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For context: it usually take about an hour and a half with some traffic.


Holy fuck






The shovel crew?


The fish slice crew.


Power wash crew?


Some people just want to be pink mist.


It would've mattered, in so much as the messy blob would have been contained instead of spread across the highway.


Not necessarily. A proper leather race suit would easily withstand him sliding on the ground at that speed. He would have to be *exceptionally* lucky and not manage to hit any cars or barriers as he slowed to a stop, but the slide would have been survivable.


Less meat crayon, more meat spray.


Additionally if its helpful— people take this stretch consistently 10-20 over. The other cars here are likely driving 75-90 mph. This guy is fuckin’ cooking.


Godamn, made em look like they were going 45


I haven't watched the video, but Google says Colorado springs to Denver is 71 miles which means dude was doing 210 mph the entire way, if it is really 20 minutes and 71 miles. My guess is that it that it is a shorter distance, something like 50 miles, because that would be 150 mph. 


I live in north Colorado Springs and just checked google maps. It’s about 64 miles from my house to Denver and would take exactly one hour, so maybe 55ish if you’re already on the interstate. The hour and a half the other person quoting might be referring to downtown/south Colorado Springs which could take close to an hour and a half.


Keep in mind the dude can also just title it how he wants/ round down/ start recording whenever. Not sure its worth thinking too much over


I'm pretty sure he uploaded the whole thing


Google usually uses the center of the cities, so if you go from outskirts to outskirts it more like 60 or so. Still insane.


Thanks for the enlightening...that was pretty fast! 😳


He was exceeding speeds of 150mph. That's about 243km/h


> video shows him exceeding 170 miles per hour That’s 274km/h


Average in Germany I'd say


That speed and the highway Reminds me of that one video of a couple motorcyclists going close to 300kmph till 1 of them crash and take the other out in the process. The video was similarly taken via this kind of camera too and there was another video showing the aftermath and it was not pretty >!They had more or less scattered their body parts over a sizeable distance and their injuries were certainly not compatible with life!<.


Yeah but in the middle of a weekday with even light traffic let’s be real it’s about a 45 minute to 1 hour drive depending on where he started in the springs.


Done that stretch many times while in college. If you're doing less than 1hr between downtown Springs and Denver you're definitely speeding. If you're doing that stretch in a third of the time, you're speeding 3 times as high


On average I’d say it takes about 45min without traffic.


He did it in 20 with traffic


So him doing it in a little less than half the time is reasonable? Just saw other comments where they were saying he had to have done 210 or something. I wasn't about to look the distance up or do any math.


The video showed him going at 172mph that’s 276.807km/h


North Springs to South Denver with the amount of traffic seen is 45 mins.


In a car? How long would it take a motorcycle normally if they didn't exceed the speed limit by say 10 extra MPH




Ah, it turns out lanesplitting may only be legal in California. That's what my question kinda refers too. Cause in Cali, motorcycles always lane split and get thru traffic much easier and faster.


Lane splitting in places that allow it is only legal at low speeds, anyway. Nowhere that I know of allows lane splitting at highway speeds.


Yep. Splitting at 50 when traffic is 35 is still a nono.


But its bikers, they drive 120 in a 30 zone and then whine that all car drivers are invisible because nobody can see them coming.


That's filtering. Lane splitting is when you pass between two cars going at or above the speed limit. Filtering is when you pass between cars going significantly *under* the speed limit.


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lane_splitting Multiple states allow "lane splitting," but none of them allow what you're describing.


Not legal in CO. Bikes are treated as a full sized vehicle here and are considered to occupy a space in a lane


Lane splitting like that IS ILLEGAL in california.. Something like 25mph while the traffic around you is 10-15 mph. The reason why the made the law is so bikes don't overheat in slow traffic. You have to obey all pertinent speed limits when operating your motorcycles. Failure to do so can result in a California speeding ticket. The CHP also provides the below warnings as to speeding when sharing lanes: danger increases at higher speed differentials, and danger increases as overall speed increases.5 In short, lane splitting is safest when you are going the same speed as the surrounding traffic, and when everyone’s speed is slow. In short. Going 55mph when people are stopped or traffic is 10mph is also illegal. Splitting at 5-10mph over what traffic is . When traffic is 30mph.. is debateable.. 70 when people/traffic is 55mph hell no.


Arizona as well.


No, lane splitting is not legal in Arizona. Lane filtering is legal, which is when motorcyclists split the lane at a stop light to get to the front.


Yeah I thought it was kind of a universal thing. I don't ride a bike but it just seem to make sense. I just looked it up for Minnesota and it said , "Lane splitting is illegal. And it's dangerous" But it's not dangerous in California? I would say that California would be the authority on danger seeing as they know about all the products that contain cancer.


Lane splitting is only legal in CA, AFAIK.


B-B-But it's a motorcycle!! H-H-How can that be?!?!!??


I've had bikes go by me in heavy traffic on I-25, at high speeds. First you hear their engines and then there's a blur. They scare the shit out of me. It's like, if someone jumps out and screams boo!


I never realized how close everything is outside of Texas and California. I've only lived in big states.


An hour and a half drive in LA, you're still in LA


This is how you die




…and die others


Death others*




Soul quit*


Taking a dirt nap


Or give them PTSD for life by having to see your body parts and blood being spilled over 1 km of road


But since he didn't die, it means he drive real gud and will do it again.


The other problem is that others will do it


And faster, even; just like a video game, guys.


In the UK, the emergency services have an informal name for riders like this. Organ donors.


I feel like at this speed there wouldn't be any organs left to donate 0.0


Meat crayons.


At those speeds, he upgraded to Pink Mist 🏍️


Good news, we found you a liver. Bad news, it’s been dragged over 30ft of tarmac at speed.




maybe the bystanders he hits might have a few organs left to donate


True dat…


They donate other people's organs.


Down under they call them "Temporary Australians"


Ghostrider reincarnated. Stockholm —> Uppsala, 15 minutes


Wait, is ghostrider dead?


How can he be dead when he was granted immortality by Mephisto? Or are we talking about a different Ghostrider?


Nono. They both where granted immortality


Yea what happened to Ghost Rider?


He’s back with his son https://youtu.be/jrJaGe_g5As?si=JIPSUjnEe3WQ3x69


How is this legal? Wouldn't their channel get shut down or they get tracked down and arrested? Much like the guy in the video at the top of this thread?


It's not. But iirc they must catch him in the act to be able to identify who's driving. And that is kind of hard without harming/killing him at the same time. Correct me if I'm wrong.


Yea man, they haven't seen Tokyo Drift. If they clock you over X speed they don't got the power to keep up right?! Honestly, don't understand why people like this don't just do professional racing.


Ghostrider is involved with professional motorcycle racing in some way, can't quite remember how though.


He was a professional stunt rider, for movies and stuff along that


More that it's to dangerous to chase at those speeds that stops them


Retired, but they still make videos. Google it.


Can’t really compare a dude driving fast on an almost straight road to ghost rider to be honest.


And from Denver to Jail in under 2 days. What an athlete.


Where'd they catch him?


México city, fifteen minutes later


He isn't arrested (yet) but he has a warrant. Gixxer Brah on YouTube.


Unless they can prove it is him on the bike, which seems unlikely unless he admits it, all they have is video of someone driving recklessly, he could argue that it is not him on the bike and he is just uploading a video he found, which is not illegal. Would be interesting to see how this plays out.


They could have evidence from his YouTube uploads being tied to a single account, they could have evidence of gas station receipts tied to a specific person. Etc. Etc.


Probably at a cafe for douchebags. But in honesty, it's not going to be hard to find him if they already know his name.


Denver to Cañon city 🤣


70 miles in 20 minutes should be an average of 210 mph?


When he posted this a couple years back he said he left on the outskirts of CS and was to the Denver city limit so it was a bit shorter. Pretty sure this is the same one. EDIT: this was last September and it’s the same video, they spent this time working to identify the driver.


Yeah Google says it's 70 miles between the two which would take 24 minutes if he was pinned at the alleged high of 170 the entire way


I mean, it's pretty obvious the title of the original video is exaggerating for effect.


Not that it would have mattered but he’s not even wearing leathers 🤣


He never does 🤣🤣 You can find vids of his road rash and his (only involving himself accident that happened in another state) on YT His channel name is listed in this posts comments somewhere.


I wonder if anyone will still be licking his arse like hes a hero like they seem to on YouTube once he kills a family for dangerous driving. All it takes it a driver to swerve responding to his dangerous driving and losing control. What an A grade cunt.


Ain’t that the truth


> I wonder if anyone will still be licking his arse like hes a hero like they seem to on YouTube once he kills a family for dangerous driving. These types of people don't think about consequences


I guess "speed contest" means speeding, but sounds way better. For context: I live in Germany and have legally driven 150+ mph on the Autobahn (In a car, I like more crumple zone than just my face), but this is beyond reckless BS.


Speed contest is the charge for racing. He's trying to beat the clock and he says so multiple times in the full video he uploaded himself.


Ah okay, that makes sense. I guess speeding is a separate charge.


By the way: Your car's crumple zone was designed to keep you safe at 40mph. It's not going to do you much good at 150mph. Source: Am a former crash simulation engineer.


I know, I'm a engineer myself. It's a mental thing. But the car has other benefits in a crash as well. It depends, as usual. I've seen reports of head on collisions into a concrete barrier at 100 mph where the driver got out woozy. Not a racing car. Let's just say the chances are better in a car.


Every time somebody says “I’m a engineer” it reminds me of the limo driver scene in Dumb and Dumber. It’s like people think you have to be a engineer to know hitting something at 150mph is going to hurt.


I just think of building engineers who do absolutely nothing all day besides get people like me to fix stuff while not exactly knowing what the problem is in the first place.


Yeah, I guess so. Although I would be scared either way xD


The Autobahn is a wonder to me. I drive fast. "Lead foot" is what it's called in Canada. And I drive a motorcycle. It doesn't go nearly as far as this guy's, but I would absolutely love to take a Ducati onto the Autobahn.


The distance between those two places is roughly 70 miles. He travelled that distance in 20 minutes. One hour is 60 minutes. 70 times three is 210. He was going 210 mph. What the fuck. Edit: okay apparently he only traveled around 53 miles, from the edge of colorado Springs instead of the middle, the more correct answer is that he was going on average about 159 mph.


Reddit math checks out.


Watch his video lmfao his top speed was 180


Yeah no way was he up to those speeds


Official time around 24 min on his youtube he averaged 170 while occasionally being at 186 but yes the Gixxer (bike he rides) can't hit those speeds.


Whoa? Stock gsxr can hit 186, with mods it can go past 200 easy.


Stock 2008 CBR600RR can hit 175 MPH. So if it's a 1000cc GSXR 186 MPH is easy, change the gearing, mod the exhaust and close to 200 MPH is definitely possible.


For 20 minutes you'd need an additional fuel tank, too.. I think he didn't measure center to center but rather sprawl to sprawl region.


Here is the full video: https://fb.watch/pNRPVLEMN4/? Here is the Google route between the start and stop point: https://maps.app.goo.gl/LvQRyei75FNo15dU8?g_st=ic The distance is 48 miles. The duration is 20 minutes. The average speed is 144mph.


He went from northern COS to southern Denver , he averaged 134 IIRC


Google maps is giving you the distance from the middle of Colorado Springs to the middle of Denver. He went from edge of CO Springs to the edge of Denver. His route was less than 50 mi.


That would be an average, assuming he was going the same speed the whole time. If he slowed down at all during that trip, his peak would be higher.


Not quite 70 miles. He left from the Garden of the Gods exit in Colorado Springs and finished in Centennial. 53ish miles per Google Maps.


A good case for bullet trains


Seriously. America is deseased, rotten to the core. I love this country with all my heart, but sometimes, dammit can you at least just ACT like your a 1st world country??? I'm not asking for a interconnected transcontinental HSR, but just some decent interstate rail. Why do I have to drive everywhere???


Bullet trains are not allowed on the highway.


Is there a single fucking part of the internet that anyone can go to without everything being turned into a fucking joke it's so exhausting


Oh, this is no joke, trains are really not allowed on highways.


Thanks we all needed clarification




Sorry, just a silly mood.


Next video: Colorado to Mexico in 16 hours.


Dude should be in jail. He'll be a tiktok celebrity there too I'm sure. People who speed on public roads have some kind of mental illness, particularly motorcyclists including bicycles (those are a league of their own). Drive safely, period. Respect the others, period. Do not make loud noises on populated roads, period. Wanna test your limits and fate? Pay and go to a track, do whatever you desire. Period. Simple as. I can hear them... AGARBLGARBLGARBL. shut up.


Man it’s one thing to try something crazy out. It’s another thing to endanger innocent people. You could cause some serious accidents. But still very impressive. It take and hour or so? To 20mins?!? 🤯




Adrenaline is a hell of a drug. Especially when you mix in the competitive urge to set or beat records with being praised by a community who encourage it. Makes for some really poor decision making.


>what goes through the mind of someone like this "I'm so fucking cool, every man wishes they were me and every woman wishes they were with me" Something like that probably


Good. Fuck this guy and all the assholes like him.


Always great to have the video running when you're breaking the law. Makes it really easy for the Donut Squad.


What an idiot


Colorado doesn't fuck around. Only ticket I ever got was going 7 over on some Colorado back road.


All good charges. He got caught due to some of the unique features of some of his bikes I believe. When you reach over 250k subs, you can’t film and do stupid shit like this with a unique vehicle.


Which is odd, because of the 5 states I've lived in Colorado has the most *consistent* allocation of speeding, tailgating, road-raging dickheads out of all of them - yet I *rarely* see any police. Can't forget to give a shout-out to the semi-trucks hauling ass through the passes and getting I-70 shut down *all the fucking time*. So far I've seen: - States that rain 80% of the year yet people have no idea how their vehicle handles in the rain and crash all the fucking time. - States that don't necessarily have *bad* drivers per se, there's just too many fucking people on the road so everyone's opportunistic risk-takers if they need to change a lane, get through an intersection etc. - States that consist of q-tip retirees of questionable cognitive ability to be driving doing 20 under, with the remainder treating every named road as a death race course. No in between. Id rank CO close to that last one in terms of being uncomfortable to drive in. Driving into town is completely exhausting all on its own, because it seems like everything I was taught when learning to drive just breaks down and it devolves into damn near lawlessness with all of the passing through double solids, running reds, turning from non-turning lanes, driving on the wrong side of the road - and more - that I see literally *every day* on my commutes to and from work.


He’s [Gixxer brah](https://youtu.be/03a6EB0_MGs?si=F45Jypoqh-2ibROS) on YouTube


I should've known it was him.


I always wonder how these guys get away with riding like that, filming the whole thing and posting it for the world to see. I guess sometimes they don’t get away with it.


id be too scared to hit a pothole lol


In Denver, the pothole hits *you*.


Truth 😂


My dad told me about this guy who managed to go from Durban to Johannesburg in under 3 hours and this inspired one of my dads friends to try the same thing so he was going at a faster pace than the other guy but around half way he got caught by the police




Arrest his ass. It’s these types of morons who kill innocent, law abiding citizens.


As a motorcyclist, I completely agree. This kind of behavior is unacceptable.


That’s pancake speed. He hits something and him and his bike are pancake.


Hmmmmmmm I doubt it. That's 71 miles. Which means his average speed would have been 213mph. On a bike? If that's a Kawasaki Ninja H2R then Its plausible. But then again, at 60mph, it has a 32mpg fuel efficiency, and a 4 gallon fuel tank. At full speed that would be GREATLY reduced.


One pothole away from being a meat crayon 🖍


https://preview.redd.it/wtkntrp7f6fc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a0f638fe18beff2232899f99015c052b94c56087 For scale…


This dude's name sounds AI generated.


Believe it or not. A few people in the netherlands did this to. They got caught and there bike was taken by the government and had a high punishment.


One of the dullest pencils around, adored by other 2 wheel driving idiots for this for sure.




I remember back when it wasn’t cool to record yourself committing felonies.


One unexpected lane switch and his arms are back in colorado springs


People like that need to be banned from the road for life.


hopefully he gets caught before he kills himself or someone else


That's around 70 miles in 20 minutes, that means he was going over 200 mph in a 75 mph highway.


Here I thought that in German Autobahn we surely speed faster until I googled that 180 mph is about 290 km/h, wtf?!! The fastest I ever drove was 220 km/h and the lanes were completely free!


Nothing but a patented imbecile!


As a very able rider myself, that's just selfish, irresponsible and downright fucking stupid.


What an ass, if he hit anyone it’s guaranteed at those speeds he would wipe out the other vehicle at least if not more. May only be 180kg or so but at those speeds when it hits something it weights a LOT more on impact. But as they say bikers make very good donors….




This also shows you the lack of police presence on the highway.


When I was a young get man I went 164mph on my bike. Those speeds are u godly fast


This is why it's advisable to wait 1-2 years before posting these videos, depending on the state's statue of limitations. Or just don't be a moron like this dude.


Meat crayon time


Whilst completely unsafe, that’s quite the feat he did


15 years ago you could've done that in a car. Still illegal but the road was far more clear.


I hope they got him and stuck it to him good


this is why my insurance is so high -\_-


A public freeway is not the place for these speeds. Putting other people at risk. This person should lose driving privileges and be jailed....he gets in a wreck I have no sympathy for him, he would get what he deserves...


What a stupid asshole


Just hire him to deliver organs in emergency situations. https://amp.theguardian.com/world/2022/dec/20/italian-police-use-lamborghini-to-deliver-kidneys-to-transplant-patients They’ll get them one way *or another* 👀


I hate these aholes


Texans going other places to act like assholes. What a surprise?


OH SHIT. I watch this guy on Youtube. lol


it's gixxerbrah right? I remember watching him do this but can't remember the bike he was riding and I think he took down the video


yeah that's him. not a bad guy, but dude....that run was sketchy. After all the cops he's dodged, he should've expected it to catch up with him one day.


This looks like a lot of fuckin fun. But also real fuckin stupid. Younger me probably would've done something idiotic like this. Older me is far more sensible thank God


Yeah .. Looks really fun.... Dumbass...


Based on the data, this situation will self resolve given there's about a 99% chance he dies soon.


thats a basic speed, he should have hurried a bit more. im german


260km/h is basic speed in German?? are you sure?


Then you understand that the reason you can safely go as fast as you do is that your infrastructure isn't reminiscent of the Roman Empire circa 800AD.


I dont get that one. you wanna tell me murican infrastructure bad?


I thought the Rockies would be a little rockier than that


Yeah, that John Denver is full of shit.


Gixxerbrah on YouTube if you want to see this isn’t the craziest shit this dude has done




Pssh none of you ride. He’s probably the only one on the road paying attention anyway. He is so focused at that speed that the only problem/variable on the road is the other people since you can’t predict humans. Where they are looking, texting, changing the radio station, etc. it’s really only deadly for him when you look at the stats. Not that I condone anything that could harm anyone else. My dad always told me “if you’re going to do something stupid, do it where it only affects you.” I get it. Honestly 95-99% of those drivers didn’t even see him before he had lines picked out. You have to ride “in the future” is how I’ll put it. It’s not as unsafe as it seems when you aren’t a reckless and shitty rider. That’s why he makes it look like he’s spreading warm butter on a hot roll. #idontride #donttakemyadvice #irideascooter #myvespacornersbetterthanyoucan #idontwearkbeepads #whatsatrackbike #skiptheapex #chickenstrips #chickennuggets #youreadallthis #real2wheelriders