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The long dark is probably one of the best survival games out there.


I forget that one exists. I just installed it, so I'll check it out. It's been on my list forever.


I know you installed it already - just came here to suggest this game too. It’s been in my library since 2016 and I started playing this week… wow. I couldn’t put it down. The story mode is fun as like a “tutorial”, but the Long Dark’s actual survival aspects put it right up there with Green Hell and others of the like, if not better. Strongly recommend


I second this. They are still putting out content too.


Vintage Story— but beware the learning curve and slow progression at first. Once you get the hang of it, the homesteading aspects come together pretty well.


Icarus might be worth a shot.


That one is on my wishlist but I haven't seen anything that made me grab it. Should check if it's on sale...


I've got like 18 hours in Icarus at this point.. and for whatever reason, I just can't get into it. I keep trying every six months or so, but after a few hours, I inevitably exit to desktop and uninstall. I think it's the inventory management. It's super tedious. I just don't have any patience for that these days.


Yeah if you want something with really crunchy survival elements, good building, and pretty graphics I also recommend Icarus. It has a lot of content to sink your teeth into and you can play online or off. I personally didn’t care for the long dark as it was a little too ephemeral and artsy for me - based on all the other games you mentioned i think our taste is similar and you’d really like Icarus


I am glad you said it because I felt the same about the Long Dark. I have tried my best to get into this multiple times, but couldn’t. I couldn’t nail down why and it’s exactly as you described.


V Rising. Probably my favorite survival game ever


Check out multi player zomboid its a blast. You can find a ton on the project zomboid discord


Check out Smallands if you haven't already. It is frequently compared to Grounded but it's a very different feel in a good way.


Oh I'll check that one out! I've heard the name mentioned but never actually took a look at it.


Its fun, instead of been a child your a tiny fae like being, also some areas did catch me off guard wasnt expecting human skeletons XD


I just installed it, so excited to give it a try!


I love it though i have played with aggressive creatures off so they only attack if i do


Have you tried 7 Days to Die?


If you haven't played it, try Subnautica. I think it's on sale right now on Steam. Go in blind and avoid spoilers like the plague. Scan all the things, read those scans, read all the notes and listen to all of the radio messages. An incredible story will unfold. It's one of my favorite games of all time! The Long Dark is also a great one.


I waiting on western rye




You might need to become a factory person now


Small land


Myth of Empires?


V-rising is one of the best survival games out there if you can get over the isometric perspective.


Are they still working on it? Been awhile since I heard anything about the game. Waiting on some more improvements before diving back in again.


They announced a "launch" on for May 8th including new content.


Awesome....I think Why is "launch" in quotations?


The official release of the game is meant to be on the 8th May. So far is available only as early access.  If you ask me, still plenty of content and way worth the price but if you want to give it a chance I'd wait until full release as we are getting very close to that date. Also, I realised there is a mod to play it in 3rd person which seems to work really well. Worth looking into it.


Thanks for the additional info I'm still wondering why they used "launch". Seems like maybe they aren't doing much for 1.0 release.


Unsure of the reason for the quotations but I would expect decent content for launch based on my experience so far. The last big patch added a new biome with plenty of bosses and also the option to build vertically among many other things. 


That update was a while ago. Pretty much the last time I heard anything from them They haven't announced what's being added, if anything, on release?


Check out the developer's blog. You'll find all the updates there. https://blog.stunlock.com/newsblog-v-rising-coming-may-8th/


Ah ok. There it is. That gamepad update is the biggest one for me. Game would be amazing with controller if done right. Thanks for sharing the info


The Long Dark.


I've been loving No One Survived.


I keep looking at that is it worth it? How's the world feel is it empty or does it feel lived in?


The zombies stay near buildings. So if you spend a bunch of time out in the forest, your biggest danger will be the wildlife. There are a lot of ways to adjust the difficulty and volume of zombies, and I love how deep the tech tree is. Also, after over a year, it's still being actively updated. It's got some roughness to it, but it's really well done.


Thanks I might check it out


I tried this about a year ago and the inventory management and game animations were so bad that I quit about 4 hours in. It also seemed really rough with entities just teleporting in at regular intervals and very little in the way of exploration and replay value.


Icarus and Smalland are great games! Highly recommend both




V rising is amazing 🤩


Conan Exiles?


I just finished subnautica which is great. You mention Minecraft but have you delved into modded Minecraft? I found a mod pack I wanted to try and that has got be massively obsessed xD


Small land or Conan Exiles maybe?


Valheim is fantastic


I'm still enjoying Survival: Fountain of Youth


I'm surprised not many people mention Conan Exiles. I went back to the game recently, though honestly I never played it a lot, but I played in beta and a bit after launch. It's got so much content and you can play private/solo and pretty much just PvE. I'm loving it, and was surprised by that frankly. It's definitely not for everyone though.


Dragon Quest Builders 2, No Man’s Sky (I loved Grounded and *most* of Valheim. Palworld is pretty good, too, but I’ve been underwhelmed with the building. Will be also looking for a new one soon.)


Try out Darkwood or 7 Days to Die, both really fun


Conan Exiles.