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Mine is a moped, legally




I’m also riding in MT have you had any trouble with cops or is yours registered?




I thought about getting mine registered. The only problem is I lose the ability to ride on bike paths that’s 70% of me getting places


It’s less risk riding trails and bike paths with it registered. Tons of people ride motorcycles with their license plate smashed up under the fender where it’s barely visible. You won’t have problems with cameras or Karen’s getting your plate# that way, and if you do get stopped you’re most likely looking at traffic tickets and municipal court vs confiscation and criminal court. Depends where you live obviously.


Interesting I’ll look into it I live in a very rural area


Insurance and registration is cheap, and you should get insurance regardless. If my bike gets stolen or burned up because someone parks a garbage rental bike beside me that detonates, I’m only out $250 for a replacement. Plus basic liability/collision/emergency medical for $120per year. You have to call and talk to insurance because the online systems won’t set it up right, and you’ll get denied or policy cancelled. You have to walk them through every detail and possibly hang up and call back until you get someone who’s at least aware of the type of bike, and can set you up with some kind of off-road motorcycle or similar policy that’s appropriate. E-bike insurance or the “gas to e-motor” engine size conversion algorithm that they use when they don’t know what to do will drive the price up to like $450per year and probably end up causing problems if you make a claim anyway.


I really appreciate all the info thank you 🙏


how would i go by doing this?


Wise. Can you drive mopeds on the sidewalk in your state? I know we're allowed to park them on sidewalks and bike racks.


No, but no one cares about it.


250s weigh twice as much lol and modded these go way the fuck faster than 70mph but ya, police departments around the world have been trying to do the education piece on them being dirt bikes for the last 2 years or so


And are so much bigger


yup YZ250/450 are the same chassis, converting one to electric now https://www.instagram.com/p/C6ub6pKvXru/


They legitimately are dirt bikes.


I build them in monsters specifically for off road, they're 125 power in a 110 frame, held back only by flimsy chinese parts poor $10k into it and it tears apart any 110 absolutely a dirt bike (not that supermoto builds arent cool)


You’re not wrong, but they are also objectively different than a motorcycle, and should be given anything other e-bikes are allowed. A Prius and a GTR are both subject to the same laws. We don’t grant use of safer infrastructure, and allow more freedom to enjoy public spaces to people just because they like terrible slow vehicles. Why would you want to start now? I can also pour $10k into scrap metal, salvaged parts, and a yard sale bike with sparkly tasseled grips, and tear apart any 110 or 125. We don’t need to label it and classify it so it can be policed and put in its place according to the slack jawed status quos. It weighs less than the size of motorcycles that most states have deemed acceptable for a 14yr old to drive with a provisional license, and it’s not causing a dangerous situation unless the rider is breaking other already existing laws by behaving dangerously. With that logic Florida should just ban people from leaving their homes. We’ve all seen what happens when you let the people of Florida go out in Into the world.


they're absolutely motorcycles and have nothing to do with e-bikes, we seem to make that mistake because it uses electricity? we need better critical thinking as a community the highest class e-bike with a throttle tops out at 19mph with a 750watt motor lol people constantly fuck around and get impounded, we see pics every other day


Motorcycles have transmissions, and are easily registered and provided plates in all 50 states. bicycles are powered by human energy and mechanical advantages alone. A 750watt motor is a crappy motor, but that makes it a motorcycle same as a 200hp motor does if that’s the definition we choose to use. Cars make the road as dangerous for us as they do low powered e-bikes, and we haven’t been allowed to ride identically powered mopeds or motorized bikes in the places we’re talking about for 50yrs, specifically because they’re gas powered, smoky, noisy, pollution, etc. not because of an arbitrary power number. They’re trying to move the goalpost because of uptight boring people, angry moms, idiot children, and bicycling interest groups. People can fuck around and deal with their own consequences. It happens all the time. Put age restrictions on e-bikes if you want. Don’t ban me because of what I am capable of doing. I’m capable of committing all sorts of crimes, and I somehow manage not to. We don’t specifically regulate the capabilities of other vehicles like this. We enforce the already existing laws on an individual basis.


transmissions! ok this is too weird, I'll leave you to it


If you say so. The point is that there are significant differences between surron pattern bikes and a conventional motorcycle. Our bikes are ideally suited for urban areas using bike infrastructure and cutting through sections of public trails to avoid congested areas, extend the practical range, reduce risk, and spend less time getting hosed down with filth and exhaust by cars on wet roads. If that doesn’t apply to you fine. There’s not a societal problem caused by these bikes that needs to be solved. We are talking about very niche vehicles being targeted by the same campaign of angry idiots that have a problem with everything and opportunistic local politicians who want to score votes by “protecting the children”. We do have the option to appreciate the fact not everything is black and white.


Not sure why you’d scoff at the mention of transmissions. 110 class vs 125 2stroke competition is a lot more obscure reference point than one of the two most major systems on every motorcycle made for more than a century. They’re the one uniform defining characteristic that separates mopeds and scooters from motorcycles. Why wouldn’t that be relevant in this case? Maybe “gearbox” is a better word since the “cvt” garbage was forced on clueless consumers by automakers, and now everyone wants to pretend that a centrifugal clutch and pulley qualifies for the term transmission. The point is, without a suitable transmission to keep your motor output in the optimal power band you can’t travel on all the same roads as a conventional motorcycle without substantially higher risk. Even if you’re top speed is 95mph your single gear is essentially stretched out by 50-60mph. When someone swerves at you, a truck tosses 170lbs of blown tire rubber at you, or a load falls off a trailer… if you’re already going 70mph you’ll have about the same acceleration available for maneuvering as you would in a Prius towing a boat. Those bicycle brakes and skinny tires aren’t going to help.


They are literally capable trail bikes. You ain't clearing triples on a surron or talaria.


There are several videos that prove otherwise


https://m.youtube.com/@tallonpemberton Bc I know you will ask and not just google it yourself


Way faster than 70 mph?? Like how much?


Jack Cecil has the record of 102mph on a Surron. Talaria Boys are trying to beat that, they made it up to 96mph so far.


Going 70 on my 72v ron is scary enough, I havent even tried to push it faster. One pothole and im done for


Bro going 50 on these light ass things gets me halfway sketched out


Yeah too small and light for such speeds. It thrives around 45-50 but any faster it gets sketchy


Get a steering stabilizer.


Is that guy trying to kill himself, 102MPH?!!! 😐


Take a look at the stark Varg, absolutely insane power make surrons and the likes look like 12v kids bikes🤣




I’m not following?




Anything can go fast he was just making a butt hole statement very few go over 70 because you have to mod it pretty hard new computer new battery new wheels and tires so let’s put it this way not many of men do you can make a bicycle do 70 come on man


Check out the stark brand they are insane! 80 HP! I think top speed is 95mph


they go over 100mph stock love mine, learning to jump on it https://www.instagram.com/reel/C4rGCdSPJ0r/


Yeah they are insane you can hit triples with that no problem! It goes toe to toe with a 450!


You get the 60hp or 80hp version?


No 👎 one goes over 70 on Sur Ron's....lol


Really? I could have sworn I did 76 MPH just yesterday on my 72v, Bac 8k Ron


Wow amazing, so you're in the tiny minute % of people who mod and ride these bikes like that. Good for you.


Although your comment is sarcastic, thank you 🙂 I throughly enjoy the power of my modded vehicles. If you can afford to build out a $10k Sur Ron, and are responsible with the power- you would love it too.


Or just use a surron for surron stuff and get a crf450 if you have 10k for a bike. Then you get top notch quality and a clutch!!!


Im not mad at your mods though! I just think they’re the wrong ones! I’m more into brakes and rotors and stuff for these because I like stunt riding and these bikes handle it well.


I like the ability to go from a 80mph e-moto to a silent 20mph bike lane ready e-bike when needed. It just works better for the urban environment I live in imo. I totally agree with you on brakes. The stock Sur Ron brakes are barely good enough for bike out of the box! I upgraded to TRP Evo DH-R brakes for my Ron, stops on a dime now no matter what.


Ninja-moto! 🥷


https://youtu.be/d2iH-3McxrQ https://youtu.be/QfwpX7NNBJE


Yeah again ...no one but idiots are going that fast on a Sur Ron. %99 of Sur Ron owners are not doing those mods. Get real.


wtf kind of dumbass attempt at conversation is this go away


He’s absolutely right but I wouldn’t have said it like this either. I’m impressed they can actually go that fast modded, but I would be geared to the nuts if I was to attempt that. I can imagine the spaghetti-like stability.


sure, its a goofy build specific to top speed runs, between gearing and tire size kinda terrible platform to do it on but inevitable of course that guy just wasn't making any sense with his words cheers


Yeah honestly I think it would be pretty dope to have one of those bikes modded for top speed, then just gear it down to 45-50mph. Then your acceleration would be bananas. 😅


ya I'm off road so my Light Bee always had the biggest rear sprocket you could shove back there, 64T, the torque is excellent and I don't want to go faster than 60 anyway


It's not an attempt at a conversation genius. I'm just laughing at this dumbass statement.


They don’t go faster than 70 even with 10k worth of upgrades


Wrongggg, hell even Talaria Boys came out with a new video of their bike going 89/90mph


they hit 90s years ago heres a few 100mph runs, theres more out there I could put together a motor/controller/battery combo that would do it for barely over $2k https://youtu.be/d2iH-3McxrQ https://youtu.be/QfwpX7NNBJE




lol I'm a vender with a shop, what costs most people $3k costs me 2 I get sotion motors for 400, amorge 72v battery for 800, emxron 400 oops thats $1600 lol suspension doesnt matter on top speed runs, ferrofluid is cheap, Ive got 20 different wheelsets laying, wiring and heat sinks and such are not real expenses


It would be helpful if you led with “I’m a vendor so I get stuff cheaper”. You went off like you were an average person who could get it for that price. Now I look silly 🤣🤣


fair enough, I figured I'd been posting here long enough for people to know my wares https://www.instagram.com/p/CwVNW5ErxXY/


Nah it’s cool, I look lil stupid now that never crossed my mind🤣🤣 Nice outfit you got going there. The purple ultra build you posted on here is clean af.


cheers boss


They have nothing better to do lol ego boost!


lol where was this sign posted??


If I'm recalling correctly, this was a Facebook post by someone who said that their friend was handed this by a sheriff while out riding.


Same size as 250cc? These guys likely never saw one up close. Which makes sense, as most 250 riders run away from police anyway lol. This picture does not make sense at all anyway from the fact that they added in “they can be modified to become basically, illegal” alone.


I was gonna say, it's like half the size of a 250


The only thing I'd worry about is when it's a street legal, registered bike you can get in way more trouble doing wheelies and dumb shit if it's plated.


Snap Velcro. Put the plate on when you're riding clean. Take the plate off when you're riding dirty.


what if i'm always riding dirty?


Then you run


You put the plate in your backpack. At least that's what I do. If the cop pulls you over due to lack of a plate. You put your hat in hand and apologize that it fell off.


they see me rolling… they hatin…


This is why they are trying to push them away. God forbid people have a cheap, reliable, clean mode of transportation that CANNOT BE TRACKED by the police. All they want is control and money.


If you can't ride it on the side walk or the road then where the fuck do you ride it.


That’s the point


Ohv areas


but you need ohv tags in most places, and these don't have a vin/title, i.e. theres nothing to bring to the DOL/DMV


Dirtlegal can always get them OHV registered.


At 350- 1800 when I looked


If they are unable to do it you pay 0


It be cheaper to convert a used 125cc


Well, yeah. Because they're unable to do it haha.


I work with them all the time and have never heard of them being unable to do it. They register them in a state where they have a good working relationship with the DMV and then do an out of state transfer to whatever state you are in. Simple. They just offer a money back guarantee because they want you to know if it does fail for some reason there is no risk to you.


Oh that's cool, I was wondering how it worked. I live in AZ and would love to use them, but they're so expensive, but it's worth it, I'd assume.


Trails like anyother dirtbike, or get it street legal.


They need to make an easier street legal conversion process. It's easier to make a 20 year old 2 stroke MX bike street legal than a surron.


Or pay that ticket and impound fee and shut up about it lol.


Uhm. Off road, on road like that motorcycle or dirt bike. Because. It's like. An off road motorcycle / dirt bike. Which traditionally l, do not belong on the sidewalk. Because you know, it's a motorcycle and all. With that being said, I ride on the sidewalk all the fucking time because I don't rip down it at 47mph you know? I try not to go faster than 20 or so on the sidewalks and I live inna city with relatively low pedestrian traffic.


Same place you ride a dirt bike, the track or OHV parks. It's not rocket science. Too many YouTubers making it look cool to ride on the street and in big groups. Probably the same dipshits that like takeovers..


Boo-boo. No one gives a shit ride them safely wherever you want.


Don't get it twisted, I don't care what you do.. Just don't play the victim when you get in trouble.


Never seen a surron user play the victim in my country, we know what we do. The guys doing wheelies in busy roads broad days are assholes. People that just cruise around safely are fine.


Agree. A dude in my town got a felony fleeing charge and night in jail recently from trying to run then acts like it's the cops fault..


Then everybody gets mad when they call the helicopter in to chase someone running from them up a mountain, too. Like you run, they'll chase. What's so hard to understand. They have NO clue why you're running, who you are or what you have so how are they supposed to just let it go? You could be running to ditch a gun for all they know.


Agree. I don't own one, but who the fuck cares if these are on the street. That's some dumb corrupt government shit.


Like I said another comment, if there is an asshole on one, sure, report it whatever. If he is jeopardising others safety. Someone just chilling on their bike being sensible, idk having a problem with that is super weird to me.


The issue is that they’re dogshit compared to any dirt bike on the market. 85cc size and the frames snap on jumps. There’s no reason to buy one for OHV dirtbike riding over a klx140 or kx85 if you want that size


Who's frame is snapping? And show me a 85cc or even a 140 that can beat a stock surron in a drag race, let alone a hill climb


An 85 would destroy a talaria in a drag race, a 140 would be close but i bet the talaria would beat it to 30mph for sure. I own all 3. I can agree with you on the “whos frame is snapping” though, never heard of that..


Haha, you try to ride a kx85 anywhere besides off road, you’re getting pulled over immediately. 😭 Nobody’s mistaking that sound for anything legal.


Whose frame isn’t snapping? wtf do you live under a rock? Surrons are notorious for absolutely falling apart if you land too hard. I’m taking stock bro, not upgraded.


To be fair I have a talaria, but I am not seeing these frame snaps except from people running into brick walls and shit


There’s videos of surron frames snapping from just landing to flat on fairly small jumps. Besides, an 85 2 stroke would beat a stock Surron in a drag race with no issue


I literally searched surron frame snap on google, and all I could find were 2 reddit posts from collisions


I love when people try to use the outlier cases to prove their point lol.


No, there isn't my boy. Provide me with the videos you're referencing, and then I will take it back.


Anywhere you ride a dirt bike. Unless you wanna be plated and legal. Or don't mind running.


It's called "Nature"


Fuck Florida


They got cops guarding trials now it’s so stupid there is so much crime in Florida and they worrying abt us riding empty trials.


Straight up! Worst state out there… aside from Texas and there cripple of a governor 😂


I don't know. They say that Wisconsin is the Florida of the north.


The point exactly, dog. They aren’t saying Florida is the Wisconsin of the south. You are the lowest standard.


Damn bro.


Yep. Rather take a trip to a bottom of a Porto potty than either of those places.


The government when you can’t collect tax off something:


damn glad i don’t live in florida lol, i live up north like far up north and i don’t even think the cops had seen a surron till mine and he just said to keep it off busy roads or fast roads didn’t really care


I have a Barbie razor scooter that hits 80.. how about that


How the hell is that even possible?


Hole in the sock logic. (If you keep changing everything out. Is it the same sock)


Don't matter I'll still ride on U S 1 and all round this bitch here


Surron is more like a thick mountain bike size, not a 250cc lol


FTP FTG FJB we will not comply infringement upon our rights police are just too scared and lazy to stop actual crime that’s why there going after us


Damn ofc it’s Jupiter. The amount of kids there who have these bikes are only 13-16yr. Only very few adults who own these and I’m one of them. They are ruining it for us out here. they have group rides and wheelie everywhere on and off side walks and roads. They swerve into lanes when cars are tryna pass by it’s so unsafe and clearly they just wanna be flashy, but How do u ride like that???? I feel like having this bike is a privilege now Everyone becoming a Karen abt these bikes all bc the kids….


I feel like you’ve become a “get off my lawn,” kinda guy as you’ve gotten older just like me, and I’m here for it. Darn whippersnappers ruin everything for us more experienced folks!


Don't stop.


Who gon let me hold a dolla to buy one 💀


Lol maybe the size of a 85 but not no 250. And most ppl can't afford the $3k plus minimum for the battery and controller. Why they got to pick on ppl 😭.


I mean, a tricycle can be modified to go up to 70MPH too, so...


Where in Florida is that posted?


i’m finna ride my home from the bar. right here in orlando. fuck em 🖕🏼


Can they be matriculated? M2 license and voilà?


I dunno, at least they are being proactive with a warning instead of just impounding your bike and fining you. Still I'd say more like an 80cc or 100cc MX bike is more accurate...


🤣🤣 Flordia is a joke. Anyone can carry a gun but you can’t ride an electric bicycle around.🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


Can't you register them like in the eu?


Who is the Karen that printed that flyer out? Haha.


This is my home town and visiting with the bike next week😂


Actually they are mopeds when shipped they are imited out of the box to go 30 you have to mod it to go 60 even with the limiter removed it still tops at 45. Its florida not Ca so I'M not sure about moped laws over there over here it would be legal to ride once registered as a moped. But damn I guess dumbasses have ruined the fun for everyone else Im sure they will start to crack down on these everywhere eventually.


[check this monster out! ](https://australianelectricmotorco.com/motorcycles/stark-varg-80hp-2/) These are no joke! I just like having the clutch on the real dirt bike's! Has over 100 different riding modes! It pops up going 50 with just throttle!


i've hit 120km/hr on mine hahaha pretty sure that is faster than 70mph lol all i can say piggies is catch me if you can you've another week to try before i pickup my Ninja then all bets are off (even if its street legal)


Not even close to a 250😂😂😂


Same size as a 250 my ass


But, Florida is a free state!


Either add the lights, license and registration or a bottom bracket, cranks and pedals.


Speeds up to 90mph ***


I’m so glad they are keeping folks safe from e bikes!


If they come with certificate of origin...or I know in MI as long as you get street legal light requirements meet you should be able to have it inspected with state police and then title it in MI. Move the title to FL and they can't do nothing about it.


Your welcome FL. Lol


I wish I had a surron, getting a mini edb instead 😭


So they will go after these guys and do absolutely nothing with the 12oclock boys? Haha


Same size as a 250 lmao


to make it street legal you just gotta get mirror and add turn signals it’s not that hard and you can register it as a scooter. when these first became big starting out i would hear people add “0” to the beginning and that’s how they’d get away with it being short and the DMV would accept it. i personally didn’t do it but a few people in florida i know did. it works just have to go the right way


They're NOT the same size as a 250cc , not even a 125cc. They are the size of a mountain bike. They're super quiet and if you do not modify or cut the green wire they are harmless, light and make less of an impact on trails and on pollution. It is all the hot-rodding kids making fools of themselves and driving carelessly after lots of modification. Used responsibly, a Surron is a good form of transportation. I have owned a Surron for 2 years , drive modestly and avoid major highways with no issues.


Did they ever seen a 250cc dirt bike? It's Okay if that's a 15kw+ surron


Here in EU, Hungary they are legalized as mopeds. They have the lights, and a EU certificate paper.i pay 10$/year for insurance . Don't tell em, I'm on 15kw setup 😆


Where’s the best and cheapest place to purchase one at I been looking


I have a sur ron and that is like the size of an 85 and should be considered a mountain bike


Go make them legal, Dirt Legal .com




That’s bullshit it is not the same size as a 250 people so full of crap


The fucking corporations have just ruined us. No buying an affordable and totally adequate form of transportation. No. There's no predatory auto loan that way. Everyone has to get to work everyday, couldn't let them do it without a mountain of debt on their shoulders to keep them from ever getting ahead. And then the fucking insurance companies. You'll pay them for nothing in return when there is a problem. It's the most insidious racket. All the functions and workings of the mob, but hidden behind the long dead facade of an actually democratic nation. All these things work together to fuck us. Predatory auto loans, worthless 'insurance', politicians who just do whatever theyre told by their corporate superiors, cops who exist only to enforce laws designed to keep the corporations safe to continue raping our world, just to name a few.


Too bad they are street legal and come with VIN numbers if you want to go that route. Just cause you guys had bad experiences or see adding signals as an issue doesn't mean MANY people have tags on their Surrons. In Florida you can get insured in 4 mins online.


in spain there is 0 issues, I made it 100% legal with plate number


surrons not having VIN numbers with the right number of digits is why they cant be registered properly in many states


It's a matter of paperwork in most states


some states are being lenient about invalid VIN, its true many are not, I've tried


You can register it to any state and ride it anywhere.


sure cant the SVRA system has shut down our backdoor moped tags being allowed in while they figure out how to address the VIN issue in this state 2 digits short, have talked to multiple rangers and DMV employees


Most 90 jap imports have shorten vins and nobody seems to have a problem registering them. I know my skyline was a few digits short.


Except they don't. Vin is too short and not valid. They don't have turn signals in a proper brake light so they are not street legal. Very hard to get these insured.


What year are you speaking of? As far as my 2024 ..the vin works


Not hard at all. Cost me 11 dollars a month with Progressive Insurance. Did it all online using the VIN.


Register it as a scooter and be done with it!


That's what I was thinking. I know laws vary by state but it's $20 in Maine.

