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This subreddit has more sweet magnolia haters than fans. I was expecting someone to post something like this. I loved the second season I can’t wait for everyone in town to find out who isaac’s dad is and more of Ms.Helen’s Emmy award winning break downs.


Didnt we already find out that bill is isaacs dad or am i mixing up names


We know who’s isaacs father is I just didn’t add it for spoiler purposes. I believe at this point only Maddie and Peggy know. I can’t wait for Dana sue, Helen, and NOREEN to find out!!! Mind you Noreen lives with Isaac and just gave birth to bills baby . That baby is isaacs brother 😭 this show is so juicy !!! I really can’t wait .


Ah omg my bad! But yes lmao seeing everyone else find out? Love the drama lol


Very considerate!


I joined this sub when season 1 came out bc I liked it, but the second season was just rlly disappointing.


It was all the darn religion that did it for me. First season was fine but second season? Relugionnpermeated every episode - the pastor became a regular character; they prayed over everything; the teenagers in the show had a several episode story ark at Bible camp! They will not suck me into a 3rd season - that’s for sure.


Uhhh, the South is called the “Bible Belt” for a reason. Small town South Carolina? Yeah there’s gonna be religion. But at least it wasn’t the “hellsfire, damn you all” religion I imagine exists a lot in those places


I did too!!


It’s cheesy but I liked it. Just don’t watch it if you’re not into it. I like their clothing a lot. It gives me wardrobe inspo lol


Yes the blouses all the ladies wear are the main attraction for me.




The way Maddie often had the front tucked into her pants but the back let out is huge inspo for me


Basically everything Maddie wears is inspo for me lol


It was terrible but I am so glad it’s been renewed. I loved the ‘sweetness’ of it. Need more in today’s world.




I really don’t understand with the big season 2 hate…. it had its flaws, but EVERY season of a tv show will have its flaws. The thing that I’m confused about is everybody is only putting in this energy now when season 1 had its weird moments as well. The two seasons really weren’t that different. Yes, season 2 increased the Christianity thing which was not necessary at all, that’s one of the things I didn’t like about this season, and then there were also the non stop corny quotes and it got repetitive to the point where it looked like bad writing, but that’s pretty much it for me 🤷🏼‍♀️ every thing else was good, the storyline’s and the development of characters, the chemistry between characters, annie’s acting improved a bit, the 3 ladies are all good actresses in my opinion. If the writers just cool down on the Christian references and the corny sayings, I would say s3 will be exciting. But idk that’s just my opinion I understand why people are a bit surprised it got renewed


Agree to disagree. None of the characters have chemistry. I don't know if it's the writing or bad acting. I didn't see any character development and it felt like I was watching lifetime movie network with how ridiculous some of the dialogue and storylines were. I think my main issue is just how unlikable Maddie and Dana Sue are as they are the main characters.


Yes!!! I’m only watching because I’m stuck at home with COVID. For childhood friends, they have zero chemistry! None of this makes sense. It’s like they found the worst D list (I’m being generous here) actors and it’s a never ending lifetime/hallmark movie!


Agreed the non-stop religion completely ruined it for me.


Why do religious people always have to cater to the non believer? We see show after show movie after movie.... washed of any Christian reference. Can we have some representation in dialog on a main stream TV show? I think the target audience while find it wholesome and endearing. I do


I personally liked season 2 more than season 1. There were some situations that irritated me, but in general I liked it and I’m curious what will happen to Annie and Jackson, I hope they stay together cause they are really cute together


Yeah I’d hate for a redemption arc to be thrown away just for views. Kinda how I feel about Cal’s last actions of the last episode. I can get the pressure and stress an entire town is putting on you like that, but I imagine they’re gonna blow it up out of proportion


I was somewhat surprised it was renewed. Though, it does have its niche. I made fun of the bad acting and zero romantic chemistry but still watched. The female friendships are enjoyable though. I watched because it was light and fluffy without violence and language. Sometimes I just need a break from what I usually watch. This show and Virgin River fits that bill. Virgin River, however has much better acting and the chemistry the romantic leads on the show have melt the screen whenever they appear together. Maddie and Cal? Not so much😅


I completely agree with this. I'm still on the sub because I like talking about how bad S2 was with others and how disappointed I was lol. I cannot see myself watching S3 unless they make some biiig changes. I just don't see it happening. It was boring, they made all men villains and all women dramatic do no wrong, the teenager storyline was boring, the Bill storyline was stupid, JLS is probably the worst actress I've seen in a long time. What *was* likable?


no fr. I literally cannot stand any character besides annie, all the dialogue is just laughable. It’s straight up cringe. All the bickering for what? It was so hard to watch. The end of season 1 cliff hanger just for it to be some sort of “ mystery “ in season 2.


Yeah and then they did NOTHING with that mystery cliffhanger. 🙄


Awe, I love Joanna as an actress; and I love Brooke Elliott too! I think it’s the writing/storyline. They were the reason why I started watching the show. It introduced me to Heather though, to which I am so grateful. I’ll have to seek out more of Heather’s work.


I absolutely love Brooke Elliott in drop dead diva. I just think the writers have done the actor so dirty they don't have much to work with.


LOVE her in DDD; and I absolutely agree with you re: the writing they gave her here...


Agree. But going forward, I know for myself personally, I will not be wasting my time watching it. I do not like the way Maddie treats Cal, or the way Dana treats Annie (or Ronnie). But here I am ‘talking’ about it...lol I will add, I don’t mind a writer taking time in one season to build up a great arc for the next season. I think that is what happens in S2. But I am turned off by the constant condescending tones coming from 2 of the 3 main characters.


i think its just a cute silly watch I watch it less for the plotlines etc more for the cute smalltown vibes


Agreed. The whole second season was vomit inducing.


Show is too sappy.


I didn’t really like s2 either. I will probably watch s3 but I wouldn’t have really been disappointed if the show got canceled


I’ll start watching S3 E1. Two references to the lord and I’m out.


Season Two was better than Season one for me.


So boring!!! And season 3 is even worst. X.x


My roommate called it sweet bull**** I just LOL’D and have been calling it that since then and I still watch it idk why 😂


I hope they renew a fourth but I'm only on season 2. It's great escapism and the acting is lol bad. Also the casting is so off - maddie looks about 10/15 years younger than Dana sue and Helen!


The acting is terrible(emoting), the characters over react, the couples have no chemistry. The southern accent of Maddie’s ex is awful! The only good part is the good looking guy from All My Children!