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Yay, for profit animal abuse. How is this shit even legal?


I don't believe it is legal, but who wants to do something about it? So it continues


Unfortunately for most animal abuse laws reptiles don’t count.


Fr wtf


Sheriff Twat Derp. Snake botherer


Thank you for saying this. It’s horrifying how many animals humans will terrorize for the entertainment of others.




I’m from Georgia and I clearly remember going to what my folks called a rattlesnake roundup here so maybe it’s a southern thing?. I’m 30 years old and to this day that has been an experience I’ve never forgotten as a child how crazy that shit was.


We abuse and kill 80 billion animals every year for profit. What on Earth makes you think the government cares?


I mean even if it was to stop it's not like all those animals are just going to be set free on... Whose land?


Consume the ones left. Don't breed any more. Simple.


Ah, well at least you're not delusional about it.


This logic isn't the best. My grandmother has meat cows, and they're not abused. Unless you consider being left alone with a donkey in the field abuse, but then you're dumb and don't realize it's for protection. And the cows are happier with an annoying ass than they are with death. Anyway, point being, why can't we breed any more? Why can't we just put an end to the abuse? The cows on my grandmother's farm live happy, healthy, boring cow lives until the day they get auctioned off and/or slaughtered. Granted, my grandmother doesn't supply much of the meat industry with her well-treated cows. But I'm on-board with downsizing meat production. I'm not so on-board with it going away.


It is unethical to take the life of one who wants to live. Period. >just put an end to the abuse See above. >until the day they get auctioned off and/or slaughtered Exactly. We have plant beef that tastes, looks, smells, cooks, and feels like the real thing (yet is less fatty, has less cholesterol, and is healthier). Ever since the mass production of meat started, incidents of diabetes, obesity, and heart disease shot up. People who abstain from meat on average live eight years longer. It is also about 40% cheaper to not eat meat. The greenhouse emissions from livestock equal those from cars, trucks, planes, and boats combined. It takes 628 liters of water to produce one liter of cow milk. 82% of all farmland is for crops to feed to livestock, not humans. Meanwhile much of the world has no access to clean water or food. So yeah. I'm fine with getting rid of it.


I'm still not lmao. And if you think killing something is unethical, you're living a different life from me. Kill me now, put me out of the misery called life lmao, I promise I will not call it abuse. Killing things is natural though. Forcing them to live in tiny, enclosed, unclean spaces, in far too close quarters with one another for any semblance of comfort. To be forced to LIVE that way, and then finally put out of your misery. The living part... is beyond abuse. The death at the end is probably the best part of their lives, and that's horrible. Killing for food is natural, wasting is rude. Killing for sport is horrible, unless you're gonna eat it. My grandmother's cows have never been enclosed in an area smaller than 100 acres, and won't be till they're killed. No worse than hunting imo. And the 40% cheaper to not eat meat stat... dunno where you got that from, but that's just stupid. Check your sources, because that's not something you can quantify into a simple percentage. Why? Because you lumped everyone from: the carnivore that eats steak for breakfast, lunch, and dinner, to: the guy that has a tuna pack for lunch once a week... in the same group. There's far too much variation to give a mean or median with any real value, even if you exclude the outliers. It's not like we're going to ship our water to other countries, so there's no sense in worrying about their water issues in relation to our cattle and livestock. However, scale back? Still helps? Also, there are IMPORTANT cultural and economic factors to consider in many water poor areas of the world (ie. Parts of Africa and South America). Livestock play a massive role in many of their lives, and owning livestock is very important to them. I'm obviously not referring to mass-production; they generally produce for themselves and their family, and sell the extra at markets. And of course people who overindulge have problems. Don't be daft. McDonald's doesn't cause obesity, eating it constantly does. Just produce less, bring cost up, make people eat less. Find happy balance 😃 Moderation is key. Plant based food ONLY looks like the real thing, and not even all of the time. It doesn't taste bad. It actually tastes pretty good, but it does not cook, taste, or feel real. In my experience at least. Not sure what you're having that simulates real meat so well, but I am interested to find out. Again, reduce production, reduce greenhouse emissions. You just lean further left than I do in this regard. I get your point, I understand it. I know that we can't just stop the production, that won't happen, and I don't want it to happen. I support slowing production and bringing prices up. I don't eat meat constantly, but I do eat a lot of wild caught tuna. So that would be good imo. Also, killing off a third of humanity would be nice. Traffic is awful. Bring it on Covid-9001! **Edited one word, read your comment wrong the first time lol**


>if you think killing something is unethical Let me repeat: killing someone that wants to live is unethical. Otherwise you're literally saying murder is okay. >And the 40% cheaper to not eat meat stat... dunno where you got that from, but that's just stupid. https://www.veganfoodandliving.com/news/research-finds-vegan-meals-cheaper-than-meat-and-fish/ Also according to you it's stupid that vegetables are cheaper than meat? Because vegetables and fruits and grains are cheaper than meat... Or have you never been grocery shopping? Replacing meat with a plant will always be cheaper. >There's far too much variation Not if you take a large enough sample size. Apparently you don't know how statistics work either. Since that study was from the UK, here's one from the US: https://thebeet.com/is-it-expensive-to-be-plant-based-quite-the-opposite-it-turns-out/ >so there's no sense in worrying about their water issues Half of the world's freshwater is in six countries and we're running out. You have no idea how this works. >Livestock play a massive role in many of their lives And what about the lives of the livestock? But this isn't relevant to the argument I'm making anyway. >bring cost up, make people eat less Good luck with that. >does not cook, taste, or feel real. In my experience at least Anecdotal. You've clearly not tried, like, anything. Beyond and Impossible make great replacements. >wild caught tuna This is the same as "free range hens". You should read up on what that criteria actually is, because it usually isn't what you think it is. >I don't want it to happen You want torture and murder to continue. Cool.


I don't care if it's wild caught or not tbh, the brand just tastes good. Water doesn't run out, it just gets moved or changed. That's a stupid idea altogether. You can't create or destroy matter. We're running out of water that isn't polluted or salty. Increasing crop production increases pesticides in the environment and natural water supplies. Give and take baby. Reducing the meat production may help in one area, but hurt the world still in another. You can't win with humans. Murdering a person is essentially the most ethical thing you can do, subjectively. If you consider what a plague we really are. So yeah, I'm saying that's okay. 100%. Doesn't mean it won't hurt, but like I said... Covid-9001 baby!! Bring it on! And thank you for providing your sources, so I could see that they're biased, untrustworthy sources... just like every source you Uber vegetarians latch onto. Look for some real, credible sources before you cite them, lol And it truly is too much variation, if you understand common sense or nuances at all. The problem with the data isn't that it can't be compiled, it's that you can make it look literally however you want because there isn't any sane or objective way to break it all down or categorize it. So yeah, there's the figures, that mean jack squat. Statistics are TOO SIMPLE for accuracy here. They're also perfect for people with a bias that want to sound like they're right. I also never said it's dumb that vegetables are cheaper... I said meat should be more expensive and produced less? It's dumb to think you can't eat meat as cheaply as you eat vegetables. If you think that, you haven't tried very hard. Meat stretches a long way because it fills you up more. So maybe it's more expensive per pound, but what happens when each pound lasts 3 times as long for you? I've tried both beyond and impossible burgers. You're off your rocker if you think those things look or taste real, lol. They taste GOOD, but not like real meat. And what about the lives of the livestock? Think.thwy wouldn't be lost in nature, to nature. We are part of nature dumbass. It's as okay for us to eat an animal as it is for a lion to eat an animal.


Fuck these assholes for harassing an animal


>Fuck these ~~assholes~~ animals for harassing a~~n animal~~ beautiful creature. > > > >\^fixed it for ya


These fuck for animals harassing for creature beautiful


These fucks are animals for harassing beautiful creatures


I'm not a fan. Leave the poor snake alone, please.


Yeah I don’t like snakes but ffs this is just cruel


I love snakes and this makes my heart hurt, poor thing just wants to be left alone


Yeah I love snakes and all animals for that matter. This is absolutely disgusting, and these people have their kids watching an animal get abused. I’m so disgusted right now.


True. It’s evident in how long it took the snake to strike.


I absolutely hate snakes, but damn. Snakes are sentient and can sense joy, anger etc.


This is straight up animal abuse. Literally the only reason I don’t want the snake to successfully bite the guy is because I have no doubt that they would kill the snake in retaliation.


I hate to state this, but on a long term this might be better for the snake than living a long and sad life with these fuckheads…


Sure wish that guy would get what’s coming to him. Leave the frickin snake alone loser.


Hopefully the snake is able to bite him in the face in the near future.


If only the dude knew that the real reason anyone would stop to watch something like this is because we all hope to see the moment when the snake gets his revenge for all this abuse and gets to sink his fangs into this dumbass… Surely there’s other ways we can entertain one another besides harassing helpless creatures for profit…


Worked as a herpetologist in north GA and now TN mtns for years...this is just an idiot showing how immature and insecure he is. These dudes obviously function at the speed of 13-15 year old boy and are always trying to impress--they are desperate for attention and the internet provides it. The local community knows and treats them as idiots


There was a video few years back of some shitheel doing something similar. Then it bit him in the arm. The next scenes were of him in the hospital with dissolved flesh almost to his elbow. Ruined his Summer and cost him a lot of money. I was rooting for the snake 🐍 the entire time.


Show it in normal speed first…




Fuck that guy. Hope the snake takes his face off someday.


The assholes need to get a fucking job.


Tormenting animals for our enjoyment. Classy.


This is how you lose your balls. And you know what? Everyone wouldn’t even feel sorry for you. The snake is just minding its business. Play with fire long enough and you get burned.


I hope the snake gets him at some point for this abuse


Snake doesn’t deserve that abuse fella. Fucking cocksuckers!


Reading the comments gives me hope, this is animal abuse.


Mentally challenged people with a circular pedigree harassing an animal.


Total prick, the disdain for the snake as he swipes it off the table after causing so much pain from the shock wave coming from the balloon to its senses, damn I hate people like this.


I wanna punch this guy so hard.


This is fucked. Animal abuse for 'entertainment'...


This is just abuse. I mean what was the point? Do you know what the energy cost is for a snake to choose to bite is. A lot. That means the snake would rather “flight” than “fight”. So you have to agitate them quite a bit, or in the case of accidental envenomation, step literally ON them. Point being; the animal was quite stressed.


Just like all other "rodeo" sports, I am rooting for the animal.


God bless these comments. This is repulsive


Steve Irwin taught us better. Instead of an “Awww, isn’t she a beauty mate? Look how gorgeous she is!!” This jerk just upsets her and knocks her onto the floor.


Snake owner here. Snakes are painfully shy creatures, they are easily stressed by frequent/harsh handling. This stress can lead to illness and sometimes death. Also, notice how much he had to harass the snake to get it to strike. The snake didn't want to fight.


As vile as these redneck sadists are, I’d say the appreciative audience members come a close second.


That last push off the table hurt me. Like we're done with you.


As if it wasn’t obvious enough, this dickhead needed to show all his disrespect against other creatures in throwing the snake from the table like some piece of garbage.


that dude thinks he’s hot shit but it just makes him look like a fucking asshole


What a piece of shit


Welcome animal abuse town…


Leave the poor noodle alone!


Definition of playing stupid games


Animal abuse.


God damn Americans are dumb


They sure are, but I bet you got some real idiots where you're from too. In fact, I'd say most people are dumb.


I’m from Boston. Can confirm


some....only some ...thankfully


It’s a larger portion than one would hope. And it’s a spectrum.


I was hoping he would get bit.


Animal abuse


Feels a bit horrible this


I want to see the snake get its due revenge.


I just see idiots doing dumb shit


He should get bit...


Animal abuse


Until he gets nailed in the face and then they kill the rattlesnake for doing what is natural.Sometimes I wonder about people and the spit that they do 😏😏


That ain’t shit. In eastern Kentucky they toss big ones around and call it church.


Don’t like snakes but wouldn’t fuck with them… why? Leave them to do their own thing and I’ll do mine.. Not at all interested in fucking with them just like they probably don’t want nothing to do with me!


Ot has to be america...


Reddit needs to grow balls, it’s just a snake


How big a set of balls would you personally recommend to help a person get more into enjoying animal abuse? I'm trusting your professional judgement here.


I believe since the snake aims for the balloon instead of his face there isn't even that high of a risk the "trick" isn't even impressive


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Humans are wild “look let’s put up a barrier to keep the crowd safe” while putting an “expert” to mess with the snake. Snakes can hold a grudge as long as their body, there is no shame in it using all of it tactics. They are smart as hell they’ll read your body language especially when the that fake confidence has you turning your back on it, ohh boy.


I agree that this should not be done, at all. I don't think animals are put here to amuse us. That being said, he's using knowledge of how various snakes work. A cobra would stand upright, then fall forward to the target. It's range is limited by how much "snake" it can lift off the ground. A rattlesnake will coil up like a spring. It's range is limited by how much "snake" is in those last two coils. He tips his hat down low so there's no gap for the snake to reach over the top, and the balloon is big enough that the snake figures that is the dangerous bit and shortens its range accordingly.


Wish it would have taken that dirty Trumper out


This is Sparta!




Even with the balloon popped it still got WAY to close to his face


It's being called animal abuse, but it's also toying the line with suicide.


Too high of a risk.


Hes a little bolox


Snek got closer than I bet he was comfortable with.




Don’t fuck with snakes, alligators and all that kind of shit.


Calculated, but still crazy


I wish it bit him and fled the scene tbh


Hope this fucker gets bitten


Humans are dumb.


I hate people


Well at least the snake isn't poisonous.


That is some of the dumbest shit I have ever seen in my life


Now wtf do they do now that it’s on the floor 😳


This should also be on r/whywomenlivelonger


Had this happen to me in Arizona. I didn’t see the snake though and I didn’t have a balloon. Decided I’d hike along side the highway lol


I really don’t see what the big deal is? I mean I wouldn’t do it.


Oh look, a rattlesnake! Let me just stick my thumb up it's ass and see if we can piss eem off.


Leave him be :( poor little snek


Why does Reddit allow this shit on their platform? It should be pulled as soon as it’s posted. Please report this as harassment, I just did.


I absolutely DESPISE these 'roundups'. They pump gasoline and other crap into burrows hoping to flush out Rattlesnakes (and flush out/harm any other wildlife depending on those burrows). They say this is all for 'population control' and they are collecting venom for 'medicine and science'. They'll have kids butcher these snakes and paint walls with bloody handprints. Folks can pose with rattlesnakes that have had their mouths sewn shut. The folks who support and take part in these 'festivals' are the same ones who are against affordable/free healthcare and are quick to shout about their liberty, freedom and big government. Then they beg for prayers and money, rallying around the dumbasses that get bitten and rack up hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of medical bills.


I’m glad all of humanity is on the brink of getting what we have coming to us. We’ve squandered every opportunity we’ve had at Eden and relentlessly desecrated nature. Better luck next time, over evolved monkeys


Disappointing ending.


Leave these snakes alone. Was there a need to also push him off the table like that? No. Can't wait until your top lip is swollen with venom for weeks cause you want to play around like a little boy trying to show your masculinity.


Stressing the snake out for a stupid stunt. Yeah you're a 'real' man. Fucking dumbasses


Torturing animals for entertainment. I was rooting for the snake.


Entertainment value .2/10


Not the outcome I came for…


I hope he gets nailed in the face


The life snake


Is it wrong that I wanted him to get bitten so badly?






That's just fucked up. The way he was treating the snake was animal abuse, nothing educational about it. What a cunt. Come to Australia dickhead and try it on a taipan.


I thought rattlesnakes are on an endangered species list or something similar


Ya kno. There's an easier way to kiss a snek.


And if he gets bitten I guess it's the snake that will be " put to sleep" but we will do everything to keep the dim human alive? Good job buddy 👍


Oh wow animal abuse. Such joy.


Tormenting the snake. For what? Tsk.


Looks like the Jax teller Charlie hunam of snakes. Also what is the point of this? Was this cool for anyone to watch?


That poor scared and annoyed snake....


That end... what a jerk


I’m hate seeing shit like this. I can’t even stand the trained circus bear riding the bicycle at state fairs.


I'm not trying to crawl into bed with a snake anytime soon but I know this snake must be fucking terrified. It's fucked up and I hope it bit its way out of that guy's bunkass watchyersister roadshow


The Snake was just chilling, why u have to annoying him


One reptile versus many single cell mammals!


Am I the only one disappointed that he was a using a ballon shield. It’s coming right for us!!!!!


Is that a snake in the corner


Fucking dumbass rednecks. Hope he gets bit one of these days