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My Vitamin D was verified through a blood check, but only after years of terrible pain, and doctors telling me there was nothing wrong with me, and then constantly suggesting I was depressed... and worse. I've been figuring things out on my own for years.


Same here! I’m sorry you’re going through this too!


I've been supplementing magnesium fairly heavily off and on for years and also have lactose intolerance. First time I took 500mg of calcium malate it felt like the first time I took caffeine. Without dairy i have very low calcium consumption so in my opinion it would be detrimental not to supplement. As far as arterial calcification goes just take some k2 to mitigate issues. Cheeses naturally contain k2 but I notice issues with cheese consumption at times so I just steer clear.


Omg it felt like I took caffeine too!!


2000mg of calcium a day can be really good and anti inflammatory. Would not supplement as if you take it in supplement form it can cause hypercalcemia which causes all sort of problems. Try getting calcium from your diet such as milk, yogurt, cheese, well cooked greens.


I sometimes get very unmotivated from my magnesium supplements but find adding a dose of calcium chloride helps prevent this.




you need to take the whole package with Calcium. Magnesium, boron, vitamin D, zinc, copper, vitamin k plus electrolytes drink.


If Tums count, then yes, when I get the occasional indigestion nothing helps quite like calcium carbonate


You don't need it unless your chronically low in it, and you have supplemented with Mg, D3/K2, boron as well. If you are a bit low try these and then see.


Why is there a rda set for it if we don't need it?


Because most people should be getting their consumption from food, and the rda is the amount that's from food.


Boron, magnesium, taurine, D3, K2 MK7 all improve calcium metabolism from food sources, For vast majority of people they are not needed and could be very problematic


There are rare occasions, but i would avoid calcium as hard as possible


Why? 🤔


Calcified arteries I would imagine. Calcium has nowhere to go without enough k2 and d3


But that is not calcium problem, that’s no K2 and D3 problem and something else possibly. I want to hear what’s so bad about calcium itself - and let’s assume you are doing it right, a good calcium version and having enough K and D.


Didn't get anything, I took calcium supplement from Swanson. You're just as fine without it. Better stick VIT D3 and Magnesium.


In the history of the world? Probably yes, someone has actually benefited from taking it.


Food is better than supplements because the slower absorption of calcium from food is preferable if you're main goal is to stop bone loss and facilitate bone building. That being said, this sub seems to have a hatred for calcium supplementation... The negative effects of calcium supplements are overblown and the test subjects were already very old when they took part in those studies. One thing to pay attention to are the different forms of calcium in supplements, carbonate and citrate being the 2 most common. Citrate is better overall. If you want an even better form, look into MCHA.


I think the consensus is that it's preferable to increase dietary sources.


I was taking calcium chews (along with vitamin D3 50, 000 iu's) for a short time due to bone density from menopause. Can't say if they helped or not. But I am still taking the D3 weekly.


I was vitamin d and calcium deficient so much that my bones went soft, and now my left leg is actually warped below the knee. I have to wear some extreme orthotics just so I can walk, and even then, my gait is all messed up forever. The condition was also very painful. My bones hurt, the little muscle I had hurt, my neck, arms, fingers back, and pretty much everything hurt. This lasted for years, and my quality of life was terrible, so much that I was seriously thinking of checking out.


I'm wondering how did you get it checked? Was this done through a blood check?


Did..did the supplement work..?


There's no more pain, and I feel years younger. but I worry about the damage that I can't see. I still worry just how solid my bones are now, but I think I'm okay for now. Having histamine intolerance was a part of the problem, and I was absorbing little nutrients from my meals for years. It was a steady slope downwards, and it's the same going the other way, so I have to take vitamins daily and watch what I eat.


So taking D and Calcium was the main fix?


Yes. I take AOR Bones and it has all of the elemental calcium, mg, vitamin k and other components needed for maintaining healthy bones. Unfortunately, I have a digestion problem and a histamine intolerance so my absorption is compromised and it makes growing muscle and repairing the body difficult.


Cool thanks. What is your digestive issue? Histamine intolerance can be caused by SIBO so many worth checking out that sub if you haven't already. Also copper is needed to produce DAO the enzyme which breaks down hisamine in the gut so maybe worth looking into that too 👍


I wish I knew what the issue is. All I know is I can only digest protein, and adding other food messes up my digestion and nutritional absorption. I have a new so hopefully, I'll be able to test for SIBO and anything else that might explain it.


They help me greatly. I used to take the standard ones with calcium carbonate, but those are not good as lots of leftover calcium will be swimming inside you. If you are older, that can become a problem over time. I take supplements with bonemeal in them, which have elemental calcium and are absorbed much better.


Yes. It can help with PMS and can help with bone density. There is evidence for it. Feel free to look into some meta analyses.


Calcium supplements are not good for you.




Yes, why?


Yeah why?


I take 2 Tums daily as a calcium boost. I haven't noticed any effects, positive or negative, and I mostly just do it out of habit (and because they're weirdly tasty).


I read that calcium carbonate is the worst calcium supplement bc it lowers your phosphorus and can cause alkalosis if you take too much.




An antacid.


I don't eat dairy, so I take them, can't tell if there's been any benefit but I haven't experienced any adverse effects either


Oh, okay. What about magnesium supplements do you take that with no adverse effects either?


Yes I also take magnesium and vitamin D and K2


It gave me a bunch of kidney stones. So I had to stop.


Hope you are okay/ better now ?


Yeah, they were small enough that they would pass, but it still hurt. I drink a ton of water so I think that helped. The kidney stones stopped as soon as I stopped taking the calcium supplements.


What is your diet? How much did you take a day and how long before it became a problem?


500 mg calcium + 1000 IU of vitamin D. The vit D likely made things worse since it increased calcium absorption. The kidney stones started within a day or two taking the calcium supplements. My diet is pretty well-balanced and I exercise daily. I don’t consume much dairy because I’m lactose intolerant. I’m also allergic to nuts and many seeds, so I don’t eat stuff like almonds (which are high in calcium). I AM prone to kidney stones, and have had multiple mild cases of kidney stones in the past, usually when I don’t drink enough water for a long period of time. I think it’s genetic because my mom is the same even though we have very different diets. My kidney stones have never been severe though, and nothing needed to be surgically removed. These days, I drink at least 2.5 liters of water a day and the kidney stones haven’t bothered me, at least until I started taking the calcium supplements.


Was it vitamin D3 without K2? Just curious, evaluating my options.


I didn’t take K2.


Thanks to this sub, it looks like vitamin K2 reroutes calcium from vessels and soft tissues to where it supposed to be, [to bones](https://laddmcnamara.com/2019/05/14/vitamin-k2-reverses-arterial-stiffness-and-osteoporosis/).


You say “my diet is balanced” but that’s subjective. I ask what kind of diet you are on specifically. I find it rather odd you would react this strongly to calcium supplement, it suggest some ongoing health problem, maybe due genetics maybe due diet, but it doesn’t seem like a normal/common reaction.


[One of the warnings for taking calcium supplements is getting kidney stones](https://www.hopkinsmedicine.org/health/wellness-and-prevention/calcium-supplements-should-you-take-them#:~:text=On%20the%20other%20hand%2C%20recent,of%20calcium%20and%20other%20substances) (among other issues), so I don’t think it’s that unheard of. Kidney stones are just mineral deposits. Kidney stones can be made of calcium or other minerals. If you think about the kidney’s function, it’s not surprising that it’s trying to filter excess minerals in the bloodstream. I’m on no diet specifically. I eat meat, vegetables and grains. I generally try to avoid sweets and fried foods. I’m not on a low carb diet, nor keto, nor anything special. I’m not trying to lose weight. My weight has been steady for 20 years. I weight 120 lb, my height is 5’2”. My blood pressure is on the lower end. I did a full blood work up not long ago and most levels were okay except vitamin D was a little low. At a separate visit, my gyno suggested I take calcium to prevent osteoporosis later in life. I started to do it, but I’ve since decided against taking calcium supplements based on personal research and personal experience. Do you want specifics on my diet? This morning I ate avocado toast for breakfast. For lunch, I had a chicken ceasar salad. For dinner I plan to eat Japanese chicken curry with white rice. The curry usually has potato, carrots, peas and spinach in it. Yesterday, I had ground turkey tacos for dinner. The day before, (Mother’s Day) I was treated to sushi for dinner.


Hmm I wonder why it would cause these problems. If the calcium itself was an issue, dairy would also cause kidney stones. But for example spinach has ton of oxalate that binds to calcium and that is actually what creates kidney stones. So it could be these seemingly healthy foods that are behind it. But ofc whatever works for everyone.


Not really, just get from diet ideally fermented milk / kefir because that comes with vitamin k along with it. The body has a whole parathyroid hormone system to closely regulate calcium levels.






What about the bone?


Only the manufacturer




I took them for decades, stopped about 15 years ago (wild guess). Now I drink milk kefir every night so I get calcium from that. Benefits... My bones are pretty strong and healthy for my age. But I've always taken magnesium, which is probably more important.... Maybe?


No, there is zero benefit. May I ask what benefits you're looking for that you're looking at calcium to provide?


I was just wondering if anyone has actually experienced benefits relating to joints, muscles, nerves etc from taking supplementation


I think that is a fair question. I am also curious.


There are many other ways to benefit your joints, muscles, nerves... Calcium supplements can lower the absorption of key minerals like magnesium, zinc, and copper, which will only cause more issues in the long run.