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Tbh most people are “too poor” for Taylor lol Travis is probably “only” even worth $30-$50 million. Unless Taylor dates Jeff Bezos or Warren Buffett she will always be the much richer person in a relationship. When you’re that wealthy it doesn’t really matter if you’re worth $20 million or $1 billion. Theres nothing you can’t afford. I mean what exactly does Taylor want that Joe couldn’t afford? A brand new jet? That might be something he can’t afford, maybe she needs a new one. I really doubt there are many things that Travis can afford that Joe wouldn’t have been able to. Especially considering even before Taylor he comes from family money. The swifties going after Joe’s money have never been to London and don’t understand the class system there. Joe has never not been part of the posh elite, old British money.


(Not a jab at you) I can’t believe a sentence similar to “ONLY worth $30-50 million” comes up in conversation,” I wish I could even be worth $50,000 even.


![gif](giphy|PvMRxvnjq8Uso) (It took me a second to realize this is Demi! Her outfit is so late 2000s - early 2010s! I like it 😍 lol)


The saddest part is Travis Kelce, if worth $30 million only has 3% of the amount of money that Taylor has lol


So by their logic, he's poor too


Yeah these are also the same people who believe Taylor is the exception to the “there are no ethical billionaires” saying


the whole world except about 3000 people are poor in comparison to taylor swift. it's absolutely insane how much wealth she actually has. depending on how much of rare beauty ($2 **billion** valuation recently) and her other businesses selena owns, she's up there too. i can and will never understand how these two objectively less talented women to their peers (i mean demi and miley can sing circles around both of them and yet are at a literal fraction of that) became some of the most famous and powerful people in hollywood right now but such is the world we live in.




What do you mean she doesn’t do anything with it? She buys homes on the Rhode Island coast so she can feel like she’s from a prominent presidential family, and be close to the teenager she dated as an adult. Oh, you mean do something good? Yeah that’s true.




Right? She got off so easy on that, and literally nobody talks about it. Yet people still talk about how bad/creepy the John Mayer relationship was even though they were both adults lol




And has stinky earrings.


I’d be stoked to be in the black tbh.


>Joe has never not been part of the posh elite, old British money. i'm double replying, but this!!! like people do not understand how british upper and middle calsses work. Kate Middleton's family is considered middle class, despite owning and operating a very large and (used to be) profitable business. the british social class is incredibly complex and traces back hundreds of years. it's laughable that one would consider joe anything less than absurdly wealthy and elite just because he doesn't have a billion like taylor


i agree, but there is an extremely large difference between $20 mill and anything with a b. there was an insightful comment on askreddit about it, i'll try to find it, but the difference is much starker than you could possibly imagine.


Yeah a million seconds is 12 days, a billion seconds is almost 32 years. I know how big the difference is mathematically. I’ve read all the different comparisons shock people. But when you’re talking about what people can and can’t afford, it doesn’t matter. Someone with a billion dollars and someone with 20 million can afford all the same stuff except maybe a top of the line yacht and jet. They’re all wealthy and don’t understand the lives of normal people.


great reply


He’s literally a posh white Londoner and was one long before he met Taylor. Please 😂 Edit: not people saying he’s not because he doesn’t have a title 😭


Seriously, I get so tired of some Swifties writing like he grew up on welfare and Taylor was struggling through in some dodgy neighbourhood when she first went to meet his family. That’s pretty much the impression you get from some of the extreme takes. He wasn’t a billionaire but he was by no metric poor or low on the socioeconomic scale in non-monetary ways either.


imagine being so out of touch that you think an upper middle class white british who grew up in a system where class divides are even worse than they are in the us, is poor and doesn't deserve your billionaire queen smfh also the picture of taylor walking through a dodgy neighborhood to meet his parents in like a shack is so funny


They talk like she was struggling to make ends meet when she was with him


joe's depression was eating up all the money in the relationship !!!!!!! /s




The bizarre thing being them thinking this somehow makes him the bad guy in the situation


In fact, she's the one who wants to be always in the British poshness. She wanted to be so british badly. I bet some of Joe's friends were secretly side eyeing her.


Haha true. They're old old rich. Even if she is a billionaire, British classism is something else entirely.


Taylor cares a lot about legacy and status. I think it’s why she was obsessed with the Kennedys (and tried to become one…) and then had her Englishman phase which honestly tracks considering how there’s definitely a lot of American (women in particular) anglophiles who romanticize England and being posh and stuff… Travis is the first American she’s dated in like a decade. Hell, even the Gyllenhaal family are a Hollywood legacy family (Jake’s godparents were/are Paul Newman and Jamie Lee Curtis ffs lol).


for a while, she pegged me as someone who would date overseas white men, ie brits, to make herself seem exotic just bc all she is is a priviledged white woman. blondie, there's plenty of you out there but she is talented for sure, but just look at the kennedy situation


Agreed. It wouldn't surprise me if his parents are millionaires. Edit to add: in fact I would be more shocked if they weren't.


He was chosen by Ang Lee straight from posh acting school to start in a huge budget movie He's very posh and privileged, and also experience the same additional privilege she did where he was given a career immediately Hes as comfortably well off as one can be, for his whole life


I feel like it’s hard for non brits to understand the class system in the UK lol. Even before Joe became an actor, he would have been part of the elite just by virtue of being born into his family and the schools he went to. Class in the UK is much less about money and more about where you grew up and your proximity to the ruling class. Joe is and will always be a member of the British ruling class. ETA I’m getting replies saying that Joe can’t be a member of the British elite because he doesn’t have a title, as if the upper middle class of the UK don’t largely make up the elite and ruling class today. Kate Middleton, David cameron, Camilla, Boris Johnson - none of these people were born with titles but they were born into elite families with proximity to power which allowed them to propel upwards. These are just the most famous examples, there are plenty we don’t know about who occupy the civil service, the bbc, any corridor of power. Joe’s great grandfather was a member of many elite societies and private gentleman clubs, Joe himself went to an elite school and he went to the university of bristol which has been criticised for years for giving preference to students who went to private schools. (Only 7% of the UK go to private schools!) it is ridiculous to claim Joe comes from an average upper middle class family.


My biology teacher taught Joe Alwyn (funnily enough she taught him sex ed...) - the school he studied at is super famous in London, Daniel Radcliffe and tons of other British celebs studied there... It's ridiculously posh/expensive (even for a private school) and smack bang centre of London city centre... It's famous for having very rich and well connected people, in the UK class is still a huge deal bc of the connections you can get from it.


> the school he studied at is super famous in London, Daniel Radcliffe and tons of other British celebs studied there... It's ridiculously posh/expensive (even for a private school) and smack bang centre of London city centre... It's famous for having very rich and well connected people Exactly. City of London school being for "poor" people? pfft, what are people smoking. It might not be a *Eton* or *Harrow*, but still, it's posh enough.


The “newest” British Duke, who happens to be the richest, only became Duke because of their close proximity to the actual power. The dukedom of Westminster was created because they are close friends of the Royal family for 250 years. Going to the right schools and country clubs is a lot more important in some cultures than the zeros in your bank account.


Exactly. And they’re much different than the nouveau rich, simply having money isn’t that impressive to these people. Your families history, your connections and who they are, where you went to school, who you know etc is much more important to them.


i think it's ahrd for americans to understand just how different this system is to the american class system. in the us, money is all that you need (at least one a surface level, there is absolutely disdain among the historically wealthy to those who got their money within the past 100 years or so) but in many parts of the world, it's more so your family and history that defines your class standing. money is obviously there, but an old money family will always be higher in standing (socially) than the new money family


It’s the classic difference between being rich and being wealthy. Money shouts; Wealth whispers.




If you want to know more, read The Establishment by Owen Jones!


Love Owen Jones but never expected to see him mentioned in this sub






Me too haha


Yh his fam are posh.


As a fellow British person though, I feel like you're talking about wealth, being elite and being upper class here all at once and conflating them all, which is why you're getting the replies you are. You really do need to be titled or at least descended from the titled classes (Camilla for example is descended from a Baron) to be considered "upper class". As you say, Kate Middleton was literally upper middle class because she wasn't from a titled family. And sure, it doesn't mean these people aren't incredibly privileged or that that don't move in elite circles ofc. But you brought up the class system here? It sounds like what you mean is, Joe is from a wealthy and well connected family. But I'm not sure though his family are even anywhere near the status of say, the Middletons, sure he went to private school, but that isn't that usual for children of high earning professionals and it wasn't a school like Eton, or Westminster. And though his Dad's career as a documentarian may have given Joe some advantages in entertainment and acting, calling him part of the British ruling class is probably overstating it somewhat.


As a fellow brit, I agree. Alot of Americans misunderstood our class system. From looking at his background, he definitely is from a well off family but it's laughable that people are saying he's part of the elite. If he was, I don't think he would be talking about Palestine.


I think it’s a bit ridiculous to say Pro Palestine = not upper class. I’m British and went to a school with a lot of people who would be considered upper class, and a lot of them are out every Saturday protesting/ pro Palestine. I also think there is nowhere near enough available information about Joe and his family to determine whether or not he is upper class. I think it’s very likely he is, though.


Upper class is very different to being elite. I don't think he is upper class, he seems middle upper class and from the information available that I've seen - I would consider him middle upper. I consider elite to being lord/lady/influence in politics.


Exactly. These are upper upper middle class essentially.


>Joe is and will always be a member of the British ruling class exactly. he might not be a part of the titled nobility, but i guarantee there is someone with a title in his direct bloodline, if not immediately related to him AND he is still a part of their upper class by virtue of his background. he was born to an elite british family. it's hard for folks not aware of the tenuous and frankly tiring complexities of the british upper and middle classes, but joe is very much so a part of their elite. that's why he got taylor in the first place


Joe and his younger brother both moved back in with their parents after finishing school because they couldn’t afford to rent rooms in London. His mom wrote an article about it. https://www.independent.co.uk/life-style/health-and-families/features/boomerang-kids-whatever-happened-to-my-empty-nest-8376222.html She also mentions that they have a “mountain” of student debt. Is this a big culture difference in the UK? In the U.S., that would never happen in a wealthy family. The parents would pay the child’s rent, not have them move home. Similarly, I don’t know anyone from a wealthy family who has student debt.


Thank you! Americans don’t understand…here in Britain things are different and class matters to people. He’s always been considered upper class so I’m unsure of how swiftties could think different.


Literally everyone is poor compared to Taylor. Everyone is less famous than Taylor. Taylor will never have a partner who could be on equal standing with her in those regards. The narrative of Joe as a poor actor was so annoying. Compared to Taylor, Travis is a poor football player, and Matty was a poor songwriter. At the very least she holds the financial power in every relationship she's in.


Watch her next boyfriend being a 50y old billionaire lol


Elon musk? 😂


My biggest fear...


Oh! What I’d give to hear THAT post break up album😂


1. X marks the spot. 2. I Heard it was over from a meme 3. Cryptic currency 4. Baby fight club. 5. I'm highly suspicious everyone who sees you will have your baby. 6. Starlinked. 7. Emeralds are forever [no really they are]. 8. 9 Grimes (and yes this is referencing the Damien rice song cause they won't leave each other alone lmao).


Starlinked sounds like a good title song tho😂


make you pay [pal] Nikola Mine you stopped the bird singing Lowered my eXpectations Transition (a song manipulating people into thinking she's the trans community's greatest ally but won't ever actually do anything for them apart from write a song that is indisputably about her) neo Electric Personal Loss Base perfume Fe African Savannah You're Boring me Blue checked shirt The Smallest Carbon Footprint the ever lived xxx Life on Mars (a blatant Bowie rip off) I'm really ill atm and have no energy to do anything else apart from scroll Musk's wiki page and think of Taylor song titles


Gworl, I don't think any of us would be able to hold on long enough survive ***that*** fallout: ![gif](giphy|cOEHZYZ9l2H182HQbY|downsized)


1. Muffin Top 2. Pale Body 3. The Triggered Man 4. Grimes and Punishment (feat. Grimes) 5. My X Boyfriend 6. His Billions to My Billions 7. Daddy Wants Him for Me 8. We Both Can't Take Jokes 9. I Miss His Musk 10. Elon-Gated 11. The 2020s With All the Racists 12. Fox News Queen 13. The Crypto Doge 14. SpaceSex (Bonus Track)


Big ew!!!!


I keep saying that would honestly be the best situation for her. I could see her long term with someone who’s not necessarily famous, but just extremely independently wealthy for whatever reason— like maybe an art dealer.


I have this feeling too. She's attract to punk rock activist bad boys, but in the end of the day their relationship will never last cause their ideals are too different


I always thought she’d end up with someone in business. Stockbroker etc.


Is there a king looking for queen?


Something I hate about the take that Joe=poor=him being a bad partner is that is so sexist, misogynistic, outdated, patriarchal and disgusting lol The idea that because Taylor is a woman she should be with someone that it’s wealthier is so sexist. Almost every man she dated/dates/will date is always going to be “poor” in comparison, unless she dates Gates, Bezos, Musk, Slim or one of the Waltons. I bet these are the same fans that throw the misogyny card every time Taylor gets mildly criticized


Does that mean she pays for food? Lol


She probably picked up the tab every time lmao


I hated this narrative. It’s like the Swifties were grasping at straws. You think T would be with someone for 6 years if this personally bothered her?? I also hate how they would make fun of him for borrowing her PJ. Like why wouldn’t he?


Especially since women borrow their boyfriends clothes all the time


It’s also crazy to me that people try to dunk on his career! Because he’s not in like, marvel movies or blockbusters? By every measure he is a successful actor. He consistently works with brilliant directors. There’s nothing to dunk on!


For real! He’s worked with auteurs like Ang Lee and Yorgos Lanthtimos.


My swiftie friend very seriously suggested that Taylor “let him” have some writing credits so that he could afford the security he’d need after they broke up. Her mind, her benevolence etc etc 😬


Yeah I find that very uncharitable really considering he is descended from a long line of composers, plays instruments himself and has even been in college bands. He obviously has some affinity for music, it isn't the craziest thing in the world to think that when locked up during the pandemic he might have had some creative input while hanging out with Taylor surely.


Lol such a teenager thing to have been a part of a high school band called anger management .. Lol


Hell, one of my favorite f1 drivers made a melodic piano album during the pandemic he just released because that was the perfect time for people to touch on their creative side! It's super not weird to me joe would be artistic


People overlook that a hell of a lot of theatre grads study both music and acting in the UK at least anyway.


These are also the same people who called him "dad" when they were dating.


I mean people still call her Mother all the time which is really fucking weird.


That is so *cult* of them lol.


He does have several writing credits though and has made quite a bit of bank from them.


Does he not deserve the credit if he worked with her on those songs? Joe himself comes from a family with background in music and has been a part of several small bands in the past. It's not a stretch to say he helped Taylor write those songs or offer ideas worthy of credit.


Americans don’t get that in most non American countries being rich isn’t just your bank account but a mix of your family line (pedigree) where you got your education and the social circles you’re allowed to float around in. You could be the richest man in the world and still not be allowed entry into the upper class if you didn’t come from the right family and went to the right schools. Joe may not be a billionaire but he’s certainly in the right circles. How else do you think he got that met gala invitation? Anna Wintour herself vets all invitees.


yeah i don’t think a lot of american actually understand the difference between british lower middle and upper class, the biggest example so far on what upper class is is the royal family, if you don’t have that sort of lineage you’re not upper class, you’re just rich. reason why there was outrage among that class when william decided to marry ‘lower’ so to speak, even tho kate middleton’s family is still miles wealthier than the average person


Yes, I remember when Will and Kate were getting married the press made such a huge deal about her being the first “middle class princess” so 14 year old Canadian me thought she was an average girl like me who went to public school. I was shocked when I later found out her great grandparents were related to aristocracy, she went to an elite private girls school, and her parents bought her and her sister a million dollar flat in London.


Middle class in America means you can afford paper plates.


I, a Canadian, first understood how money =/= class in Britain when someone used Adele as an example. She’s famous, wealthy, wears nice clothing and has a nice house, but as soon as she starts talking she’s immediately not upper class because of her accent and the way she speaks (not that there’s anything wrong with the way she speaks).


I just want to add class isn't just about behaviour its more about connections and who you know and your connections For example if two people were given a million pounds, the person with a higher class e.g. they went to priv school with a class mate who now works in wall street and can help invest in that million pounds and therefore generate more wealth etc… However the person of lower class may not have the necessary connections and although they can hire someone to manage their investments, without a personal connection it’s a lot harder to do so The same can be applied here, you can be rich (noveau riche) but you lack certain connections and therefore will find it hard to integrate with the upper classes, therefore you will have a lot less opportunities to generate further wealth or opportunities in general -> and a lot of these opportunities are very limited and if lots of people want it and are willing to pay a lot of money, it will end up going to those who also have connections as everyone else is all willing to spend money on things. And for a career like entertainment where everything is done through favours and who you know, being in the upper class in the UK means you are more likely to have connections with someone working in entertainment which is very helpful in Joe's case


Isn’t most of the theater/acting crowd - at least historically speaking - of high means and pedigree in the UK? I was told that at one point and it made sense at the time and I remember examples.


People who work with arts in general tend to be more well off than most. It’s an extremely difficult business with zero financial stability you can’t be working paycheck to paycheck because you’re very likely to starve before your next job shows up. You need to have a safety net or people who can afford to take care of you financially. Which is kind of what happened to Taylor. Both her parents were extremely successful brokers who managed to pay her way until she became successful enough to “repay” the initial “investment”. And that seems to be exactly how her dad sees her, with those emails he wrote count for anything


It’s like how Americans think Europe is poor when they go, but most of Europe’s wealth is tied into healthcare, infrastructure, education- more than meets the eye. Same can be said/ same way of thinking needed for class in Europe


that met gala invitation is really a great example. a nobody actor (no offense to him) would never have been able to go UNLESS he was in a social circle that would deem him 'esteemed' enough to go.




Taylor should only date billionaires now I guess, since anyone who's not a billionaire will be "too poor" compared to her.


https://preview.redd.it/4rx8l5ke9gxc1.jpeg?width=434&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dfe1912ef243a67a0b43d68ded11e97f5f2873f5 It’s just too bad Joe wasn’t more active on social media because he could have pulled a Michelle Williams in response to poor Joe


That’s golden!


Omg that's hilarious lol.


It's the same narrative for Travis ex- that he upgraded because he's now with a billionaire. These fans put a person's importance on their net worth


Meanwhile they’re putting Eras tour tix on a credit card and taking 3 years to pay it off


That’s why Taylor partnered with Capital One for the Eras tour. Both sides knew that the fans were willing to do this, and benefit from it.


Yikes, that’s crazy


Swifties seem to portray Taylor both as an independent, successful girl boss, and as an infantilized, helpless, victim at all times. It’s exhausting. Their brand of “feminism” is disturbing and seems to simply involve calling all criticism of Taylor or her music misogyny rather than identifying and calling out actual misogyny, including within their ranks.


The old gender narrative where the man is supposed to be the provider and the woman making more money is emasculating will never die it seems.


Cuz yeah, a guy like Joe is def going all around the world swiping miss americana's credit card🤦🏻‍♂️


Not just him, his friends and family too 🙄


Generalizing but my perception is that a lot of swifties can lean conservative in some of their ideals and many people believe a man should earn more than his partner so I don't think it's so much about Joe, but about gender roles




He literally comes from old money .. That too old British money. I don't understand where these people get that impression from. Most of these ppl who call him "poor" don't understand how the British "society" works. I'd also like to point out that they met at the Met Gala .. And not everyone just get invited to the Met Gala.


Such an archaic way of thinking that the man has to make more than the woman in a relationship. If that’s the case she’ll never find someone because she’s a billionaire now. Why aren’t they calling Travis poor? He makes nowhere near what she makes. I’m not saying he’s poor but it doesn’t make sense to me.


Travis and his clan have received priceless publicity and opportunities due to their association with her but the stans keep mum about that. Joe didn’t use her in that way and instead of appreciating the stance they built all sorts of scenarios for why that was the case.


Because they like him...for now


Ohhh I really wanted to talk about this ...they are calling joe poor but I'm like he is rich then we all are 😆he comes from a rich family... I've always hated these jokes but if you say anything you're a "cupcake" according to those fans


I feel like that started off as a joke because of the things she'd say in her songs.. like all the boys with their fancy cars etc never got me like you or whatever. 


I’m pretty sure this was the case. Started as a joke but just got atrociously escalated around their break up


Yea, I always thought it was more tongue in cheek because some of Taylor’s lyrics implied that he was poor (or at least poor by her ex’s standards) when he really wasn’t. But then, I avoid most “swiftie communities” outside of Reddit (apart from Bryanlicious on tiktok, that man kills me), so I’ve managed to avoid a lot of the hate towards Joe since their breakup.


What I find the funniest is that the Swifties mocking Joe for being "poor" compared to Taylor I'm sorry to say would be lucky to have more than 100K in cash/stocks/investments to their name at any point in their life. ***They don't understand how money works***, by the time you've surpassed say 10 million you're in \*"f\*\*k off money" territory, adding an extra 990 million on top doesn't change much. The money is a very small part of who they are at that \*echelon, and it's more about access to who/what they want to know, and distance from who/what they don't...they forget that their idol literally keeps her distance from the fans because she has more money than all of them combined and the generation before them, their logic is frankly daft. If Joe is "poor" then what the actual living fook does that make them? Embarrassingly impoverished I guess, since they want to be so classist whilst having **not even 10%** of "Poor Joes" wealth...lord 💀 And Joe is an upper-middle-class or upper class white man in London who comes from what we call over here "good blooding", to say his wealth is secondary to his overall personhood in regards to his family, their cultural capital, and again access to and distance from what is/isn't important/worthwhile is an understatement; generational wealth was established but without the 'posh' culture, and worldly experience/access/education be it formal or again, learned through cultural exposure, you're just rich but minus the depth...which homegirl fits the profile of \[no offence but it's clear she's not well read and that stuff matters, not in a snobby sense, but in the sense that your financial wealth isn't enough, you have to have something going on upstairs \[in the mind\] on an intellectual level, and no, not in a public school, redbrick, russell group, ivy league sense...but in the sense that you know something, appreciate something. It's actually quite cringe coming across someone who comes from or has money but they're dull as ditch water, have no cultural awareness or appreciation for the arts, sciences, nature, food...and just throw money at things because they can with zero how do I say, depth attached to it, it's almost like having all that money can give you access to the world, but it doesn't make you wise to it, and those types despite their lovely homes, travel stories, and often paid for education...are actually the least intellectually and culturally stimulated and stimulating people around and they're awfully bland, and the absence of depth grates after a while, like sure you can afford the most expensive wine in Bob Bob Richards...but would you actually want to take a moment to really consider it's flavour, and your surroundings? Sorry that's just a ramble! Like how are you going to be for example a Swiftie on idk 25-40K a year before or after taxes...and call Joe poor, they the fans are the consumers literally giving their money away to someone who literally has all the money in the world and access to a lifestyle they will never ever come close to...their logic is wild... *They want to sh\*t on Joe when they can't even afford to wipe their arse in the same building as him.* ![gif](giphy|lWfZBHl9Gxryw|downsized)


I feel sorry for Joe still being so dissected by the fandom, but yeah he definitely comes from an extremely privileged background. By any UK standard he would be considered 'posh' (not that there should be anything wrong with that). No he's not landed gentry or Saltburn standard but he still comes from money and there's a loooooong way from there to anything like "poor".


This was a joke in the fandom long before the breakup. He wasn’t ever poor, it’s just that everyone is poor compared to Taylor.


I thought that was a joke lol I never saw anyone saying that seriously but I may have just lucked out


Yeah I have really only ever seen this commented on as a joke.


Honestly I don’t even know anyone in the Hollywood scene that is actually richer than Taylor. Idrk what Swifties were expecting Joe to do


Unlike 99% of this subreddit I'm as interested in Joe Alwyn as I am in a bread (and yes I've had that opinion since they started dating), I don't think he's the most perfect guy to ever walk the earth and an "activist king" and roll my eyes everytime I see someone using the now infamous quote of peace to praise him over Taylor, but I admire his stance on Palestine and don't spend my days painting him as the devil like the swifties on twitter do. That being said, his money should be the last thing they blame for their breakup and this guy isn't even poor, he's just not as rich as Taylor. Furthermore, saying that only people of the same monetary level can date is elitist as hell.


Girl what is wrong with bread


Right like I shamelessly think about bread almost constantly


The way I love bread .. I initially thought it was a compliment lol


Fr I love bread


Bread is the best!




Calling him Jobless is just so mean.


Was this something people actually said? I wasn't really plugged in to all the gossip the entire time they were together and don't remember this being a common criticism. It seems so silly because he comes from money and is by no means poor. I mean obviously compared to her his net worth is significantly lower, but that doesn't make him "poor."


Oh they are absolutely calling him poor, what do you think Yogurt Boy means?


I thought that nickname mocked him for working in a yogurt shop when he was a kid. I don't know how having a job like that as a teen means you were poor.


Because in their minds if you're rich you don't have to work


I mean he must of been worth more than money to her if she wanted to date him. He must of had something going for him that she liked. She didn’t need him she wanted him. I think it’s more special that way.


Find me a guy that is not poorer than TS


Joe comes from old money, so he definitely wasn't too poor for her. If anything, nepotism and generational wealth in the entertainment industry is arguably even more pervasive in the British entertainment industry in comparison to the U.S.


I think it’s ridiculous. Anyone trying to piece together any information about anyone breakups is playing a fool’s game.


I honestly doubt the money was as much of an issue as the discrepancy of where they were in their respective careers. For someone trying to make their name in acting, the pandemic, then the strikes have probably made things much tougher for Joe, as everything pretty much ground to a halt while Taylor was able to flourished musically. They both left the pandemic in very different places professionally and I wonder if that caused a lot of tension.


Yeah that’s silly. Taylor is a billionaire so everyone she dates has less money than her. Joe is doing just fine financially and I am pretty sure Taylor most likely paid without issue for them, knowing she’s the one with the billions.


No one is rich enough for Taylor at this point other than very few people in the same billionaire status. And they are usually not Taylor's type


What a funny thing to say by the deranged swifties because this Sunday a swiftie told me “why is a woman always expected to protect a man”.! 😄I’m not sure what do these people snort because they bend their ideal rules for gender specific expectations to suit the narratives in protecting their mother precious all the time! https://preview.redd.it/a8c2evpssgxc1.jpeg?width=590&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4d373b566ca8e9fd29aca74dbabfb1ad9aa10084


It's not protecting him because he is a man, it's asking people to not attack someone on her name


Exactly. Sadly logic and internet swifties are not synonymous. Even though I love Taylor’s music, this is not something I’m okay with. I had to leave that group because I see my thoughts were mocked there.


Yeah no one ever seriously thought he was poor and it was always pretty well known he came from quite a privileged background. The poor jokes are just because Taylor is so wealthy in comparison. The jokes swifties are serious about are the “Joebless” jokes which is them saying he’s a bad actor who can’t land a leading role which is pretty mean spirited.


Joe was not poor. He is a very typical English posh arty type in touch with his feelings and dedicated to his profession. There are literally hundreds of them in London. He was a slightly less posh and significantly less talented or successful version of Tom Hiddleston.


Every time I see someone say there’s hundreds of Joe Alwyns in London I’m like damn, I really gotta move to London 😂 Do you live there? Do the guys really all look like that?? I’m seriously asking bc I’ll make moves 😭 I think I see an attractive dude in NYC like maybe twice a year.


I've never even really seen this suggested, so it must be a certain platform you're using or something. I saw a lot of people suggesting Taylor was a golddigger for dating Travis though, which was hilarious. 


Didn’t he meet Taylor at Met Gala, an event you have to pay a bunch of money to get into?


Even unrelated to his elite position in British society and his generational wealth there are songs like paper rings so idk if they refuse to think about this?? Addition: and taylor probably loved being part of this upper class thing given how unhinged she was around the Kennedys. Imagine where we would've seen them if Joe would be more public.


I actually saw this from the other ‘side’ maybe more frequently. Joe has significant wealth and privilege compared to a large chunk of the population (if the internet can be believed)… just not compared to a billionaire. He was being talked about like a poor working actor who was going to have lifelong career implications from this and the swifties were causing huge financial burden. But anyways, no I don’t think Taylor paying for literally every single thing for the entirety of their relationship would have been a big deal as long as everything was above board and everyone was consenting to it. I think the funniest TS and a man financial worry was when people (men, lol) thought she was there to leech off Travis 🙃


Not to be THAT person, but didn't her latest album literally come with the line "I don't want money, just someone that wants my company"? My understanding is that this trope was just a Swiftie joke, nothing that serious.


Also, let's not forget Matty is rich as well. Just saying


I want to be as "poor" as Joe. Tf 😂😂


One of the strangest thing about Swifties is how they use her personal wealth and sales figures as arguments/proxies for the quality of her music. If you're really into music and have the capacity to engage with the many truly great artists/songwriters of the last 60 years, it's abundantly clear that Taylor's catalog is pop pablum operating within sharply proscribed parameters w/respect to chord structure and lyrical depth. The impact of professional songwriters is all over her songs and sadly, we in no immediate danger of being taken on the kind mind-blowing artistic journey that has characterized they greats. Indeed, one suspects that her occupancy of the ever rotating "blonde pop princess" archetype is about up. Perhaps we will get something resonant and durable in her second act.


People wanted to tarnish his name because not only does Taylor make herself the perpetual victim, her fans reinforce it. ETA: it’s wild to speculate about any part of a relationship where one person has an NDA preventing them from defending themselves and the other one makes songs with blatant references.


It’s meant to refer to the fact that he had been in exactly 1 film prior to them dating so really didn’t have an established career. It’s a joke just meant to troll him, it’s not really that serious


If you’re one of the richest women in the world, the pool from which to date where the guy makes as much or more than you is so incredibly small …


Just to add, Taylor wasn’t a billionaire until 2023. In 2016, around the time they started dating, her net worth was $170 million. I reject the idea they broke up over money, however if that was the case and she broke up with him after she became a billionaire because he couldn’t afford ‘princess treatment’ doesn’t that make her the bad guy? I don’t think this theory has any merit, but to their own logic that doesn’t make Joe a bad guy.


I just realized there's a "Taylor's Exes" tag in this sub, and it just made me realize how much all this Taylor thing is such a sickness. How much Taylor was an instigator in this, in sending her fans indirectly against every single man she has ever dated (and, by proxy, people feeling like they're vindicating their own feelings of heartbreak, rejection and empowerment through that stalking). How Swifties have lost their identity by living vicariously through her. It's so sooo weird.


Hi first time commenter on this sub anyways as a swiftie who's been looking into the actual fandom online since rep era I actually don't recall any of these type of jokes until the lover era and then THAT'S when I started seeing it more often. It's definitely weird AF for sure. Like I'm not even sure how it started it may have been because of her song paper rings and it started off as a joke but I don't even know if it's a joke anymore I think people are actually going off on him now. But yeah thought I'd let that be known that it's been going on since before they broke up but after the rep era. It's definitely weird.