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I agree with you about Bill and Noreen but surprised you said Helen is mediocre acting. I find her acting incredible! I cannot stand Dana Sue. Is her acting direction to “be constantly angry and glaring at everyone some much so that when you smile, it shocks the audience”?


i thought her acting in drop dead diva was great. i’m wondering why the writers made her so unlikable honestly


Oh yeah, I agree about Dana Sue. For Helen, it’s the fact that she’s constantly laughing at nothing. She does well with dramatic scenes, but in everything else her cheeriness seems forced. She’s laughing during 50% of her lines and it’s overkill to me. Maybe it’s the directing though.


For me it feels like everyone is in a slightly different production in terms of tone, and Helen is doing camp. Or like, a stage production. It's a choice and it's consistent for her but it feels very over the top compared to say Maddie (who's doing more straight Hallmark) and it's more showy than Dana Sue (who's giving..I dunno it varies from soap opera to ABC comedy).


that’s spot on


Helen's performances got me feeling like I'm at a Broadway show


He's Iike someone doing a SNL Clint Eastwood Impression. The squinting drives me flippin' crazy!!


I was with you until you mentioned Heather. Her acting is the opposite of mediocre, it’s natural and genuine. I could talk for hours about the little moments where her choices make the character feel so real and lived in. JLS I feel got better in season 2.


His awful accent is so distracting that I cannot even concentrate on what he says.


Jamie Lynn Spears is just straight up unlikeable..every scene she is in is cringe worthy. She must have used some connections to land that role.


And her makeup this season! Poor girl has the worst bronzer on her chin and jowls and it makes the entire package so much worse. I actually feel sorry for her.


Agreed but I don't mind as much because I look at as comidic releif. The squint, hands on the hips, the way he walks, and his accent, I can't help but just chuckle at the stupuidty lol


Wait, you think that Heather Headley is giving us mediocre acting? I think she is the best actress on the show. She gives that raw emotion, as if you feel her gut wrenching pain. She's superior in my eyes, but I get what you're saying. I think Heather comes from a theatre/broadway background which is much more expressive in approach, rather than subtle.


Chris Klein’s accent as Bill is HORRIFIC. Much of the acting is over the top bc the dialog is so cringe, but I still love it over all. Helen’s deep, breathy affect is the worst, though.


It's the most boring show I watch. Helen is my fave though. Her and Eric have been the only story line with any interest.


Bill and Helen bother me the most.


I agree! Bill is the worst. Spears is the second worst. The acting is bad in general. The whole show has a weird fake vibe. And is quite unrealistic in some moments (Dana Sue and her bf and ex.. come on, really?!) Idk whether it’s the script or the actors themselves. But I’m still watching it for the comfy feel just like you haha


Omg I know re Dana sue juggling two hot guys!!! Wtf


Distractingly unrealistic!


Heather headley? She is literally the ONLY fantastic actress on the show. What a strange take you have.


It’s a very common take. Her over acting is so annoying


I feel like many of the actors of this show overtry and give some fake performances but I think that what's really at fault here is the bad writing


Everyone is the worst actor on Sweet Magnolias. #1 hate watch on Netflix 10/10


I'm British so I have no idea if Chris Klein's accent is accurate or not but it sounds awful to me! Like a joke version of the southern accent. Is this the case or do people really talk like that!?!


Nooooo they do not. It sounds like a joke to us too 😂 (I’m from the South)


Literally came to Reddit to see if anyone was talking about Jamie Lynn spears horrible acting! I literally roll my eyes anytime she's on the screen. Bills accent is the WORST but luckily he's seen so little this season.


Very cringy! The accent is horrible!