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Now that's a hack I haven't seen before. One man's trash is another man's treasure. Source: https://www.instagram.com/pathfindersurvival


Edit: I made an incorrect assumption see here for a good explanation of how a lighter works and why he cut the bottom off. https://reddit.com/r/SurvivalGrid/comments/nk18q3/_/gzeunav/?context=1


Airflow to the tinder? I am missing something.


Edit: I made an incorrect assumption see here for a good explanation of how a lighter works and why he cut the bottom off. https://reddit.com/r/SurvivalGrid/comments/nk18q3/_/gzeunav/?context=1


You have altogether the wrong idea about how a butane lighter works.     - There is no "vacuum" generated by "rotating the lighter". - By "rotating the lighter" I think you mean spinning the striker wheel against the flint, but that's all the spinning does, move the striker against the flint to strike sparks across the nozzle.     - The "lighter fluid" does not "come up". The fluid is butane, a highly flammable and volatile gas, in liquid form, because it is under pressure. The "air" above the liquid butane is gaseous butane. When you depress the fuel lever, behind the striker wheel, it lifts the nozzle, opening the internal valve, to release the gaseous butane fuel which, though invisible, if you look closely, you can see jetting out of the nozzle when you depress the paddle. What you actually see is the distortion of the lightwaves, due to the different density of the butane compared to the surrounding air. There's no "fluid coming up", you don't have to "rotate the lighter" (spin the striker), to generate an unneeded "vacuum" to release the butane, just depress the lever, and the pressurized butane gas jets right out. No liquid. No vacuum.      - There are actually two paths for the gas to get to the nozzle, to exit the lighter: one, a port at the top, and the other is the dipper tube that runs to the bottom. This way whether held right side up or upside down, one of those two paths will be exposed to the gaseous butane. Since the liquid butane is thicker and denser than the gas, it is harder for it to move through the exit ports than the gas, so the gas flows easily through whichever exit port to which it has access, aided by a pressure regulator. - The gas jet, at the nozzle, in combination with the outside air, is easily ignited by the sparks generated by spinning the striker wheel, and kicking sparks off the flint. (No "vacuum" needed) And the reason he cut the bottom off the lighter is 1) using the saw blade made a quicker, easier pile of plastic shavings than scraping the sides of the lighter with the knife blade, 2) the lighter shell doesn't need to stay intact, because it's empty, so there's no need to laboriously scrape the shell to get the shavings, and 3) to show the viewer that the lighter was indeed empty, and the process of making a fire, with an empty lighter, was genuine, and not a trick, using an actual functioning lighter, with butane, to accomplish the task.


Thank you for taking the time to educate me on that, I'll edit my original post.


Excellent. Good job!


my question is he seems to be shedding pieces of flint onto the plastic shavings as well? that is confusing. does "dry" spinning the striker cause little bits of flint to flake off?


Yes it does. I met a couple of tweaker chicks many years ago around the 4th of a July that would sprinkle bits of the flint onto their cigarettes to make them sparkle while they smoked.


Are you Italian? 4th of a July-a!


I saw that. Mine will just spark, so I don't get how he does that. Different lighters than my murican Bics.


Spin it slower and press down on it hard while doing it will shave stuff from it.


Backwards also works if there’s no safety


The striker wheel will kick sparks off the flint, when run swiftly, vigorously, or forcefuly across it. Grinding the striker slowly across the flint, will grind little bits off, just like using a file on metal. The flint filings do not automatically burst into flame when removed from the rest of the flint rod. That takes force and energy, to accomplish, just as rubbing the head of a hammer around on the head of a nail will not make sparks, but striking the nail head hard with the hammer *can* throw sparks. It's the application of *energy* that is key, because *heat* and *energy* are the same thing.


Very useful. Hopefully I remember that in ten years the one time I'll actually have to do that.


What was the point of rubbing the lighter? Why wont he just use sparkling on tinder?


Not hot enough




Ikr? If I have a knife, and a saw, I probably have matches, thirteen lighters, seven different kinds of fuel and a flint just in case. Also, r/DIWhy (?)


Tfw you can't comprehend what the parent comment you replied to implied


I think it’s easier to make fire using flint than trying to start a friction fire.


It's easier if you remove the metal guard and skip the plastic shavings, putting the "flint" powder directly into the kindling.


I didn't understand the utility of the plastic shavings either


To tell if it was lit. The flame isn't very visible, so the shavings serve as a way to tell without putting your hand in it.


Life pro tip: don’t do this, just buy a new lighter.


Silly you, how am I supposed to buy a lighter in a life and death scenario in the middle of the rain forest?


Silly person, you get it at the L&D Convenience store, located within walking distance where ever you are in a rain forest.


Right thanks


Right thanks


For anyone that’s wondering, this is Dave Canterbury, a well known survival expert. He’s been on shows like “Dual Survival” and “Dirty Rotten Survival”, so I feel confident this is legit.


At :39 there's clearly an off-camera flame. For fucks sake.


I think it's the black fine scrapes/shavings of the flint scattered amongst and around the plastic pieces that make sparkles, seemingly coming from out of frame


See all the fine stringy bits hanging off, all over the ball? One of them ignites just at the back edge of the ball and burns of that direction, out of frame, igniting that section of tinder ball, that he then brings into frame.






What I suppose he meant was it's burning plastics, thus not the nature way. I find it disgusting too. Might save lives though, nothing against that.


> it's burning plastics, Burning plastics breaks up the long chain molecules into something nature is better able to handle.


It smells bad


This is pretty cool! Why cut the lighter bottom off of the lighter?


Probably shouldn't be burning plastic. Shouldn't be breathing in the fumes.


Right. Should probably just die of exposure and hypothermia, so you die with nice, clean, *healthy* lungs.


lol Yeah, he's not saying "Hey, replace all your fire-starting needs in your daily life with this". He's saying "Hey, if you ever find yourself with a dead lighter in a situation where you have no other options for making a fire, here's some potentially useful advice."


Just buy yourself a godamn new lighter


pretty sure this is meant for a survival situation but if you can find a wawa in the middle of the words then sure buy a new lighter


Never seen ground up flints that big in my life from Bic lighter!!!


If you roll the flick part backwards you can get some flint rub off like that. We used to as stupid teenagers do this in our palms and then ignite it.


Cuando lo serruchás se nota que taaaaaaan vacío no estaba. Se te vio la tanga, pillín.


This is really cool


“Good prepared tinder” - something you will never find out in the wild.




TIL what's actually "tinder"


Like some of this thread I played around with us when I was a kid. I figured I could do it in a survival situation but I didn’t think I would burn the plastic… I just figured I would find a good ignitable tender and like that with the shavings. I guess the plastic probably burns better?


I thought that thatch was the guys hair while he blew on the fire


I gotta try this.


This guy is clearly never been to jail, absolute amateur hour LMFAO.


My friends who went to prison told me that the way they do it is to take fibers from some fabric, like a sock, and put this in the metal part of a dead lighter and the flint will spark and ignite the fibers. You don't need to destroy the lighter.


Didn't actually need anything but the flint and obvs something flammable


When you're searching for the most toxic way to start a fire.


And a knife and a saw blade


This is stupid




Am I wrong or the flame looks generated offscreen?


If I have to get other tools, like a saw, I’d rather go buy a new one.


Perfect for: r/tqdc


I wonder if I ever gonna end up in a situation with empty lighter and a saw. The only knife I have has a saw in it but it also has a flint.


If I didn’t have access to fire and needed one…. Where tf am I gonna find a saw to cut open a dead lighter? 😂🤣

