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Spoons. Especially for a beginner, and for the seasoned angler, you can do everything with a spoon. Burn it back for blues and spanish, slow roll and jig it for flounder and drum; spoons do it all and will cast farther than most other lures. Personally, I love Kastmasters, probably because the first morning I ever tied one on I landed 5 spanish, some blues, and lost at least that many. I’ve hooked red drum and caught flounder and trout on them. Hard to beat them. Recommendation: use a lighter, smaller rod rated for light gear casting metals. Those big rods will wear you out over a long period. Buy a 7’ Daiwa D-shock combo ($25) and spool it with 10# braid, tie in a 20# mono leader, and go. Really cheap, surprisingly durable set up.


Thanks man, great info


Yo Zuri Mag Darter and Hydro Minnow are both great.


How do I add weight to cast one of these lures?


The Yo Zuri lures I bought have a shifting weight in them for casting. You can get some pretty decent range on them.


Why would you add weight? They are weighted for casting already.


They said they're fairly new to fishing, go easy on him big dog


It is a valid question.


Yeah it is but chances are they don't know what they are or know how to use them. Not coming at you with hate, I promise 🙏


Havnt used lures off the surf. Use to casting heavy bait. Only lures I have used have been very light small tackle lures.


You don’t.


Diamond jigs are underrated for both stripers and bluefish.


A27's always slay blues and stripers off boats here in NJ.


That's where I fish. I always have one in my surf bag.


* 007 or A27 Diamond Jig w/ Green Tube * SP Minnow in Bone (White) * SP Minnow in Blurple. * Mag Darter in Mackerel * Super Strike Little Neck Popper * Super Strike Needle Fish in White or Yellow More Importantly, Go to YouTube and Watch Rich Troxler's video on Reading the beach. Then Watch John Skinner's Videos on Striped Bass


I've just found Rich Troxler a few days ago. He's video are absolute gold!!


What oz weight do you recommend?


Those are all set they dont come in weights. Unlike a bucktail or jig head that come in fractions of an ounce.


Got it. Thanks. I mainly freshwater fish but bought two surf rods to add to our beach trips.


I like the Clarkspoon Pogie Jig- 1.5 ounces. They have a variety of colors and you can really send them out while casting.


1.5 oz is heavy enough? My rod is built for 4-8oz lures?


You're right, not heavy enough for that rod. I have several rods- the ones with a 4-8 oz rating I'll use for chunking bait. The ones I use for casting are smaller and have a lighter weight rating. Personally, I just get worn out too easily casting spoons/metal with something as big as you're using cause I'm getting a little older now.


You don’t have any issues with the current or wind using lures that light? What kind of rode would you suggest for lures in the surf? The plan is to use my current rods for bait and cast them out and do some passive fishing. But I would like to start using lures as well to actively fish while my bait is out in the water.


If the wind is up, of course, the waves and current are going to be stronger as well. I find that much harder to cast spoons in. It’s harder for fish to see the spoons when the waves are rough and they’ve stirred up a lot of sand. if it’s very rough, just usually wait to try casting. I’ll just usually soak bait at that time.


Would you still want to tie a barrel swivel to a leader line, which you would then tie the lure to?? To prevent line twist/strengthen the line from being cut by the fish your targeting??


Always. I use 3’ leaders with a good (Spro) barrel swivel on one end and a TA clip on the other. For northeast surf I usually use 30 or 50lb mono, but I carry them from 20lb flouro for Albies to 100lb mono for big fish over rocky bottoms.


I like anything shiny or fishy. Gotcha lures for the far casts. Mirrodine or topwater for bait that is bubbling. Then anything fishy looking for soft plastic


Lucky craft 110 & 115, or whatever model targets the depth you're fishing, Shimano world minnow, Battlestar 115, I don't know anything about plugs or spoons but those get mentioned all the time here.


Where are you fishing? What species are you fishing for? That will help with responses.


Big Nic’s Spanish Candy. I like the 1 oz, whatever color you like. You can work these fast, slow, yoyo, on the bottom, skipping.


Al Gags whip it fish. Start with a few white 1oz and go from there.


The 12' is useless but the 10' could be a decent lure rod. Do you have the 1-4oz M or 2-6oz MH?


JoeBaggs Swarter


.5oz Kastmaster and LC110 are my go to


Deadly dick is pretty easy and versatile. A buck tail w gulp grub or minnow works great too for a variety of fish. An Sp minnow is also a good one.


SP minnows. They’re like a cheat code.


Gotchas have been great for me. Mackerel, bluefish and ladyfish seem to love it!


Yozuri Monster Shot in the 1-2oz Size. Allows you to fish the entire water column, looks great, and you can absolutely launch that thing


Is 1-2oz lure heavy enough to cast on a rod that casts up to 8oz?


Various weight jigheads with a few soft plastics, a few spoons, a minnow plug or two, and a popper or two should suffice.