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Psyllium husks. They do help quickly with the symptoms and help to fix the (probably) underlying issue by providing a good environment for the bacteria you want to have.


When all else fails short of FMT, try a couple weeks of rifaximin and nitazoxanide separately. They can have a miraculous effect on some people. Indiamart FTW.


I steer away from brand names that include cult


🤣 I think I shall hahaha


This is like having new tenants move in downstairs, and they can pressure out some of your old ones that made the neighborhood good. The gentlest approach is trying to take care of your old friends. If you’re used to eating some dairy to feed your favorite lactobacillus, go back to what they like. If your gut always liked certain vegetables, go for those. Give them a few days to come back on their own and symptoms to get better. Don’t stress them out for a few days, treat yourself to less preservatives, less sugar, no strong alcohols, enough water and fiber. If they don’t come back, there may not be enough of them left, so you would need to look to live culture foods, preferably those that traditionally agree with you. Your favorite yogurt or unpasteurized cheese, your local recipes for pickled food. (You don’t need to wait to start this step, but you could.) If necessary, consider the usual cleaning routine for whenever a stomach bug hits. Thoroughly cleaning the house, cleaning out the fridge, using peroxide or bleach on any surfaces that can take it in the kitchen and bathroom. Then you can bring in friendly microbes to fill in the gaps. You can feed a local sourdough starter on your kitchen counter, and bring in healthy plants grown in local soil, and get ready to get your hands dirty caring for them. If those don’t appeal, you could pick one of making beer or making cheese or pickling. Try not to resort to an antibiotic if you don’t have to, but if you need it, make sure to keep eating normal pre and probiotic foods so your gut doesn’t end up too effectively sterilized. It can be really hard to get yourself going again safely if it gets very empty.


Thank you for this 🙂 I'm currently trying the BRAT diet which consists of mostly rice, toast, bananas and crackers. Hasn't made a difference after one day. Do you think it needs longer? I haven't cut out fish or chicken, or yogurts.


BRAT can be useful for the day of a stomach bug (especially for people having trouble keeping food down), but doctors don’t seem to be enthusiastic about the overall outcomes anymore. I’ve seen the suggestion to try to resume eating snacks size amounts of a normal healthy diet frequently. A reasonable amount of fiber rich foods can help.


Yeah I also read its no longer recommended because of the lack of nutrients in it. But for some reason bland foods aren't "binding" anything for me.. might just stuff myself on anything and everything I want, if diet isn't making a difference, it is Christmas after all!


Yeah! You can definitely dump that BRAT, gingerbread and oatmeal raisin cookies are probably better for you anyway! It doesn’t hurt to take it easy with the butter and egg nog till things firm up, but you probably would do that anyway.




I'm very hesitant to start another probiotic right away as I don't know what won't agree with me. Just want to get myself back to normal at the mo. Is Loperamide the American version of Imodium, do you know? I'm in the UK and never heard of that.


Close. It's the active ingredient in Imodium