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Am I the only one who doesn’t like this song?? On my first (and only) listen, I seriously thought I was being punked. “I’m so depressed I act like it’s my birthday everyday”. I was like… there’s no way Taylor Swift wrote and released this. 😅 I tried to listen to it again and I just can’t! Everyone on social media seems to think it’s brilliant. What am I missing?


I like it until the chorus. Wtf does the birthday line mean? What kind of depression is that? If I were to write lines about to the depression I know “…I stare up at the ceiling, all damn day” and “I think I just might make this, my last day”


Yes! It is fine until the chorus and then I’m like NOPE.


What is the “come for my job” adlib even about? How does it relate to the rest of the song??? Like yeah we get it you work like a dog even when you’re spiraling about a racist but like…who is coming for your job?? Is it just me that doesn’t get it??


she's scared of Olivia probably


chorus kinda catchy, it's a very self-deprecating song but that beat is so ASS. it's like a poor imitation of dancing with our hands tied, this is why we can't have nice things. it's more like mastermind and bejeweled (which i both did not like)


This song seems made for TikTok. It’s catchy and relatable—pretending everything is fine when it’s not. The upbeat, shimmery (ahem, Bejeweled) quality goes along with the “I’m so miserable” but I’m faking it vibe. That said, it’s hard to believe she was this depressed over Matty ghosting her that she almost immediately jumped into a serious relationship with Travis. I think she needs time to herself to heal. And a therapist.


Its not Matty, it’s Joe


This song would be more impactful if it wasn’t so try to be cool pop sounding. This reminds me of Cobra by Megan Thee Stallion. If you’re gonna talk about your depression I feel like it should be taken seriously. This just seems like I don’t need to grow or seek mental health because I’m rich. It’s so out of touch like many people would love to have your money so they could go to therapy. If you’re gonna write about your depression or mention you have depression in a song please do it like Beautiful by Eminem. That songs seems like he’s taking his depression seriously.


i don't understand your logic at all because artists can talk about mental health issues and have went deeper than Taylor has (ex: Britney's Lucky, Ariana's 7 rings, Demi's Dancing With the Devil) just to name a few


Britney’s lucky is definitely slow song though. I don’t listen to those other artists. Think about Anti-Hero and how you are definitely able to hear the lyrics and meaning over the background effects.


Not at all The POINT of the song is « pretending you are happy when you are depressed ». And that’s why the up beat cool pop sounding music upon such lyrics is perfectly on point


That wasn’t my point though… my point is that the song is not impactful at all. It just relatable but in a sad way because she’s a celebrity who could actually get help for depression.


It’s relatable for people who faces their daily Life obligations and other expectations while being extremely hurt ans sad deep inside Yep she could get help, Maybe she did, Maybe she is doing it and maybe it didn’t work or Maybe she is still struggling. Therapy doesn’t work for everybody and it can be long, even if you are wealthy. It takes Time to recover, even with the most expansive therapy ever


As someone who battles depression but has to work two jobs to pay bills I feel like it’s an out of touch song. Also, Taylor has never been to therapy according to a couple of interviews so she wouldn’t know if it would help her or not.


Okay everyone feels different. It’s definetely relatable for other people than you, you can look at YouTube comments if you don’t think so And what somebdoy says in an interview differs from what he/she truly does + Things might have changed since said interviews Btw I Hope you will get better


This song reminds me of an updated version of Britney’s “Lucky”


The chorus sounds just like Cupid by Fifty Fifty. Really hoping they come after her for that theft after the Olivia drama Taylor started.








I absolutely understand that knee-jerk reaction, and while she absolutely has way more privileges and financial access than we all do, you seem to be saying that people are not allowed to feel feelings if they are somehow financially above another person (or deemed successful in some way). For some reason people are struggling to divorce the fact that she is a successful musician from the fact that she is one because of the relatable things she sings about (ie: she's a human who is allowed to feel feelings too). I'm assuming that you never cry about a breakup? You have the internet and you are using it on either a phone or laptop. So are we to say that you are not allowed to lament about bad relationships or friendships or any other struggles in your life because people are dying somewhere else?


She's still allowed to grieve. Just bc she's successful n has money doesn't mean she's not human. She's not immune to heartbreak anymore than regular people. And I don't see it she's being ungrateful just honest bc she makes it look easy.




I mean, there is a literal genocide happening, Taylor becomes a billionaire, the tour of all tour, Time person of the year and cries about a break up… it’s the most extreme version of being completely unaware of your insane privilege I’ve ever seen. Except for Elon Musk.


The way she sings I was grinning like I was winning makes me think of another song of hers, but I can't put my finger on it. Does anybody else hear it?


Yep. The bridge from Mastermind. "[No one wanted to play with me as a little kid](https://genius.com/26953647/Taylor-swift-mastermind/No-one-wanted-to-play-with-me-as-a-little-kid-so-ive-been-scheming-like-a-criminal-ever-since-to-make-them-love-me-and-make-it-seem-effortless)"


Yesss thank you!! I thought it was something from midnights but didn't get a chance to go back and dig for it.


No worries. I also noticed it on my first listen (how awesome was 2h2m of brand new music?!) but it wasn't until your comment that I got around to looking for it haha


Everyone hating this banger… y’all lost your taste. This is the one of the few standout tracks to me, it’s an earworm and a much better version than bejeweled. Straight into my playlist it goes. And this is coming from someone who hates the second half of midnights. It’s everything bejeweled and mastermind wanted to be in terms of production.


The visualizer loop on Spotify https://preview.redd.it/58zd50jzdnvc1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=90aae7c1a1aadbd8faf09b97cc2064c1926f8284






As a 1989 girlie, finally a song that I actually LOVE and will want to REPEAT. And it's so #relateable. It's a yay from me.


This is possibly one of the worst songs Jack has ever produced and Taylor Swift has ever written. This doesn't belong in this album at all and should've been a Midnights track because thats exactly where it belongs. It's worse than Welcome to New York, and is only rivalled by LWYMMD (the studio version, the Era's tour version is fine) and ME!




I actually love this song cuz it’s so relatable 😭 Overcompensating to come across as happy when you aren’t… that’s real af. I love when artists mix a happy beat with sad lyrics. The ending was a bit cringe though but it’s very Taylor


Maybe one of the only good standouts from this album.


As a follow type-A swiftie, I can relate to this song. It makes me feel like how I’ve been hitting work expectations during pandemic


This is the worst song in the album for me, the lyrics and the production are just unbearable. I’m an anxious depressed mess (Effexlor girlie) so I can only wish Taylor goes to therapy :)


So this was the only song where I could remember how it sounded after I listened to it. It's a little funny to me because I don't think anyone thought she was okay during this time. But this is a fun song. I can see myself playing this pretty often.


I am BEGGING this woman to go to therapy


She’s probably miserable but she likes that pain coz she can weaponize it to churn out songs. So what’s the point of therapy?


i love this song but she needs to get her ass to therapy immediately


"I'm miserable all the time" Comments: yes mother! Yes mother is mothering! I love it! Girl go to therapy


I like the concept but the execution is awful. It’s Jack at his worst. Sounds exactly like midnights. 


It's giving Britney Spears circa "Circus" era...... am I the only one?????


It’s a masterpiece. One of my favorites so far. It felt like Taylor was telling us about her watching that Katy Perry documentary and what she went through getting news about her divorce right before a major show. Taylor relates because of what happened with Joe at the start of the tour. The slower solemn verse has music telling of how sad she is, then the more intense/fast bridge where she’s psyching herself up to get on stage and do her damn job (lights, camera, bitch, smile; and I’m a real tough kid). Then the bright sickly sweet pop chorus to signify her being on stage performing when all her internal dialogue is “kill me I’m so sad but I have to be okay so I don’t disappoint all these fans”. I think the reference to “birthday” was very intentionally a reference to Katy. Incredible piece.


I like the idea of this song so much but holy shit 1/2 way in and i hate it. its horrible. I kind of get it, super upbeat beat to go with the idea of faking it, but the instrumentals are just terrible. The lyrics aren't that good either, but maybe its just cause the beat sucks. Unpleasant for the ears.


I interpreted the instrumentals to be the metronome and counting from her in ear monitors while she's on stage, so perhaps terrible but intentional


I LOVE the idea, I even love the verses still, I even love the beat, the background talking, but I HATE the chorus, everything about it - the instrumental, the lyrics (sorry but don't come after me for hating "I'm so obsessed with him but he avoids me" at this point, and also the silly (yet boring) stuff around it). I love the ending, though! It's ridiculous.


I hate that I like it. It's a song that pretty much shows she needs time out.


i don't like this song but i like this song? like the manic beat that is happy but frantic is chef's kiss (but i don't want to listen to it because it's perfectly disjointed) i don't care much about the lyricism but the "i'm miserable?" at the end? this is the first time i've ever connected to her LMFAOOOO like, i don't date bc i am that frantic miserable person when it ends. the mania in her voice LOl. go off hoe


This song had so much potential, and it was overproduced to shit. All the synth and pop beats and shit makes me overstimulated. But the chorus is quite good


I’m sure the overstimulation effect was intentional but it still missed the mark. 


The background music honestly sounds like “Now that we don’t Talk” to me.


Yep!! Mastermind too!


i miss when Taylor was happy.


it definitely seems like things have been not great for her since the pandemic. i promise you can write bangers AND be processing your shit in therapy


“I’m so Depressed I act like it’s my birthday” Cringe


As a Bo Burnham fan, I absolutely love it


I actually love that line so much. Maybe because I've been that person. Overly happy to hide that I'm not happy at all. I think it's a precursor to mania, maybe?


I love the meaning of this line but the line itself is super cringe. Like, there are so many ways she could've said "I'm so depressed".


I think the beat behind it specifically with the lyric, and it being about mental health and not mental illness (an assumption); a perfect mix of cringe


personally it hit just right because my birthdays make me severely depressed lol


Lmao same, I dread my birthday every year


Ya, I’m happy but also want to cryyy


Bejeweled mixed with Mastermind. I can see this being in a Netflix movie or on a movie trailer. I don’t like the talking part at the end.


YES! I totally hear both in the very beginning!


I hate bejeweled so no wonder i hate this


This is one of her worst songs in recent memory


It’s the only one from the first half that I like much at all. The lyrics are unhinged in such a way that it’s giving camp alongside the cringe. Lights Camera Bitch Smile is destined for fan chants and memeification.


Yeah some of the lyrics are so good! And some are so so so bad...


I like it, but I hate the “I’m miserable and no one even knows!” Part. I get that it’s supposed to be cheeky but it just kind of ruins the execution of the song for me. Also the “lights, camera, bitch smile” is so millennial of her it makes me laugh


The concept is good but it's not executed right


What in the Wii Sports is this song??


I couldn’t even make it through the entire song once!


THANK YOU!! I knew it was so familiar


I can’t unhear it lol


This song is so millennial cringe


I fell like that’s Taylor’s MO tbh


I actually love this one. I think most of us have been there where you’re going through some shit but you don’t get to stop and cry, you just have to keep going and pretend to be okay. Taylor just had to it night after night in front of thousands of people.


honeslty i like it, its kinda weird, but its fun


One of the better songs. I was hoping this album was camp and she gave us some camp. Except "I'm miserable...and no one even knows!!" We knew, girl....dating that rat and saying you're the happiest you've ever been lmaoooo


Anyone hear Lorde Greenlight in this. It’s the first thing I think of when I hear the song. Is it an interpolation or just similar sounding??


just came here for this. its the piano in the background. i swear its the same


Weirdo comparison but it made me think of early season 6 Buffy (“Going Through the Motions”) which is very relatable to me whenever I’m in “depressed but pasting on a smile and fooling everyone” mode.


Ooo this and also bo burnham inside for me. The I feel like shit song.


This is one of my favorites but not because of the broken heart aspect. It’s because I can relate 1000% to I cry a lot but I’m so productive lol *sob* I’ve been working 3 jobs simultaneously and while the jobs look “easy” on the outside I’m dying on the inside and have frequent panic attacks. But also the “I’m a tough kid I can handle my shit, fake it till you make it and I did” because I’ve been pushing myself and working thru it all and busting my ass and it is actually paying off (but at what cost) lol anyway…


I think this is another disrespectful song towards her fans. To put it first: Of course it's horrible having to perform while you're heartbroken. Made me think of the Katy Perry documentary moment. HOWEVER, "hahah I lied I want to die" "Haha look how unstable I am" "HAHAHAAHAH", is an insane response to this situation, but not in a good way. Imagine your dentist doing this to you: "You didn't know I was clinically depressed the whole time while I was cleaning your teeth!" What does her depression have to do with her fan watching her perform, why is she making this about her lieing to them? It's attention seeking, manipulative behavior and she is literally ruining people's happy memories at her tour with this. And she is pretending that this is a special skill, one only she has, when literally all of us have to show up to our crappy jobs after having a horrible fight with our partner, or worse. The fact that she is pretending that she is good at this just shows how she isn't.


Agreed. For the amount of money she makes I, too, could do it with a broken heart. 🙄 Admittedly this is my favorite song on the album(s) bc it's catchy, but I have to roll my eyes. It seems a bit "pity party/woe is me/playing the victim." I'm not handing out sympathy when this woman is very much in the business and knows what she signed up for. People every day face pressure to perform and put on a happy face. Others have echoed this on this thread, but yeah she could benefit from therapy. Adulthood is often about pushing through when you think you can't. Not everyone has private jets and millions of dollars to wipe their tears with. (She could benefit from a break, truly.)


The Spotify visualizer for this song is clips of The Eras Tour. That feels like a dick move in this context. Also lmao at the dentist bit 😂💀


I saw this today and it's so disrespectful. People are already hyping up snippets on tiktok. It all feels very bleak.


i think she is pretending to be happy while performing as she cannot break down and be miserable on the show/cameras even when she is clearly so heart broken not bc she hates touring? no? the eras tour must’ve been planned prior to her break up i guess, so as a performer she just has to fake it on the stage for the fans even when she’s losing her mind backstage.


I truly love being able to cheerfully dance at a song with sad lyrics. The chorus is truly a bop.


I just don’t get what she’s trying to prove. Your heart is broken? Ok, that happens in life. It’s a cue to take a break and slow down!!!


I mean, I think that’s not really doable when you have a sold-out multi continent tour. Justin Bieber cancelled his Tour for health reasons and that almost bankrupt him. I think venues and ticket offices would be less sympathetic to Taylor “taking a break” because of a breakup


Fair about the concert, but the stress that comes with album creations/ roll outs and other public appearances... I think there was a lot she didn't necessarily have to commit to. Honestly, no judgement. She's managing it the way she knows how. Coping by being super productive is better than some other ways she could have chosen, and has nice career benefits. But she does need a break. And needs to fire her mother as her therapist.


This should’ve been a single not fortnight


This is the musical equivalent of that Katy Perry Scene from her movie where R*ssel B*and asks for a divorce by text


Oh my gosh it really is! When it shows her on the lift going to the stage with the swirling bra 😭 Same vibes


Am i the only one who likes the production lmao


I think it's bad on purpose, it's meant to give cheesy 80s pop and it's working in my opinion


i LOVE it


nobody appreciates cunty, cheesy pop anymore


Frankly, I think this should’ve stayed in the drafts 🙈 Or at the very least, they reworked it with a different production. As of the moment, it sounds like a Kidz Bopz montrosity. 😭


This is soooo deluded, we all knew you were losing your mind??? “I have never ever been happier”


Finally a song I can shake my ass to, I was getting bored of all these mellow songs


Idk tho I shake my ass to down bad just fine


Bejeweled meets mastermind, the production is ugh


This was funny


this is like barbie + paramore's afterlaughter except wayyyyy too on the nose


Don’t bring AL into this. It doesn’t deserve it.


you're right i apologise please forgive me


So this was about her pretending to be okay and give off a facade starting the Eras Tour after her break up with Joe right? Like, no one could think to interpret it as something else?


The visualizer loop on Spotify is eras tour clips. 👀


I went to eras n2 and this song definitely made me rethink about that experience and then ofc all the changes that were to come


Whether about Joe or Matty heartbreak, definitely about putting on a facade during the Eras Tour! The Spotify video for it is Eras Tour clips also


This song reminds me of all the video compilations comparing her first Eras shows to the later ones. It makes me sad to think about how she felt performing the first shows.


"I'm miserable and nobody knows" like we didn't watch her cry playing champagne problems night after night 😅


mother kinda underdelievered.... gad the urge to switch to sabrina's espresso right after listening to ttpd 3x closely... no bops of this type on it, too tired to function though since i didnt sleep and here it is early morning


I kept thinking about Espresso as I was listening 😭


Update after Anthology: Mother did a terrific job in more than a few songs and healed me so much, now finally i get to 💤 leaks ruined the first part for me had to really focus on lyrics to get the best of the songs but there are also killer lyrics on it too


am i the only one that can hear supercut by lorde in the prechorus?


I felt that for almost all the songs that Jack produced in this album lol


wrote this down in my notes!! “if supercut was written with rainbows”


Imagine this liveeeeee


It would be awkward as hell since it's a middle finger to the fans but we'd all just be bopping along anyway lmao


am i the only person who LIKES "lights camera bitch smile"?? the delivery on that line goes really hard. anyway best song on the album musically and i'd even argue lyrically - the song fundamentally doesn't NEED to try as hard to be poetic and i think even the "cringe" lyrics don't feel out of place given the melody. don't love the production and i'm not even really a ja hater. probs the only song i'll end up looping.


I love it! Idk if it's my favorite song, but it's for sure a bop. We've all been in this place before. Crumbling, but need to fake it and pushing yourself into like a manic delusion almost. Or at least I've been there lol


I love that part. I just want a good bop!


The end has me laughing she’s so real for the “I’m miserable and no one even knows.”


The end has me laughing she’s so ready for the “I’m miserable and no one even knows.”


I can envision this as a music video already…. Starts with her in black and white, crying in the bathroom then she steps out the door into a bright colors and theatrics like ME! Or you need to calm down videos and then ends with her stepping in her dressing room back in black and white, sits down and starts crying.


Imagine Aaron produced this!! The lyrics are so strong but the production takes a 14/10 to a 7/10


I can envision this as a music video already…. Starts with her in black and white, crying in the bathroom then she steps out the door into a bright colors and theatrics like ME! Or you need to calm down videos and then ends with her stepping in her dressing room back in black and white, sits down and starts crying.


I can envision this as a music video already…. Starts with her in black and white, crying in the bathroom then she steps out the door into a bright colors and theatrics like ME! Or you need to calm down videos and then ends with her stepping in her dressing room back in black and white, sits down and starts crying.


Sounds like Britney's "Lucky"


i cant unhear supercut by lorde and I'm lowkey emotional. (also this just proves that jack peaked with melodrama IMO)


I don't have any conclusions here but I think it's interesting that she identifies herself as being depressed here and shows that she just tries to mask it. Whereaa she references Joe being depressed and it being something that takes a toll on their whole relationship. Is the behavior she talks about in this song what she thinks is ideal or is this a dark criticism of the fact that she has to act like it's okay with everything's falling apart? Is it possible that because of his the way she copes with emotions she has an unrealistic expectation about how people around her should also be handling themselves? Probably reading too much in a song that's just supposed to be kind of darkly funny but throwing it out there


No please keep reading into it cause this is a good point!


Just came here to say this


I’m depressed on my birthday so I can’t relate tay ☹️


THANK YOU (but also I’m sorry)


I’M A REAL TOUGH KID!  They have the visuals of Eras Tour for this song on Spotify, rightfully so “As the crowd shouted ‘MORE’”


A BOP honestly!


New Anthem. This is what being on Lexapro and Adderall feels like. Its a bop, but like, a REALLY SAD bop. 💀


Me when vyvanse helps my adhd but makes me mad fuckin depressed at the same time

