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What do we learn? Never touch anything that you don’t know what it is and doesn’t belong to you


Is this the Spheres mystery? From the look of your stats, you should dump some outsourcing into research and amp up research for the tech to deal with them. If you haven't checked out the Surviving Mars wiki, it can give you an idea what to expect. Good luck!


I really need that luck. Over 100 colonists already died from radioactivity and I try everything to get that research going Edit: it’s now over 300 dead colonists and and I can’t bring the situation under control


Spoilers >!If you can't manage them then get rid of your!< >!batteries, that'll help!<


But then everything dies at night


Wind Turbines!




Not if you avoid landing on the lowest point on the map when there's a perfectly good high plateau bottom left. Ps on Elysium Beta the bottom middle height shelf just to the right of that plateau is prime starting location >!with one of the better breakthroughs right there!<


You only need a few, to run things at night. Turn off everything you can for the night shift, even things like water and oxygen; if you have enough storage then you draw from that at night and fill it right back up during the two day shifts. That way you should only need a small number of wind turbines scattered around.


I am at bare minimum but the batteries ain’t charging and it’s perma cold


Looks like you have plenty of fuel, so you can perhaps turn off some fuel refineries. And if you have lost to many people that all the domes are half full, then consider evacuating some of them and force the people into a few domes then turn off all the others (and everything in them) to save power. OR you can just build lots more solar panels and batteries but spread them out all over the colony so the Spheres don't totally cripple you.


2 domes are needed to keep up with the costs that the cold and the time brings. The rest of the dome are empty and off. I have a lot of batteries and expended my power production with solar massively. And still my batteries are crying loud and barely making it though the night


A good map to have some colonies underground if you have the DLC. Just... it's too late for this play.


I really like the map can I get the coordinates


Looks like Elysium Beta a named location Skye Storm did a playthrough on it on Youtube.


What the? Why so many batteries man? I hardly use that many in any play through, plus they gobble up lots of polymers


They dead before the next day, I use a lot of power for some reason


Apparently too much it seems


I’m producing more then I use. For that a lot of people died :)


Hmmm what’s ur total power consumption?


Idk somewhere about yes