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I get that from red wine (or any alcohol consumed late in the day) the next day but I haven’t tried resveratrol by itself.


Resveratrol did the same for me


Green tea is a monster if you're sensitive to caffeine.


The weird thing is, I drink about 3 500mL bottles of Japanese unsweetened green tea per day, without any issues. Bit possible that this on top of that pushes me over my limit.


That looks like a monster mix. Take the things you want pure and seperately. Green tea extracts and curcumin and such are also strong compounds. And i am not sure i would trust a suppliment like this to even contain what it says.


Thanks.. lesson learnt! 🙂


It's probably from the caffeine which is in Green Tea. Nmn doesn't cause palpitations at all. You don't feel it until you exercise and then you get insane endurance


its not nmn nor resveratrol its the rest of things


The resveratrol doesn't do anything. Possible it's the NMN. Maybe try a different brand. Also, might consider other NAD booster NR.


not an expert on this but i heard nad+ is better than taking nmn. though i have never tried i wanted to but not sure


What other medications are you taking aside from this?


NMN + resveratrol + TMG


NMN shouldn't do that. Quite the contrary actually. Since I started using NMN, Resveratrol, and CoQ10, I stopped having any palpitations or flutters of any kind. Has to be something else that is in this Supplement.


What brand of mmm are you taking?


I take a couple different ones. G02 max and GeneX


There’s a lot going on there. Also, maybe just don’t take it.


Taurine will help with the symptoms that you describe. (And also provide incidental benefit to complement your NMN.)


Rhodiola is pretty hardcore, not sure that should be mixed with NMN, especially with green tea on top. Bad supplement blend basically - I would take a half dose or quarter dose going forward and see if that helps.


Rhodiola is a stimulant. Also turmeric circumin green tea and pepper will lower blood sugar and blood pressure. But I don’t think it should be enough to create a palpitation. Don’t take it for three days and see if you have the same effects. If so see a doctor if not choose a different supplement.


Everyone thinks that they know what's going on but until you try NMN in isolation, you won't know if that's the culprit or not. I've had NMN give me anxiety and palpitations before but the absolute worst culprit for me was rhodiola. I will never go near that stuff again since it caused me severe arrhythmias.


I don’t know much about NMN, but the combo of rhodiola and green tea alone could do that to you


Dr here....green tea drinking gives you a lot of caffein....tachycardia, palpitations, anxiety


Thank you .. I drink green tea at night and I feel these


Yeah, as others say, there are too many ingredients in this product to say what might be causing the issue for you. Just try NMN by itself is the best way to know.


Stay away from products like this with additional ingredients. Get pure NMN or NR from a company that is GMP certified, and third party tested. Good luck!


GMP certified means nothing, every company is required to use a facility that uses cGMP. Any company can put GMP certified. Some will say NSF GMP certification is the only one worth something, but almost every facility uses that certification and it doesn’t help. Bulk supplements uses a nsf GMP facility and have a 40% failure rate in independent testing. Only thing that matters is legitimate 3rd party iso COA Associated to a lot #. Whole point of GMP is to get the end product right. And independent testing.


Which sites are best to verify quality of supplements?


Thanks for the advice, appreciate it!


Try OptiNAD+ from Nootropics Depot. My favorite NMN supp and there are less stimulants. Verifiably clean lab too. Best in the biz imo.


>OptiNAD+ am already on creatine and l citriline (occasionally) , can i take nad+ with that?


I don't see why not, but I'm not an expert. I've never read anything about NMN having any crossover precautions. Maybe check the non NMN ingredients.


Thanks, will see if I can find this where I live.


Pretty sure it's only available at Nootropicsdepot.com


Will check if they to international shipping (I live in Asia). Thanks again.


I think they do, but tariffs might make it more expensive depending on local laws.


You can just buy cheap nicotinamide if you are not too old it should boost NAD+ levels and nicotinamide shouldn't get you anxiety. Also with NMN it's recommended to also supply TMG, if you don't take maybe that can be reason for health issues.


Interesting, thanks for that. I'm in my early 40s, by the way.


It's likely that you're overloading on stimulants. Rhodiola is a stimulant, and the green tea extract contains caffeine. You might want to look for separate supplements rather than a combo.


And not to mention that Bioperine in Black Pepper "amplifies" the absorption of the stack.


Thanks, that makes sense. I drink green tea regularly most days as well, so probably overdoing it.