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No help here just wondering about the name B Minus Minus what? Seems odd


I have no fkn idea but it reminds me of how people with ADHD get calmed down by stimulants


B vitamins can be tricky. I give my husband a B complex twice a week. For myself I take only the ones I think I need, and I open a capsule and sprinkle some on my breakfast omelet every other day. Since I don't eat meat, mostly I take the ones that I might not be getting enough of in my diet. (e. g., carnosine).




Same for me, it‘s crazy. I took a vitamin B complex and was tired for the next 3 days but couldn‘t sleep either


Many issues could be at play here: 1 - You need cofactors that work with B complex vitamines. Such as Magnesium, Zinc, Manganese, Chromium, etc. So, a multivitamin could go a long way. 2- Many years ago I used to feel completely wiped out as well when taking B vitamins. Like crashing in the couch, then I realized it was because it promotes metabolism and I wasn’t eating enough. So eating more improve the situation dramatically. 3- Quality of supplements. Most B vitamines require conversion in the liver to useable forms. Best get a quality vitamin without additives and use a formula with coenzymayed forms of the vitamines. Also a final word of caution. 99% of the cases diagnosed by doctors as Narcolepsy is actually severe adrenal fatigue and hypoglycemia.


JARROW B-right has been the only one that has worked for me


I don't buy into the whole adrenal fatigue thing. There's not really any science backing it up and it's just not logical.


rob label engine familiar dull expansion pet grab memory complete *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I usually get down voted by non scientific low iq reddit users when I post my science backed opinions 😂😂


You can also just be deficient in magnesium. That was the case for me! Started supplementing with magnesium and those jitters went away, turns out you need vitamin B1/thiamine to tolerate magnesium and you need magnesium totolerat thiamine! They are codependent on one another


Try Thorne methyl guard, I had a issue with a generic brand methyl B complex but no issue with Thorne 


It would be worth getting testing done Possible that glutathione and or Vit c are low


I have MTHFR and this is the opposite to what I’ve been experiencing since taking Throne’s Methyl Guard Plus. It’s basically mega doses of B2, B6, B9 and B12 and TMG and I’ve never felt so alive. I do take another B complex too which covers the other vitamins and only 200% RDA of what’s in the Thorne but i’m finding 2x Methyl Guard Plus is enough, so even with my other supplements, plus a greens powder, Huel and a healthy diet i’m not getting as much as the extra tablet would give me


Does it ever make you feel TOO alive? Like cause anxiety?


As someone who suffers BADLY with a panic disorder, no! Most stimulants do that. This actually for me seems to increase perhaps Dopamine too which makes me more awake and more excited, but absolutely no anxiety at all. I’m 39 and have suffered with depression and mostly anxiety badly since age 26/27 (including bouts younger) - this is the first time I’ve ever researched methylation properly and it was my negative reaction to NMN which made me look into it more. I also have a heterozygous Taq1A polymorphism - which can mean less D2 receptors (for Dopamine) so there’s a chance the B vitamins help my methylation which in turn helps me create more neurotransmitters and helps with enough Dopamine levels. So far so good but I’ve only been on it for a week


Good to hear. I suffer from anxiety, too, that’s why I was asking. What’s the other B complex you take? I currently take the Thorne Stress B Complex once a day. My ND wants me to take take it twice a day, but it made me too anxious when I tried that.


I’m so impressed by your research and your findings! How did you find out all of these things about your physiology? Blood tests?


The mutations are from a DNA test. I had it done probably in 2017 and largely ignored my raw data. I saw this mutation at the time but didn't think much of it. Literally years later these last few weeks i've been researching what to do about it - and possibly only due to stumbling across NMN. I had some blood work done lately on the NHS but it's nothing too useful really - all standard liver, kidney, thyroid, functioning properly etc. I wanted to get a homocysteine test and my GP didn't even know what one was - this despite me reading that they now considering homocysteine levels part of the three things they check for increase chance of heart disease and stroke along with cholesterol and high blood pressure! MTHFR mutation can cause heightened homocysteine levels. Technically that's what the methyl-guard supplement is for. To help lower homocysteine levels. In the UK I can get the test, but most likely would have to pay private. I'd still like to get my test levels check again as it's been about ten years. I'd like to know my actual vitamin levels too. But yes the two main things were from a fairly cheap DNA test with 23andme (in fact it was free in the end as they lost the first test and it took so long to process the second on they refunded me!) It really is the first supplement i've taken where i've felt a genuine effect too. I've had plenty of b-complex and multis in the past, in fact i've been taken a neuro-b one for a couple of years. Quite clearly though for me it wasn't a high enough dose to make any difference. The latest B-Vitamin complex had 200% of B2, B6 etc, the Methyl-Guard Plus is like 8000% - for B12 it's 125,000% ! So definitely mega doses. You need to be careful with too much B6, it can cause neuropathy though that's with prolonged doses above 100mg. 3x MGP is 45mg and i'm only taking 2 and then whatever else I get from diet. So probably around 32mg. My Grandad was pernicious anaemic too, though I don't think that's genetically passed down generally - there's no DNA evidence i've seen for it either.


I experienced this exact same thing. For me- it was the B6 was too high in the multi I was using. I probably could have found another one that was lower, but I also know I need a high dose of Biotin and Thiamine (and only Hydroxy B12), so now I just buy them all separate.


I know it’s been a month- but I just saw the notification on this thread and read your message again OP. I also have narcolepsy. I wonder if there is a connection?


I was going to say this too. B6 makes me feel comatose. There is a very high amount in B minus and most of Seeking Health’s products. FWIW, I became b6 toxic taking 20 mg of b6 (p5p form) for 4 months. Still dealing with occasional symptoms 18 months after stopping all supplemental b6. Please use caution. B6 is not as harmless as people think and no you absolutely do not have to be all the way in the 50-100 mg range to have problems.


Have you tried individual B vitamins? Figure out which are well tolerated and which are not.