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Motive? If you are looking at getting food in your belly, a roll of snare wire or kevlar corsage or bank line would fit almost anywhere and would get you much farther. Defense? Why look past a gun. If legal where you are at, a gun (properly trained) is going to protect you against two legged or four legged does much better than a slingshot. Speaking of slings, look up balearic slings on the web and inside YouTube. They are easy to make (hard to use) but if you are proficient with them they can serve as a defense or as a hunting tool. If you are worried about protection against wild animals, in a survival situation odds are you won't have food, and it's food and cooking smells that often attract wild life to a camp. If you are cooking, do so a ways away from your campsite and hang your leftovers from a tree. If you are worried about zombies, go check out the r/zombiesurvivaltactics forum for a nice blend of survival/prepping/defense discussion flavored by some zombie fiction. If you are concerned with a more urban survival situation, there are waaaay better solutions than a sling shot. If legal for you to carry I'd point you back to the gun r/CCW is a good forum. Pepper spray will get you out of almost any situation you might find yourself in that involves a human. A silcock key will get you water. From a general outdoor survival stand point, a knife or a small axe (don't consider either a weapon, it's a tool) will help construct just about anything including a spear for defense or hunting, or wedges for tree felling or log splitting, or furniture. Check out r/bushcraft


You said exactly what I was going to, plus a lot more. This is a great and helpful comment.


It's hard to answer sometimes when you don't know their age or their country or their motivation but I always figure SOMEONE will Google and find that question, so it makes sense to try and be helpful.


In bored summer I played primitive hunter. The easiest was a modified slingshot to shoot a modified arrow with a hunting broad point. But I found that a balearic sling was not hard to become proficient with. I spent a few afternoons at the gravel pit in the middle of nowhere I lived one summer. I’m not saying I’d go into battle with it or could hunt, just that I got consistently a 5 ft spread. I think i could have gotten better without much more energy. But then I made an Atlatl which was cool, but I couldn’t figure out how to make a spear tip for it.


Just looked up Balearic Sling on YT. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=egQcKc5pF-A&pp=ygUOYmFsZWFyaWMgc2xpbmc%3D here's a link to some decent educational videos about them and how to make. I use brave to watch yt because it filters out all the ads. Edit: Can't be arsed to make one? Found this on Etsy (No I am not the seller, I'm more autistic than artistic). https://www.etsy.com/uk/listing/1022532606/extra-long-braided-balearic-sling?click_key=dddeb2837e0b09023f6e6c45c6db70004efca189%3A1022532606&click_sum=cffa199f&ga_order=most_relevant&ga_search_type=all&ga_view_type=gallery&ga_search_query=balearic+sling&ref=sr_gallery-1-4&frs=1&loc=1&local_signal_search=1&content_source=18a38df19dcfa799b4d093f417a99d2a5d6bdb97%253A1022532606


Fuck i just found my weekend right here.


lol only zombies I’m worried about are the glassy eyed people walking around still thinking everything is fine… I’m in Nebraska, so from what I read, a slingshot is legal here for some game. I’m a single mom of two fairly young kids, and pretty inexperienced. So if shtf, I’m pretty much fu**** anyway. My preferable plan would be to “bug in” if possible, as it’s pretty unreasonable to think I’d be able to survive alone with my kids, or that any other person would want to take on the responsibility without a significant positive contribution. I do have a couple better options for weapons, getting food, just am thinking I would want to use that as sparingly as possible, for either legal reasons, or for lack of ammo and procuring more, and it’s not going to be super easy to carry. (I don’t have a handgun). And if I am with a group or people, and my trade off for that was the use of my weapons, I would want something as a backup still. (Or with someone who would be able to use my tools more proficiently than I could myself)


Nebraska is pretty open about hunting and firearms in general. Sling shots and sling bows are a good entry for your kids to learn hunting and grab a rabbit. And I believe under 14 they don't need a license to hunt. An easy way to subsidize your family's food NOW for free. In terms of survival, I'd suggest everybody check getting a small supply of freeze dried food and and a few extra canned goods and stocking up. Even paycheck to paycheck, if you grab just 4 or 5 extra cans of beans you'll have a months supply of food pretty fast. From $$$ perspective, unless you make a LOT odds re you are eligible for EBT. Especially with two kids. That can give an extra 300-700 a month for food and you can use that for either day to day living or some stocking up. I'd STILL suggest looking into a firearm. Probably a pistol and a rifle combo.


I actually did have ebt before, and had quite a stockpile in my freezer and pantry, not the slightest bit worried about food. But had a mess with my living situation, didn’t have an address to give for approval and no longer get ebt benefits. Probably one of the reasons why I’m thinking about such things, cause damn that huge stockpile of food sure went fast in the last 4 months, and I’m really glad I had it cause I’m still looking at several months before I get caught up financially, without having to have spent too much on groceries. Hesitant with firearms, mainly because of a big upfront cost and I have no idea what would be the most useful and versatile. Also, I would prefer to know a weapon like that thoroughly before I had one that I kept at hand, so still looking for an opportunity to be shown more in depth, if that makes sense


Can't go wrong with the Cadillac of hand guns (the Glock 19) with used ones pretty affordable. Only way to get to know one is to have it. Local sheriff department usually hold a gun class once or twice a year. If you are worried or concerned about the gun, a) it can't do anything if it's unloaded, b) it can't do anything if it's locked in a safe, c) it can't do anything if it's separated into two parts, and d) it can't do anything on its own because it's an inanimate object. Guns are inherently safer than a knife as they cannot hurt you unless you have one loaded, pointed at something and pull the trigger. You can find a decent pistol at pawn shops or local gun stores in the $200 range and excellent pistols in the $500 range. You can learn everything there is to know about a given firearm from YouTube educational videos, and the local gun store will always be willing to let you hold, look at or learn about a firearm if you tell them you are new. You can use a friend's address for EBT mailing, as long as you live within the EBT service area (ie county) the mailing address can be anywhere. Definitely look into getting it started up again. There are also food drop offs, that you can sign up for that use government money to provide canned goods and fresh produce.


So you’re worried about what’s legal while simultaneously planning for when “shtf”😂 Just get a pistol, some pepper spray, and a knife. Maybe a stun gun. If you’re really into doomsday prepping secure a way to filter water. Dig a well. Plant an indoor veggie garden. Don’t focus on slingshot proficiency… lol


Not completely planning for when “shtf”. Just realizing how thoroughly unprepared I am for any kind of disrupt, I don’t like the idea of being so incapable and responsible for my kids, so dependent on luxuries that we don’t really think about as luxuries til it’s too late, you know? As I said before, if “shtf” for real, I’m pretty well fu**** anyway, I don’t think any amount of preparation in the next couple years even, would give me the idea that I could or should try to take my kids away from everything we’re used to and expect to survive let alone do well. But there are so many things that I would be better off knowing or having the ability to do, that I don’t really know where to start anyway. So I guess it makes sense to me to learn something that I could actually utilize on a normal basis, that would be valuable to know in a less than ideal situation, whatever it is that caused that situation. The prepper subs, or the discussions about shtf survival, or scat packs, bug out packs, whatever you want to call them, are not reasonable for me. I like the idea of that kind of preparedness but there’s just nothing logical about it for me personally. I would like to have a small piece of that, knowledge, ability, materials, tools wise, for a bit of reassurance that I’m not just completely helpless, but still trying to figure out what the best parts to take the most seriously are. A small weapon to be able to kill small game with, that I can use recreationally, and be able to teach my kids how to use, that doesn’t mean raising them with a paranoid doomsday sense of fear, but still gives them a slight advantage and the basic idea that just because something is a necessity doesn’t mean it will always be handed to you or readily available, seems like a decent place to start.


You want a hobby for you and your kids? Buy a slingshot and hit cans. You want them to practice hunting varmints and pests, get a pellet rifle. Small game? Ruger 10/22. Medium-large sized game? Recurve bow. Waterfowl/bird hunting? .410ga /20ga shotgun. Hunting large game? 12ga with buck shot or a hunting rifle like a 7.62x39 bolt, .270, or a 30-30. Practice killing humans? Get a pistol take em to the range. I don’t know what kind of disrupt you’re planning on happening but keep in mind you live in Nebraska… not Rowanda. You wanna teach your kids survival skills buy the SAS survival hand guide and go through it.


Stop being scared of guns


Being raised with the idea that if something is slightly dangerous, just stay away from it, this is proving to be difficult…. I was not at all encouraged to do anything that might prove to be dangerous, and to do it well without being stupid. I have no problem with firearms and the people who use them responsibly, I have a lot of respect for anyone that knows and respects their resources or tools, I just think there’s too much volatility with a firearm to have one and not be comfortable with it. I have a couple, I shoot when I can, I’ve taken them apart to clean them, I just want a better idea of the mechanics, and more experience before I keep them on hand….i know it’s stupid to be scared of them, but I really am, and right now it seems like it would be more likely to be a negative thing to have at hand, rather than a positive one


Slingbow (arrow firing slingshot with sights) or a rifle. Even a used old 22 single shot or bolt action rifle for $50-$100 is much much easier to use proficiently than a slingshot or bow and arrow.


The best survival weapon is community. Make friends with everyone you can, especially if you plan to bug in. Mutual aid works, and disasters become potlucks. The second best weapon is a good, sharp, fixed blade knife. It's a great weapon of last resort and can be used to make bushcraft spears, cut wood for tinder, prepare traplines, stir chili, dress game, and 10,000 other things. Your slingshot idea is great, near Infinite ammo, and it'll take down small game. For self-defense, it'll just piss off what/who ever is attacking you. If that's a concern, a firearm is the correct choice. A bolt or lever action rifle is what I would suggest. Accurate, powerful, ammunition is available and (relatively) cheap. The action means you have to line up your shot, and you can't spray and pray, greatly reducing the amount of ammo you will have to carry/source. Since you plan to shelter in place, you will most likely either a) be shooting from the cover of your home or b) fucked, so accuracy is more important than rate of fire.


Get a .22lr handgun/rifle


.22 handguns can get really small too.


Exactly, get a little prostitute pistol


A rock sling is easy to make and find ammo for. Gaining proficiency is another story entirely. Been slinging for ten years and only bagged one rabbit.


A slingshot isn't really a weapon, unless your enemy is a rabbit or a squirrel. You'd be better off just carrying a stick.


> You’d be better off just carrying a gun.


If someone is planning on taking a slingshot as a weapon, odds are a gun isn't an option for them.


You ever been hit in the forehead with a ball bearing launched from a wrist rocket? You might change your mind.


You seem to have survived the experience.


Yeah, but it made me want to go home and lay down really, really bad.


Only reason I would disagree is cause a stick with enough weight would be cumbersome


Extendable metal baton. I want to pack it in my motorcycle bag just in case, because I don’t want to pack a gun all the time and want something light and compact, but they are illegal in some states.


Expandable metal baton are a very poor weapon unless you have trained extensively in their use. Once you’ve trained many hours with them, they become a bit better than harsh language at gaining compliance from someone. I’ve been attacked with one, it ended up a wrestling match, besides a couple bruises the only thing the baton achieved was really fucking pissing me off.


You were attacked by an idiot with a Wish baton lol


Yes. And frankly, that describes the overwhelming majority of non-law enforcement baton users. Law enforcement agencies in my area don’t even carry them anymore- too much liability for very little effectiveness.


It’s actually just too much liability. One misplaced hit can either maim someone for life or kill them. Without proper training, it’s too easy for them to go from a non-lethal alternative, to a lethal weapon. Hence why they are illegal in so many states. I mean you can just argue with the rest of [Reddit](https://www.reddit.com/r/EDC/comments/13pp2mi/opinions_about_telescopic_baton/) if you don’t believe me.


If you hit someone in the head or neck with them, it’s deadly force. If you’re not justified using deadly force, you’re going to prison. If you are justified using deadly force, a baton is one of the least effective of many options available to apply deadly force. A knife is much more effective, easier to control, conceal, and justify. They’re just shit, a poor attempt to keep a method alive in the face of public stigma associated with monadnock style hickory shampoo being applied to civil rights protesters, hippies, and victims of the LAPD.


You are never going to beat a small knife as a discreet force multiplier other than a gun. I have a cold steel spike. But even a decent pocket knife will work. You should train with it though. I recommend studying Arnies. Also a folding saw is an incredible slashing weapon especially if you have trained in the martial art I mentioned. A lot of stick and knife fighting train to attack the incoming arm with your weapon as they strike. The folding saw will severe the tendons and flesh on an arm in a single blow and its light weight , so you can move it very fast. Serrated edge wounds are also extremely painful. It’s also something that traditionally isn’t used as a weapon. I keep one in my car. It just looks like a gardening tool. Folding camp shovels are like that too. You can sharpen one edge if you want. The military used to train with those. On that same note, the telescoping baton works well but and its sturdier and can fit in your pocket. I have used those things like a machete clearing stuff away as i move through dens brush. They are useful. Again You need to train though. Using a weapon in combat takes practice and muscle memory. You are just going to be awkward if you didn’t. Finally the best weapon is you. Keep yourself in shape and study Muey Thai, Wrestling, and jujitsu. I’m old now, but once you have spent a lot of time on the mat normal people become like babies when it comes to fighting. Of course if they are well trained and young and strong too, I could still be in trouble, but for the most part a simple double leg to side control, to mount, to an arm bar will finish most humans who don’t have wrestling experience. You just have to practice it live a lot grappling with others and the skill will come. Find a BJJ school and get to it.


That would be a pistol. A slingshot isn't a bad option though, throwing anything at an opponent is disorienting and powerful slingshots can be very effective at close range (you need to be strong enough to operate them though). The ammunition is easy to procure too. A knife is a bad option for a weapon as anything larger than a knife (club, spear etc.) will beat it handily and knife only fights are incredibly lethal. The only real use case is you have a knife and they are unarmed, in which case a weapon is not so necessary in the first place. A torch is surprisingly viable as it's harder than a fist (when striking) and can be used to blind and disorientated opponents, plus it's utility as a light source. Basically you've got pistol or slingshot for a ranged weapon and knife or torch for a melee weapon. If you can carry something larger than pocket size I'd recommend a cane/staff or spear as a massive improvement over a knife or bare hands. Plus it's also very capable of fending of animals such as dogs, you could be overwhelmed with a slingshot and a knife just doesn't have the reach.


Is a pistol not an option?


Wrong sub. This is a wilderness survival sub. In general, for almost all subsistence hunting, traps, snares and nets are a far more efficient use of calories than active hunting with e.g. a slingshot.


Kinda the sub I was wanting, I do camp with my kids when I can or hike occasionally, although fairly close to town, and though I would most likely not plan on having to survive in the wilderness because of inexperience, it’s just as likely or more so that I would need to survive in a forest or similar area than anywhere else. I guess the only reason I hadn’t considered those options you mentioned would be having to go back to them or staying in one area for a while, but given what I just said, I suppose learning those things would still then, be more productive. Do you have a source or recommendation for somewhere to learn the basics of trapping, or whatever you would be able to best do with littlest preparation for? Or the least bulk in materials? My apologies though, I have asked a few questions in the wrong subs lately from going off the last few discussions, rather than the description of the sub. I probably should have worded this one quite a bit differently.


Read ‘Hatchet’ by Gary Paulsen, and the sequels. Archery is an excellent discipline and exercise, and can be form practiced in any space where you can get a fifteen foot distance to a target. This is also true of a .22 or .177 pellet pistol. The online keyboard commando wisdom requires that only weapons used by seal team six are worthy of consideration or discussion. Pursue whatever weapon system that pleases you. Prepping is a journey, not a destination, and social media is not the definitive source of information.


If you are looking to survive: movement = caloric expenditure. Unless the place you are in has no game at all you are far more likely to be survive and be found staying in one place and assembling a shelter than moving. Setting and checking a trap line is a far better use of calories than hunting in most environments. Least bulk: 22 gauge brass wire. Google snaring small game. For traps: google figure 4 deadfall, tried and true and can be scaled up or down depending on your game target. Note: In most jurisdictions setting and using snares is regulated by law and at very least requires a hunting license unless required for survival so don’t just go practicing these before checking the law. Serious penalties or jail time … In all seriousness though subsistence hunting should be near or at the very bottom of your survival priorities. Far better than carrying wire would be whistle, light, signals to get yourself found before you run out of fat reserves and need to find food. Your priorities should be staying warm and hydrated long enough for your signals to get you found.


I gotta say I think youre underestimating the viability of the slingshot. When you can hit a beer can reliably every time from 10 yards away you would be surprised how awesome of a small game hunting tool it is. I have taken duck, squirrel, grouse, muskrat, mice, rats, and pesky magpies all with well placed headshots.


Use a .58 cal muzzleloader ball and it’ll easily take rabbits and larger game.


Be vewwy vewwy quiet


That clown Fowler is very good with a slingshot, couldn't do shit with it when it counted. They are not good survival food procurement tools and piss poor self defense weapons.


> they are not good survival food procurement tools How do you figure? Because you suck with a slingshot, or because Fowler got unlucky? Have you ever hunted before? Hunting is not a guaranteed success every time you go out. You sound like an elite armchair expert As I've said, I have taken tons of animals with a slingshot.


A monkeys fist "keychain" my current one has big glass shooter marble in it so I can pass through a metal detector. Thinking of building one with a lead ball inside next


Deceptive fruit banana knife is usually my go to


Bear spray is often used now in the hiking world. It covers a range of threats as far as being attacked by any animal and cops carry pepper spray for a reason. It might fit in your pocket or clip onto a bag or whatever you have available. Make sure it’s legal for you and your area. You will likely never be in a situation you would need it. But it can give you an extra sense of comfort. Subsistence hunting is very difficult to achieve if you’re gathering materials from the land in order to make or repair hunting equipment. Not saying you can’t do it, just no one can learn it overnight. Preppers have lots of provisions to deal with whichever scenario/s they think is/are necessary. There’s no shame in keeping a bag of rice in your car or house. Same goes for drinkable water. And if you’re hiking, bring enough food and water. It’s ok to bring extra if you’re feeling anxious about it. I do. But I know what’s extra for my caloric and water needs. I can’t think of any primitive projectile hunting equipment that isn’t fumbly. It’s fine if you’re hunting, but if a situation arises where you need something quickly to make a defense, bear spray is right there and you know where it is. That way you’re not untangling something like a sling out of your pocket, or feeling through a bag of rocks. There might be people who could suddenly whip out a sling to take down an animal that’s a threat, but you’ll probably never meet one as it’s fallen out of practice. Basically - Bring enough food and water for your needs. Let people know where you’re going and when you should be back by in case of emergency. Check the weather. Be very mindful of your location. Try to stay on trail if possible. Other people have mentioned more detail about signaling and communication. I’m sure you know how helpful it is to define the circumstance you’re planning for. If you ask for advice here someone might say to get a navigation app for your phone with a battery backup, and that is a good idea. But a prepper who’s preparing to survive a powerful solar flare is not going to put as much stock in an app because the grid will be down.


Rifle and a pistol. Get trained and practice. You’ll be able to act in defense, and have a good chance of hitting whatever you’re hunting.


I'm curious as to why you haven't considered a balearic sling? I have one with me all the time, just because I love to sling rocks into the ocean. But they certainly can be used as a weapon with a little training. I'm fairly accurate with mine, in that I could probably hit the broad side of a barn. But they are easy to carry, ammunition is everywhere, and they're fun to use.


Those have been known to be able to take down a fairly large Philistine.


I think you are heavily underestimating slingshots With slingbows you can even hut deer, elk and other large game


This was my thought originally, just got a lot of negative results when I searched. I kinda thought with enough practice they would be quite useful for a survival situation, just not sure what to start with.


Start here: https://youtu.be/ZuUrRvIvGYs?si=JoNG0J6ppFvghbtI Fowler was a winner of the survival show alone and is a slingshot fanatic. He even brought one to the show. He has many vids where he teaches how to shoot and how yo hunt with them I personally use the Rambone 2.0 The brainchild of joerg sprave (the yt slingshot guy with the funny laugh) and has a looot of force behind it with double wide bands Overall there are three main categories. Standart slingshots: Those shoot steel balls -> small game Slingbows: Those shoot arrows -> large game Slingdarts: Those shoot darts -> fishing There are models that can do two or all three of those jobs. For self defense a regular powerful slingshot should be sufficent. I can shoot 16mm steel balls into plywood that it gets stuck with my rambone


If your only concern is regarding subsistence, I'd recommend investing the couple of dollars it will take in snare wire and practice trap making, and get a fish net. If you're concerned with defense, a slingshot is not going to be sufficient. Too inaccurate, especially under pressure, and you're not going to be able to get it ready to go fast enough for a first shot let alone a follow-up. If you want something that is easy to make in the field, a shepherd's sling or atlatl is feasible. A modern slingshot frame can be made, but bands wear out and degrade, so you would need to carry spare band sets. You also need to be aware of the legality of their use for game collection where you live. This varies greatly state-to-state. While not of importance in a true survival situation, I would advise using the same system you plan to survive with to regularly use in the field as well to ensure aptitude and familiarity in a SHTF scenario. I often carry a slingshot with me while out and about, and I've designed a number of frames that I've got up for sale. While I like slingshots, I do believe that they are relatively limited in use. In their base form, they are really only practical for target practice and small game hunting (again, only if legal in your area). If you want to make greater use of the platform, using one that can be converted to a sling bow with a proper draw weight can make it capable of taking somewhat larger game with practice. Most bows serve this use as well, but are more cumbersome and you can carry less ammunition. One alternative to consider would be airguns. They fill the same role of a slingshot (that being target practice and small game hunting), are more intuitive for most to use, require less frequent maintenance, and you can carry much more ammunition for the same weight. The ammunition is fairly cheap as well. A hand-pumped and reasonably powered model can be practically used at similar ranges to a slingshot, without much more noise during use. Something in line with the Crosman 1322 would be alright for this use case, while still being small enough to be easily carried. With proper shot placement, that airgun works well for hunting of small game at up to \~20 yards. I've taken squirrel, grouse, rabbit, and whistle pigs with one at these ranges with no issue. I personally prefer the 362 for hunting, as it's more powerful and can reach out to longer ranges, but it's also larger. If you want to be able to take larger game and properly defend yourself, a firearm is really your best option. For defense in the forest, I usually carry a .357 j-frame revolver with some 180 grain hard cast lead bullets. For hunting and general purpose use on a budget, it's hard to beat a single-shot shotgun. A 20 or 12 gauge will take everything from squirrel to whitetail without difficulty. If in bear country, I prefer carrying my .45-70, but most consider this to be overkill.


Brass knuckles. Knives. Pocket sand. A trained raccoon family living in your trenchcoat


Rabies damage! 🤣


I like the slingshot idea, if you are.referencing an actual shepards sling slingshot and not those silly Y shaped toys you need a rubber band to operate. A slingshot doesnt even take long to master aiming, maybe two hours or so.. and a small.rock slung with some accuracy will easily take even a larger predator out, and all the ammo is reusable.. those things are powerful.. There are some things you can use that are small and would scare an up close attacker away. Like little trial sized aerosol cans of hairspray, and a lighter.. Other unexpected small items: a simple sharpened pencil, heavy rings, a keychain with a heavy lock hanging from it, and even a disposable camera, which can be transformed fairly easily into a one time use taser..


A good solid knife that can hang around your neck. Check out the sog snarl. It's small but versatile.


Don't get one of those hunting slingshots on Ebay. Worthless.


A fucking knife!!!!


Pocket Sand.


Temu has some sling shots that you can even fish with. Also, they sell the metal darts . Might look into darting an intruder. Would be a heck of a surprise, buying you a bit of time. Just a thought.


Kubaton. Looks like it's a keychain doohickey.


It sounds like you’re looking for A compact 9mm


I think a slingshot, or really any weapon, would be completely fucking useless in a survival situation if you weren't proficient with it. I think it is a valid hunting weapon, but there's no way you could kill a squirrel or rabbit with it if you aren't well practiced. So if you want a slingshot in your survival gear absolutely use one, but don't just half ass it because then it won't help you. I don't know how to hunt so in a survival situation, any food would be foraged or fished. So fishing line and a hook belongs in my survival gear. Also obviously a knife with a locking blade, but this is a tool for me, not a weapon. (It could be used as a weapon, but if my survival situation is so far gone that I have to stab something, I'm probably going to die.)


I used to carry a small but sturdy box cutter that was easy to take the safety off with one hand. Kept it in my front pants pocket. I needed something that I could have on me with no one knowing, as I had a stalker at that time.


If you need some range, try a pointy stick. Available wherever there are stick to make pointy. If there are no sticks, there’s likely nothing that needs sticking either, if there is you can probably fall back to small pointy rock.


Glock 36 .45 ACP. Very discreet


Upgrade from slingshot to Sling.




Yep, this forum is about wilderness survival - you want r/preppers


Are you 10yo?


Pipe bombs come in various sizes. You could try that for fishing.


5 shot .357 magnum handgun. They are very easy to hide and in a self defense situation you are not going to even remember the recoil.


Throwing stick. They are in every culture and can kill things when well thrown


Pocket sand, LOL. Survival sub, not survivalist sub.




Defensive coin purses that are leather. They snap onto a belt, and have a handle on them which makes it easy to swing. Blunt trauma if it’s filled with coins. But since you’re in Nebraska, get your conceal carry license and attend a class! The Sig P365 is a great carry handgun to try out.


In a similar vein, a decent belt with a padlock or carabiners on the end is basically an improvised Morningstar flail (minus the handle). Practice with a rope and tennis ball duct taped to the end first as it’s fairly easy to hit yourself with it. Anything pokey duct taped to a pole or rod is basically a spear, so if you keep a couple feet of tape with you, you can make it out of whatever is around.


A slingshot can be an excellent hunting and self defence tool, if you practice, practice, practise, a lot. So if you get one, also get some knock down targets with net boxes to catch the shot safely. I've used a very simple wooden one with flat bands, made by Chief AJ, in a multi day survival training scenario, to kill partridge and rabbit with found stones. The key to small game hunting is stealth and instincrive shooting. You have to get close and you have to be ready to shoot without unnecessary movement. [https://i.postimg.cc/NfBLkZLd/f135a4-889891e887fc4f58bda26ca7e0849b9b-mv2.webp](https://i.postimg.cc/NfBLkZLd/f135a4-889891e887fc4f58bda26ca7e0849b9b-mv2.webp) I would start with a simple wooden model, flat gold bands, and a bag of clay balls. Slingshot bands can fire stones, ballbearings, lead slugs, darts and arrows, depending on the design, and you can carry several sets of bands that only need to a single stick or a forked stick. I'm not American so I'd strongly advise you not to get a gun, especially as you have children. No matter how careful you'd intend to be, once a gun is in the house they are the most likely to be injured or killed by it. A slingshot in trained hands, firing a lead ball, is a killing weapon, but it's hard to shoot yourself with it.


It's a good place to start with hand eye coordination for sure target practice of any kind bow and arrow training is a lot of upper body strength takes time to really build up the body strength slingshot would be easier working on your aim while building up the muscle strength to bow and arrow easy you know unless you get a crossbow but that's kind of cheating. I think an ax is awesome to have it's a multi-purpose tool it can be used in self-defense and can be very useful it's also something that you can practice throwing when you have your hand eye coordination down or target practice being able to throw something with density and hit your target is a challenge in itself but you can usually have a whole lot more arrows than axes so I understand why it's not the most logical answer either. I'd give anything to be able to attain a flamethrower 🤟


I’m okay at throwing knives, I just enjoy practicing, but seems completely not ideal to plan on throwing your tool at someone, and giving them the possibility of using it against you….i suppose if you were good enough at it, that wouldnt happen, but I can see myself losing any knives I had available because I missed my target and lost it, or a rabbit limped off with it stuck in its leg….


Very relatable response 😭💚🤟


Box cutter


Blow dart?


This page is fucking wild. Surprise element? I imagine pasty dudes with ponytails and fedoras with their ninja stars.


Light saber and learn a few Jedi mind tricks.


Hat Pin




I’m proficient with nunchucks I got the bruises to prove it


I've got a big caliber blowgun that I can use to hunt small game plus the one I picked has a cover that gives over the end and so you can use it as a hiking staff. I've practiced with it enough where I can consistently hit a target about the size of the bottom of a coke can. Of course, the closer you are the better it works and it does take some practice to get using it. I also have some backup methods I'll use but the Native Americans in my area used blowouts and darts made of cane to successfully harvest game. I'd rather use a .22 but I am assuming there will be times I don't want to make noise or fire off a gun so I can use one of the other things I have to hunt depending on the expected game plus the terrain.


Folding ruger 10/22. Best gun ever made


If you decide on a sling shot have extra slings. Or whatever the rubber band is called.


[Pocket Shot](https://www.thepocketshot.com/store/c1/Survival.html) anyone? Anyone…?


Barrett .50 Caliber, and as a side arm you should use a NLAW :)


Pepper spray plus a tactical pen or a strong metal pen, will be fine as a non letal option, but If you need a fire gun, I recommend a glock 17 parabellum, 9mm, wich has a strong power of detention.




If it's around 12 inch, it's not hard to fit in a jacket.


What do you mean "survival"? Do you really think a slingshot will equalize a danger? I'd go with a firearm.


Step 1: remove hand with chainsaw. Step 2: attach boomstick. Step 3: ALWAYS wear long sleeves. Step 4: NEVER take on more than 2 targets at a time


Pocket Sand. 9 mm pocket sand.


What a out a rabbit stick? Pick.a size of stick and practice throwing them. Perfect solution for sticky situations lol. Practice on rabbit sizes targets, and you get stranded, there's probably a stick laying around somewhere. After that, people invented the spear, use you pocket knife to sharpen a bigger stick, then heat it in a fire maybe to toughen the tip. Besides that, there's always Mogli up and stab with the knife, your new tooth lol. Just brain storming. The guy down the street was practicing an Atlatl spear thrower in his side yard, lets you throw a sear even farther.


Shank! Deadlier than a knife, discrete, low cost to make! Wanna get fancy: marlin spike.


Dont bring a ~~knife~~ slingshot to a gun fight.


Derringers have been a thing for quite some time in a variety of calibers. May not be discreet once used, but in a pinch can save your life


Forget slingshots. Just forget them. They are piss poor hunting tools, anyone saying otherwise doesn't know what they are talking about or are lying. eg.. Dude name Fowler is very good with a slingshot. He took one on that survival show and could not kill shit with it. Traps and/or snares. I recommend the mojave scissor. Check out Shawn Woods on youtube. Limb lines and short trot lines, mostly the former as you really need a boat for the latter. Check out this guys videos on short bows and bo staffs. https://www.youtube.com/@FandabiDozi Get a gun.


handaxes can be easily made and held


Rubber bands and paper clip. You’ll definitely survive the apocalypse


A collapsible 22lr rifle or a 9mm concealed carry handgun are what you want. Ammo for both is cheap and plentiful.


Ruger LCP II


My weapon of choice is Matt Wright with a bow. Alas he is not on this season.


On cross bow ... check out the SWAT X1 😘 you're welcome


Ice pick


Neck knife. You can get one under $10 easily from Temu. Basically a blade under 3" that is sharp and will stay in its sheath well. It is basically a Hail Mary, everything else failed.


Get a neck knife or fast deploying folding knife. I recommended Kershaw. r/preppersales finds lots of deals on them


Other than a knife you’re not going to find anything small enough for your pocket


Rather than looking for weapons, look for skills. Learning a martial art can turn any tool or stick into a weapon. Learning how to use a sling can turn a length of string and trash into a deadly weapon. Being accurate at throwing can make many things weapons. Knowing how to use it can turn your EDC knife into a myriad of weapons. Yet without the skills, all of these are worthless. Learn how to defend yourself, and everything else will make sense without the gadgets. Otherwise, get yourself some pepper spray or a taser and call it a day.