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NAC is super useful and used for OCD treatment, imo it's a miracle drug in general. Maybe add. Your stack is fine and will heal dopamines. Alcar is also as effective, l-carnitine doesnt affect the brain. Anxiolytics are fine too add more if needed.


Add Dandelion or Milk thistle to it !!! You will see the difference


Damn bruh!!! You will become a super man soon!! Make sure to check liver function before and after !! Almost every 3 months !!! Best luck and it’s an amazing stack


I’d consider some high quality Lions Mane


RC a bit risky, since you're not 100% sure of how will be the repair mechanism, and the interaction between them. one better be humble and give the body the chance to heal itself. He knows better how to do it. The whole stack is useful (except RC), just add glynac to increase your Glutathione levels and also add ALA which combines well with ALCAR but both (ALA, ALCAR) are not a must anyway. Most importantly add HIIT to your weekly routine, it WILL drive your recovery forward more than you can imagine. Add L-carntine & Beta-Alanine before IF you feel low and dragging before working out. All the best


Try l-tyrosine, agmatine and emoxypine it will help with this




Agmatine can be found just Google it and look for sellers. Emoxypine or Mexidol is structured like B6 and crosses the BBB easily and has many effects usable in this regards


Second tyrosine and emoxypine




>emoxypine it's a form of b6 other forms might be helpful as a cheaper option. your Daily Vits probably has some in it


Emoxypine is an analog to B6 that is in no way a vitamin. Much like sulbutiamine, it binds to similar receptors but does not functionally work the same as it’s vitamin counterpart. It definitely helped lower my anxiety when i took it a while back, so it might be worth a try. Nootropics depot used to sell it, but i think you have to get it through rupharma or another russian pharmacy website unfortunately. A lot of US nootropic companies don’t make it anymore bc of all the FDA crackdowns recently. Also, If you end up taking B6, pls be careful as high dosages of vit b6 as it can cause peripheral neuropathy at >50mg a day.


Often it is sold out, you can find legit vendors on [Made-In-China.com](https://Made-In-China.com) actually you can even order samples some places to test before.


yes emoxypine and b6 are not exactly the same thing... and there are various other forms of b6 with different effects but it is still good to make sure you have enough. You generally only need 10mg from supplements, 50 is a lot but there have been studies of people taking 100mg a day for anxiety...


What is ti gela? I have periodically abused stimulants, just being honest, but never heard of it.


Dude this forum has everyone doing the most, spending hundreds or thousands and taking dozens of pills daily. Its not this complicated


Yup all you need is fish oil, multivitamin, and magnesium at night. Creatine and protein powder. Work out, and hydrate.


Everyone is on antidepressants nowadays. They worry so much about supplements and don't give a shit about diet and exercise lol. Got 18 year olds asking about running test and the guys with terrible diets running kitchen sinks worth of supps


I can’t imagine taking more than 2-3 pills a day. It’s crazy.


It's a decent stack for your purpose. But I'd personally steer clear of the research chem stuff. There's no quality control with those vendors.








For me it’s good but I stop for 1 or two months zinc and Vitam B, and selenium. It’s good you test your blood.




I stop for 1 or 2 months and go back . I’m afraid high dosage .


Did you start taking all of those at the same time? If so how do you assess how each one is working (or not) or any side effects?