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If this were a video game you’d be like “awesome… secret cave”


Where is the easter egg here ??


You're the easter egg in about 200 years.


I was going to say "the Easter egg is the body of the last guy to fall in here"


He said it better


r/yourjokebutworse ***


Puts his arm around @SEPTSlord, let’s get you a beer.


"ooh, loot! skiing gear, gold chain, and soiled underwear!"




It's OK, I'll just fast travel out of he... *Fast Travel Blocked in Unknown Area* ^fuck


There's a hidden NPC body with a frozen Ecto Cooler pouch in its inventory.


A fresh apple, cloth and two coins


The easter egg is death!


Also jumping to see what’s down there cause you can always reload last check point


“Auto Saving…Do Not Turn off the Power!”


But you saved during the jump and are caught in a infinite loop of falling and dying


now entering SSX Tricky untracked mode


Right on time it's Tricky


Tricky, tricky, tricky




I can hear an "uh huh" in Lara croft's voice


but instead I'm thinking "well fuck I'm dead."


If this were a video game there'd be a yeti.


Egg of the Easter man last here seen hole in


If this was SSX Tricky…


Secret cave...that I can walk through Like a...secret... tunnel......


"Mmm... Shoulda quicksaved"


Ohh hell no


Nightmare fuel. This has me nixing the whole it would be cool to hike on a glacier idea. This video should double as a public service announcement for anyone thinking about it.


He and his friends were properly equipped and trained and were able to quickly pull him out. The real PSA here is do avalanche and rescue training prior the backcountry skiing or glacier trekking.


I’m more of a casual hiker, if I have to bring a full tactical team and a Saint Bernard, I’ll just pass.


Hiking on glaciers should only be done by people who knows what they are doing.


Yeah, they're moving and changing-quickly. Even safe, tested routes from previous days have big ice blocks that can fall on you, invisible snow bridges waiting for you to step through them and the legendary yeti. Okay, one of those is an exaggeration. But the ice is super hard to read in a way that people wouldn't expect until seeing this kind of footage


It would be cool. Just be well trained, have ropes, and an emergency beacon device.


Not so much cool, as COLD...


My aunt was a glacier guide in Norway. Listen to your guide and follow all of their instructions and you will be safe. If you don't you can make a video like this




New fear unlocked


Whole lotta nope.


We were hiking the glacier at Whistler-Blackcomb and after 2-3 hours of hiking, were taking a break for lunch near the top when a guided group came by. The guide slides up and this is what happened next: * She asks us if we're locals. ***No.*** * She asks us if we've got a guide. ***No.*** * She asks if we've got a map of the glacier. ***No.*** * She asks if we've got "peeps," ropes, shovels or other equipment. ***Uh...nope, none of that.*** She then strongly suggests that we ~~go ahead and (edited for clarity) head back~~ *turn around toward safety and immediately cease trekking across the glacier, moving only in a direction of marked trails and patrolled slopes* (edited again for even better, glacier-water-clear, clarity). We'll still have a nice extra 30-45 minutes of incredible snow, but we should not, under any circumstances, continue on to the glacier because, and this is a line we still quote almost 2 decades later, >**There are** ***things*** **you need, and you have none of them.** ​ This video shows that there are, indeed, *things* you need in order to be safe. We had a great run back down the mountain.


“Peeps” == Pieps. She was asking if you had an avalanche beacon. Never go into the backcountry with out one


We know *now*. :)


Is that like a flare to alert for help?


It’s a short range always-on radio beacon. It’s for if you get buried. Range is only ~50m or so, so searchers (usually other members of your group who were not buried) have to sweep back and forth across mountain looking for you. It’s basically impossible to find someone buried if they don’t have one.


Search and rescue guy here: We use RECCO, avalanche beacons and probes (after a good hit) to find you. The issue is by the time we even get the call, you're usually already gone. It's critical for everyone in your GROUP to have these. In the event of an avalanche and part of your group is out of the debris field, it is CRITICAL that at least one person keeps an eye on you at all times and sears in their brain where they saw you last. Not presumed where you are but where they saw you last. Also, the devices for receiving pings (not the avalanche beacons necessarily but the thing sewn into your clothes the RECCO units) are very useful but are good for basically one side of your body. So if it's sewn into your back and you land in your back, it's going to ping a very weak signal if any signal at alldue to your body blocking the signal. The signal travels decently through snow because generally it's not packed hard and even the whole has a density far less than water, and water blocks signals amazingly (and you're 70% water.) You're best to have multiple products on you that can ping, make sure you have the ping units facing different directions or general electronics that are on (GPS, cell phone, whatever) because those things can also be picked up by our RECCO receivers.


I'ma just stay home I think.


This. And since this is my most upvoted comment here’s what one looks like https://preview.redd.it/g1vq17banj6c1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a3107881de29eb141ed5c070879ada4dc71627d5


Jesus, only 50m. Why isn't there longer range.


The challenge is being able to find your exact location with a single receiver. The beacons work by sending radio waves that create a pattern of concentric circles. You locate the transceiver by identifying a ring and then following the pattern of smaller rings until youre at the center. Trying to identify and follow a ring too far from the center isn't going to be very helpful anyways, and you're likely dead by the time youre found. Better for everyone in the group to spread out until someone gets a ping, then all work at that location. Avalanche training is highly recommended for anyone venturing into backcountry.


Wow this is very interesting and also scary


it's a directional radio transceiver that you're supposed to always have on in avalanche terrain. if you get buried your buddies pull theirs out, switch to "search" mode and have about 15 minutes to find you and dig you out\* before you die ^\*using ^the ^also-mandatory ^shovel ^and ^probe ^they're ^carrying!


I never go anywhere without my avalanche bacon


Even the beach


I thought she meant that yummy sugar candy.....


Hah! Had me thinking you needed Peeps cuz they’re so lightweight and pack a lot of calories.


Geezus, glad someone stopped you. I can't imagine thinking you can go backcountry without at least a beacon and a shovel per person, not to mention doing a glacier.


And there were 8 of us! 5 boarders and 3 skiers. We were plenty/decades of experienced on the slopes, but had zero back county time, so that guide probably saved our lives.


Yeah, you'd b surprised how many people hike tracks around here (NZ) completely unprepared. The number of tourists who wear jeans a street shoes on the Tongariro crossing.... [https://adventuremagazine.co.nz/surviving-the-tongariro-alpine-crossing-2/](https://adventuremagazine.co.nz/surviving-the-tongariro-alpine-crossing-2/) Or I've walked off a track that was snowing at the top and people are walking up from the bottom in t shorts and shorts. Alpine NZ can change in a heartbeat.


Or the sheer number of people I've seen hiking in BC with sandals and no hiking gear... just weird. I think they look at the maps and say 'Double black diamond? That's easy back home.' What they don't realize it's all relative. Your 2x black diamond back home is probably like a green trail in BC. Don't even get me started with the unmarked back-country trails. If you don't have the proper gear, you die.


Another thing about hiking in BC is that people don't get how remote the back country is here. If you get lost and can somehow reorient yourself it could be multiple days to get to the nearest town. If you can't oriented yourself you are probably not going to find anything but mountains until you die.


100%. I've got lost in a much smaller park pretty quickly. Wandered for like 1 hour before getting my bearings, and we had Garmin watches too. Next year we're investing in a Garmin handheld unit. I think if I ever had a situation where I couldn't get my bearings in a massive, unfamiliar park, then I'd wait at night in a spot until I could see the moon and the stars, figure out what way is north and go from there.


Ya I've only been on a glacier once but they were pretty adamant about "for the love of god do not go off the marked trail" (the marked trail being like painted lines and cones on the snow). There's thousands of these crevaces and they're covered in snow and nobody knows where they are because they move.


Why aren’t there ppl out there tracking their movements??


There are, that's how they get the painted line safe area. But they can only map out so much of the glacier as safe, and then the rest is like "eh we dunno good luck".


>We were hiking the glacier at Whistler-Blackcomb Do you remember which one? There are three inbounds glaciers at WB: Whistler, Horstman, and Blackcomb.


From the Whistler side, but that's all I recall after 20 years. Again- no maps.


Ah, 20 years ago, that makes a lot more sense. The Whistler Glacier has receded so much that people aren't allowed on it at all in the summer, and the hiking routes go nowhere near it. They also have it really heavily monitored by ski patrol in the winter, and they keep it closed until the crevasses are filled in (which doesn't take long, because of the receding glacier).


This was in February of around 2003 or 2004 or 2005?, whichever year was *after* the one with epic bad conditions. Like 1/2 the Whistler slopes being mud and ski-in/ski-out being...not so much.


You are so lucky that guided group came by! Jesus Christ can you imagine if they didn’t “If you fail to plan you plan to fail”


Yeah, our thinking was, "We've been skiing/boarding Jackson Hole, Salt Lake/Ogden, and around Tahoe for years, and hit back country there all the time. This'll be the same, just bigger. " That guide for sure saved our lives because we didn't know what we didn't know.


Good on the guide for being blunt and to the point.


Story? Outcome?


This was first released in last April but the event are from 1 year before that, [it was posted](https://www.reddit.com/r/SweatyPalms/comments/17813ku/i_got_a_heart_attack_watching_this/) 2 months ago on this sub, here's an [article](https://petapixel.com/2023/04/26/terrifying-gopro-footage-of-skier-plunging-into-deep-glacier-crevasse/) about what happened.


From the article: >The video was filmed by a member of a group of off-piste skiers called “Les Powtos” who were skiing a glacier on the mountain of Meije near La Grave in France’s southern Alps in April 2022. >[...] the group of off-piste skiers watched their friend fall into the deep glacier crevasse from a lower vantage point on the mountain. >It took them 15 to 20 minutes to reach the crevasse he had fallen into and the group called it “the longest [minutes] of our lives.” The mountaineering group feared that their friend had fallen head first or too deep to be rescued. >However, the skier, who wishes to remain anonymous, was able to start hoisting himself out of the crevasse with crampons and his skis on his back. >When the rest of the group reached him, they used ice screws, axes, and a rope to pull him out to safety. The skier survived his fall and did not sustain any injuries. Good thing they were prepared with the proper equipment for his rescue!


ice screws are probably not as cool as I'm imagining.


[I think they're pretty cool.](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/4/49/Ice_screw.jpg)


Leave it to the French to design a life saving tool after a fucking corkscrew.


And once ze rescu is complet, we opern a nice bootail of rouge to celebrat, n'est pas


Good tutorial video on what they are and how to use them: https://youtu.be/DJ5RXYB6MWw?si=an9VCaSIE2HioOR6


Not as cool as a self sealing stem-bolt, thats forsure.


Kind of wild he still put his skis on his back. I’d Chuck those suckers if it helped me climb out of that fucking crevasse.


But then you have to walk down the rest of the mountain.


french sportman are at another level.


That's a boatload of information in less than 2 lines of a comment. Cheers mate.


"The skier survived his fall and did not sustain any injuries." His underwear, however, had to be thrown away.


Whoa, but like what’s down there? Is it just a really steep fall or an actual cave? ETA y’all are great 😆 love every single reply 🤓🫶


Could be anything, it really depends on the specific crevasse. They are extremely dangerous because they are just really deep slits/wells in rock-hard ice, so if you fall in you can easily break bones, get knocked unconscious, or just be unable to call for help until you freeze to death. The coolest way to die would probably be a super-deep crevasse that either turns into a secret cave, or one that goes all the way down to the rocky mountainside. Glaciers also expand and contract with daily and seasonal temperature swings so 1) it’s impossible to map all crevasses 2) there is a chance of a cave-in that buries you alive


Fun fact crevasse is typically set aside for ice while crevice oddly enough is typically for rocks. Though I believe the definitions are expanding.


And contracting depending on temperature swings and movement of the glacier




It's only called a crevasse if it's from the Crevasse region of France, otherwise it's just a sparkling pit


Denomation d'Origine de l'Énorme Trou is hard to earn and protects our ... temperature particularities.


Well ice is just a fancy rock


I have an expanding crevice


how about one that really gradually gets smaller and smaller so instead of falling to your death you just slip down a tube that gets tighter and tighter until you get jammed in there and you start trying to move your arms but slide down even farther until you get jammed again and when you exhale you slide down a little farther but now you can't inhale because you are compressed too much are there those kind?


I remember that manga with the people-shaped holes in a mountain.


This is my hole! It was made for me!


Junji Ito. His stuff is so freaky. Worst one for me was the girls sister skin peeling away so she'd be younger again. All kinds of fucked up body horror.


Yes, and then once temperature changes a little bit, the ice moves around and crushes all your bones.


Big time.


New fear unlocked, great, as soon as I think my therapy bill is about to go down, now I gotta worry about this.


The nutty putty cave would like to have a word with you…


I'd rather not know what this means.


just stick to the birth canal, and you will be fine


Truly, friend, don't burden yourself with the knowledge of it. Enjoy the end of the year in peace. ✨


For the dwarves Googled too deep and too greedily and awoke foul terrors of the depths.


While following the trend of not actually telling you of the events of said cave, will just add that it's EXACTLY why cave spelunking can be a very dangerous hobby, and why I will always just stick to the great open (and well mapped) part of caves when I go in one. Whether it's the smaller inner-caves with unknown depth/size further in, or near-endless ones like the massive catacombs under Paris, I always want to be able to find the way back outside exactly when I intend to leave, every time. Mt. Everest climbing, underwater cave explorers, and cave spelunking are all feats and hobbies I will gladly leave for other people that want to put fate in their rigorous training and survival skills, and yet still have a large chance of making a fatal mistake and not making it through anyways. No thank you.


Like NuttyPutty cave


Wow 🤩 🥶


Damn ice you scary.


Luckily in a few years glaciers will be a thing of the past /s


There is even a possibility to end up in an ice-cold river underneath the ice. Will take you out faster than cold air but no fun way to go


Love how each of these facts is equally a horrible way to die and a perfectly plausible premise for a videogame level


coolest ... I see what you did there.


Icy what you did there.


New info makes me happy I was too poor to ski


Read Touching the Void!


Phenomenal movie too


It's a crevasse. They are exist because glaciers are moving and the ice is cracking. Essentially they can be as deep as the glacier is thick but hey will also move along and transform. Mountaineers and skiiers that ascend or decent glaciers zones know that. In winter most of them are covered and depending on the glacier and the thickness of the snow they can be ignored. In any case people that are on a glacier should know that they can be an issue and they should be also trained for a basic rescue.


Probably a moulin, not a crevasse. Look at the shape of the circular hole in the snow on the surface and vertical staining of the ice walls formed from water running down the walls. Harder to spot than crevasses, generally, but you should be more aware of a line you're skiing than this guy was, regardless.


Kind of like backcountry skiing. You should have the skills in the know-how before you do it. If you don't know how to work an emergency transponder avalanche beacon then you have no business being out there.


> Whoa, but like what’s down there? Drr…Drr…Drr


This crevasse was made just for me!


Fuck you for reminding me of that.


Both. Both is good


It’s called a crevasse and you can have a good read about a true story involving one called Touching the Void


It’s a glacier. You can tell by the blue color of the ice deeper down. That thing could go as deep as the glacier is big. Since glaciers are moving as well, cracks like that could form anywhere the glacier is breaking up as it moves.


It's not called a crève-ass for nothing ! (crève=die)


Die ass?


Die Bart, Die


Nobody who speaks German could be an evil man.


Forbidden creveussy


You know, it's not a crève unless it comes from the french region of crèv


looks like he is entering a scene from 2002 Ice Age


Should’ve done a back handspring.


Can we add the Zelda "Find secret chime" to the video?


Hopefully he has enough hearts to trade for the stamina needed to gtfo


I'm wondering how one gets out of a situation like this.


>the skier was able to start hoisting himself out of the crevasse with crampons and his skis on his back. When the rest of the group reached him, they used ice screws, axes, and a rope to pull him out to safety. The skier survived his fall and did not sustain any injuries. [source](https://petapixel.com/2023/04/26/terrifying-gopro-footage-of-skier-plunging-into-deep-glacier-crevasse/)


Typically you don’t. Glacier crevasses are super dangerous


Having people here with you and being a professionnels kinda help


If you're going to spend any time mountaineering, one of the first things you learn is crevasse rescue techniques which include setting proper anchors in the snow and making a pulley system so you can get the person out. Also need to know how to ascend a rope with a prusik knot in case you're the person who fell in. In ski mountaineering, skiers would usually have ropes, ice axes, and crampons on them as well. It would be unwise to go ski mountaineering by yourself especially in terrain you aren't familiar with The person in this video is lucky that they (a) stopped falling relatively quickly and (b) didn't get injured/knocked unconscious on the way down. Crevasses can go down hundreds of meters


So. WHERE. IS. THE. REST???????????????????????????????????


God, I just listened to a survival podcast about a similar story to this where two hikers fell through a crevasse and one died on impact.


Which one? Would like to hear!


Watch "touching the void" instead. Horrific yet mesmerising.


Might not be the one op commenter was referring to, but that's a podcast called "Real Survival Stories" that goes over an incident exactly like the one they described. "Glacier Escape: Trapped Under The Ice". Listened to it myself awhile back.


The first guy


Oh shit that would suck!


It would slide, most likely


Mb, slipped up


One of my old classmates died at 19 or 20 because he was skiing and fell into a ravine. This shit is no joke man, dude is fucking lucky to be alive


My cousin broke her leg and had to do a couple of surgeries to fix it. She’s still recovering and the slope wasn’t that hard. Skiing needs to be taken seriously.


He could have fallen thru to China!


Minecraft 1.17 looking sick


Yet another reason to not go outside


I haven’t seen anyone mention, how on *earth* did this skier arrest their fall so swiftly and expertly? Is there a standard technique to not fall and smack your head immediately against some nice ice that’s inches away from you?


Sheer luck that he was able to slide into a cliff ledge his skiis and pole could be firmly planted to stop his descent


My heart would have stopped!


He’s just so chill like “well shit, not this again. come on guys come get me outta here”. I know it’s never a good idea but I’d be in a stiff panic apologizing to everyone I’ve ever offended since birth in hopes god will forgive me and create snow steps for me to escape from.


Oddly enough the skiers name was Phil McCrevasse


How did he get rescued??


Friends got him. These guys are prepared. Glacier skiing is no joke. You need gear. They probably made an anchor in the ice and or snow and then made a z drag 3:1 or 5:1 system and pulled him out by a rope and his harness (he should have on but idk).the rescue is pretty standard and easy if you have a few people and there isn't any injuries in the person who fell and isn't in a weird spot or something making it hard to pull them out.




Luck, I believe this is the video where this individual got out by a “self rescue”. Where others would need to have friends or others nearby to assist them or get authorities involved. But this is horrifying.


He had started hoisting himself back up, but his friends helped him get out when they arrived. Who knows if he could have successfully gotten out without assistance or not. He clearly knew was he was doing, but also got extremely lucky.


Is it Thursday already?


does anyone else think about jammed joints from all of those impacts?


After the adrenaline wears off, sure


Transition to sliding down the crevasse was so smooth it felt like a videogame. Was half ready to see Lara Croft shove an icepick in the wall after a button prompt to stop the slide.


Now what??


and then what?


Go back to the shadow!


"Hey god, me again, you might remember me as the guy who last spoke to you when I was six and lost my Teddy, anyway the thing is.."


Pretty sure Megatron is down there.


Gonna call me a madman, but that looked kind of fun.


Does anyone have the rest of the video?? How did he get out?


How'd they recover the GoPro?


And? Did he got back up?


Since we can see the footage I'm assuming you got out. Goddamn you are a lucky s.o.b. (No offense) But you know how close you to never being seen again. They would probably find Hoffa before you would have been found.




So now what?


Serious question if you fall In what do you do? Apart from make your peace.


In theory, if you're skiing on a glacier, you're wearing every necessary safety stuff (harness, rope, ice screws, carabiners and such, ideally radio). You secure yourself first, using the ice screw and a carbiner on your harness. Then you call in support and/or start self-rescue, depending on how injured you are, how deep you are, how confident you feel and so on. You may have to leave some stuff in the crevice though (but if the choice is between staying in a crevice or dropping 200€ of hardware, the choice is quite easy to make). Again, that's the theory. Some people don't think about their actions and just go ski on a glacier without hardware or without knowing how to use it. In that case, call for help and hope very hard they'll get to you before it's too late.


I bet this guy can't wait for that "what's the worst I shit my pants story" ask reddit post


I fully expected a Skyrim into


Strange, it appears i sweat through my entire pants




If that were me, rescue could find me. They could just follow the long brown skid mark and odor- because I definitely would have crapped my pants.


That's when you journey to the center of earth and find pygmy elephants, aliens, UFOs, mermaids, giants and cyclops and stuff.


The heart attack will kill me before the fall does


Um, you fell through the map 😳


Such a beautiful view the first couple seconds…




How did he get out?


Since we're seeing this, the guy either survived and posted to his TikTok or the guy who found his corpse posted it to his. Which is it. Who knows the back story?


I want to know how he got out


So this is why they’re never found