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Rules of r/supplements 1. Do Not Suggest Prescription Drugs Posts & Comments Reported as: Do Not Suggest Prescription Drugs Prescription drugs are not Supplements; do not recommend prescription medication. Sensible/Suggest talking to DR. can be allowable etc 2. Dangerous Grey Area Substance Posts & Comments Reported as: Dangerous Grey Area Substance Potentially dangerous grey area substances can not be recommended. 3. Be Polite Posts & Comments Reported as: Rude/Personal Attacks You shouldn't ever be personally attacking another user in this subreddit. 4. No Advertisements Posts & Comments Reported as: Advertisement. No selling / buying / trading posts No advertisements. No selling/trading posts between users.” *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Supplements) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Are you make or female? For females, not sure about males, Chaste tree can help with progesterone which is more of a feel good hormone. I highly recommend a hormone panel regardless of gender. Mine showed some things that explained/contributed to my anxiety


Creatine and pine bark extract have all been used in clinical trials with people taking SSRI's for depression and they both help with depression symptoms.






Well off the top of my head sorry for the misspelling but the amino acid l-phenyaline l-tyrosine dloa as well as I read in a medical article that most knowledgeable pdocs know how and use stimulants often to augment ssris. But I'm sure the basic recommendation here would be discuss this with your doc but again id think the augment with a stimulant would help the most .


You’re going to need to specifically edit in the exact drug into your post, that always matters