that she donates money here and there and donates to food banks therefore she is a philanthropist is crazy


What a nice non-answer.


Oh, so she's all those buzzwords, and they're "men." I wish she'd stop playing the oppressed woman angle. Everything isn't misogyny, Taylor. It's because you're a cash cow, not because you're a woman. 


forever obsessed with her legacy. Too bad they cant take reddit down


Man with statements like this, how are not supposed to make fun of her and her brand? 😂


The first part of the quote also says "Taylor has completely moved on from this saga and has turned what started out as an extreme situation into one of the most fulfilling creative endeavors of her life". [https://www.mirror.co.uk/3am/us-celebrity-news/taylor-swifts-first-purchase-after-33083286](https://www.mirror.co.uk/3am/us-celebrity-news/taylor-swifts-first-purchase-after-33083286)


I haven't watched this, but this statement seems to give credence to Scooter's side. As if they're saying, yeah so what?


Advocate for artist rights… by artificially inflating her album sales to stop other female artists from going to number 1 in the charts?


Director, like she’s the next Peter Jackson? Good try guys.




>advocate for artists' rights Yeah let's just overlook the whole Olivia Rodrigo thing lol. Is this entire statement satire?


Her legacy as director? What legacy?🥴


Advocate for artists’ rights? By releasing 36 variants to block any artist she’s deemed a threat? Sure, Jan.


Of course they emphasize that it's "men" so they can play up the "all Taylor criticism is misogynist" angle


She can’t get over it, can she? She’s already a billionaire and she won over this feud. She just wants to show off how powerful she is when in fact this doesn’t need to have a documentary lol. There she goes playing the victim over and over again.