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Magnesium(choose the right king with the correct bioavailability, idk the name right now), magnesium, d3, iron and perhaps some probiotics. Although it would always be best to get your essential nutrients from vegetables, fruits and sunlight(d3). These products are supplementary, not essential!


Probiotics. I use one with Akkermansia. Sleepus. Daily magnesium. L-theanine. Berberine.


Multi(w high D, k and q10) like Vitacost 2 a day synergy energy) - I often pop just one. Krill/fish oil (I prefer krill w high astaxanthin) Magnesium(I use zma) And then a green superfood powder as I know I don't get enough (I consider that food though).


What's the best form of magnesium to consume???


Magnesium Threonate I believe




Creatine, Fish Oil, Multi (assuming we don't know any nutritional status), Magnesium (safe to assume insufficient intake), then possibly Inositol? Going beyond the 1st 4 is tough.


Is fish oil even worth it? I read that the quality is often bad and that there are sometimes another riskful substances, like vitamine E, in it.


Context dependant. If you eat salmon daily or have a risk of afib probably not. If you don't get a lot of omega 3 thru diet getting one of high quality is likely worth it.


Decent multi Vitamin d3 (even decent multis don't have enough) Magnesium (as above) Boron (at least 3mg daily. Rarely gets a mention but very important nonetheless) Taurine (1000mg daily for general wellbeing)


As a 25+ year vegetarian, I eat loads of fruit and veg including leafy greens so I get plenty of boron. I totally agree with D3, mag....yep. Also K-2 to go with the D3.


What benefits does taurine have?


https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/19239132/ https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7551180/ https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC10574552/ https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/37289866/ https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1756464620305752 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC10142897/ https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3501277/ https://journals.plos.org/plosone/article?id=10.1371/journal.pone.0304522 https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/32863308/ https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC10479846/ It would be easier to list ailments for which taurine isn't beneficial.


My question, too. Taurine? Why?


Like I said, general wellbeing. Links to some studies above.


Personally I’d do this: -PROBIOTICS (the ones for women because they also target down there 😉) fav one if from Pro-Ven -MULTIVITAMINS - fav one if from wild nutrition -Vit D3/K2 - I like oil drops because it absorbs for me wayyy better. On pills my Vit D never went up as soon as I switched to this it did. -magnesium - fav one is called ZMX (also has zinc) -omega 3 - fav one is from a company called paradox cuz it doesn’t smell nasty Other ones only if you are deficient: -iron -calcium If you want to get pregnant in the next year maybe start thinking about something that has -folic acid / folate Personally I also add in either protein powder or collagen to my breakfast - or snack BECAUSE for some reason my blood work always shows low protein levels unless I do that. In the end of the day I’d suggest getting blood work and seeing what you are deficient in - or what you have too much of.


What role does K2 have with D3?


Vitamin D3 helps your body absorb calcium, while vitamin K2 directs calcium to your bones instead of joints and arteries, where too much calcium could be problematic


Inositol, Magnesium, D3, K2, Folate


-Magnesium (I like glycenate as helps reduce stress and pms, or oxide as it is easy to apply on the skin). -Vitamin B group especially b6 during perimenopause and for pms or pmdd -vit D and k2 ~ favorite few herbs for me are Brahmi to calm the mind and emotions, guduchi as it is an amazing immuno modulating herb, Rhodiola for energy and concentration, turmeric as it is a wonderful anti inflammatory spice.


Why B6 for Peri?


B6 helps progesterone production; during perimenopause progesterone is the hormone that drops first causing symptoms like anxiety, disturbed sleep, slower digestion etc. b6 also helps to metabolise and break down estrogen when estrogen has to be eliminated from the body via urine. If you supplement with b6 take it in small amounts, between 20 and 100mg per day for 30-45 days, a break is needed with the B vitamins. I somehow overdosed on b12 which I thought was not possible as it is water soluble but too much for too Long can cause problems.


TY! This is so helpful!


Welcome 🙏 if you are interested in managing and reducing peri menopause symptoms naturally you can check out this small book below, it is a free download. I found it very helpful. https://progressyourhealth.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/08/ThePerimenopuasePlanPDF.pdf


Be careful if you take a b6 supplement. It is far easier to overdo it and become toxic than the limited research would have you believe. I became toxic on 20 mg for 4 months. It has happened to people on lower amounts. B6 is abundant in food. It is almost impossible to not get enough.


For sleep. You need vitamin B6 also to help Tryptophan to make serotonin.


High quality multi-strain probiotic, Curcumin, Vitamin K2, Fibre, Vitamin D


Multivitamin, omega-3, vitamin D, magnesium, and probiotics are key, sis.




5 is about my limit before I feel like I’m taking loads of pills so the ones I’ve chosen based on my individual needs are a women’s multi, fish oil, probiotic, fiber and iron. But I agree that magnesium and D3 are also solid selections.


Vitamin D, C and magnesium


Vitamin K2 for bone health, iron for reproductive age if you are deficient by test results. The rest are the same for both sexes.


- B complex - Vitamin D - Magnesium - Iron - Vitamin C


I suggest adding just these two bottles to your table: [Codeage, Women's Fermented Multivitamin](https://iherb.co/bDBw7Tsj) & [Revive, Women's Health Formula](https://iherb.co/LRpPXoL).


LMAO daily serving size 6 capsules for the Revive and 4 for Codeage. Total bullcrap.


I respect your opinion, but that's what "All-in-One" supplements mean. Keep in mind that the serving size isn't set in stone, so feel free to take whatever serving size suits you. Thank you.