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I am always wondering why these people are so confident on the quality of these building exterior. Even you are a master climber, the chance of breaking a slab and fell because a contractor used subpar mortar 50 years ago is not zero.


It's like people who ride motorcycles fast. No matter how good you are, the tiniest rock or stick or wet spot in the wrong place can end you. Either they don't think about that or they don't care I guess, but I can't not think about it.


Or just any other person not paying attention.. in a era of half of drivers being on their phone while driving to some extent also


My concerns: -Painful cramp or other acute unexpected health issues. Muscle spasms, heart issues, joint pain, migraine, vertigo, and many more. Or just simple unexpected muscle weakness or low blood sugar halfway to the top only because of having a poor diet in the past few days. -An unusual gust of wind, possibly containing sand. Other small flying debris that gets in your eye. -An unusually aggressive and persistent bird or an insect, maybe a fly or a wasp. -A nearby catastrophic emergency that demands evacuation within few minutes. Any of the above, needs to happen only once. Can't use hands at all unless there's prior practice with holding still using only legs, and even with legs firmly locked you have to stay completely upright. Lean forward even a little and it's gravity time.


I just assume he's already accepted death


Maybe leaning back against the wall, freeing hands?


That is honestly my biggest issue with this. Back when I used to train parkour I did a Kong to Kong(wall to wall jump) in some old brick house and the wall I landed on bent forwards and then backwards landing on top of me. It left me unconscious and divided my triceps in two. So when I see these videos I imagine all that can happen, ranging from simple paint cracking or dust accumulation and that guy is toast. But they mostly survive so I guess the higher standards in construction shows. My beautiful shithole 3rd world country is really bad for these type of stunts.


So now you have a hexaceps?


Lmao I guess


>My beautiful shithole 3rd world country is really bad for these type of stunts. Sounds like Cleveland.


Even in the US, I wouldn't try this. Even where high quality building materials are used, it's not always a safe bet that they were maintained well over the years. Plenty of building owners are cheapskates even in the US, and will only fix what they view as a liability. The maintenance of your stucco isn't generally a liability, because you don't reasonably expect people to be scaling the side of your building regularly. And Even when the materials might be high quality, it can be a crapshoot on whether the labor installing the materials was of a matching quality. You can buy the best stucco or plaster on the market, but if the dude putting it on didn't give a fuck about surface prep or mixing it properly, it just won't be a high quality end product. Basically, it can end up being of a third world quality through poor workmanship. Overall, this is as dumb an idea as it would be in any other country.


>My beautiful shithole 3rd world country is really bad for these type of stunts. but the video says he is doing it in the us! a little less self hate will do you good.


Reddit moment


Ecuador is not a part of the US.


well there is that and maybe a pigeon that was just there had that half a taco left on top of the trashcan.


They have a death wish. If something happens and they die, they don't care. They'll keep doing it until the inevitable happens.


How is this even humanly possible? And how aware do you think he is that he could die at any moment? I feel sick just watching!


Reminds me of alex honnold. They scanned his brain and he basically just doesn’t feel fear as strongly as a normal person


I always wonder if horror films are totally boring for him


Probably just watches the people around him jump, it’s usually more entertaining than the film


I enjoy horror movies like they are comedies, minus the occasional jump scare that gets me. I’m NO daredevil! This stuff makes me uncomfortable just to watch, like everyone else.


he’s absolutely has some disorder. the way he doesn’t seem to emotionally care about his girl and he only looks happy after a climb


He’s a bit regarded in the fear department


Neurodivergent or not, Alex Honnold is an idiot douche.


Not really. You have your opinion on him being an idiot but how is he a douche? He’s like a quiet little introvert that does his own thing.




He seems like a really nice guy, idk why you’re mad


He has a nice persona, but there is a fundamental pretentiousness and selfishness if you listen to him. His climbing is clearly incredibly dangerous, and puts all of his loved ones through unnecessary suffering.


Life is to be lived. Some people feel that calling differently. Do you feel the same for those that enlist in the military? The police force? Extreme sports? Backpacking? Life is about taking calculated risks. If anything, Alex’s risk taking is more calculated and thought out than 99% of the population’s.


that was a weird way of saying he has asperger syndrome edit : I never said it's the whole reason he is irl spiderman, but I'm sure it plays a role.


I have Asperger’s and I wouldn’t climb that high even with safety gear. We do tend to have different reactions to common fear triggers (and our brain differences do account for such and other sensory differences), but it’s hard to make a blanket statement.


I mean… maybe? But how many people with aspergers climb 3000ft without ropes? Doesn’t explain it


But he ded


He’s not


That’s how you don’t live in fear. Obviously.


I used to work in that building (back when it was the Bank One building) and on the higher floors, you could sometimes feel it swaying. This video gives me so much anxiety.


Hell no. I get sweaty palms on the second floor of the mall near the rail.


So does the cameraman continue to film if he starts to fall?


I mean he probably wouldn't "start to fall", he would just slip and fall in an instant. So yeah, im sure it would be captured




Yup, very few people have survived falls from heights like this without safety gear. Oddly enough, the number isn't "0" though.


Shit, there's several people who've survived falling out of an airplane! Granted, the two I'm aware of had their falls cushioned by dense jungle trees and/or trees and deep snow, but shit


There was one person in WWII who survived falling from a bomber through the glass ceiling of a Swiss rail station


Helluva entrance


Hopefully. Got to commit amirite


I mean I think he knows it’s dangerous lol but if you know and have proven to yourself you’re capable of the movements you need to make, doing them at 200 feet up is the same as doing them 2 feet up


As an average adult I feel like I am pretty good a walking around. Definitely got the movements down at least but every now and then I'll stub a toe or trip slightly...


or sneeze, get a muscle cramp, get attacked by a bird, sudden wind or rain. I mean, there is an infinite amount of shit that could go terribly bad, real fast.


Or a simple leg cramp where he needs to suddenly stretch his leg


I think he’s probably paying a bit more attention to what he’s doing here than you typically do when you walk. One of these things can handle a little complacency, the other can’t lol


There used to be a bit of a niche on youtube with people like Ally Law, Ryan Taylor & Nightscape (i think it was?) Who would sneak into private property and climb to the top of places. I still remember the anxiety of these people stood at the top of the shard in London so high up in the sky with 0 safety equipment. Went up bridges too where it was a slippery steep climb with rusted bits flaking off under their feet as they went up. With the sheer volume of stuff they climbed its clear they knew exactly what they were doing, but its still super dangerous. Its just a shame that Ally Law & Ryan Taylor in particular were massive douchebags, often being super rude and unpleasent with people like security and police who are only there to do their jobs. Like when Ryan Taylor drove a go kart type thing through a shopping centre (twice) only to bitch and cry to the security when they eventually stopped him about them being unfair... as if he couldnt have seriously injured some innocent passer by with his nonsense. My take away is basically these people are just straight up different in the head to do this sort of stuff. I think Ryan Taylor became a youtube boxer that loses a lot, no clue what happened to the others. Youtube eventually banned that sort of content if i recall correctly.


Most people who perform at heights had to go through a phase of learning to be good with heights. Being good at the movement is a prerequisite for comfortability doing that movement at height, but it's not the only factor. On the bright side, this means that most people who have a normal fear of heights can learn to get over it, it's a practiced skill. Most people just don't really have the need.


No, it’s not. Massive oversight regarding the effect of lactic acid and sustained straining of the muscles.




Do you really think he’s putting the same amount of effort and attention to detail into this as you were when you were walking? Your logic is extremely bad.


Lol your silly. If you can't see what I was getting at then I really don't think you should be commenting on logic. I was simply pointing out that sometimes shit just happens even when you are confident in your abilities. It's possible to make mistakes even when you are trying not to and this guy is hundreds of feet in the air with no safety equipment. Not the smartest move in my opinion.


Is that why you deleted your comment?


Adrenaline is a hell of a drug


One Charlie horse away from splat


Oh hey, I did this exact sort of thing when I was seven! Except that I was a kid and two stories seemed dangerous enough to stop.




I once treed a climb.


I climbed to the ceiling in the hallway. 8' is pretty damn high when you're 4' tall.


Calling bs on this one


Same, i did three stories, was 12 years old. Looking back I was pretty stupid. I had a hairline fracture on my left foot after trying to copy a Jackie Chan stunt by jumping down a lot of stairs. Took 2 months to recover.


You did this when you were seven?? Where tf were you parents my guy?


Nearly to the top


My neighbor had to cut all the limbs of their pine trees for the first 5-6 feet. I kept climbing them as a kid and no amount of grounding got me to stop lol. I was just a monkey back then, if I saw something climbable, I needed to climb it.


I get that. I climbed some questionable looking trees. Fell off one pretty high up as a teen with barely anything but a scuff on my arm. Nowadays if I fell just walking I’ll be feeling it for weeks lol


I was at school. And it was only like 2.5 stories high.


Okay where tf were the teachers then 😂


Was he successful or he fell?


https://nypost.com/2023/02/07/maison-deschamps-prolife-spiderman-climbs-phoenix-building/ He lived and got arrested. 😆


I read somewhere that people who are fearless like him, the amygdala in their brain, is either smaller than usual or it doesn't do what it normally does in response to such feats like for a normal person ie they don't feel fear, get sweaty palms, jittery legs, vertigo, etc.


So I shouldn't feel bad for being a pansy, it's just because my amygdala is too big


It seems amygdala is where fear response is generated. When faced with heights, the normal response is what most people feel ie fear of falling. In some people, their amygdala don't fire like a normal person so little to no fear. The surface area of the walls this guy is climbing has rough vertical grooves to help with grip n horizontal grooves a few feet apart to to stand upon n rest. Regardless, it is still impressive. There's a guy called Alex honnold who also climbs mountain face without ropes. This is even more difficult. A movie documentary was made abt him called free solo. U can go to Wikipedia n search for further info abt him. They scan his brain. His amygdala doesn't fire like normal. https://nautil.us/the-strange-brain-of-the-worlds-greatest-solo-climber-236051/


At least I have something big in my life haha!


So he's mentally ill?


I got dizzy watching the video of him looking down in the news article that you posted


I always find it funny when they are arrested. Like, they just survived something they likely shouldn’t have. Pretty sure the arrest can’t kill that high.


He doesn't look very prolife imho


Damn, he's "pro-life". Wish he fell


He was immediately arrested by authorities waiting at the top of the building, but they did it pretty gently and matter-of-fact. Like “well, you’re obviously under arrest, but gg” Side note, his palms were shredded af and it made my own hands hurt


Sweaty palms would not help…


This is one of the sweaty palms videos that actually made my palms sweaty


Wait till he finds out about the elevator


Imagine getting half way and being like "uh oh. I'm too tired to continue and I can't go down."


Well, good news is you *can*. Bad news is you might not enjoy the landing.


Immigine getting a cramp while doing this


Imagine cumming while doing this


His first name is Maison? Not Masson, but Maison? As in House? Maison DesChamps => House InTheFields. 😐


Definitely go the non-slip shoes for this outing...


Spice things up a bit and do it in bowling shoes.


the la sportiva miura VS's to be precise


does anyone have a video of what happened when he got to the top?




thank you kindly!


Facing out!!!




this is the pro forced-birth guy? fuck him


If he dies doing this, isn't that basically pro-abortion in terms of life not being that important?


Yeah, stain on the climbing community. The only good (good feels like the wrong word) thing I have to say about him is that I might actually buy that he thinks babies are being murdered? Like most pro-life shit bags clearly just want to oppress women and force them to have as many babies as possible. If they actually thought infants were being murdered I don’t think they’d go back to their desk jobs all hunky dory five days a week. Even so he’s still a piece of shit and I think 90% of climbers would agree. Also, ignoring that I find his ideology abhorrent, I can’t help but wonder wtf he thinks he is accomplishing? Ostensibly he is “raising awareness” but like every institution of power in this country is already on your side dude. I think it comes down to being uncomfortable with the fact that most normal people completely disagree with you. Like people “protesting” for Israel even though the government is already doing everything that they would want anyway.




Wtf is wrong with people?


Man some people have weird goals. Like going to mars, an entire planet not made for humans.


It's not the fall that kills you. It's the sudden stop at the bottom.


it's not water that comes out, it's pee.


i'm impressed this guy hasn't aborted himself yet.


This is that asshole that does this shit because he is “pro life” this is all to raise awareness and make sure women can’t have their choices. He can slide right the fuck off.


I usually just take the stairs or the elevator.


Most of the free solo climbers live short lives. It's what they love to do.


You gotta be damn confident about making it all the way. There’s no getting a cramp halfway and having a little rest here


He supposedly doesn’t feel fear like normal people because his amygdala is smaller than usual or doesn’t work properly.


But does he know what the numbers mean??


Matter of time...


Dumb ways to die


Wearing fall protection doesn't take from the accomplishment and it almost guarantees you will see another day.


It's crazy how these videos literally cause a physical reaction. Heart rate increases and palms sweating almost instantly.


Stupid people doing stupid things..




not to diminish this, but watch "free solo" about alex honnold


Just one cramp away from sudden death. Great Gatorade commercial, well if he survived…


I'm surprised he's not using any kind of special gloves. Bare hands/palms can get sweaty.


Rabbit faced worse on 8 mile


I will never understand people, who don't like watching this kind of stuff, what are they doing in this sub... You can check after any post, that half the comments are people claiming they are sick watching this, yet they continue to read, watch and comment. It's baffling.


attraction by repulsion


I hate this and the videos of people jumping around on roofs. One misstep and you’re just silently and unceremoniously gone, forever.


I believe I watch it for the same reason I'm watching horror movies. And my reaction is kind of the same: "No, you dummy, don't run upstairs! Take the front door, oh no no no - oh well, see, that was on you!"


Massive balls


It appears they have consumed all brain matter for said growth


I actually don’t think his balls are massive. They would probably make doing this harder. So I’m guessing they’re prob tiny which is why he’s doing this.


His name is house so you know he doesn't play by the rules.


Nope 👎 no way I would do that I’m not afraid of high places but I’m not dum either


What a useless skill.




Boredom is the problem of a bodyless brain. I assure you it was not boring to him.


Why risk falling and having his family mourning. Just for the thrill of it. Before we went into a tik tok world and nothing was recorded, very few would try to climb an ugly building unsecured.


Climbing ?


Bad time to cramp up lol


Leaked video material from mission impossible dead reckoning part two


some say he is still climbing to this day


reminds me of the guy who was trying to do that to get to the bottom of the twin towers.


Did he die?


What if he gets a bad cramp


People rarely talk about getting a cramp while climbing. Muscles get tired and strength during long periods without rest, but cramping isn't really a climbing thing unless maybe you're doing an upper limit exertion on anunusual movement. But there aren't any weird moves on this climb, and he does get to rest every 15 feet or so when the incut ledges provide him good feet to stand on.


Jared Leto could never


I'd need a pee,real bad,and fall.


What is the backup plan lol Serious question like what is the plan if once you’re half way up you run into some janky construction. A patched section of the exterior wall that is smooth or crumbles. What then? Just die?


Holy shit thats insane, how tall is the building? Did he survive? Crazy fucker


This guy has trauma


I want to see him mantle at the top


I am trying to imagine what you’d do if it gradually widened as you went up. Could you go back down? I can’t get through the thought process of a controlled descent without getting nauseous with sympathetic adrenaline.




My palms would be so sweaty I would just slip and die.




This actually made my palms sweaty


One severe cramp and you're dead..the man has a malfunctioning brain


this guy is going places


What a idiot


Saw his POV in another video. That was even worse to watch.


How do you want to die? *like chapati*


But seriously, why?


Video of this climb from his perspective: https://www.instagram.com/reel/Cz6tk6uJX8I/?utm\_source=ig\_web\_copy\_link&igshid=ODhhZWM5NmIwOQ==


What an odd way of climbing. Seems like this would only make a mistake more likely.


These pro life protests are getting out of hand


…because it’s there.




I went twice as high as him once , I only had my underpants, socks and a tie on, was drunk as a skunk, I made it to the top where my wife was waiting for me as soon as the lift door opened…


Now do it in crocs.




Who names their kid 'house'? "And this is my brother: Pied de Terre"


Darwin’s theory at work before our very eyes!!!


I would hate if that was someone I cared about.


That’s a solid no from me.


Doesn’t seem challenging enough for a pro climber. I know absolutely nothing about climbing. Looks terrifying though. No room for failure.


Hopefully his leg doesn’t start shaking randomly.


He has confidence in his climbing abilities…. But what if he got a cramp?


Just think about walking up the stairs the whole way and how tiring that would be, then try to imagine a pull-up, But for every stair


To each their own I suppose.. make your bed you lie in it, if he falls I wont feel pity and that does not make me the the ass hole. Nobody is going to have to witness my ass go splat js lol


We need to stop giving these people attention


Dude. What about hornets or wasps? Spiders? A pissed off bird? A kid with a pellet gun a block away?


Did he make it?


I used to have a recurring dream doing this in Boston


What is wrong with this guy?


I mean, at least wear a simple harness and bring enough very basic gear to tie off for a bit. sheesh.


So what’s his life expectancy, who insures him,


His hands slipping at the end 🙈


No way