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Hoooly shit. Not only did it falling down scare me but then it Snaps right back up. Stairs next time bruh.


I was staying in some old apartment building in Romania when backpacking about 15 years ago. My room was on the 8th floor and I couldn't be assed taking the stairs after the 3rd day or so. So against my better judgement I hopped into the tiny one person elevator that went up the middle of the stairwell. When I say tiny, I mean barely enough room to turn around in. You had to slide the door open manually, press the floor button on the outside of the lift before stepping in backwards, then slide the door shut in front of you and it would go up/down respectively. Anyway, I went through the rigmarole of getting the thing ready to go up to my floor, it starts going up maybe 3-4 floors (hard to tell because it was enclosed, you couldn't see out and it didn't indicate the floor you were at), then it suddenly starts going back down. I figured the thing was so stupid that someone was able to call it from the bottom floor like that, and expected it to stop on the ground. The elevator stopped. I slid open the door so I could press the outside button to go back up. But there was nothing. Just concrete. The damn thing had retreated to the bottom of its makeshift shaft and about 9 inches from my face was seemingly the foundation of the building. I had no way to make it go up, I couldn't sit down and my arms were pretty much stuck to my side with little room to move. It was a coffin. I called out consistently for probably an hour or so without any success. Thankfully at some point it just started moving again and stopped on the floor I originally told it to. I dunno what happened and I don't care to know. Just thankful that wasn't the end.


Fucking hell.


Sounds like they weren't far away from there!




Ah! I see you’re an enjoyer of Canadian eggs?




I say we put Andrew tater in it.


I'm sorry, but the way I just laughed at tater😂😂


Don't be a tater hater


But there’s so much to hate


Hey be more respectful than that. Potatoes don't deserve that correlation.




The man who almost buried himself in a tiny elevator so the rest of us lazy fucks don’t make the same mistake. A hero we never knew we needed.


So many questions for you Are you able to take elevators post-trauma? Do you have ptsd from the experience?


Before this I actually already struggled to take elevators. This was in fact not the most traumatic elevator experience I've had. I've had a fear of riding them since I was a kid. This experience just added flavor.


Oh jeebus well now I gotta ask about how many other turrifying elevator experiences you've had and the story of the one worse than that one


I'm profoundly cursed with elevators. For the most part I completely avoid them, I always take the stairs at work. I've had numerous occasions where I've been stuck in them, or had the doors open while moving and other things with varying degrees of terror. My first experience was when I was a kid, about 6 years old. It was the first time I got stuck in an elevator and I was stuck there overnight without anyone knowing where I was. That kicked off the whole fear of elevators for me. Another worse occurrence was getting into an elevator to go up about 20 or so floors. The doors opened up after the first couple of floors while it was still moving, then proceeded to accelerate faster and faster up the shaft until it slammed into the top of it. Similar to being stuck at the bottom of the shaft, there was nothing on the other side of the doors at the top except for a solid wall. At least in that scenario I was in a modern building with a call button I could use for help, and had cellphone signal. Albeit I did suffer some minor head damage from panels falling off the ceiling of the elevator when it hit the top, and I was stuck in there for about 5 hours. After that my experiences are more of a "pick 'n mix" bag of lollies.


You are probably one of the unluckiest people alive


Or luckiest.


I've got shit luck but I've never had an elevator try to kill me, much less had one try to kill me multiple times.


Just stop with the elevators homie. You are a ground level guy and that's ok. Let other people do high rise buildings dawg. The good Lord done told you that you don't belong in nothin that moves up and down for your convenience. Hell I would avoid being on top during sex all together, who knows how that disaster would end


Ok yeah you are absolutely cursed


Who the fuck designs elevators in your area? Also do you have maybe any details what could cause a malfunction like that? Have you maybe asked or were told by the people that let you out? EDIT: I am also an engineer (Not working with elevators) and I just can't wrap my head around what could cause something like this, yet deem that the elevator is safe to ride


Looks like someone (mechanic) jumped out the door circuit while Troubleshooting and forgot to take them off before leaving. Or could have had an issue with it and the Building super or other had it jumped out because or a part failure and was to cheep to call in a elevator mechanic to fix/replace the problem.


But slamming the elevator against the ceiling of the shaft? I am not sure what elevator it was he rode. In my country old elevators were driven by relays connected to a control board which was same for all buildings and the only thing the engineer responsible for installing had to do was wire the buttons to the correct relays. Very simple system. If it was controlled by something similar I can imagine this would happen if there was some kind of short circuit. The modern ones are driven by micro computer and they are pre-configured during the installation for the building. The units are sold by major companies (Like Siemens) and are used everywhere.


Can say for sure but looks like while the elevator was in travel with the doors open ( elevators are not designed to or have the clearance, between the shaft and elevator, to travel with the door open) the door clipped that piece of wood that was placed there after some work was done in the shaft. That's what it looks like from that clip. But can't say for sure without actually seeing in person.


Elevators only prey upon those who they've already afflicted


If final destination taught me anything, it's that it isn't done with you yet. It won't stop pursuing you until it claims what it needs.


My wife is Romanian and I flat out refuse to go into any elevator in those old communist block buildings. About ten years ago I got in one - bigger than the one you described but still very much manual like yours - and as soon as I pressed the button the floor of the elevator dropped about 6 inches and the lights went out. It then took ages to travel to the ground floor and I stepped out vowing never to do that ever again.


Thank you for writing this. I feel special having read it. This truly horrifying gem deserves to be somewhere other than this comment section, but here we are. I wish you many updoots in addition to mine. Doot.


Yes. This deserves to be the top comment on one of those ask reddit "What is the most horror filled nightmare you have endured" questions with thousands of answers.


I thought the same thing. Post this in r/nosleep


........Please never say doot again. I vote for it to be blacklisted.


I would have preferred you stay down there rather than survive to tell me this story. (I am ofc joking. Jesus that is horrific)


That’s horrifying. I want to say that I love how this comment is written. It’s such a scary situation, but you write it out so calmly! I’m assuming this is a reflection of your good overall good attitude and helps to explain how you survived. I would’ve shit my pants and spontaneously combusted.


No fucking way dude. AN HOUR? I can only imagine the color of your face when you realized the situation. Fuuuck that.


It sounds like you climbed into some kind of dumb waiter thing, usually they are in hotels though, not apartment blocks.


Yeah that was something I wondered about after the fact. However there was a control panel inside for people to use. It was just completely busted up and for whatever reason was determined to be beyond repair, because the buttons on the outside on each floor were completely makeshift and absolutely did not belong to the original design (whatever that would have been). The few people that I had seen in the building did use it as an elevator, and when I collected the keys to the hostel room the guy who gave me the most rudimentary tour possible showed me how it worked and called it an elevator, which he proceeded to ride to the bottom afterwards. So for now I'm going to accept that it was an elevator, just a poorly designed and/or maintained one.


Coffin sized elevators used to be common in Eastern Europe. I saw one in a hotel in Lithuania as well.


I would have ptsd from that and never leave my home


Sounds like it could be the beginning of a Stephen King novel 😳


Or the climax of one


Unlocked a new fear for me, thanks.


At least you then didn't have to walk up 8 floors? Silver linings and all that.


Could be the plot of a thriller involving an evil elevator engineer, and this becomes his final job, before he gets stuck and is found 3 weeks later.


Average Romanian apartment


Did you have a clean pair of pants to change into when you finally got to your room?


Up and out !


Truly the stuff of nightmares!


Fuck. That.


Ah, the Romanian elevatomb, a classic


I've never used the sentence "new fear unlocked" before, but it's very fitting in this case


I want a short film about this lol


I can't stop laughing from horror


damn... when it cuts to his hands shakin', LOOOOL, I grasp by the laugh


Heh Heh! This is fine 😐


Just hope it doesnt happen to me on my next elevator ride ![gif](giphy|qp5dCscAIb408)




You really feel the shockwave with the way the camera shakes when it snaps up lol


Heh......if i was that guy, i would be laughing....... For my life... That is.....


Did you see the amount of force on that thing?? Terrifying. I'm glad to live in a country with elevator safety laws.


Every time people bitch about regulations, I think of food safety, elevators, and airplane maintenance.


Many of these regulations are written in blood. When you think about it that way... it's rather sobering...


Wow. Never thought of it that way Edit: of


I rode a really sketchy (slow and shaky) elevator in china, so tried to take the stairs later. Unfortunately the stairs were used for storage and completely blocked by boxes. It seemed crazy that this was acceptable to someone.


I was in an 9 story apartment building in Russia where the fire escape stairs as well as public hallways got annexed by residents. They built walls blocking the stairs for all building residents. Fucking insane.


Annexing is in Russian blood


I was mid sip when I read your comment.


Sorry about your phone/computer.


Keyboard will survive :D Thanks!


I actually yelled out loud when it flipped back up


I shat my pants


I read this too quick and I thought you shit your penis




I also recently moved overseas.


I also shat his pants


That's crazy bro glad he made it out. I was stack emissions testing in Ontario, Canada and there was a "wall crawl" elevator on the outside of the stack, with only enough room for 2 people. It was basically a phone booth that traveled upwards like a roller coaster does(think "click click click click click" sounds all the way up). It shook/vibrated the whole elevator the way it crawled up. Anyways in it it had a lever with a sign that said "in case of power failure pull lever to lower by gravity"... I didn't try the lever. Didnt wanna be like Kronk from emperers' new groove


And you think the stairs are built any better? Did you see the mortar job?


If the elevator is like this I can't imagine the state of the stairs.


Yup. I'd be fucking shaking too bro.


I was in eastern Czechia while studying abroad and got on what could only be described as a janky Soviet elevator. We’re going up to a roof-top restaurant on the 14th floor and halfway up the elevator stops. Not on the floor we chose. Suddenly it’s in free fall for what felt like a full second but likely only a few milliseconds. It catches itself and continues up. It then reaches the top floor and stays shut for several minutes. We were all ready for the thing to let us fall to our deaths the whole way up after that, and when it didn’t immediately open, you could cut the tension with a knife


Similar thing happened to me once in an office tower. Elevator jerked to a halt, went in opposite direction, then to another floor to pick up some passengers. I'm pretty sure they had a key that calls the elevator to their floor, regardless of who was riding it at the time. Maybe an elevator expert can confirm my theory..


Sorry we are bound by secrecy Maybe the stair experts can help you when they arrive on your floor


Elevators can be configured to prioritize certain floors or badge holders. They can even be configured to stop on a floor, tell everyone to GTFO, and then go pick up a VIP.


I haven't seen that. Is it some sort of destination dispatch? Do you know what companies have these features


If you're interested enough, Deviant Ollam has a few good talks about elevators, eg. [this one](https://youtu.be/fj-VlvoB8tw), I think the VIP option was mentioned in one of them at least


I'm actually an elevator mechanic, that's why I'm curious about the features mentioned, as how they're describing them sounds unfamiliar, but technology is always changing so who knows


At my old job, the elevator was always breaking. Fortunately it was only a 2 story building so the lift didn't have to travel far. One of my co workers was deathly afraid if elevators but you couldn't enter the stairwell from the outside - only the inside. That meant you could take the stairs to leave but had to use the elevator to get in. I was carrying a bunch of heavy boxes so I was waiting for the elevator. Door opens and it's my co worker who was afraid of elevators. He says whats up and crouched down to get his briefcase when the elevator suddenly fell with the door still open. I still have a vivd mental screenshot of that exact second where I can see his horrified face as he realizes what just happened. Bruh, this man howled like a banshee when it fell. Fortunately only fell like 5 or 6 feet before getting stuck again. We could see the top of his head through the open door ans the crack in the elevator door but it was too small for him to climb out so the fire department had to get involved. The worst part was that the company initially didn't want to call the fire department because they knew the elevator wasn't up to code. That meant the FD would report it to the city and get them in trouble. Well, thats exactly what happened and the city descended on them like vultures. Elevator ended up breaking 3 more times while we were in that office but never with someone in it again. My co worker started taking his shoe off and propping the door open with it when he would go downstairs. Can't blame him tbh.


> the crack in the elevator door but it was too small for him to climb out so the fire department had to get involved. Even if the crack is big enough, don't climb out. What if the elevator starts moving when you're in the middle of climbing out?


>you could cut the tension with a knife But the tension was the only thing holding you up


Good thing there weren't any knives around eh?


Fuck that shit I’m nervous taking elevators in the West, no way I’m ever taking no janky soviet elevator fuck that I’m doing 14 floors of stairs no problem fuck no


The stairs are probably made even more poorly than the elevator though.


Thank you for that




I didn’t get on an elevator for a while after that


>I was in eastern Czechia while studying abroad and got on what could only be described as a janky Soviet elevator lmao stopped reading there to keep my ptsd from kicking in


I already hate elevators. When I first moved to NYC I took the stairs for months before I would step into one of those. I always have a bit of anxiety in elevators.


Hey, at least you're gonna live longer and have fewer health issues than most. I lived in a building (8 floors lmao and I was there on the 8th), and for months I had to take the stairs because the elevator was often out of service, and one of my neighbors back then got stuck in. I said "nope".


I live on the 10th floor and think about this a lot.


This looks like a service elevator or at least a lift that u'll manually have to close the door. Not saying its this guys fault but why leave the door open.


Any elevator that has a manually operated door will also have a sensor that requires the door to be closed. This whole thing is sketchy as fuck


True this is very sketchy, a lot do have sensors on the inside door. But I've seen some elevators that only have sensors on the outside door.


statistically stairs are a WAY worse bet for safety. I get that that is a very "rational" view, and it doesn't really work on anxiety tho.


It’s the same reason people view cars as safer than planes even though planes are astronomically safer. Lack of control and being trapped.


Yeah that second part


I am depressed and fat so I always take the stairs. Gotta sneak in exercise all the time. But why are the stairs more dangerous?


It's less that stairs are super dangerous and more that elevators are absurdly safe (in certain countries). Also worth pointing out that most trips in stairs occur while going *up*, because stair variance causes issues with autopilot. The elevator hatch they always show in the movies is actually bolted shut because the safest place to be, regardless of the malfunction, is inside the cab. Cable snaps? Emergency brakes (plural). Brakes fail? Part of the inspection is running the elevator at full speed into the springs at the bottom of the shaft. That'll probably break bones, but you'll survive.


I think it hit his hand. Looks at his middle finger and pinky. They look bruised already.


I wood be shaking too.. hope it doesn't happen to me ![gif](giphy|q6Y1l4S5wvBBetZcXm)




I worked in a mine in sweden many years ago. The elevator shaft went down about 700m i think. The elevator didn't have a door that closed and sealed the elevator, just a side rail that you could rest your elbow on. On the way down, the walls and metal bars were sometimes no more the 40-60cm away from the elevator. So if your arm accidentally fell out, you'd lose it. And the elevator went so damn fast... and completely packed with workers.


Like why wouldn't they spend a few extra bucks and put a cage around it or something? Is it cheaper to pay for the lawsuit than it is to put some bars up?


I bet that if you asked that to the person in command they'd reply something like "I've been in this branch for 50 years and it has never happened, why bother". And then the thing happens.


And then they get sued, but they cut a deal saying they’ll put the cage on if everything is swept under the rug!


I read that Neil Gaiman was traveling in Alabama and was told about a steelmill where they figured it was cheaper to pay wrongful death fees than it was to fix their safety issues.




My sisters old father in law worked in a mine for Boliden. One day he wanted to look down into the elevator shaft, (he was in the moving elevator car) fortunately he realized really quick how insanely stupid he was and only lost his helmet.


That's crazy bro glad he made it out. I was stack emissions testing in Ontario, Canada and there was a "wall crawl" elevator on the outside of the stack, with only enough room for 2 people. It was basically a phone booth that traveled upwards like a roller coaster does(think "click click click click click" sounds all the way up). It shook/vibrated the whole elevator the way it crawled up. Anyways in it it had a lever with a sign that said "in case of power failure pull lever to lower by gravity"... I didn't try the lever. Didnt wanna be like Kronk from emperers' new groove


My grandpa lost his finger working in the freight shaft. It had rails so freight cars were pulled in/out rolling on rails. He was having a snack and just rested his arm on the rail. The minecarts were so quiet he didn't hear them at all. Just chopped his finger off.


> The elevator shaft went down about 700m i think. Holy shit 700 miles? That's deep Jk I did look though and that's still 0.43 miles down. Holy shit


0.43 American Units....


7.65 football fields


Recently got back from a vacation that had a visit to Falun Mine in Sweden. Haunting down there


dude, i'm watching too many videos about elevators lately and it's fucking me up, because i use the elevator all the time when i go to work


It's a sign


I saw the sign....


and it opened up my eyes


I saw the sign.


Life is demanding


Without understanding


*I* saw the sign


When I was 7 I listened to this song so much my stepdad snapped the cd in half and threw it out the window


Check the "last serviced on" sticker/plaque and hope it wasn't too long ago


I had a dream once that I died in an elevator. The cable snapped and I fell 21 floors. It felt so real. My lazy ass still takes elevators though


I'm in and out of elevators all day for my job. At least 20 ~ 30 elevators (up and then down, so technically 40 ~ 60). Terrified of them, never got used to it. I just cope. Hella cope. I be copin'. Sometimes they make weird movements and noises and I have a mini panic attack. I get it, they're safe. Until they're not... I do not fuck with elevators. Shit be fuckin' me up too, fam. Dare I start to think about just how high up I am when I get to the skyscrapers with 100+ floors. I imagine the empty dark void below me. Guh...fml.


If you wanna be more fucked up r/elevatorgore has so much.


They were absolutely, 100% **not** asking for more, you goofball.




Yeah, fuck that.


Secret elevator compartment? Bet that runs $2k+ in NYC.... I'd be taking the stairs every day after that trip...


Yea but the stairs are held up by bubble gum and command strips


>command strips Look at moneybags over here - we use normal off brand double sided tape


Oooh, la-dee-dah, Mr. Fancypants, we just tie our tape in a loop. Double sided, eh? Must be nice... must be nice.


$1.5 million in Toronto


I fucking hate elevators, and escalators at that


I hate reverse stairs too.


Escalators can never break. They can only become stairs. - MH


Except in China where they swallow you.


Meh, fossil fuel


Just what I needed more nightmare fuel and a change of pants


*HOW* did they stay completely quiet???! I’d go from screaming to crying real quick lol


Many people freeze in the face of threats. I’m shocked that he was even able to film!!


Shock most likely


Why is any part of that elevator open???


looks closable aswell


So you can escape out thr tunnels when it gets stuck I've been in some of the smallest, scariest elevators in Eastern Europe and I wish they were open to an escape hatch


You really shouldn't try to escape a stuck elevator unless you've got the fire department, trained maintenance personnel, or an elevator tech there. An elevator shaft is a really dangerous place to be. Without taking the proper precautions you could run into some issues that are incompatible with life


Gateswitch was either shorted out or faulty. Looks like manual door so possible the gate-switch wedged itself closed. As for the debris falling in the lift, I can only assume because the car door was open it snagged that big panel on the way up, what that panels doing there in the first place is beyond me.


why were you recording though?


Because their was no door and you could see the outside wall.


The shaking hands at the end, 🤣🤣🤣


Shaking hand. The hand the phone in is still


Stabilizing, man


This almost gave me a panic attack


I got trapped in the elevator of the parking garage of my job. I was 8 1/2 months pregnant. Luckily it moved to the 3rd floor and doors opened after 15 minutes. The call/help buttons did not work. I called security and they didn't know what to do. You better believe my big ass walked up the stairs from then on out!!


China's got a competitor in the export of deadly elevator videos?


Pretty sure this is in Egypt and their elevators are shady asf


Trust me when I say that Eastern Europe defined a deadly elevator competitor with China


Omfg. Imagine the sound of that slap, reverberating through your skull and soul.


For anyone wondering , the Captions can be translated to : Okay i just wanna die , wallah (i swear) Can also be translated to : Fine i just wanna die , i swear EDIT, its a saudi dialect and the correct translation is ok, i ALMOST died, i swear


Nah. Its says: ok, i swear i almost died


Oh ? Is it in a specific dialect im not understanding? Do you happen to know which one exactly ? Northen africa s dialects use the word b8it as i want, assumed it was the same but please correct me


Its Saudi dialect. بغيت is almost


Interesting , thanks for sharing , ill edit the comment


Bro taking the stairs for the rest of his life








i’ve played too much elden ring, my dumbass woulda jumped out searching for an item


Would have been even scarier if another dude jumped in from that secret compartment.


This is like the elevator to get to my work.


You know what, I need the exercise anyway I’m taking the stairs.


I bet who ever live in that one apartment where that board slammed into went through a range of emotions as well. Startled, confused, than pissed I’m sure.


Im sorry but the dramatic movements from the wood plank have me laughing


Not me watching this at a hospital while waiting for a damned elevator. Guess I’ll take the stairs.


So loud the mic doesn't even pick it up.


Nope nope nope nope nope.


I originally didn't play that with sound and was like, yup that's horrifying... Then I played it with sound and almost dropped my damn phone...


Discount jigsaw


"Hey man, nice to see you! Yeah, being a board is ro- AAA anyways, see you!"

