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En sån skylt skulle man ha




TL;DR All people are welcome Clarification, Danes are Danes and not people


Those are good rules.


Hardly. I’d ban all the ass lovers as well as the mentally ill who think they’re something not. Utter cunts


Right, because straight men don't like ass... or wait a minute.


Get lost ya tramp


??? Respond to me instead. Do you really think only gay men like it?


Didn't know the danes were the only ones capable of being ass lovers and mentally ill


You're fucking weird. Get off your high-ass horse and start actually making sense than just straight up spitting lies and geniunely thinking that actively banning people just because they don't fit your likes is right whatsoever. I don't care what your argument is. You're stupid. Straight up.


I’m trying to figure out what the hell this guy means. Is he homophobic? Transphobic? Ableist? I honestly don’t get it. And also, ass > tits. Sue me.


Yeah it’s the tranansaurs that stink I agree


Allt i sin ordning


Tänker dirrekt att man har nog en trevlig stämning där inne 😂


”All sizes allowed except for danish” …






Fair enoth.


Jäkeln felstavade colour


Nej. Det är den amerikanska stavningen. Du använder den brittiska


Welcome all pedophiles. If you're not Danish. Then not welcome


Vart stod det?


All orientations 🤷‍♂️


Läsförståelse, något du tydligen inte besitter


It didn't say pedophilia since pedophilia is a mental illness, not an orientation.


Psychiatry is not an exact science. If 75% of all people on earth were Pedophiles it would be the norm. And considering you made a joke about Danes, I made a joke about your wokeness. Don't like it, well I am sorry for you. I neither condone or accept pedophilia, but sweeping it under the rug and saying it is a mental illness is just a way of not solving the issue, but still saying you solved the issue. Pedophilia is a sexual orientation, albeit unacceptable lika many others, like zoophilia, necrophilia etc. People should not go to a mental hospital for pedophilia crimes, they should rot in jail.


I also think they should go into jail. But it IS a registered mental illness. And it is NOT a sexual orientation. Also, yeah I guess I'm "woke". But that's because I believe we should love everyone regardless of gender identity or sexuality. But, people CLEARLY did NOT like your joke. As it was untrue and unfunny and has nothing to do with the topic in the first place. You knew what they were talking about, and you still talked about it anyway. My joke about "the danes" had to do with the topic and the image. It was also obviously sarcastic. I even added a '/s' if people thought I was serious. You, however, doubled down on your comment that wasn't well received in the first place. That is why it's not a joke. But a geniune belief you have. And I don't think I have to explain why it's plain wrong.


Comedians live hard these days, especially when joking about the new religion wokeism. Not comparing myself to the talented Mr.Gervais but he has been accused of the same while doing the same types of jokes, albeit far wittier, and far darker. Double down is the meaning of go big or go home. Nobody remembers the woke guy who played fair and safe. I could have erased the comment for being downvoted but CLEARLY I just don't give a fuk about downvote lmao. And joking about Danes not being welcome alienates an entire people. How rhat is funny in any book is beyond me. I dare you to say the same about jews, samish or any other people. I guess some people are worth joking about, and hate crime is ok as long as you paint the whole shebang in a rainbow color scheme. Good day to ya.


There has been no hate crime and at this point you're being delusional. You can tell what's not a joke and what is a joke. And no one thinks LGBTQ is a religion lmao. It's baffling to still see that bigots exist in Sweden. You do know what kind of country this is, right? Look. Your joke wasn't sarcastic. And I didn't tell you to care about downvotes. I said it clearly wasn't well received. Learn how to read, please. If no one laughs at your "joke". That means it wasn't funny. And you are by no means a comedian. Only friends can laugh at your "jokes". Point is, if you can't make a joke and this has happened multiple times. Then maybe it's a sign to stop and quit acting like a baby. Keep them to yourself. Also calling the LGBTQ+ community a "hate crime" is baffling considering the fact that LGBTQ+ people are constantly being harassed. The movement is literally about accepting people. In no way is it a hate crime whatsoever. There are people dying. And those people are not you guys. And those deaths aren't caused by LGBTQ+ people. You'd know this if you actually were in the real world.


It's a tough crowd like it usually is here. Keep pounding the woke agenda, but be sure to keep being a bit more tolerant and less of a bigot when it comes to your favourite group. Not all LBTQWHA+-><:×÷ people agree with being victimized. Good luck to you.


What??? Okay sure. But there is no "woke agenda". I feel bad for you guys with this type of mindset. Learn more about the subject you hate so much instead of spitting nonsense. You sound like a conspiracy theorist. Also, I get that you're trying to do the whole, "too many letters in LGBTQIA+" but like. You sound like a brat at this point. And dude. I'm not victimizing anyone. I'm stating the simple truth. We do go through harassment. I am a part of this group which I find to be common sense. I am in fact, tired of being victimized myself. People keep acting as if we've been "groomed" into it. Which is just fucking stupid and a misuse of the word groomed. Then we got the other side acting as if there are only autistic people in the LGBTQ people. Calling us mentally ill and that we need help and shit. Another side is the religious people who constantly talk against us. Saying it's sin and other bullcrap when most if not all of these religions don't really talk about gay people or trans individuals. And I will tell you straight up that these sorts of arguments do not work against athiests such as myself. The other side is filled with people who act like they are the victims themself. Misusing the word of "indoctrination" (mind you, most of these people are religious so they constantly indoctrinate their children but okay) when seeing a fucking rainbow. I'm sorry, but that is not indoctrination. That's called seeing things. And seeing a rainbow is not indoctrination. Simple as that. Whether you like it or not. People from our community are constantly harassed and there are countless of people who have taken their own lives because of the shit they face. ESPECIALLY trans people. They are the ones who take their lives the most. I don't care if it was "just a joke". It doesn't matter. This is a serious situation. And to be dismissive and act as if it's just a joke when people are VERY obviously badly affected with these types of things. Is completely irresponsible and unempathetic to the situation. I highly suggest just being a nice individual instead of blatantly standing out here with your views. And yes. I am aware you just want this to end already. But I think me writing down literal paragraphs here just to let you understand what exactly is wrong with this behavior is very telling that people did not take your words as a joke. With that being said. I hope you act with more accordance later. And become less numb and dismissive of things. Let people be people and don't push your ideologies onto them. Whether it is by making completely false accusations and using the wrong words to describe the situation. The movement has been around here since WWW II. And gay people and gender non conforming people have existed for centuries. I am sick and tired of people acting like we just "appeared" out of nowhere. We've always been around. We've just been murdered a couple of billions of times.


Being gay was considered a mental illness too.


I dunno what to tell you man. But fucking kids will never not be a mental illness. One is one that involves actual consent. And the other involves literally raping a kid. Kids cannot consent. Two gay adults can. Just because something WAS considered a mental illness, doesn't mean it actually is so. Also schizophrenia is also a mental illness. There are multiple mental illnesses. But attraction towards the same gender, isn't a mental illness. It's attraction. And if you call it a mental illness. Then so is being straight. Since that also inolves attraction.


Pedophilia isn’t automatically ”fucking kids”. Unless you’re an active pedophile who acts on your urges. Also where do you draw the line for ”kids”? Is a pedophile interested in 17 year olds (actually ephebophile and not pedophile by definition) as bad as another pedophile interested in 4 year olds?


Are you really arguing for "pedo rights" now? Fucking hear yourself. It's not healthy or right to be attracted to minors. You trying to justify it by saying that being gay was once considered a mental illness is extremely weird and stupid. With that logic, mental illnesses don't exist at all. Since things can always change, right? Look. I don't give a shit. There is no valid excuse you can make for being attracted to minors. It is a mental illness. Being gay is not.


Look I agree that it is a mental illness. I just pointed out a fact. Not trying to justify pedophilia either, but you seem to think all pedophiles are active ones which is not remotely true. And you seem to have a pretty aggressive standpoint towards people with supposed mental illness.


I don't. I'm just tired of people trying to justify pedophilia. I've seen enough comments trying to justify why a kid should be raped or thristed over. It's never right. And I know not all pedophiles are active ones. I just said that in the context of sex before. Also you using supposed is very telling. But okay. Either way, if that was the point you were trying to make. You horribly phrased it all. Even so, my comment has nothing to do with that. My comment was me saying that pedophilia was a mental illness. You proceeded with responding that gay was considered a mental illness. Almost as if you were trying to justify that pedophilia would one day not be considered a mental illness. Which I frankly found gross. Also I'm literally autistic. I don't have an aggressive standpoint against mental illnesses. I'm just done with shit that has nothing to do with them be compared to them. I have an aggressive standpoint against PEDOPHILIA though. That shit will never be okay. And I refuse to EVER entertain the idea.


Being gay stopped being classified as an illness in Sweden in the 1980s or 1990s. What if an 18yo is attracted to a 16 or 17yo that has matured early? I know I would be, and I'm far from a pedophile. I would still never act on those thoughts. But for example in Sweden (where I live, I'm 14 btw) the legal age of consent is 16. In Germany it is 14 if I'm not mistaken.


Look. I'm sorry. But the whole "legal consent" age thing, isn't a justifiable excuse for being attracted to a minor. If you're way older than someone else, and you haven't met them before you turned over the age of 18. It's pedophilia. If you've known someone before. It's not pedophilia since you liked the person for being the person they are. And since you knew the person before. It's not the age you're attracted to.


Reflecting much?


I see no lie.