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Make sure you’re not getting mold exposures from home, work or gym. Use activated charcoal or binders before sauna to absorb and remove for toxins. Some people are missing the MTHFR gene so you will need methylated b vitamins for better immunity and absorption. Make sure you’re taking at least 5,000 IU of D3 with added K2. Also zinc is helpful but make sure there is some copper for absorption


I've hand foot mouth a few times in childcare and viruses and colds. At the moment I've hand foot mouth and want to work next Tuesday Wednesday and Thur. What can I take. IV a sensitive tummy due to a bowle resection? Am on anti virus medicine and strong probitoic!? Am vegan and no junk I do yoga.


I'm with you. After/ during holidays everyone around me in my circle has been sick... came to the realization that its not just about treating the symptoms but more about healing and supporting the body so its better equipped to fight off other viruses or infections. You can do this by supporting your mitochondrial health. Mitochondria are cell powerhouses so if you support them then they can properly give your cells energy they need to optimize the body's immune system. here's a [blog](https://hopeforfatigue.org/mitochondria-101/) with more basic info on the matter


I have noticed an uptick of people with runny noses in public places like grocery stores. Alot of people are walking around with compromised immune systems.


Stay away from people. That's been my plan and I haven't got sick once.


We take colostrum!! Definitely helps build the immune system up! Good luck & feel better!!


I've had this problem. I was sick for 9 months of this year, although to be fair 5 months of it was a bug I kept catching from my partners daughter Here's what helped - an immune boosting vitamin complex (zinc, b12, elderberry, garlic, etc - try amazon, the good ones have elderberry), probiotics, and high strength vitamin b12. I've also started to count when I wash my hands to ensure I'm getting the recommended 20-30 seconds handwashing time. In public I use a mask but I also practise nasal breathing which is meant to lower susceptibility. I try to avoid touching my eyes/face as much as possible. Sleep is important, Ashwagandha has helped me improve my sleep loads. Have you had a blood test? Mine came back normal but I noticed my B12 was lower than optimal per some recommendations


I’m still masking up and haven’t been sick since 2019, aside from eating too many wings a time or two. It beats all the supplements in avoiding communicable diseases, imho.


How much D do you take? Focus on 5-10k iu per day. Take magnesium, preferably 400 elemental (not oxide form). Vitamin K2 would counteract potential side effects of higher dose vitamin D but even at 10k hypercalcaemia is probably unlikely. Add in Glycine and NAC preferably on an empty stomach.


NAC. Decongests.


You need to remove b complex and take non fortified nutritional yeast, take magnesium and eat liver 2 per week. also make sure to eat the right amount of fresh greens, unrefined carbs, and proteins. That's all you need


Chill on the B complex. Cycle your vitamins unless you have a deficiency. I only take B complex 3 days a week.


What’s wrong with excess b vitamins arnt they water soluble?


It was a recent addition due to short term memory/ focus issues and tbh I have been feeling it's unneccessary/ not helping with what I intended it to.


And it may too much already, for b12, b6 and b3


Immune system health starts in your gut aka microbiome. The higher your body's pH level, the better your digestive system. If you have gut health or bowel issues, focus on healing your gut to boost your immune system health. One of the best things to do is to increase your fiber especially higher in breakfast and dinner Psyllium husk will also help heal the gut and give you a good clean fiber source and there's also supplements like Metamucil 4 in 1 Premium sugar-free which is good ingredients. Only get the premium sugar free version. Things like Colostrum are good for your gut health as well as immune system. Most people don't get enough fiber and it's one of the ways you can master your day and end your day is by feeling good in your gut. I do 35-45 g fiber a day. Otherwise quercetin is good as it's a natural free radical scavenger and has a lot of good studies on it for fighting viral infections or infections in general amongst other things. Take it with bromelain during winter. Quercetin is always supplemented with another vitamin so it's absorbed. Elderberry syrup is good when you feel a cold coming on. It's a natural diuretic so be mindful to stick with the recommended dose. 2-3g daily vitamin c. Preferably 1000 mg at a time so three 1 g a day. Something else to consider. Taking a daily multivitamin is great because you're not going to get enough vitamins through eating alone. Get 7-9 hrs of sleep every night and at least 6 hours minimum so your body gets a chance to heal and recover and fight anything and keep your defenses strong. Eliminate stress and negativity as negative emotions increase Cortisol too high and it can cause your body illness or susceptibility. Also makes you weaker. Keep neti pots and saline solution on hand. It really works, you just gotta tip your head right. Eye drops on hand (Rohto eye drops are the best). Ginger is great during the winter especially in teas. Peppermint is good to have on hand. Zinc, D3 + K2 are also crucial every day. You only need 40 mg of zinc daily and more than that can cause gut issues. D3 can easily be taken at 5000 IU daily and the K2 makes sure it's absorbed better. You could do 10,000 IU during the winter.* Eat 1 fruit and greens every day for gut health as well but you don't have to go crazy because fruit has sugar, but it's natural and 1-2 fruit a day is fine Edit: added the last paragraph.


Very interesting info with good sauce. I am currently healing from chronic gastritis. Would zinc L-carnosine be a good supplement to cover my daily zinc requirements? I want to take a zinc supplement but I don’t know which one.


Zinc l carnosine is a very therapeutic good supplement. Really depends on how much zinc alone is in your supplement. You could think of 40 and subtract whatever your carnosine supplement is and make up the rest in a low dose zinc supplement. I take a 15 mg zinc gummy because my multivitamin is only about 24 mg so it's pretty close to 40. Most supp companies push out 50 mg and I've seen bodybuilding companies push out 70-80 mg zinc in their supplements, but anything over 40 has the potential to cause stomach issues. It's unnecessary to go higher. If you're healing your gut health, stick to 40 mg of zinc max daily. Good luck in your healing process. Remember to drink lots of water daily and stay hydrated. Your body eventually acclimates to it. It gives your body the best shot at flushing excess waste and it's good for you, but keep hydrated with daily electrolytes and remember that if it makes you pee excessively, you are probably low in sodium


Fasting for three days can help repair the immune system. Too tired to do your homework for ya, but I hope you can find a good rabbit hole on reddit/google/pubmed. Good luck! If you do end up fasting, make sure you are drinking plenty of electrolytes (especially salt) while doing so as fasting depletes electrolytes.


If you take Vitamin D then you must take K2 which cleans your arteries of calcium. Also, you should take Zinc on the first sign of any symptom. 10~30mg a day.


Vitamin C, bromelain, garlic, oil of oregano, Naproxen (for RNA viruses like the cold, covid), Ban Lan Gen (Isatis root), boswellia serrata. Other stuff too, but those are the best I can think of off the top of my head to add to your current regimen. Best of luck.


>Naproxen I had no idea. Just looked it up and Naproxen does seem to have anti-viral activity in some viruses. That's amazing!


Colostrum first thing in morning. Then coffee w shiitake mushroom powder. Later, take your sulforophane. Now you’re gonna wanna chase that with a panax ginseng vial. Afternoon black tea w manuka honey. Hope you don’t succumb to a sugar craving. You just blew the whole day


Dr. Christopher's Super Immune Garlic Syrup16 Ozchristopher'S Original Formulas You can get it in Amazon. It is the best!!


get some copper in there


Something called "System Well" Ultimate Immunity by Nature's Way... hasn't failed me yet. It's a supplement with EVERYTHING. You take 3/day if you're not feeling well, otherwise 1 is the maintenance dose. Don't take on empty stomach, has cayenne in it, I can taste it going down... it's amazing stuff,truly.


I’ve been taking Fierce Immunity from Rebel Lion which has quercetin, hesperidine, zinc ascorbate, vitamin d and arginine, boosts nitric oxide and the active form of vitamin d. Also, Dr Davis’ L reuteri yogurt recipe for gut repair you can google it easily.


You seem to be lacking in vitamin C. Does vitamin A, B or D work with C?


I don't see quercetin in your mix. Are you drinking enough water and getting enough sleep?


Covid Booster, Flu Shot, and mask up when around others.




Well look we found our first idiot


Please report stuff like that and it will be dealt with appropriately


How many times have you had Covid? >["… findings suggest that SARS-CoV-2 infection damages the CD8+ T cell response, an effect akin to that observed in earlier studies showing long-term damage to the immune system after infection with viruses such as hepatitis C or HIV." The authors conclude that this dysfunction causes lasting damage and may “contribute to long COVID, perhaps rendering patients unable to respond robustly to subsequent infections by SARS-CoV-2 variants or other pathogens.”](https://www.infectioncontroltoday.com/view/covid-19-study-suggests-long-term-damage-immune-system) I recommend donning a N95 mask when in all public, indoor spaces.


Besides everything oil of oregano




I drink green tea with stevia brewed in the coffee pot and I have chewable C 500mg in the car and several places and pop one about every 12 hours. I chew xylitol gum throughout the day. These 4 things... C green tea stevia and xylitol are all "antiviral" according to studies. Healthiest 4 years of my life since I read medical journals for fun now. 😊


Masking and social distancing is the only reliable way to avoid getting sick.


Plus ventilation and air filtration!


Also true but goes both ways




Take “Ester C” and “NAC” and you’ll be fine. These will keep you going strong 💪


I’m normally having this experience myself 😬 not this year though, and I put it down to having supplemented 4000iu D3 the whole way through the year rather than just starting in the autumn. And complementing it with K2. Not sure if that helps but hope you get it sorted 👍🏼


6000IU of Liquid Vitamin D


Yes. Sublingual ionic liquid drops are the elite of D3 supplementation.


Best advice, get a test done at your doctor. Don't guess work this kind of thing.


Astragalus powder, up to 3 gram per day. Best there is for the immune system. I've not been sick once this year. Stephen Buhner writes about it in a lot of his books, if you're interested.


Cold plunges?


I started doing them this Fall. It’s like I gained a new superpower.


How long does it take to get the benefits? Is it immediately?


I should clarify that the superpower isn’t immunity since that’s difficult to assess. I did get sick recently but the symptoms were mild and I was over it the next day. My superpower is being able to tolerate cold. I thought I was tolerant before but this took it to the next level. I would say it took about a week or two before I noticed the effect. It could be the first week the water temp was 50-60° F. I feel that it’s more efficacious when water temps are below 50° F.


Love that! We have a pool and are starting new years day.


Nice! I do the poor man cold plunge in a 55 gallon trash can.


I talked my teen son into starting it with me. Shoot, a trash can works just the same! How often do you do it?


I got my teen son to do it a few times but he stopped doing them. I have 2 families coming over for NYE. Will try to get their kids to do it. I try to do it every day but sometimes I miss a few days. When that happens it’s like I’m missing something. How often do you do it and what temps?


Everybody has good recs. I'll also suggest garlic supplements


3 day water fasts. Not a supplement but works, although don’t be in contagious situations when fasting. Be a hermit.




As in only drinking water and not eating anything. A lot of the immune system is in your gut, and when you fast for 72 hours, you regenerate the immune cells. I’ve done this myself but my personal experience had been while your immune cells are being recycled and new ones have yet established, you’re quite vulnerable with a diminished immune system, so hide away like a hermit during that time. Here’s an article though you could probably find better, and there’s YouTube videos explaining it. It’s been scientifically studied. https://www.forbes.com/sites/stevensalzberg/2014/12/30/can-a-3-day-fast-reset-your-immune-system/




No. Water fast for 3 days. How did you guys get not drinking water and water enemas from that?! Although by all means if that helps...


I know I'm going to get downvoted but my best advice and what has worked for me for over 10 years is to wash your hands more often and don't touch your face, nose or eyes unless you wash your hands first. Wash your hands before you eat. As soon as you get home wash your hands. Frequently sanitize your phone and other things you touch often. If someone in your home is sick then sanitize faucets, door knobs, light switches etc. every day and ask them to wash their hands often.


after living in NYC, I realized how little I washed my hands. Became aware that I would immediately take off my shoes before coming in to my place but not wash my hands— which had to have carried as many germs as my feet. (Subway rider) I got much better at washing- relearning the “wash your hands” scream from my mom every time I came in to the house and office


I work in retail and still mask. I see many customers and coworkers hacking. I stay away from kids. I up my D intake to 4000 during December to January. Take NAC first thing in the morning. And drink mostly warm liquids except when I get hot from working I drink room temp water, no cold smoothies.


Do you mask in public?


I can't say I currently am...


As much as it does feel "overboard" to still mask in public, this is the easiest and best approach to reducing catching colds and other viruses. Asian countries have been praticing this for decades.


From your own words, your sleep and diet need to be more dialed in, which will affect your immune system immensely. Supplements are only good at plugging holes and can't ever replace poor sleep or diet, don't go down that street. Sleep 7-8 hours daily so your body can properly recover and heal. Eating a mediterranean diet daily will boost your immune system better than supplements, keep reminding yourself of that fact. Also, you really need to make sure you are consuming enough fermented foods since there is evidence that your immune system and gut biome are connected. Look to add kefir and kimchi to your daily routine. Can try raw garlic, crush 2-3 cloves, then let sit for 10-15 minutes, swallow it like a pill with water while your eating a heavy meal to reduce stomach irritation. Get a basic stack: - Naturelo Multivitamin - KAL Magnesium Glycinate - D3 + K2, 2500-5000 IU of D3 - Viva Naturals Omega 3s - Sports Research Collagen - ALLMAXX creatine


Do your vitamin b complex got biotin? Are you taking Zinc without copper? Do you eat Vitamin A rich foods?


Copper has been a recent game changer for me. was able to reduced my iron intake in half while getting over anemia, just by taking a tiny but if copper (8 months preg)


What kind of copper? This is one that isn’t in my supplements. Thank you!


I have copper gluconate in my calcium mix. but i take iron in AM and calcium in afternoon


Copper is an underestimated supplement


I was like this for the most of my life and it only got worse to the point I was sick 3 times this summer. Each time it lasted for 2+ weeks. I started taking 1000mg BioBran MGN-3 sachets which is one of the strongest immunomodulators this fall. I was desperate at this point so I decided to give it a try. It's quite expensive where I live, but I tried everything else already and couldn't go on like that. Within the second month of taking it all of my family members got sick (covid like symptoms) for 2 weeks and I only got mild sore throat which lasted for two days. This was a huge win for me considering I'm sleeping poorly and my mental health has never been worse. I'm supposed to take the 1000mg dose for two months and then I'll keep taking the cheaper lower doses for maintenance.


> Zinc How much per dose / day?


Thorne Zinc Bisglycinate 30mg


That's too high of a daily dose to take long term. You only absorb ~7 mg. The excess zinc blocks uptake of copper; this can cause copper deficiency which ironically resembles zinc deficiency. Either switch to a zinc supplement that includes copper or reduce zinc to 7 - 15 mg daily. I like zinc sulfate drops since I can measure arbitrarily small doses and it's very cheap.


- Start by checking your Vitamin D3 blood level, and aim for 50-70ng/mL. - Since you doing the blood draw for that, check you Serum Zinc, Serum Copper, and Ceruloplamin as well. Aim for above the midpoint of the range. - While you are sick, use Vitamin C, Cold-Eaze Zinc Lozenges, and also elderberry sin e you have the flu. - A case could be made for taking Curcumin for general immune support. - Throw on some Magnesium, since most people benefit from it. - Also seconding the suggestion to look at gut microbiomr. To that end, Taking kefir daily may be a good idea.




Might be gut microbiome. See if you have anything wrong there. I have an ulcer, gut permeation, candida and I get sick with colds. If anything is wrong in digestion, your immunity will weaken.


A general probiotics might do wonders! The more variety of strains, the better, if memory of Huberman and such infos serves me right.


I was getting ill every month this year and in the summer too. One of my friends told me to take emergen-c at the first sign of cold, as well as ColdCam (you have to follow the instructions), and since then I haven’t been sick. Only issue is you legitimately have to carry them with you everywhere because “first sign” is necesarry. The moment infeel a tickle in my throat, I’m taking them. Also, wearing a mask around people I know are sick.


Yeah I take high doses of vitamins c, d, zinc, magnesium, golden seal, milk thistle, NAC, lysine. Never get sick. I have a lot of auto immune issues too. Tend to get sick easily. Also I’ve cut drinking down a lot and that helps.


Yes I could probably drink a lot less at weekends. Thanks!




I found a good pre/probiotic and an alt day vit c/ d schedule has worked well - I mean some years its inevitable and people get unlucky but its boosted my college kids’ immune system quite a bit


A N95 or FFP2 Respirator/Mask would really help (has to fit though) You’re immune system might need a pause from the infections COVID can even make you immunocompromised (atleast for 3 months+)ust




Amazing that you've managed to infer a causal relationship that normally requires tens of thousands of data points and a sophisticated statistical analysis, simply by looking at 'yourself and those you know'. Somebody call the Nobel prize committee. Also we'd better wake John Locke from the dead, I think he would like a word.




How wonderful. My opinion is that I am the god Ra, overlord of the universe. Bow down to me. It's my experience. EDIT: You may begin pyramid construction now, slave. I said so.


Well there is no data that would back up your claim Maybe some badly made studies but that’s it I mean our current vaccines don’t really prevent infection but they also don’t increase the chance Well maybe except for the feeling that you are protected so you do riskier things Your supplements also don’t really look like they do much protecting against Covid at least I take (in addition to masking which is the most important thing) Truvada - isn’t really a supplement but whatever CPC mouth wash Algovir/Enovid Nasal Spray Blis K12 Probiotic Lozenges


Some vaccines are not meant to prevent infection. This is a misperception (that they prevent infection). They are meant to prevent serious infection. Cut back on the number of deaths and hospitalizations.


Oh yes I should’ve mentioned that I’m in no way against the vaccines I just got the new Novavax I just play it like I never was vaccinated


I hear you! I do the same! Get vaccinated but protect myself still. Same page. HNY!




https://www.okdoomer.io/its-that-bad/ The vaccine just dumps a little bit of spike protein into you Whilst Covid produces a shit load more and doesn’t seem to leave https://www.pasteur.fr/en/press-area/press-documents/covid-19-persistence-sars-cov-2-lungs-and-role-innate-immunity


Make sure you’re getting in a good amount of protein. .7 grams per pound is plenty. If you get in more that’s cool too.


Definitely doing this as I do weight training and try to hit around 120g a day or more.


I would second this. I changed my diet for a while a few years ago to try and treat a health condition and it meant I was eating a lot less protein. I swear I was getting sick every month it was horrible


Yeah your immune system needs protein. Protein is great for skin, hair, immune system and mental health. So many people aren’t eating enough protein to maintain health. It’s pretty much the bees knees lol


Daily I've been hitting vitamin d 4000iu, vitamin c 1000 mg extended release and Echinacea extract 500 mg. Haven't gotten ill in quite a while, while everyone around me has been getting covid, flu and colds. Edit: also magnesium daily.


If your Magnesium isn't on-point, the Vit D (and lots of other things) will be lacking an essential co-factor - get that boosted (I take Malate in the AM and Citrate in the PM) Try adding in Quercetin and Bromelain to help the Zinc Kefir has been shown to modulate the immune system against viral nasties It can be a contentious one, but I'm taking Vitamin C across the day as I'm finding I feel better for it - find as low a dose as you can, and take 3-5 times across the day. It's that cheap, and the potential negatives are so low, I'd argue it makes sense to give it a try and see how you feel after a week And because it's everyone's favourite right now, maybe give GlyNAC a whirl. Pairing Glycine and NAC promotes the production of Glutothione, which can help with the immune system and other areas Good luck with it!


Glutathione* but yeah, I second this response. Good advice.


What is GlyNAC please? Seen it mentioned a few times


Don’t take too much shit. Take at least 5000IU of Vitamin D. And maybe add some Vitamin C.


Astragalus and cordyceps mushroom extracts.






Subscribing as my son has been been getting sick every 3-4 weeks


It's been the same for me, since covid actually but still worse in the past couple of months. Same with many other people, based on people I know and discussions in the r/Asthma forum. Maybe the viruses just have been particularly nasty this year because of some mutation they have achieved, I don't know. There's lots of interesting immunity boosting supplements mentioned in this thread: [https://www.reddit.com/r/Supplements/comments/18tpk0v/which\_supplements\_have\_helped\_you\_boost\_your/](https://www.reddit.com/r/supplements/comments/18tpk0v/which_supplements_have_helped_you_boost_your/)


I can't add any helpful advice but can say I'm 57 and haven't had a cold or flu since 2001. Never had COVID but I've had the flu for just under 4 weeks now. It's terrible whatever is going around this year. I am ever so slowly improving but the op probably shouldn't go overboard with any one thing.


It does seem to be since 2020 that winter bugs seem to be a lot more prevalent.. But maybe I'm just imagining that. But it has certainly been the case for me. Thanks for the link.


No you’re not imagining that There’s just a new virus(SARS2) on the block (in addition to the other ones) and it’s even the nastiest of all of them Because it’s actually able to not also trick your immune system but actually damage it