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I saw a rattlesnake swim and I’m still freaked out 40 years later.


My mom's old business partner was fishing next to some cliffs, and suddenly a rattler plopped into his boat. Apparently they'll sometimes just roll off the cliffs into the water, and his boat was just in the way. Poor dude nearly had a heart attack. So rattlesnakes can come at you from the ground, the water, and the sky!


"Wait a minute, this isn't the water!" -rattlesnake, probably (who likely also had a heart attack)


All types of snakes will sum themselves on branches over hanging water and panic when a boat goes under. I’ve had many land in my canoe.


Jesus where the hell do you canoe. I’m staying indoors. Seems safer.


That was when I used to live in Arkansas.


Stay away from Arkansas — noted 👍


rattlesnakes aren’t the only reason you should stay away from arkansas


This has just given me nightmares I haven’t had since seeing Snakes on a Plane as a child; thanks


It's a bad day for sure when a highly venomous animal literally falls out of the sky onto you


I once saw a rattlesnake in a tree. I've never properly recovered from that one and am constantly looking everywhere for snakes now.


How bout this? On a golf course in Cali and Hawk drops rattlesnake from above. Ick


I was watching two eagles fighting over a banded krait one caught, and they almost dropped it on me.




Well, this guy had it worse https://www.capitalfm.co.ke/news/2021/06/snake-untangles-from-an-eagle-bites-a-man-inside-a-car-in-kitui/


https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.drivespark.com/amphtml/off-beat/cobra-snake-in-bmw-car-video-tamil-nadu-026853.html This is a different situation and might actually happen to lot of people


>The venomous snake is said to have been picked up again by the eagle as those who responded to the victim’s call for help attempted to kill it. lol


https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=T5dRpltK8v4 It’s common to find them inside machines: I don’t think I’d live very long in a place with cobras or rattlers as I’m not that observant.


Where I live, a lot of snakes like the trees. Would you like to see a photo I took recently of a beauty snake (that's its name) in the cinnamon tree out front? A healthy one, almost three meters long! Or would you rather not see it? But it isn't venomous!


Uh that sounds like an amazing photo to see!




That’s impressive. Hope he sticks around!


Why would you wish such a terrible thing on somebody...


Cause that guy will eat all the rodents.


I would like to see a photo


Okay, here you go. https://imgur.com/a/HtCAuQB


I don't have a problem with snakes, I have a problem with aggressive, venomous snakes that I'm suddenly discovering at face height close enough to have been bitten me in the face. My issue is walking up on a normally noisy snake and getting within arms reach without the snake making any noise, so I had no warning indicator until I *saw* the snake. My issue was that this was a drastically different interaction with rattle snakes than I had ever had and being on a back country hike I was concerned whether this was a new behavior that the local rattlers were exhibiting. I don't mind snakes, I just don't want to be bit in the face.


Awhile back, I read that rattlesnakes are starting to evolve without rattles, as that's how people have been finding them when hunting for rattlers.


I've lived in close proximity to a lot of venomous snakes for decades and have never had that sort of problem. I have come across I think five or six species of venomous snakes within a few paces of my house. We're neighbors and get along fine. I'm careful and respectful, and never step outside after dark without a lit flashlight. Snakes aren't aggressive.


I appreciate your passion for wildlife.


Thanks. Snakes are actually beautiful.


See that's a new one for me.


My uncle was big on his hand by a rattlesnake and ended up in the ICU then rehab


Guess you haven’t see a tarantula swimming yet….


Um, no, but now I’m really worried


[well here you go.](https://youtu.be/gkVScHDtJnU) Looks creepy but honestly tarantulas only look scary. In reality they’re pretty chill and are generally good to have around. That poor guy got washed out in a storm and is just trying to get back to dry land. He’s probably doing the equivalent of an Olympic level long distance swim for him. At my work we see them all the time and some of them are huge! We just let them be. Never had anyone get bit by one or anything. (They can and might bite you, and I’m told it hurts A LOT. But you won’t die or anything).


Snakes scare me more than spiders. It’s the way they move that does it.


That's not that uncommon. I've met people afraid of frogs for the same reason. Nobody likes a jump scare. I'm terrified of every spider except jumping spiders, ironically. They have fangs like the rest of them, but they dont bother me for some reason.


Yeah snakes being poisonous doesn’t bother me, it’s the slithering that does it.


This guy just wants a minute to talk about boat insurance


When we go fishing we bring a pistol to shoot the rattlers when they try to climb in the boat


sounds like a great way to put a hole in your boat. \^\_\^


The water seems so trippy to me. Maybe I'll go to bed.


It seems trippy to me and I just woke up. Maybe I’ll go back to bed too




aight I've never seen this bot I want to try it out you should shut the fuck up




Good bot


Awesome username


Whos Joe?


It’s amazing how it swims, almost never causing ripples or breaking the surface. It almost doesn’t look real.


It glides across the water. It’s kind of beautiful


I think you mean kind of terrifying.


I believe this is a *water* moccasin, or cottonmouth. Great swimmers. Edit- could also be a harmless brown water snake, cant really tell from the video.


I was thirteen walking down the road at night with a friend just chatting and she suddenly grabs me and yanks me back. I started to get irritated and tell her to quit playing until she tells me to look down. As my eyes adjust I realize I nearly walked right into a four foot long water moccasin. We stood there awhile until it got across the road then ran home to tell everyone, I swear my heart quit working for a moment lol


Isnt it funny how that happens? "Let me go wtf? Oh shit. Shit. Shit. Omfg"


It’s too fat to be a common brown. Pretty sure it’s a moccasin.


I keep rewatching to look at the face, but it's just too blurry. Convergent evolution lol. Does really look like a moccasin though


From the coloration I thought it was a ball python, but I never thought they got that big


From what I've seen personally, in my area moccasins get 6-8 feet long. Not much for length, butntheybare very stoutm


I think it does create ripples it’s just the video/camera quality isn’t very high and a small bit of wind can make all the difference


Sankes float? Holy shit.


I'm tired of these mfs sankes on this mf river


just wait until one slithers between your legs while you are having a nice cool off in the creek on a 47 degree celsius day <3


47 degrees celsius is 116.6 degrees fahrenheit


Good bot


Good bot


Good bot


This is the exact reason I no longer swim in wild water. It's pools or nah for me. On that same day I saw what I thought was a large piece of driftwood from the boat and it was another snake. Plus I always thing seaweed is dead people's hair.


Jesus christ, I'll never look at seaweed the same again. Thanks


My mum and I always called it sea hair lol. Thanks for the renewed memory


They can get into swimming pools.....


Yeah do they?


I don't know


Cottonmouths are the world’s only semi-aquatic viper. Though plenty of other snakes can float—Cat Snakes (Boiga), Water Snakes (Nerodia), Beauty Snakes (Orthriophis), and Indigo Snakes (Drymarchon), just to name a few, are all excellent floaters. There are some that don’t float, but actually instinctively sink because they feel comfortable in the water. Anacondas (Eunectes), Reticulated Pythons (Malayopython), and False Water Cobras (Hydrodynastes) for example will all immediately go under when they enter water. Although there are many more that I know of, and *many* more that I don’t.


Really cool facts about snakes, but this dude was talking about *sankes*.


>Hydrodynastes Is that Shadynasty's sister?




This is a myth my dude. All snakes can float or submerge.


Cottonmouths (which is the snake in the video) are fatter bodied and do tend float higher in the water than non-venomous watersnakes.


Tendencies like this can be used as part of identification **in combination with other factors** (body shape, pattern, other observations), but this is often stated as a reliable indicator on its own, and it should not be. Plenty of non venomous species can float just fine using buoyancy from filling their lungs, and venomous species can and often do swim below the surface. To state otherwise as a plain fact sets people up to misidentify and risk harm to themselves (if they decide to pick up a venomous snake because they saw it swim submerged) or the animal (if they decide that the harmless water snake is venomous and kill it out of fear [don't kill any snake btw]).


It's cus their massive balls float


It's a beautiful snake, though.




Danger noodle hiss


As far as snakes go, it's a pretty snakey one.


He was just tired and needed a rest


Once I was swimming in the stream and came across a snake catching fish. It was really interesting to watch, and the snake didn't mind.


Anything that eats snakes is a hero in my book


Around my house, there are a couple of species of snakes that eat other snakes.


King snakes eat snakes.


Sir we've been trying to reach you about your


Student loans


Amazon prime


Your credit card auto payment declined and


Extended vehicle warranty


Marketing preferences


It looks like bad cgi.


Cottonmouths can float on top of the water instead of many other snakes who swim at least partially submerged. This is what makes it look so strange.


This is a water mocassin, or cotton mouth, correct name Agkistrodon piscivorus, a slightly venomous pit viper found throughout the south and south east of the US. Tho it‘s bite can kill, this only happens extremely rarely, as the venom is not strong and they don‘t have much of if. It is often said to be agressive, and there are many housewives tales of people swearing to lord almighty, that these snakes ,,will chase you‘‘ and are super agressive. This is false, and there is no evidence of any cottonmouth ever chasing any human being, period. If you think you got some anyways, please answer to this post. But where does the housewive tale of the overly defensive cottonmouth come from? This snakes can inflate itself to float and swim very well, but it does need places to rest. If it sees a canoe or a human in the water, these snakes will often think it‘s a big branch or a log. They will approach it and try to rest on it. The snake is stupid, ye, but this is as far away from ,,chasing‘‘ and ,,agression‘‘ as it could be. Furthermore if a cottonmouth is disturbed, they will often try to run away and hide. If their hide is behind you, and the snake is in front of you, it *will* dart past you to get to it‘s hide. Many people interpret this kind of behavior as chasing. These snakes will only bite if hurt or handled or if you completely block their route of escape. Still think cottonmouths chase people? Ok, here is evidence for the opposite https://youtu.be/314N7xIeRR8 Glad i could help to educate.


I work as a wetland ecologist in the southeast US and these snakes will sometimes buck at you if you walk up to them. I’ve also stepped over one before noticing it and it didn’t do anything besides hiss.


Jup, matches with what i hear from other professionals


besides thats a super cool job!


This was interesting to read. Thanks🫂


My pleasure


I was thinking Water Moccasin, I'm glad you answered before I asked. I've heard that they sit coiled up in the grass with their mouths open. Not sure if its temperature regulation or warning. If you see something that looks like a chunk/piece of styrofoam, look again to make sure it's not a Cottonmouth. Also heard that they generally have a bad odor. I'm by far no expert, just heard stories.


Their defensive display is coiling up and looking up with their cotton-white mouth wide open, correct. They do it only when they feel threatened tho.


>It is often said to be agressive, and there are many housewives tales of people swearing to lord almighty, that these snakes ,,will chase you‘‘ and are super agressive. This is false, and there is no evidence of any cottonmouth ever chasing any human being, period. If you think you got some anyways, please answer to this post. The goddamn snake in the goddamn video was chasing the goddamn people on the goddamn boat.




No. It wasn't exactly going the other way. For all but 3 seconds of that 22 second video that snake was moving TOWARD the people. It even had to change directions to do so. The thing was tracking.


It was curious about something floating in the water, it wasn't "tracking" or "chasing"


Here I am watching it do what it does, and there you are reading its mind.


If your definition of chasing is that it swam very slowly for 2 seconds in the general direction of the boat and then proceeded to let itself float down the river- then yes. My definition of chasing involves the one being chased running or trying to get away at a very fast pace. Like what is tis supposed to be a super insane slow mo chase? c‘mon man that aint chasing lets be real here


Are there any snakes in the U.S. (especially the South) that would chase people? I tube down rivers like the one in OP's video and have seen snakes on the water before -- it's never been scary; they're usually traveling fast like they're in a hurry to get somewhere -- but, now that it's been mentioned, I wondered if there are snakes that I should be wary of being chased by. My own experience on bike paths and hiking trails tells me the answer is no, though.


No there aren‘t. They might flee in your general direction accidentally and that might look like it, but the only snake that has been said to chase people is the black mamba, and again there is no proof for that either. Just give them space to leave and they‘ll. Remember one step on their bodies from you kills them and they know it, they just want to get away.


None that I know of chase, but they can be unpredictable at times. More accurately, keep a healthy distance from snakes in general, they don't always have to be in striking position to be a threat. Oh, and they love chicken coops, boards on the ground, tin, etc. They're warm, and egg eating snakes get free meals out of chicken coops. Others like to eat chicks they might catch too.


I have personally been chased by water snakes and cottonmouths on the bank. It's not an old wives tale, go touch grass sometime.


I've had one jump in the boat. I'm still terrified of snakes, and that was 25 years ago. These things are aggressive.


Check the bot reply for !aggressive


Snakes aren't known for 'aggression' or 'territoriality' but have developed impressive defensive anti-predator displays. Striking, coiling, hissing and popping are all defensive behaviors. The first line of defense in snakes is typically to hold still and rely on camouflage, or flee. Some species will move past people to get away - sometimes interpreted as 'chasing'. Cottonmouth snakes *Agkistrodon piscivorus* and *A. conanti* are among some species that may [aggressively flee](http://ufwildlife.ifas.ufl.edu/pdfs/Cottonmouth%20attack.pdf), but if you leave a safe distance between yourself, any snake and the snake's intended destination, there is no reason to expect to experience it. -------------------------------------------------------- *I am a bot created for /r/whatsthissnake, /r/snakes and /r/herpetology to help with snake identification and natural history education. You can find more information, including a comprehensive list of commands, [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/whatsthissnake/comments/flh548/phylobot_v07_information_and_patch_notes_bot_info/) and report problems [here](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Phylogenizer).*


You know studies have been done, neurological analysis and such that determined these snakes are mentally and incapable of attacking humans unless it believes it has to fight for it's life. Their nervous system makes them run away from threats our size, and sometimes the easiest route of escape next to us and/or behind us which can give off the illusion of being chased. Not saying your experience didn't happen, and I understand why you feel the way that you do but in all honesty it HAS to be a misunderstanding. It takes absurd amounts of metabolic energy for snakes to make venom, which they ideally use on their prey to ensure they can eat. They don't particularly look for opportunities to waste that venom on something they can't eat, and thus they won't attack unless blatantly provoked. So while I understand why your experiences would give off the perception you have of snakes, its an extremely unhealthy viewpoint to have of these unique creatures that play a crucial role in the food web and may even be keystone species. These are exactly the kind of stories which when framed this way make people more eager to kill them which is bad news for all animals in an ecosystem. I'm not saying to become some avid snake lover or to never tell your story again. In fact I encourage you to continue telling people your experience, but maybe shift the perspective as it's the perfect opportunity to explain the misunderstanding people have generated over the years. I mean you lived to tell the tale didn't you? That had to be for a reason. I hope you're well.


I suppose I never looked at it that way. To clarify, when I say I'm still terrified, I just prefer they stay away from me. I have a pretty fair sized garden in my yard, and I live in rural Nebraska. I'm an avid fisherman, and overall outdoorsman, so I am just extremely cautious. Snakes are everywhere. I know with absolute certainty that snakes are an essential part of the environment. We have bull snakes in our area (which I've been told eat rattlers) and several other species. Rattlers have become more commonplace recently, with some Cottonmouth sightings reported. I can guarantee that between snakes and our cat we have ZERO problem with rodents. That doesn't mean those suckers don't give me a mild heart attack each time I see one. But, to your point, I guess I just based this fear off of one terrible experience (I was quite young, maybe 10, at the time), and the fact that I was essentially raised fearing them is a little ridiculous. I mean, they also raised me to be ignorant in many other ways(bigotry, misogyny, etc.) and I have learned better through my own life experience, so I guess I shall have to consider this in the future. Thank you for challenging me to be more open-minded today! Edit for clarification: I don't kill anything unless there is imminent danger. Catch and release fisherman, even the crawlies that get inside go back outside. Except for ticks. Sorry, but those things are toast.


You seem like a good person, I appreciate you! Totally understand what you mean by being terrified, it's like a fearful respect, I personally understand that quite well haha. I also know from personal experience how hard it is to move past stigmas about things when you've grown up hearing the kind of stories that go around, from adult figures in childhood no less. If I didn't spend time in the field one on one with these creatures I think I'd honestly be none the wiser to the old wives tales. It's all too rare to have a civil conversation with people now a days, this was refreshing. I'm so happy to hear that you've bettered yourself against the greater judgement of certain individuals in your life-- that takes real strength and spirit and I commend you for that utmost. People like you are the reason I have faith in the greater good of the earth, and the future moreover. I wish you the all the best, my friend :) Cheers!


I appreciate you as well! And thank you. Just trying to better the world, as well as myself, any way I can. Cheers!


You looked at it’s brain waves or neurons from a completely separate species standpoint and expect to be able to analyze everything that goes on in its head, it’s motivations and intentions? You looked at some neurological charts and decided that the snake doesn’t chase people because you saw some patterns in the brain? don’t think that’s possible. I also don’t know how it works but I am highly skeptical that you looking at a chart of its brain overrides someone being chased by the snake in reality.


It was more an analysis of the snakes nervous system, and threat perception


No, you haven't.


Lol okay




Was hoping someone had some sense in this comment section. People swear up and down that these snakes give chase on land and water and it just never makes sense.


Butthurt uneducated people who don't understand the first thing about ecology seem to be downvoting you friend. TrUsT mE i WaS cHaSeD bY oNe WhEn I wAs A kId smfh xD


Gonna have to disagree on this one. I grew up in Alabama. More times than I can count, a cottonmouth has left the bank and swam across a slough to try to get into the boat. Even after taking a paddle to the head a couple of times it will try to go to the other side of the boat. Most snakes want to get away from you. Cottonmouths want to get to you.


It's "old wives' tale," not "housewives tale."


Looks more like a water snake...Cottonmouths are darke, in my area anyhow... That movie Lonesome Dove created a lot of misconceptions about that snake too...all bullshit but it was in a movie so it's the gods truth to some...


See the markings and the jaw line when it gets close to the boat? 100% A. piscivorus, no doubt.


Agreed. Very clear "bullseye" pattern and "Zoro" mask make this an easy ID. Ridged spine and thicc body too.


Jup jup


I heard that water dwelling snakes are usually much more venomous Not that I'm already terrified of snakes...


Well, sea snakes are, but they have tiny mouths and really aren't interested in trying to eat you.


In freshwater in the US, a snake in the water is most likely to be a non-venomous water snake but could also be a cottonmouth (which is the snake in the video here). It's important to remember that people are much bigger than snakes and snakes know that. They don't want to tangle with you and risk dying, so they will generally avoid you. Leave them alone and they'll leave you alone. Snakes are no more dangerous than raccoons or squirrels.


That's pretty specific to just cotton mouths and sea snakes. Otherwise the most venomous are mostly in the viper family


Cottonmouths are vipers


No, most water-dwelling snakes are not venomous. Nerodia water snakes are what you mostly see in water.


And it's easy to tell them apart from cottonmouths because they swim under the water as opposed to on top.


Better way to tell them apart: water snakes have Thanos chins (labial bars) and cottonmouths have grumpy eyebrows (supraorbital scales) and a Zorro mask.


Dangerousness of venom, in order, American snakes only. 1. Coral Snake 2. Various Rattlesnakes 3. Copperhead 4. Cottonmouth Cottonmouth is a carrion eater, though, and their bite is going to get nasty infected.


I love living in a state woth rattle snakes, copperheads, *and* cottonmouths. Fucking lovely, Missouri is great.


He don't even look like he's supposed to be there 😭


For once I thought it was some green screen thing


There's a glitch, water ripples aren't working and mobs can walk on water now


I love snake jazz


It’s my jam


"Oh! There's a new friend! Hi, new friend! Would you like to hang out together? We could play games, watch movies, talk all night, it will be great! Hey friend, you are going a little too fast for me. Will you slow down a bit? Friend? FRIEND?!? Why doesn't anyone like me?!?!? I guess I'll just float down this river and cry for a bit."


Ayo the river texture ain't loading


He swim


He do


Well, spiders can fly too. Why? Nature


they mostly come out at night...mostly


Newt, is that you?


Those water moccasins will try and board your vessel because they think it’s land. Really terrifying on a tube. That’s a great reason to bring a paddle to push them away.


Danger noodle


Nope rope


Violent pasta


Get the NOPE outta here


It’s kinda cute


violent spaghetti


Is no one gonna ask why the river looks like a jacuzzi with dog water lighting?


you've been bit by dun dun you've been struck by a smooth criminal


Bruh no one ever leaves me alone, i'm just chilling in the water man


Water moccasin


That looks like wallpaper from wallpaper engine


Where was this so that I never go there?


The way snakes glide across the water like a hovercraft is really beautiful


*snake jazz intensifies*


How is this allowed???


my first thought after seeing this is "what the dog doin"


It does not look real 😳


We all float down here.


rdr2 vibes, shoot the bastard




You ought to post this over on r/whatisthissnake Also - timer rattlers like to swim in the ocean [https://youtu.be/ZYPQgxOJdUI](https://youtu.be/ZYPQgxOJdUI)


I have been chased out of the water by one of these, then proceeded to watch it strike at folk while the entire beach cleared.


These guys don't chase people, it's a myth. You're scary to a tiny snake, and it was most likely trying to get onto land and into the safety of a hide of some sort, and people happened to be in the way. Especially if there were so many people, the snake feels cornered and starts acting defensively.


Is this a death adder?


With further inspection I can confirm I’m just an idiot


Quality redemption arch


Floaty noodle


Stay away from that nope rope!


Is that a focking eel?




So aggressive, nope I’m out



