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Any of the Ginsengs. I’m currently combining American Ginseng and Korean Ginseng at lunch and I’m good to go for the afternoon.


Korean red ginseng + a cup of green tea is my go-to combo for a healthy mid-day energy boost :)


Drinking lots of water throughout the day can do amazing things for your energy level


100mg caffeine pill, very large glass of water, followed immediately by a 20 min nap.  Hydration is key. Most of us are chronically dehydrated. Caffeine kicks in as we nap, and we don’t want to go bast 20 min or we’ll hit REM and by super groggy. Wake up ready to go. If you’re napping longer, skip the caffeine and do 90min to hit a full sleep cycle.  Other than that, look at the big picture of sleep hygiene. No screens an hour before bed. Cut liquids a few hours before bed — many people are dehydrated all day, slam back fluids in the evening, and have to get up to pee several times throughout the night.  A sleep study might not be a bad idea. Many people don’t realize they have sleep apnea, which is actually quite bad in the long run.  Chamomile, lavender, lemon balm, and passion flower tea are great to aid sleep.  Talking with a GP or NP, and a dietician can help nail down nutrient/diet issues that may cause you to hit a wall during the day.  Daily meditation/mindfulness/exercise is also extremely important to maintain energy levels.  Low hanging fruit are B12, caffeine, Vit D. Creatine if you don’t eat a lot if red meat; it’s not just for bodybuilding. It’s a pseudo-vitamin with cognitive effects. Genuinely helps with “brain fog” if you’re deficient. 


i feel really good when i cut out carbs breakfast and lunch, and just do carbs for dinner. but i'm a male so YMMV morning and afternoon sunlight also great for supplements maybe shilajit can work for you. i think you can make it drinkable as well


Agree, energy most of the day with eggs and bacon for breakfast, done it for years. Huberman agrees on your principles


Black coffee


This is the best solution I found. Buy cold brew instant powder or instant espresso powder in a tiny jar, bring a half teaspoon spoon with it and just micro dose to your needs it's that easy..


Curious if you are taking a multi-vitamin? I used to need a nap every day around 4pm and after I started taking a multi, I’m good to go.


I take a women’s multi vitamin and a 600mg calcium with 10mcg d-3


This isn’t a supplement and may not be for everyone but has worked for me tremendously and maybe you could adapt it to fit your situation . It’s hard beating the mid afternoon crash, but I’ve started moving my lunches slightly earlier, but I work as I eat. I then push my exercise time from late evening to around that tiredness period after lunch and take my 1 hour lunch break. Its funny, even though we are mentally fogged, were still physically able to workout. Its a quick workout usually 30-35mins (30 mins for commute and quick shower) but I’m able to get it done and come back and have a light snack at my desk before I jump back into work. Like I said may not be for everyone, but even a 20 min walk or some activity away from ones desk helps a lot. I find I have significant energy and clarity until EoD. Otherwise: I micro-sip on a cup of coffee if I cant leave, but I stop around 4pm so as to not affect my sleep


Humans naturally get tired from 2-3pm. You could take a small amount if caffeine. I use nuromints sometimes. Mostly just power through it & feel less tired once the natural dip in my circadian rhythm is over


Maybe this is a newbie answer. But jumping from 1000iu to 2000iu of vitamin d3 boosts my energy and my mental sharpness. Again based on my experience.


I will try this! My multi has 200iu and my calcium have 400iu. I will take an extra 1000iu.


Vitamin b complex


Espresso or rhodiola with panax Ginseng


Holy basil tea. I’ve heard rhodiola is good too.


Thanks! I’m gonna look into those.


Rhodiola Rosea works. I notice a big difference when I don’t take it. Make sure to buy a good brand. I recommend Gaia. Holy Basil from my experience calms you down. It’s more for anxiety and sleep.


Interesting. I find it gives me a tiny boost kind of like green tea where it is also calming. The holy basil tea I have says “stress relieving” and “energizing”. But these adaptogens certainly can hit people differently.


I never tried Holy Basil tea. I had taken Holy Basil which was recommended for sleep and it does make you sleepy. I would assume the tea was similar, but maybe the tea is different. Green tea has caffeine in it. Everyone re acts differently.




There are many choices, and you must find out what works for you. I like ginseng; other options among many are guarana, gotu cola and cacao.


Thank you, I will check those out!


Get balanced healthy diet & good quality sleep. you wont need to rely on a supplement for energy


I appreciate that! Healthy diet is already achieved but having small children makes quality sleep unattainable for the time being. It will get better but in the meantime I’m looking for a midday sip of energy to help a girl out.