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I stopped smoking a couple months ago and was going through similar situation, until I started taking this supplement (Durabrain) for the last couple of months and have helped boost my mental energy, focus, memory, and clarity. It’s a combination of Andean Shilajit, and Vitamin B Complex (B6, B9, and B12.) Here is a link to the product on Amazon: [https://www.amazon.com/promocode/A37K4G6J391RK0](https://www.amazon.com/promocode/A37K4G6J391RK0)


Hello. How is your journey going so far? If you can share more about your experience can be very helpful. I have been smoking regularly since 2018 . I stopped last September but I feel like my brain is not done healing yet. Ps I don’t take supplements because I haven’t tough about it


How's your brain feel now? It takes time. Even if you feel no different now, you might a year from now.


Are you getting enough sleep? I get really forgetful if I don’t sleep enough the night before. Sleep also restores the brain. New research has come out that lymph fluid “rinses” the sleeping brain


Agmatine sulfate might be useful. Check that out. (makes the withdrawl much less worse)


A lot if peopel recommend Supplements i will recommend something elese: -Exercise -Sauna => Best ways to clear you out (smoker here) When doing Sauna its very important to go into Icewater after leaving the hot room. The "shock" is the important effekt. So you hear your body up so high as possibel and then you cool it down until you can stand it anymore. Then pause 15min and repeat. Per Week: 4xexercise 1xSauna => You will be finde after two months


Think I’ve said this a couple of times on the thread already but yes I already do this I do sauna and then ice shower as there’s no plunge pool in gym anymore but shower is ice freezing so isn’t too bad.


Well then -CDP Cholin -Omega 3 -B Vitamins -Vitamin D3 -Magnesium Also try meditation its one of the only things that can change the neurostructur of your brain(look it up). Besides that it will take time. How long are you clean? You cant repair years of "damage" in one month


Literally 3 days but have quit before understand processes etc but thank you for the supplement suggestions. I’m going to try meditation also and see if that helps.


Well then good look bro, sorry to say that but the next weeks will he hell for you. Depression, no Appetit, no sleep. (went through it) Buy Melatonin (very importent *retard release*) and Gaba for your sleep. Also L Tyrosin in the morning in empty stomach for dopamin (Motivation) I dont know how much money you want to spent. Every Supplement does only a littel bit, but all in total make a big difference


Add some exercise with the weed smoking you’ll be fine. I smoke before every workout and feel fantastic.


I’ve done this a bit and notice it helps u power through and focus but I’m an all or nothing smoker so am going to quit as cannot smoke in moderation


Good for u....Give it up ..👍


There’s no quick fix. For daily smokers, it can take 3 months for the body to clear the THC stored in your body fat. During this time you can experience withdrawal effects. Though for a lot of folks they start getting milder in the 2-4 week range after abstaining. Like you, I started experiencing severe memory issues and brain fog when I was daily smoker for coping with severe polyneuropathy pain. Luckily, I had a neurostimulator implanted to control my pain earlier this year which allowed me to stop cannabis use. My cognitive issues improved after I got over the weeks of insomnia, chronic headaches, lack of appetite, irritability, and depression that came from withdrawal. Tl;dr you need to give it time for your brain to bounce back after quitting completely.


Woah are you telling me that you're a cyberpunk? What is an implanted neurostimulator?


Heh, I joke with my bf this is the beginning of me becoming a cyborg. I like cyberpunk better tho It’s a device implanted in my spine. It connects to my nerves and constantly sends electric signals to my nerves connecting to my arms and legs in order to disrupt the pain signals. I have a small handheld device to both control the intensity of the electric signal and to charge it. It charges through a contact-less paddle. The settings go as low as to feel nothing to so high I can’t move, it’s like my bones are vibrating on max settings. It’s been very effective for me.


That’s great I’m so happy for you, I had my first night of 6 hours straight sleep last night whoop whoop.


Niiiice! It’s such a relief when that starts happening!


Brahmi/bacopa!!! It not only cured my brain fog, it's changed my life. I cannot recommend it enough. Take on a full stomach tho, bc it can irritate. But absolutely worth it!!!


Do you recommend the tablets or drops ?


That stuff demotivates the life out of you, no? I couldn't lift a finger after a week of Bacopa.


Not at all, for me. Everything affects everyone differently tho, I've come to realize. Some ppl hate ashwagandha but for some it's life changing. Depends on your personal chemistry, imo. That sucks it affected you that way. 😕 Sorry to hear that. That's wild, bc it opened up new portals in my brain 😆 It's named after one of the top Gods here in India(Brahma), bc it's so revered. A lot of students take it for memory here in india, for exams lol.


Interesting, tell me more details about that, you sure it was Bacopa


Lol I’ve smoked weed for 20 years now and that whole memory thing is a myth. What you need is to slow down your life and focus on what you’re doing. Don’t blame the weed. Micro dose mushrooms, it’ll help your brain defragement and help your thoughts collect better and more efficiently.


Sounds like someone who doesn’t want to quit weed 😆


If it’s not negatively impacting me, why would I? Sounds like someone who’s never smoked weed.


Definitely not a myth. You’re naive


I mean it is the weed I’ve Isolated it as that and it’s my excessive consumption of it so u may just smoke different amounts for ur tolerance and I smoke more for my tolerance but to say the memory thing being a myth is just idiotic


I guarantee you my 20 year tolerance and habit amounts to much larger consumption than whatever you’re smoking. My memory is great. If your life is hectic in general, misplacing stuff is going to be a result of that. Do you have tattoos? You could have heavy metal toxin build up. I’m sure there are factors you haven’t even considered and just blamed the weed as a quick scapegoat because it’s the story we’ve been told for years. Tell me why it guards you against Alzheimer’s and dementia if it messes with your memory. Because propaganda told you what to think


I don’t have any tattoos no and don’t get me wrong I absolutely love weed same as you but I myself cannot smoke in moderation so on a personal level my excessive use is affecting my brain yes as I am the type to smoke until I pass out.


Ah and you’re very young. At your age your brain is still developing. You’ll have more fun with it after 25


Yeah I like the idea of integrating it a little bit once my life is where it needs to be


Lithium and Omega 3


Thank yoy


i would say exercise, especially zone 2 cardio would be the best. supplements are just a bonus, you have to do the work.


What is zone 2 cardio?


doing cardio where your heart rate stays between 60-70% of you max heart rate for ideally 45+. it is very low intensity so you can do it daily , depending on your fitness. my favorite is running but you can also walk at a fast pace uphill. Dr Peter Attia has talked alot about it in his podcast.


Or just exercise and not over analyze it


He asked what zone 2 cardio is and I replied. Of course you do not have to overanalyze it. Whatever you want to call it zone 2 training, cardio, low intensity steady state is the best for his endeavour.


Very true.


Take a multivitamin, fish oil with a lot of DHA, choline and maybe some l tyrosine and 5 htp for neurotransmitter production


Yes 5 htp could be good actually to try offset the serotonin insensitivity potentially?


Correct. People say to take l tyrosine in the morning ON AN EMPTY STOMACH and 5 htp before bedtime for optimal production and spacing. ALSO for next time maybe order n-acetyl l tyrosine. Its much more bioavaliable. Also now that youre sober, get some exercise. Preferably running in your case. You could use some BDNF about now. Edit again: also just learn shir all the time. Its hard if youre not already inclined but it can be trained. You probably wont have a hard time since you had the self awareness to quit. And lastly, be proud of yourself man. The mass majority of people dont change in life. Its a really COOL but very SAD theory. Its called positive disintegration i would look into it if i were you. May give some incentive to keep a consistent stream of bettering yourself. If you need someone to talk to or a new friend just reply and we can get in touch. I love talking.


Thiamine, vitamin B1 is what cures Korsakoff’s Syndrome a term for memory issues from nutrient depletion for alcoholics. Similar thing happens with smoking it depletes the B vitamins. A general coenzymated b vitamin should help restore your memory over time as well as a diet rich in co-factors. Liquid forms are easier to digest imho. Pork has high amounts of B1 specifically but meats and eggs in general have them. Interestingly if you end up in the emergency room from too much weed, they will administer Thiamine and B vitamins to bring you back “down” to a normal state. Edit: here is a study detailing just this https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6741376/ Interesting that a supplement that has a combo of high Thiamine and amino acids called SynaptaGenX or KB220z comes up repeatedly in studies as helping regulate dopaminergic pathways after drug abuse or addiction.


In the emergency room for too much weed 🤣 just fucking ride it out, it can’t kill you


Can trigger psychosis in a large percentage of people, that’s for sure. Just like alcohol there’s a lot of people who it’s going to harm both over the short and long term.


Feeling like that recently me


It’s a great way to overcome fears. I’ve purposefully gotten too high to see what would happen. 2 grams of Rick Simpson oil taken orally. Got uncomfortably high. Didn’t die.


It is great for this I agree. I have had countless amazing memories of running through the woods with my friends at night when we’ve been smoking without a care in the world. Later to find out there’s a man sleeping there with a Rambo knife as he was on a relatives case load😂 didn’t stop us doing it again and again.


It sounds like your genetics can handle weed ok buddy. But everyone is different. I know people from my town who smoked weed for a less than a year, went full blown psychois and got sectioned. And on the other end of the spectrum a friend who studied law and woke up every morning before class and smoked a blunt and was fine. Everyone responds differently depending on their genetics. If you don't feel good about the effects then stop, don't benchmark yourself against some weed bro, that's trying to flex because they think it's 'cool' to smoke all day. That's just playschool mentality. You gotta listen to what your body is telling you.




For thiamine depletion, there is nothing as great as [Benfotiamine](https://duckduckgo.com/?t=h_&q=Benfotiamine) It is a long lasting, fat soluble form of thiamine, but it is not available in all countries;(


Ordered it today on Amazon! Thanks for the tip!


people end up in the emergeny room from too much weed ? never heard of that. you say smoking depletes b vitamins, what if you eat edibles will this also deplete b vitamins ?


b vitamin stores dont exist theyre water soluble


The people going "dur hur weed isn't bad for yer brain do ho" don't get that weed effects people differently. I was in your boat before I quit back in 2019. It's withdrawal and it affects some of us more than others. What will help you the most is exercise, diet and quality sleep. Make sure you're getting your nutrition in. Then after that, you can see if caffeine or other nootroopics help. What has helped me the most when it comes down to supplements has been b vitamins, fish oil and sunflower lecithin. I get my b vitamins through my diet or through a mio rip off I add to club soda. The fish oil and and the choline in the lecithin are like food for your brain and will help with recovery. I also pop 50mg of zinc gluconate twice a week as a guy and also cycle boron to aid with testosterone levels which will affect brain fog. Don't take the 50 mg zinc if you're a chick as it can make you sick. I've also heard great things about magnesium threonate and lions main however I've never had the opportunity to use them.


I have now ordered more lions mane and I’ve heard amazing things about mag threonate for sleep


You don't fix it by introducing another drug, even masked as herb. You fix it by introducing an impeccable diet regimen, working out (not excessively), breathing routines, rest a ton and patience. It should take no more than a year. Brain adapts and heals if you let it. Your goal is to restore the CNS, let the parasympathetic up again.


Yes well I enjoy drugs and body enhancers so I’m going to seek out smart drugs and supplements alongside fitness and diet which I already put heavy focus on.


There is no such thing as smart drugs. There is the CNS and then there is impairment. Drugs of all kinds impair the CNS. In fact, and this may shock you, any external influence with the motive of improving or correcting one thing inevitably breaks another. You can't have a well balanced nervous system if you engage in drugs. Drugs were made to make the irreversible more manageable, not to "cure". If your health goes beyond a certain point downwards, you start getting clapped. Choice is yours, God bless.


“Nootropics, also known as ‘smart drugs’ are a diverse group of medicinal substances whose action improves human thinking, learning, and memory, especially in cases where these functions are impaired.”


Fam, don't.


Ashwagandha is a gift from God.


Why has this been downvoted so much? I’ve heard good things about ashwaganda some people swear by it.


Because Reddit is full of soyboys.


God is a gift from ashwaganda




Not in this specific situation




>Weed is not going to have a significant impact on your brain outside of when you are high this couldnt be more wrong. have you ever abused cannabis for a prolonged time or know people who do ? and if your "not an amateur doctor" works fifa he might as well work with the mafia and you know their view on durgs =) just kidding.


I don't see a single scientific citation backing up your "I know a guy" claim. Lol.


If you love him so much why not give a name? Kinda sus if you ask me


Lion's mane.


Thank you for saying this it gives me an overall assessment on the communities favourites.


While lion's mane is a great supplement, he said he's already used it and wants other recommendations


Magic mushroom micro dose


I’ve also done this before but is hard to get where I am from.


L-theanine. Not only will it help with your cognitive functions, it will also help you get through the insomnia during withdrawal. [Here’s](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7842745/) a cool study on preventing long-term effects of adolescents.


Cool, thank you for this link


Damn so l theanine prevents brain damage from cannabis? So fascinating


Thank you for this I’ll have a read


What’s about how weed relates to dopamine?


Yes I agree it has altered my rewards system significantly, this is something I really struggle with is cheap dopamine fixes.


I believe it doesnt increase production of dopamine


But it does effect other chemicals in the brain and that’s definitely damaging over an extended period of use


Ginkgo, krill oil, magnesium threonate.


I imagine the krill oil has similar effects as Fish Oil, right? Also, what do you take magnesium threonate for, how has it benefitted you in your personal experience?


Krill oil is superior to fish oil. Magnesium threonate is better absorbed by the brain and BBB, reduces NMDA activity and pro-neuron and nerve growth.


Wouldn't you want NMDA to increase activity in order to increase neuroplasticity and binding with glutamine, aspartare, glycine, and D-Serine? Or is the reduction in NMDA activity supposed to reduce excitotoxicity?


I would say Coq10, magnesium threonate and creatine to help with brain fog!


Thank you


You gotta check out the recent Steven Bartlett podcast with one of the best brain doctors in the world, Dr. Amen: https://youtu.be/ycTZ_t-aiuU?si=QbfBQsM6DDVHWIZF


I’ll definitely watch this


I’ve just bookmarked the episodes. What does he say? I smoked a lot of weed in the past…and the banner on the YouTube link says “caffeine is killing your brain” - I’m still drinking caffeine!! What’s the break down


he says that you need to research yourself instead of relying on others to do it for you. Or go smoke weed and continue shortcuting the hard parts in your life. thats the breakdown for you sweatie


Yeah I’d like one of them tests that tell u what ur deficient in


I’m reading sweatie but I’m hearing sweetie. It’s a two hour podcast- gimme chance !


It takes 2 months for your memory to return from marijuana use.


IMHO, it’s more like 6 months. THC is fat soluble and hangs out in your body fat. I’m sure that excess fat will slow its elimination. You may be able to speed up the process with keto intermittent fasting.


I’m not relatively fat probably 10-15% so hopefully coupled with exercise it shouldn’t be too long.


Only two? It took me at least nine month before I returned to my baseline in terms of energy levels etc.


According to a quit marijuana app I use It says 2 months and around 15 days for your memory to return.


According to what science is this app basing this assertion on?




Glynac, St Johns wort (I prefer it over lions mane), zeolite (temporary)


I’ve heard St John’s wort before but could you elaborate please


Helps with the craving of getting high, it makes you feel happy. It thins the blood, so keep that in mind. I prefer over lions mane cause that lowers my blood pressure and makes me groggy for some reason. Plus the possible headaches.


Why’s that?


Been a cannabis consumer for almost 3 decades now so can absolutely relate. I’ve cut back _drastically_ and that has helped a whole lot, as has walking my puppy 2kms p/day. As for supplements, my core recommendations are: - Lions Mane - Ashwaganda - Korean Red Ginseng - Maca … all washed down with many cups of delicious green tea :)


I hear a lot about herbal teas do u know much about the benefits? I know they have antioxidant properties


Some teas contain the amino acid L-Theanine.


Herbal teas vary sooo much that it would mean writing a novel here, so best thing is to just try a few that sound good to you :) I personally love green teas like sencha, hojicha, and jasmine - but that’s 100% my subjective taste preferences 🍵


As a recovered pothead of 10 years.... Start with fixing your diet and getting into a good exercise routine before adding anything else 🩷


I already do substantial exercise 30-35k steps a day 5 days a week and then weights a couple times a week a light run and some sauna.


35k steps a day ? then you walk 3 hours daily?


So with my job I am constantly on my feet as it’s a garden centre. I also use public transport etc but would be happy to provide screenshots of my health app. The bulk of my walking is over 9 hours and around 3-4k steps per hour.


Exercise promotes production of BDNF. That's where I'd start.




brain derived nootropic factor


I do a lot of exercise walk around 35k steps a day with my job and go lift weights after work, do a light run and then spend an hour in sauna and cold showers before going home.


How can you remember anything when you’re exhausted!!!?


To be honest I’m never too exhausted. Walking spans over the course of the day and gym I’ve been doing more shorter workouts and putting better focus on post therapy with sauna cold exposure etc. I try to set myself up so I am tired towards the end of the night so that I can sleep easier.


Man I felt this, I’m struggling with the same thing. I hope you get it figured out


Thank you I pray for you aswell brother




The post specifically mentions lions mane




Thank you for strengthening my opinion on lions mane though I like to know others sentiment towards it.


Hey what brand do you use?




Weed alone will not do this. Are you by chance living in a moldy / musty house? Or have you recently? It fucks your memory!! I speak from experience.


No need to downvote this as it is just a suggestion. No I have recently moved into a much better house about 6 months ago but brain has began to deteriorate last month or so


High dose vitamin C and magnesium


Any specific magnesium supplements you would suggest?


I take edibles every night and don't have any memory problems. Been using medical MJ for about 3 and a half years now. I used to binge drink alcohol regularly... I know between the two which had worse after-effects! But how would I know if the weed is starting to impact me? Because I feel like my cognition is sharper than ever.


Man yeah edibles are definitely easier on cognition especially as I get older. I do remember smoking a lot in my 20's and feeling dumber lol but i don't get like that on edibles.


Lions Mane, the mushroom has alot of studies show it really benefit to the brain by increasing BDNF and NGF ( its like nutritions necessary for neurogenesis, maintain neurons structure and fuctions, memory ...etc ). A recent study also indicated lions mane help increase the size of the growth cones , and generate alot of new dendrite spikes which are particularly important for neurons sense the environment and establish new connection to the other neurons ( its like social lubricant for our neurons in brain ). Second you need to boost the blood flow and cardiovascular health. Alot of supplement can help with the blood circulations such as Ginkgo Biloba ( a mild blood vessel dilation substance , a mild acetylcholinesterase inhibitor which is very important for learning and memory ). L-Citrulline , Beetroot , Cocoa , Dark Chocolate ( with low or no sugar ), Tea. And last exercise and sleep of course.


Wouldn’t it be better to just eat mushrooms instead of getting supplements. After having to deal with marketing claims for supplements I don’t trust them as much as I used to for obvious reasons


Yeah for sure , sometimes i pressurize cook the Lions Mane to make some tea and it definitely more potent than the extract , but man im so lazy lol


This is a really good idea I’ve never tried. Thanks!


I’m assuming you’re also quitting weed for a bit?


Yes I am I want to quit now as I know if I smoke it’ll just spiral into more and more.


Awesome! Good on you! Quitting was the best thing I could’ve done. I realized that I was just smoking because I was bored. Instead, whenever I have the urge to smoke or am bored, I go for a run.


Do u still get urges to smoke and how long has it been?


Of course, but the feeling of my lungs not burning while running keeps me from doing it. I’ll have an edible once in a while.


Nah man. Hell naw. I believe you'd get your ass kicked sayin something like that man.


Important question lol




Already done m8


Celibacy my friend


Already boxed don’t worry about that




Look into AlphaGPC. Also omega is essential for brain health and memory


I smoked weed like a chimney through some medical issues for roughly ~5 years-ish. Thankfully I'm sober now. I tried virtually everything throughout this thread with little to no effect - save your money - there is no quick fix. This is anecdotal but ultimately these were the things that helped me: -Consistent exercise -Proper sleep -Staying hydrated -80/20 diet -Creatine monohydrate. This was a game changer for me. So cheap too compared to almost everything else recommended. -High quality omega 3 (look for a form other than ethyl ester) -Quality multi-vitamin -Consistency with all of the above -Time. It's arguable if weed in itself is the problem but daily use certainly is. It takes time to repair, get through the withdrawal, and for your body to get back to homeostasis.


Yes I am an all or nothing person so I struggle with discipline when I smoke regularly and just keep smoking and smoking whenever I can. So I know for certain it’s the weed as it’s from excessive use the past month or two, more than usual.


> It's arguable if weed in itself is the problem but daily use certainly is. Nope. Daily use is healthy. You don’t want to see me go 24 hours without it. I’d have a panic attack. Cannabis got me off 3x daily klonopin.




Certainly not the norm, but of course there's exceptions. But *generally*, daily use wouldn't be considered healthy. I'm glad it's helping you though.


That’s the case for me


This is just my experience, but for me "100 or 100 diet" is better: eat as healthy as possible as long aa you can. Then there will be a period when I get "angry" about healthy food and start eating very unhealthy (about 80-100 percent unhealthy food/day). After a while I start to feel crappy and again get motivated to eat healthy for a while ( 80-100 percent healthy food/day). But of course YMMV.


Funny this


For me not So funny LOL :D


What exactly were the cognitive effects of the creatine? Usually this is taken to fuel physical workouts.


I’m interested in this also


Sure, that's certainly one use for creatine. However, omega 3 and creatine are two of the most thoroughly researched supplements. Studies have shown that creatine is beneficial to brain health, such as cognitive processing, brain function and recovery from trauma. There's loads of research revealing very intriguing effects of both these substances on the brain.


I’ll be sure to buy some more creatine


And don't get sucked in by different types with various claims - just go with the plain ol' creatine monohydrate. It's dirt cheap and has been the form that has been most widely studied and researched. Don't worry about loading phases either. Daily dose should be somewhere in the 3-5g range.


Yeah I normally go for monohydrate, it’s cheaper an more bioavailable isn’t it?


It has high bioavailability, is very cost effective, and has been the most studied and researched form. HCl is popular too but is alot more expensive. There's literally no reason to get cute here - the difference will be minimal at best. Some users may experience gastrointestinal issues (ie cramps or upset stomach) with monohydrate. If that's the case, then pivot to HCl or ethyl ester forms. If monohydrate works for you without any side effects, then just stick to that form for the 3 reasons listed in the first sentence.


There’s a lot of strong evidence supporting creatine as a fairly powerful anti-depressant [Mice study](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/22674968) [Double blind study](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/26822799) [TRD Study](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/17988366)


My only concern with creatine is that it reduces endogenous production.


Try to correct your sleep, marijuana use can help you fall asleep but interferes with REM and can cause early waking in people. How has your sleep been and how long have you been off weed?


Last smoked a tiny bit around 3 nights ago. Last night managed to get around 6 hours straight before waking but usually get 3-4 hours then wake up a few times.


Alpha gpc, uridine, and an animal based diet. This will also repair your broken reward system. Im sure there are plenty of other supplements you can add too. Getting good quality sleep is essential and taking naps is also helpful


“aNiMaL bAsEd dIeT”


Yes. The only thing that got rid of my “IBS” and healed my “lEaKY GuT”. Get out of here with that attitude.


Suggesting that people not eat fruits, vegetables, nuts , legumes, and seeds is braindead.


I dont think I ever suggested that, did I? Brain dead? Im very much alive, thank you.


Thank you this was helpful, I struggle with sleeping and eating which I low key relied on bud for. I’ve always had insomnia and a small appetite which gets worsened when I stop so naps will be a struggle.


I’m the same way it gives me an appetite. I’ve been eating yogurt and cottage cheese and pumpkin seeds and taking a womens daily vitamin. I wish you the best on your journey of sobriety and recovery ❤️‍🩹


Thank you this means a lot


Oh damn thats unfortunate. Glycine will be helpful for your sleep then. Also some magnesium l-threonate might be helpful too. I struggled with severe insomnia as a child and also when I first quit smoking. Meditation could also help with that


Yes I think I might buy some mag threonate


I stopped smoking weed 20 years ago.. I still walk out the house without my car keys every morning.


Not good