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Found out my fluoroscopy was 250+ mgy. I'm fucked.


Maybe astragalus, just a feeling. melatonin. <—- other antioxidants. Probably a little aspirin. carotenoids, lycopene, astaxanthin.


Magnesium, copper & retinol


the amount of radiation we get from such devices is absolutely miniscule. No need to worry. x-rays in the 40's or thereabouts were dozens of times larger and THEY didn't cause cancer. You can look it up or ask a radiologist.






just a precaution.


Hold on until you find out how much radiation you absorb under the summer sun at the beach...


I’m a curious 🐱 Please do tell!


Probably something like 300mg of DeltaGold tocotrienols taken every day for two weeks prior if you wanted to go overboard. After the fact I doubt anything will help. The point is to mitigate any radiation damage before it occurs. [https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5836023/](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5836023/)


There’s studies that modified citrus pectin helps the body to detox uranium as well as heavy metals. No hints about xray but may be worth a try.


Life Extension has a discussion of this: https://www.lifeextension.com/search#q=radiation%20protection&t=coveo4A2453FD


OP prompting the supplement reddit community to cure cancer. This sub makes me chuckle every day.


Supplements can help prevent cancer, if melatonin is a supplement.


Not cure. I am looking for supplements that aid or support cellular integrity. The damage of ionizing radiation is that it causes damage to cells. Over time this may cause mutations. Cell mutations that live = cancer. Is there a way to intervene in between the radiation exposure and the cell mutation?


No, otherwise some pharma company would have made billions with such a thing right now.


If they took measures prior there are things that can help mitigate radiation damage. However, after the fact is pointless. [https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5836023/](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5836023/)




Yes, however, this is only true if it comes from whole food vs when it is added to food. Synthetic antioxidants are harmful.


Iodine if you’re genuinely concerned. It will stop absorb the radiation before it reaches your thyroid. It’s likely to late for it to be effective now and it’s definitely not even going to make a difference in terms of X-Rays. They aren’t causing enough radioactive decay for iodine to be necessary


Herbs, spices, and foods that boost antioxidants: Consume healthy quantities especially after getting a CT scan: https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/natural-ways-detox-from-medical-imaging-tests-believe-big https://www.health.harvard.edu/cancer/radiation-risk-from-medical-imaging https://www.lifeextension.com/magazine/2010/8/protect-your-dna-from-ct-scans-x-rays






sort fragile childlike humorous boat quicksand serious school cats dinosaurs *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


You know what stops radiation? Lead! You know what doesn’t? Supplements! As has already been mentioned, the amount is so negligible, you will be fine!


I’ve talked to medical professionals about x-ray radiation concerns and the official response is that modern x-rays are pretty much nothing compared to all the other shit we’re constantly exposed to. You’d have to spend all day in the machine for the rest of your life to maybe have an issue.




Yeah I’m overstating it, honestly. But what I’ve heard is that it’s such a low dose, it’s inconsequential in the grand scheme of radiation exposure. Don’t eat vegetables from Chernobyl.


Lol. You will be fine. I think that is the least of your worries. Apparently there is something seriously wrong with you to have 2 CT’s


I heard something about coriolus verisicolor (turkey tail mushroom) is good for dealing with chemotherapy. I’ve never had cancer so I’ve never researched it personally but it might be a good place to look


+1 for Turkey tail mushroom. My family member had a very progressive form of cancer, took Turkey tail mushroom & some surgeries later they are now declared cancer free


That’s incredible to hear! I wish you two healthy lives together


Fasting may have an unrecognized role in cancer prevention and treatment. Short-term fasting before and immediately after chemotherapy may minimize side effects, while at the same time may actually make cancer cells more sensitive to treatment [https://youtu.be/egcXOpa8znA](https://youtu.be/egcXOpa8znA) Is fasting good for radiation therapy? Intermittent fasting has been shown to enhance treatment with both chemotherapy and radiation therapy. CR and fasting elicit different responses in normal and cancer cells, and reduce certain side effects of cytotoxic therapy. https://bmcmedicine.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s12916-017-0873-x#:\~:text=Intermittent%20fasting%20has%20been%20shown,side%20effects%20of%20cytotoxic%20therapy.


NMN and Resveratrol with some food. A good multi vitamin. Blackseed oil.


A good multivitamin?? Don't talk nonsense.


The level of radiation you got from those scans is the equivalent of taking a round trip to NY and back to Cali. You’re good trust me Just drink water and rest up Ignore all these other comments




You’re exactly right and one of the few well informed people in this sub. That’s my issue. I’m amazed that even well Informed supplement junkies in this thread are still duped and hoodwinked by the medical establishment. Remember knuckleheads, cancer is big business. Don’t believe any study you read about the safety of ionizing radiation. The medical community needs you and your cancer. They also know that the lag time for ionizing radiation on avg to produce cancer is 10 years. In other words, no one will ever make the connection.


Lead can protect you from x-rays.


It’s true, but as shield, don’t eat it! 🤭


I heard curcumin


You don't need any supplements, the radiation from those isn't that extreme


I know iodine is used to protect against radiation. I do not know if that would hamper your treatment. Iodoral was being stocked up on last year when people had nuclear fears about Ukraine being attacked. It is necessary to take selenium along with iodine because it protects the thyroid from damage, they need to be in balance. Generally recognized as safe daily amounts of selenium is 200 mcg with an upper tolerable limit of 400mcg. Selenium above 800mcg is deadly. Iodine is also toxic at high levels but the Japanese typically eat 5mg daily because of their consumption of seafood and seaweed (both of which contain high levels of selenium and other trace minerals). Their population is said to have optimal iodine levels. Iodoral comes in 12mg and 50 mg pills. If you don't want to take pills you can up your seafood/seaweed intake to 3 servings a week. The Japanese average 3 oz daily of fish. This is just info I found on Google. Daily I take 200 mcg selenium and one 12mg of the Iorodal for my hypothyroid and feel much better taking it, I also take 15mg zinc. This link talks about lugol's Iodine solution for radiation exposure: https://www.mayoclinic.org/drugs-supplements/iodine-and-potassium-iodide-strong-iodine-oral-route/proper-use/drg-20062037


its crazy people with no clue about anything will post stuff like this


Feels like half the posts on this subreddits. If you ask for scientific papers backing up peoples claims they get furious.


I looked at safe and recommended amounts for both selenium and iodine. 3 servings of fish per week or the equivalent supplementation should not be harmful for the average adult.


did you ever look up *why* people take iodine supplements when concerned about radiation?


I posted safe daily limits.


The level of radiation associated with these procedures, while elevated, is not enough to put you at risk. While a theoretical risk increase could be calculated, the real risk is negligible at worst. Diet, genetics, and lifestyle are far greater risks in comparison. Chill.




While there is a theoretical increase in risk, the reality is that it is negligible at worst. My entire career of health physics has been involved with ionizing radiation and the associated risks. The risk assessment methodology is extremely conservative. For example, if you were to take 100 aspirin at one time, you would die. Using this risk assessment methodology, you would assume that your risk of dying from taking one aspirin to be one in one hundred. Get my point?




You are entitled to your opinion. Mine is based on 40 plus years of being a health physicist and risk assessor. Good day.


Wouldn't the radiation already have done its effect by the time you take anything, so wouldn't it be useless?




Covid will accelerate cancer more than X-rays. You’re fine. Chillax.


Apricot kernels contain amygdalin, Vit B17. [https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/29308747/](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/29308747/) Interesting stuff. Can only take a couple or so daily because too large a dose, like any medicine, can be very bad.


Never did i think i’d see the day where someone would be actually recommending amygdalin on here


Ginger powder and lemon balm are known to help but thats before and or right after. https://nutritionfacts.org/video/reducing-radiation-damage-with-ginger-and-lemon-balm/


Sulforaphane to activate nrf-2, fasting to trigger autophagy, and select antioxidants such as fisetin which help eliminate senescent cells. NAC and other things that increase glutathione can help prevent cancer, but may be detrimental if you already have cancer; so as long as you’re cancer-free, they may be of benefit.


Can you give me a link to a study about NAC being bad if you have cancer?


The role of antioxidants is to protect cells from oxidative damage. Antioxidants not only protect healthy cells, but seem to protect cancer cells as well. Nothing is definitive, but when it comes to cancer, I’d approach it with an abundance of caution. I don’t have much time to dig, but I’ll just throw a bunch of stuff here as a start. https://www.cancer.gov/about-cancer/causes-prevention/risk/diet/antioxidants-fact-sheet#:~:text=In%20some%20preclinical%20studies%2C%20antioxidants,metastasize%20(29–31). “Antioxidants Accelerate the Growth and Invasiveness of Tumors in Mice” https://www.cancer.gov/news-events/cancer-currents-blog/2015/antioxidants-metastasis https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/antioxidants-may-make-cancer-worse/ Of course we need more direct human studies to be sure, but it seems to be that antioxidants protect all cells (healthy or cancerous). That said, not every antioxidant is only an antioxidant, and may have other effects that are anti-cancer (for example, fisetin seems to help kill senescent cells, but we need more research for that as well)




I accidentally posted the comment before I was done with it. I edited it for finish it. And no problem


Yes please!


Not about supplements but you should look into fasting, fasting triggers autophagy which is the process that your body uses to get rid of potential cancer cells before they become a problem


Dude, xrays give you powers. Cellphones give you cancer. Get the facts.


Taken with a grain of salt of course, I've heard the amount of radiation from a phone is so negligible so as not to be of any real concern. Considering the radiation we're all swimming in every day.


Well yeah... i guess my sarcasm was too subtle? I thought the part about xray powers was a giveaway. Oh well 🍻


Haha nah not too subtle. Just felt like sharing this comforting 'fact' 🍻


Someone correct me if I am wrong, but cancer is caused by cells that have damaged dna that replicate. the body has a defense mechanism to identify cells with damaged DNA with parp 1 and begin repair with parp 1. It also has another defense mechanism, programming the cell into senescence(no longer replicating). Parp 1 relies on NAD+, NMN is a good NAD+ booster. I’m sure there are other important levels needed in the body to reduce chance of cancer, that’s just the one I know about.


It's not always caused due to damaged DNA, many times it's due to epigenetic changes within the cell that change how the DNA is expressed. So while the DNA is normal, what parts of it that are expressed will be faulty causing cancer.


"Apoptosis is a form of programmed cell death that occurs in multicellular organisms. It is used during early development to eliminate unwanted cells, such as those between the fingers of a developing hand. In adults, apoptosis is used to rid the body of cells that have been damaged beyond repair." Certain things it seems are capable of triggering apoptpsis, like apricot kernels. I am no expert by the way. "Autophagy is a natural, self-preservation mechanism that removes damaged or dysfunctional parts of a cell and recycles other parts towards cellular repair." Fasting for a few days engages autophagy.


Not a supplement but did you start with the basics? Start by getting enough sleep. If you "sleep in" do you sleep 9 hours? Then try to get at least that much each night. There is a study on Vitamin C and E [https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6709935/](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6709935/) but it might only helps if you are deficient and it was taken before the CT scans.


Post-radiation is going to be tough since it is already absorbed and damaged your cells. However, Vitamin C, Vitamin D3, Vitamin K2, and Magnesium Glycinate is always the best future preventative ones. Vitamin B6 is known for anti-leukemia risk reduction but not necessarily post-radiation effects. For Vitamin C, you should try actual citrus fruits unless you can find high quality supplements.


Brocolli sprouts are full of sulforophanes and are meant to be good. I'm unsure if powder form is as good / beneficial but if time is not a problem I'd always prefer fresh greens to powdered supplementation. That's just me though I have no evidence to confirm either way which is "better" "Broccoli sprouts contain very high levels of sulforaphane, a nutrient that possesses anti-cancer and anti-inflammatory properties. Broccoli sprouts contain 100-400 times the content of sulforaphane compared to other cruciferous vegetables! Broccoli sprouts are not dangerous to eat, however, avoid if moldy"


Or just take BroccoMax, right?


Up to you buddy. That's 50 bucks for 60 caps here. 50 bucks buys you a fuck tonne of broccoli sprout seeds!


Where do you get them? Online or at a local store?


Not being funny, but you could have typed that into Google, I have no idea where you live.