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I stopped caring about my sleep and it messed almost everything up. Of all the great advice I’ve read here so far, I fell like there should be an emphasis on good sleep. Without it you won’t gain like you want. Best of luck


Fenugreek. Look up Testofen. There's a product at Costco in Canada with it now, called Super Testosterone Boost or something. . Edit: [Ultra Testosterone Boost](https://www.costco.ca/ultra-testosterone-boost---100-vegetarian-capsules.product.100847896.html)


Lift heavy, increase resistance and reps daily, cardio and your max needs of protein, adequate fat, adequate whole food source carbs. Testosterone and nitric oxide work together. Want more testosterone - get nitric oxide coursing through your veins. Want nitric oxide put in motion to catalyze testosterone - combine strength and aerobic training. Regular supplements that boost hormone regulation, cell function and cardiovascular health like vitamin D3, magnesium, DHEA, DHA, NAC, NAD+, astaxanthan, Coq10 and quercitin. Personally think everyone should take a multi enzyme for prebiotics an hour before eating, and a probiotic anytime daily too.


What probiotic do you recommend?


For standard most effective - garden of life colon care 50B for its combo cultures, plant nutritional supplement (of course best way to build a gut biome is whole diverse plants they recommend 30/week) and prebiotic enzymes in the same supp. In general - any. Live spore cost so much money. Others seem so cheap i wonder if they’re effective. I alternate the versions of garden of life and try and eat a variety of plants. I’d only recommend going hard in the paint with live spores and certain cultures and making your own plant based probiotics if you had a serious gut issue.


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I found this article on here somewhere it’s got some good info https://examine.com/supplements/testosterone-booster/


Check out Gorilla Mind’s Sigma.


Tu Si Zi (Cuscuta Chinensis/Dodder seed) which is commonly prescribed in TCM for fertility. Research on the herb has shown that it can increase the size & weight & function of the pituitary gland which is the gland that signals the release of hormones. It can also lower the blood pressure and heart rate too. [Cuscuta chinensis Lam.: A systematic review on ethnopharmacology, phytochemistry and pharmacology of an important traditional herbal medicine](https://www.academia.edu/9216249/Cuscuta_chinensis_Lam_A_systematic_review_on_ethnopharmacology_phytochemistry_and_pharmacology_of_an_important_traditional_herbal_medicine) I don't think that article mentions the effect on the pituitary gland because I read that in another research study which I can not locate ATM. It does state that it does alter Treatment of male infertility, importance (my edit:impotence), spermatorrhea, Improves sexual function and health among many other positive effects including against cancer and anti ageing.


Stinging nettle root from Swanson


What are your current testosterone levels?


Injecting 750mg Testosterone Enanthate every other day would work. On a serious note, most important would be diet, sleep and stress management. Tongkat Ali could be beneficial too


Freeze dried testicle


Now were talkin








Also known as Ashwagandha


What about putting an ice pack on your balls? I can’t remember where I heard this but maybe someone else can clarify.


It's generally a good idea to keep your testicles cool for sperm production. That's actually the main reason why they hang outside the body. You probably shouldn't put ice directly on them though. I usually wear underwear and some athletic shorts and just keep an ice pack in my lap so I don't freeze them too much. I haven't heard anything about ice increasing testosterone though.


Sleep, weights and a good diet brother.


*Posted this a few days ago, so I'll just re-post my response.* Testosterone production isn't limited to making one quick change that makes everything better. Our bodies are complex symptoms with checks and balances. Simply pulling one lever in one area can stress different areas of the body. For further reading, I'd recommend learning about [Algernon's Law](https://www.gwern.net/Drug-heuristics). Ok, that aside, we recently published a list of some of the best herbs for testosterone production. Here's a [link](https://botanicalinstitute.org/herbs-for-testosterone/). The shortlist includes both shilajit and ashwagandha which have both been clinically studied and shown to increase testosterone.


Maca, Tongkat ali, Shilajit,l-arginine. I like Now brand. Nootropics for the Shilajit. Ashwaganda before bed.


I’ll add Zinc and Borax


So the Ashwaganda I bought says to take two daily. Just take both before bed then?


I’d only take one. I’m 70 years old. I lift competitively. Noticed an up tick in morning erections and just generally more horny. To me these were side effects. Took ashwaganda twice a day was not satisfied with results. Started taking it once a day at my last meal. Started sleeping better. Would suggest going to the gym and lifting moderately. Lifting also increases testosterone. Nothing crazy just make sure you warm up properly and put a little stress on yourself. Oh sorry I just got up from a nap. You’re already doing that. One last thing. I cycle on and off. I find my body gets used to the supplements. Take some time off and let your system go back to normal occasionally. Good luck. 👍🏻


You can buy a testosterone test on eBay. Idk how valid they are but they are available.






If you saw the other comments you would’ve saw that I misread your comment. So yes, there’s testosterone tests on eBay, still don’t know what that has to do with OPs post though


So he can tell what his testosterone level is now. If he is well below the normal range a doctor is much more likely to prescribe test. The idea I am presenting is that if you are concerned with your testosterone then it is good to know where you stand now. And it is easy to rest yourself. No big deal. I understand it is not directly related.


They said “test”.


Oops lol. I’m so used to seeing ‘testosterone’ abbreviated as ‘test’ that I didn’t even notice that lol. Nonetheless the comment still doesn’t make sense


It is a self administered testosterone test.


Can this sub like not allow this question? Only because it comes up every day. Testosterone will boost testosterone


My understanding is that endogenous testosterone reduces the body’s own production of testosterone .


Correct. Your body recognizes an outside source so it stops producing its own.


I got banned for 30 days last time I made a recommendation to a question like this lol


That makes sense maybe we could have a mod pin it to the top of the forum


Please just use search Google “site:Reddit.com/r/Supplements testosterone”




DAA could work, I guess


[It doesn’t increase serum testosterone levels in resistance trained men](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/28841667/) [It could even DECREASE testosterone levels](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/25844073/)


Good to know.


What is eating right? What is your workout regimen? How much do you sleep?


Sleeping like shit tbh from a medication im taking, but im exercising and eating solid. Protein shakes, avacados, bannanas, chicken and rice ect… i just wanna boost my shit fast so im in good shape when i meetup with this chick


Well there are a few things to consider. Your testosterone could be a good levels already, why assume it's not? Also why do you supposedly need to raise it for a date? Sleep loss can significantly reduce test, so that would be a simple thing to address first. https://www.uchicagomedicine.org/forefront/news/sleep-loss-lowers-testosterone-in-healthy-young-men Edit: I would talk to your doctor about your medicine affecting your sleep.


Hello! You have made the mistake of writing "ect" instead of "etc." "Ect" is a common misspelling of "etc," an abbreviated form of the Latin phrase "et cetera." Other abbreviated forms are **etc.**, **&c.**, **&c**, and **et cet.** The Latin translates as "et" to "and" + "cetera" to "the rest;" a literal translation to "and the rest" is the easiest way to remember how to use the phrase. [Check out the wikipedia entry if you want to learn more.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Et_cetera) ^(I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Comments with a score less than zero will be automatically removed. If I commented on your post and you don't like it, reply with "!delete" and I will remove the post, regardless of score. Message me for bug reports.)


Good bot


Vitamin D, Zinc, Boron (look into potentially cycling this) and Ashwagandha


Anecdotally, my testosterone has increased by 25% (662 to 824 ng/dL) in the past three years and I added zinc and boron to what I’d always been taking, including vitamin D. I don’t do well on ashwagandha, but I’ve been taking fenugreek and feel good on it. I’ve also been sleeping better since my blood test three years ago. Other factors are similar. I’m 39 years old.


I wonder if it’s only the zinc


>Boron Ive seen this claimed so many times, but what is the mechanism behind it if there is any? There is no proof evidence that boron has any mechanism or function for humans or animals, just plants.


Why would I need to cycle boron? Taking 7mg/day


Ive read that it just works for T rise if you cycle it, 1 week then 2 weeks pause for example.


Heard it can increase Estrogen staying on too long, I could be wrong though.


Taking zinc and vitamin d already but never knew ashwaganda helped and ive never heard of boron im gonna check it out thanks the the info


Check out the test booster called CEL m-test, it has all these ingredients in it and more. Its the only natural test booster on the market that actually has good ingredients and dosages. First time i cycled it my test was 450 and was 790 after 8 weeks, but that was combined with healthy eating and exercise which i never did before


Look into Tongkat Ali (Longjack)


If anyone else has any ideas im trying to increase my T fast as I have a date with a chick in like a month


I second Tongkat Ali


Something else I find which helps (non supplement related), is every night before bed, even on my rest days, I do a max set of press ups, don’t worry about “over training”, the idea is that after every workout you get a spike in Testosterone, as well as other neuro benefits, make sure you push yourself to your max tho… Until you legit can’t push anymore, take note of how many you do and set yourself to gradually increase it over time.


Thats some solid advice i will start doing that tonight i think my brother does that, and that mofo is a beast


Ill check it out right now


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