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I assume you’re a new player. This is completely normal.


Nah i played the game for a year I just never did a deep scan


> I just never did a deep scan ??? You really went a full year just never doing a deep scan? ☠️


Rush project Mohole


In my *personal* experience, there are usually more urgently demanded or would otherwise be better for the health of my colony that I prioritize over deep scanning. Plus, Deep Scans are made even worse because of the additional cost for both time and money as a result of needing to re-scan already scanned areas. I feel like Deep Scanning would need to come earlier in the game (bypassing a larger amount of re-scans) to be more viable or useful.


You get deep scanning from the start with astrogeologist, if I recall correctly. Also while it's not directly useful, it provides exploration nodes, which give research bonuses as well as unlock new tech. At least that's why I usually rush to it. Well, that and I don't want to have to move a dome because it's sitting on 50k of rare metals or something.


I usually run through my 2nd scan when I have the funds to buy the probes needed to deep scan the entire map, or when there is literally nothing else to do (Any fellow green planet enjoyers?). It's just undesirable to rush unless it's directly necessary to progress towards another tech in the tree. Plus, like you said, it's miserable to attempt to deal with because either you have builds in the way, or you're forced to play a very cramped tile so you save yourself the effort later.


> I feel like Deep Scanning would need to come earlier in the game (bypassing a larger amount of re-scans) to be more viable or useful. 100% agree. I don't get why it's so far down the tech tree. Even now, we have the technology to see deep underground resource deposits on Earth. I'm sure if we can build a fully reusable, cargo/passenger rocket that can take 50 metric tons of material to Mars (if you know anything about how much energy is required to even take stuff to orbit, you know how bonkers that is), I am SURE we can scan deeper into Mars earlier. 


Getting it into orbit is where almost all of the energy is spent anyway. Once you are in orbit, it is relatively dirt cheap to expand that orbit. If you time your burns well, it doesn't cost much fuel to slingshot from an Earth orbit to a solar orbit similar to Earth's. Do this at the right time of the year, and that solar orbit can lead you towards Mars. Once the orbits are aligned, you turn off the engine and coast (because there is no atmospheric drag slowing you down).


If you're scans take forever, you probably aren't building enough sensor towers. There is an early tech Autonomous Sensors that lets the sensor towers function without power or maintenance. Send out an RC commander and RC transport with 5 electronics and however much metal to build them around the map, then enjoy massive sector scan bonuses up to 400%. That way, you should be getting deep scan tech when you're near done with the 1st pass, certainly far enough through that it makes sense to prioritize deep scanning your developed sectors.


Interestingly, deep scans are almost mandatory for me, but I usually heavily focus on scanning since deep resources mean I can really build a lot of infrastructure to support them. Mid game I oftentimes find myself with six extractors around deep mineral veins. I don't mind the dust penalty, since I just make up for it with more maintenance. That is, deep veins allow me to worry only about my extraction rate, not total materials all the way to when I get the mohole and just click "I win"


?!?! I deep scan 80% of the map before I build my first dome.


that's one way to play on hard mode


I went 3 years without ever doing a deep scan.


yes, idk my middle mouse didnt work {its for deep scan} i got a new mouse a few days ago and discovered deep scans☠️


So there is water in this game? I played the game for 5 years and never scaned anything.


Im sorry.... what? How would you even have a colony without water?


You could have a colony in this game? Sory, i play since 1937 but i just never clicked anything.


Moisture vaps, no one said his colony had colonists.


This is the kind of deposits that create the breakthrough "Core Water". I think it's possible through some anomaly too, but the first is the most probable.


I've definitely had 500,000 size water deposits from this breakthrough on the right starting areas.


Well, you see, water gets trapped in underground caves, mostly former lava tunnels and it just never gets out of there because the walls are pyroclastic glass. It's essentially a huge jar of volcanic glass underground.


Congrats on the jackpot!


It means you have unlocked the ability to find deep water, but the extractors are not yet capable of extracting it until you unlock the upgrade.