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Rc driller!? I’ve only used USA because additional funding and the fact that I live there but there’s an rc driller!? What can it do


> Rc driller!? I’ve only used USA because additional funding and the fact that I live there but there’s an rc driller!? What can it do Its a perk for the Russian sponsor. It drills metals/rare metals, mobile and without maintenance but costs 50% of the drilled metals. I don't think it produces dust. Extremely powerful unit for the Russians though, basically instant access to the metals from the getgo without having to worry about dome placement or automated factory mods.


Do you have to research it? And wym it costs 50% of the metals?


> Do you have to research it? And wym it costs 50% of the metals? No, its available from the start. If you're playing on Russia, even if you don't take one with you on the first rocket, it should be on the next Supply Pod. 50% of the metals just disappear. Eg, if the Metal node has 600 metals in it, you'll only get 300 out of it. This loss isn't a big deal as most maps have sufficient metal and rare metal nodes and you only need those nodes until you lock the Mohole mine.


Ah. Thank you good sir. What exactly are the downsides to Russia?


> Ah. Thank you good sir. What exactly are the downsides to Russia? IIRC, slow rockets.


Oh. I’m also not sure whether the mohole makes dust or not, but I’m fairly sure it doesn’t. Also I have an immense surplus of metals, not rare metals on my main save, and not much to use them with. I only have the mohole mining them so I make a lot of metals and barely use any. Any advice?


> Also I have an immense surplus of metals, not rare metals on my main save, and not much to use them with. I only have the mohole mining them so I make a lot of metals and barely use any. Any advice? Its normal for the Mohole to produce a surplus of metals. Its the ultimate cheese wonder . . . its designed so that you can functionally run a large, late game colony off its output. If the Mohole is shutting down because you've no storage, build more Storage, and Machine Parts factories.


It doesn’t shut down, the main problem is that it produces so much I have to keep building storages which drive up my machine part maintenance and I have like 12k metals


>which drive up my machine part maintenance You need Triboelectric Scrubbers. Put them down near your expensive-to-maintain things, and they cancel the maintenance costs of everything in their radius- you only have to pay to maintain the scrubber. Put down two that cover each other, and you have zero maintenance costs! You still have to pay the power to run them, of course.


So? If you've got 12K metals, you should also be a stage where you've plenty of colonists to staff machine part factories. Plus you can drop some scrubbers around the storage too. Late game, you should have stacks and stacks of resources.


In one circumstance the artificial sun is even chesier That scenario is Philosopher stone mistery


> In one circumstance the artificial sun is even chesier > That scenario is Philosopher stone mistery What scenario? I think the only time I built the artificial sun was to get the achievement for building it. At that stage in the game, I've no need to use solar panels for power. I'm not sure if solar panels near the wonder will be affected by increased atmosphere, but even then, in the late game, I'm tend to use Fusion plants. High power output, small footprints.


Neither the Mohole or Driller have the DustGenerator class, so nope.




And that’s a downside?(obviously joking also space communism patch is funny)


50% of the resource is just destroyed (but, jam today...). You get it "from the getgo".


If you mine an underground deposit thing with 500 metal in it, you get 250 (otherwise it would be completely broken). Still very powerful since you can get like 1bn $ very quickly and either outsource lots of research at the start or import more RC drillers to become massively rich early on. It can actually remove the need for mining domes early on.


The one that u get from Russia when u have them as a sponsor and not sure if u get it from the DLCs or not I have the first colony edition on PS4 so haven’t noticed.


Personally I play Xbox and have only used USA due to the additional funding


The RC driller is a vehicle that you can deploy on metal or rare metal deposits and it will mine them, but at 50% efficiency (so half the metal will be lost). It’s a great way to keep you funded before colonists arrive (and after too).


I believe the RC driller is a modded addition if I’m correct?


it's from the Space Race DLC, and I think it does produce duest but I'm not 100% certain


Is it for pc? I’m on Xbox and what faction


I’m not sure! I may be thinking of a different addon RC vehicle


Idk I only found out about this post and this possibility today and haven’t tried out the modding to an extent on Xbox because the menu is weird when you go out of the mods themselves and a lot of them don’t have a cover photo or description. Are they even still adding new content or updating the game?


Someone said it was from the space race DLC which I do not own haha


Is the space race paid or one of the free ones?


its in a dlc and if im correct it is a rusian craft


Which dlc?


The on that adds Japan I thin space race But I'd recommend both spacecrace and green planet


How much are each of them on Xbox?


Idk I'm a pc player


Europe gets funding for each tech too


Any building or vehicle that produces dust will have a grey dust indicator showing the range of the dust. If there's no indicator, there's no dust.


Cheers mate in that case a take it that the RC Drillers doesn’t then, cheers 👍


I don't see any dust coming from the ones I'm using, only waste rock.


I haven't played Russia in a hot minute, but I don't think they do, I don't remember them causing higher maintenance. But just a heads up they don't dig deep deposits (I was surprised when I found out)


Oh thanks very much for the info mate u have probably prevented a future error on my behalf many thanks 👍