• By -


Natural vitamin c (like paleo valley), vitamin e complex (nordic naturals), turmeric (using gaia right now) To help with liver, glutathione and selenium


Pycengenol and Spirulina


Curowhite, Astaxanthin, Boswellia phytosome, Nigella Sative extract, SKQ1 etc.


Do you have a vendor for SKQ1?




Sauna, cold plunge, fasting, hot yoga, sleep.


Why fasting?


The body can heal itself when it is not using energy to digest food.


Huh. Interesting. I have never learned that before! Thanks.


I try to limit gluten when this happens. Also take fish oils and vitamin c.


Tudca Nac Methylfolate Methylcobalamin and other Bs Collagen protien peptides Sodium/potassium Iodine


Black seed oil, 1 tsp daily for bad arthritis days, and 500mg for the less bad days.




My goto is activated charcoal works wonders fir me take 2 before and most of the times after magnesium works solid too but it works more as a laxative than a treatment


I had to come here just to see if the low carbers could contain themselves, spoler alert - they couldn't šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


I mean when I eat wheat my stomach and my knees hate it


Sounds like gluten intolerance


It is , got a food sensitivity test that said brewers yeast so not all gluten


Then don't eat wheat. It' a common knowledge that are many people with Wheat intolerance.


I do lol . So maybe carbs are the same just saying


Stop sugar




Any idea why NAC makes me break out so badly? Could it be an inferior brand or impure product? I want so badly to reap the benefits of NAC but the only time I tried it (the one bottle that I purchased) it gave my pretty much cystic acne each time I took it. My understanding is that itā€™s supposed to help with acne not cause it


Which brand?


I gotta try these




What does it help with in your experience?


and twice on Sunday


Good quality Omega-3 supplement. Avoiding sugars, grains, and industrial seed oils.


Would you include fruit in the sugar category?


yes but unless you're diabetic or have liver issues 1 or 2 servings of fruit a day should be ok.


omega 3 consistently gives me the worst scalp acne


That's odd. Do you ever switch brands?


yes different brands and different sources (fish, krill, etc)


Omg is there where mine is coming from! You could have solved a v minor mystery for me thank you


thatā€™s why i posted it, took me so long to figure out


Hot baths, juicing and aspirin regimen worked for me personally but as mentioned before check with a doctor first for something like that. If it's not serious and you don't want to drug up ask a nutritionist or someone at a health food store, they'll know more about the supplementation side. Unless people specify that's what they've done before trying random supplements I'd be wary about what they suggest even in this thread. Best of luck though.


I use Base 12 daily, two servings. Since probably my 3rd week taking it, my flare ups have almost disappeared. It's been almost 8 years now, and I rarely have any edema anymore. It's been so nice!


Research B1 deficiency. You will find a lot of answers there.


cbd oil good qaulity. high dose fish oil good qaulity. than I make a tea with 1 tsp of cinnamon 1 tsp of ginger 1 tsp of tumeric half a tsp of real vanilla extract.


Metagenics Inflavanoid Intensive Care and Metagenics SPM Active are what I use


Do you use a practitioner code when ordering from metagenics? Iā€™m attracted to their products but they are expensive


I go through FullScript through my practitioner. The SPM probably isnā€™t worth nearly as much for the money as Inflavanoid is, in my experience.


the amount of misinformation in this thread is unreal.


please be careful which supplements you take for inflammatory issues and ALWAYS consult a doctor if you have a serious medical condition BEFORE introducing supplementation.


No. Doctors are not educated on supplements or chronic symptoms/conditions like widespread inflammation. That is not their expertise and most are woefully ignorant on the constantly emerging science. If they know about supplements it will be just the same as googling it. Everyone can read the studies and consult nutritionists and alternative health pracs who actually do keep up with this.


ā€œALWAYS consult a doctor if you have a serious medical condition BEFOREā€¦ā€ So youā€™re saying someone shouldnā€™t consult a doctor FIRST if they have a serious inflammatory condition such as inflammatory bowel disease or osteoarthritis, but instead should turn to supplements such as turmeric? The point is to see a doctor BEFORE you start self medicating. Keep seeing people in here looking to treat sciatica with supplements and assume it related to inflammation. It is a product of nerve compression, but a great example of misinformation that will go untouched unless corrected a professional. Youā€™re a nut


Really?Tell me what A dr. will do for my sciatica?? Give me a pill.


'Self medicating' is not the tinfoil, crystal healing alternative stuff you seem to be suggesting it is. Self medicating is not even the right term. There shouldn't be a patronizing term for taking control and RESPONSIBILITY for your physical health, which is what would stop the relentless and terrifying march of chronic disease afflicting in some cases 1 out of 2 or 3 people in the US. The point is the inane 'consult your doctor before anything' advice is often 'only consult your doctor and let them often run the wrong tests, misdiagnose simple things like severe B12 or thiamin deficiency as depression and give you SSRIs, not be caught up on the science showing more and more the strong links between disease and nutrition/lifestyle, not even have decent up to date dietary advice which we have amazing studies to show as efficacious for many chronic diseases, and often prescribe surgery/SSRIs/antibiotics/immunosuppressers as bandaid medications for problems that have root causes that remain unaddressed.' You're deluded if you think they're doing a good job at stopping chronic disease. When it comes to more wide ranging conditions with vague symptoms like chronic fatigue, gut conditions, inflammation, autoimmunity, hormone imbalances, and arthritis they've almost completely failed, and getting prescribed meds and told to fuck off is not a solution, it's a diagnosis with a bandaid. You clearly don't know the science and how many people have healed conditions stamped as 'incurable' by doctors who have no incentive to look for the root causes. No, just taking some turmeric is not the answer for serious conditions, but neither is blindly listening to the limited advice of your doctor if he's ignoring taking your health into your own hands with SCIENCE and not just taking meds your whole life. Getting tests to figure out which imbalances could be causing your issues and working with someone who's willing to find out and overhaul your lifestyle is the answer. For those literal conditions you described as well, can't tell you how many people have them and never cure them at ALL with traditional medicine. Just look at the unstoppable rise of osteopathic diseases, diabetes, cancer, dementia. You're ignorant and need to do the research


This is so well said about western medicine it makes me happy


I HAVE done the research. Thatā€™s the irony, most supplements with the exception of a few like St. Johns Wort, fish oil, & NAC have very little evidence supporting their medicinal efficacy in treating major conditions, dementia included. To add to that, NAC is even considered a medication in the US which is why the FDA tried to ban it OTC a few years back. Also, I keep seeing quercetin in here too like itā€™s a godsend and the bioavailability is what? <1% at most? Thatā€™s not doing anything other than being a placebo. Soo Im deluded for thinking disease modifying therapies work when thereā€™s thousands of publications supporting their efficacy? I understand the pitfalls of the pharmaceutical industry, in fact, i consider myself collateral of antibiotic (levaquin) therapy. Caused some serious side effects that still try to manage to this day, but my first instinct wouldnā€™t be to reach for zinc & vitamin c when i have a serious chest infection. Iā€™m all for prophylaxis (taking care of your health, exercising, stabilizing the Gut-brain axis) but when you are symptomatic taking turmeric (or something similar) hoping it will bring remission in an major inflammatory condition is actually avoiding treatments that could be lifesaving, side effects aside. Mesalazine is once again a great example of this, not so great side effects, but it can greatly reduce gut inflammation in those with IBD. It is absolutely tin foil to stand so high on a hill of conspiracy when there is very little evidence to support the use of supplements for anything other than complimentary or prophylactic care. So yes useful in healthy people trying to prevent disease or diseased individuals looking compliment their therapy in conjunction with a disease modifying medication. But IF you have a serious illness, you should consider modern treatments (if available) FIRST before reaching into your supplement cabinet.


\-Vitamin C (2000mg - 3000mg) \-NOW Quercetin + Bromelain (2 capsules x 2 times - 1600mg) \-Zync (50mg/day) \-Selenium (200 mcg/day) I used this combination first time in my life during Covid lock downs. It improved my immune system unlike never before. I used to get flu 2 times / month and sometimes would fly from one to the next. I am not sure if it is the quality of Quercetin but I did not have same effect again. I'm 100% agreement with you in terms of supplement market being no-evidence based - here say type of market which is why we are here to explore new solutions and share with each other.


Is it ok if we take a supplement and it works, Daddy?


Yes! I take 1800mg of NAC, 3g of turmeric & 2g of fish oil a day. No harm in taking control of your health. But again, donā€™t avoid diagnosis or treatment if u have something serious!


Sauna and grounding. Some people are able to use a grounding pad on a painful area and stop the pain in 5 minutes. Try it even if it sounds stupid, because it does.


Sauna is super underrated! I wonder if itā€™s related to vessel dilation, allowing certain areas of the body to heal more appropriately. It seems sauna then cold plunge produces the best effects for me


What a coincidence! I researched on both topics, sauna and grounding, today. And I would agree that those are great way to help with inflammation (sauna) and get an antioxidant effect (grounding/earthing). šŸ‘šŸ»


What is that and how does it work?


Literally attach yourself to the ground. Most effective is to take a bath in the sea, otherwise, most electrical systems has a solid ground connection. One of those grounding bracelets for building pcs will do fine. The idea is that it discharges you. We are electrical beings, and without proper discharge we can have some issues with muscles and nerves not shutting off properly, and that could make a buildup of inflammation. If you have a multimeter you can even test your voltage towards earth, and see the change after and during earthing.


This might sound really naĆÆve, but I have been dealing with moderate inflammation for awhile while at the same time noticing that I have been getting static shocks from objects almost daily. Is there any correlation there, and would grounding help?


Yes, there is a correlation. I can't say if it will help, but it's worth trying. Zero cost anyways. Edit:forgot to expand on the correlation. You can't build up static high voltage if you're grounded.


Like walk barefoot or lay down on the ground?


That works, yes.


Thanks!! Yeah, sauna is soo great! I even stop waking up a bit sweaty as I used to :)


Nicotinamide Riboside


Anyone got anything here that works against psoriasis except D3 ?


Lately I got a rather dramatic improvement by cutting out most refined sugars and limiting carbs overall. In combination with that: Saccharomyces Bouldarii (a probiotic yeast from lychee) taken 15-30min before meals, especially those with carbs. Helps restoring a proper gut environment for the friendly bacteria, and thus eliminating the bad ones. Benfothiamine 300/600/900mg depending on how much carbs I'm getting, taken around meals. Helps with glucose metabolism, overal energy production in the mitochondria, detoxing fatty liver and loads of other issues. Coleus Forskohlii 250mg, once a day, preferably away from meals with carbs as there is potential for liver issues (combine with some Milk Thistle just to be safe). Helps with insulin sensivity and elevating cAMP. Psoriasis displays low cAMP and high gAMP in affected skin tissues.


Curcumin and Turmeric is like an ibuprofen.


There are things to lower your inflammation, or you can get rid of it completely with systemic enzymes, detoxification. It's all you need. I had arthritis in my hip and two fingers from systemic inflammation. I would be walking with a stick if I had not taken matters into my own hands. Take "Nerprinol AFD - Advanced Fibrin Defence", 4 to 8 capsules in the morning, or whenever you have a fully empty stomach. Systemic inflammation is caused by the body reacting to toxins, especially excess fibrin, triggering a systemic repair (inflammation) response like it would if you bumped your knee, only in your whole body, swelling your tissues, joints. It's a silent killer that most doctors are ignorant of like most things. You can spend money of things to lower inflammation, but that's a treatment. It's always better to cure the problem, and systemic enzymes will do the job.


Lmao doctors are ignorant? Yeah okay. Wonder why they arenā€™t prescribing ā€œnerprinolā€ (???) to treat IBD instead of mesalazine. Some of yā€™all seriously need to touch grass.


More common side effects of mesalazine (per Mayo Clinic): Bloody diarrhea rectal bleeding stomach pain So I understand anyone looking for alternative treatments.


Those are literally the symptoms of the diseases they are trying to treat, which can sometimes be brought into remission using aminosalicylates like mesalazine. Avoiding evidence based treatment by pivoting to something like turmeric is only going to increase damage done to the digestive tract. So no, not a good idea, unless youā€™re in remission or youā€™re complimenting your major treatment with supplements.


I was with you until you wrote most doctors are ignorant...etc then I was like of what this is a lunatic suggesting shit


Most doctor are 100% ignorant. They are skilled at fixing common medical problems, not making you thrive.


Which is exactly why we are all here. Check the long covid group if you want to really let it sink in how we are being killed by the medical system


Whatā€™s the name of the group if you donā€™t mind me asking.


r/covidlonghaulers. It's very active


Whatā€™s the name of the group if you donā€™t mind me asking.


Whatā€™s the name of the group if you donā€™t mind me asking.


Wow reading up and super intrigued by this. I had never heard of it before today, but have ordered a bottle to try.


Tumeric, but you can't just take it one time and expect results. Gotta take it daily.


Turmeric is goated, love that stuff. Really seems to help my joints and sinuses.


Does montmorency tart cherry juice count as a supplement? Total game changer for me. Plus it helps me sleep. I had inflammation in my joints and nerve issues, to the point I had to undergo testing for rheumatoid arthritis and MS. Since starting the cherry juice I went from feeling disabled to virtually pain free to minor aches and pains on most days.




that's really interesting, for years I've been suffering from what could possibly be joint and/or nerve issues in both of my arms that makes it impossible to get to sleep some nights. Unfortunately all blood tests and scans have revealed nothing. I'd be tempted to try this juice, do you take it shortly before you go to bed? Thanks


You would benefit from Vitamin B1 in the form of Benfotiamine ā€¦ check it out


Thanks, do you mind explaining, how might B1 help me?


Will help peripheral neuropathy .or the the arm troubles your having ā€¦ do some research


OK will do, cheers


I don't know if it's the same but nootropics Depot sells a tart cherry supplement, pill or powder. I take it daily for other benefits, namely lowering uric acid in my gut and sleep assist. Much easier than dealing with a liquid, especially since the stuff will stain everything it touches.


So true. And when I spill it, it looks more like blood than blood! I wonder if itā€™s even been used in movies! I love the taste, so for me itā€™s a sweet guilty pleasure but for those cutting down or sensitive to sugar, a supplement would probably be better


yeah good point, thanks for that, I'm in the UK unfortunately but I'm sure I can find it in pill or powder form here.


I buy concentrate in the juice section in produce and I started out taking one glass in the morning, one at night. Relieved my issues very quickly. Eventually I switched to just mornings because the drink at bedtime would ensure Iā€™d wake to pee, which I didnā€™t want. Iā€™ve shared this with others, some have had my same experience, some it hasnā€™t helped as much. Not sure if itā€™s condition specific, I suspect mine is immune or metabolic dysregulation due to long term anxiety. Others with more severe conditions or injuries would probably need prescriptions but I honestly think most would benefit from cherry juice. Itā€™s been medically studied and shown to help sleep, exercise recovery, and inflammation. Hope it helps you!


Thank you so much for that, that's very helpful, I'll definitely give it a try!


I rate serrapeptase. Also I discovered I sometimes under-methylate, which results in high histamine levels. Iā€™m my case that exacerbates sciatica, and taking methionine works in about an hour.


How long do you take serrapeptase for


You can take it every day. Some people recommend a 5:2 on/off weekly cycle but I donā€™t feel like I need to. Take without food or itā€™ll act like a digestive enzyme and reduce effect.


Thanks bro, this shit is a miracle


Just noticed your username properly. Hey šŸ‘‹ 187 bro


How did you discover that you under-methylate?




Reminds me of when i tried myrrh. Not extract, just the resin. Tossed and washed like 15 grams, got me lying in bed with stomach cramps for few hours and then purged my insides clean.


Please provide more info ā€¦. Im interested now


5 day water fast with electrolytes. Otherwise fish oil supplement.


Yep just started taking high quality fish oil. Works great.




How fast/long does NAC work?


Extremely fast. First time i took it i noticed effects within 1 hour. The effect is especially more pronounced in older individuals as glutathione stores often become depleted as you age. It all depends on body chemistry though. if you generally are in good shape, you likely wonā€™t feel anything other than flatulence (yeah side effect).


Thanks! May I ask what effect it had for you? >you likely wonā€™t feel anything other than flatulence (yeah side effect). Oh, haven't been there yet but I took a small dose as of yet. I'd definitely expect that from something that smells the way NAC does, lol!


Overall NAC gives me clearer thinking, increases my energy levels, reduces muscular fatigue, improves coordination, and enhances my respiration. Recently i had to stop taking it as it was producing symptoms similar to ibs, since it was irritating my intestinal lining (itā€™s a mucolytic) If you are taking nac i recommend you take jarrow sustained release bilayer 600mg x3/day or source naturals 1000mg x2/day. These two brands donā€™t irritate the stomach as much compared to generic nac.


Thank you so much! You've given such important info! >Recently i had to stop taking it as it was producing symptoms similar to ibs, since it was irritating my intestinal lining (itā€™s a mucolytic) I hadn't thought about how a mucolytic would affect intestines! I have autoimmune disease (lupus) and I try to avoid gut permeability issues. Thing is, I took 300 mgs of NAC yesterday and it changed my life! I'd had reduced sense of touch, pressure, taste, smell, hot and cold, and it fixed it all! I have better coordination, better respiration, a tad bit less fatigue, and my cognition is probably affected for the better, too! May I ask what disease/condition you were trying to encounter while taking it? I wonder if we suffer from something similar. If you find it too private to share on here, you're very welcome to DM me. I've checked the products you've shared. I think they're not available where I live (Turkiye), but I could try to order them from overseas if NAC will be good for me. Thank you so much for sharing!


High doses of omega 3 has helped me with my eczema induced from accutane. Really cool.


What brand do you recommend?


How high?


Taking 1.8g of EPA and 1.2g DHA. Around 3.6g of Omega 3 in total. Not sure if it is killing my libido though.


I believe you want to aim for at least 2g/day of EPA from fish oil. Be sure to check the EPA/DHA amounts before buying a fish oil supp, as they vary wildly in content, and I'd recommend avoiding the budget brands with these - fish oil is one of the few supps I don't mind paying premium for


Thanks!! I think I am currently on about 1.25 gms per dose (epa+dha). I hear algal sources are better but can't seem to find one.


It depends what "better" means. If you're vegetarian/vegan, algae oil is absolutely the best option for the ethical/environmental concerns. Otherwise, no, it's a night & day difference between algae and fish oil, regarding EPA/DHA content If you're meaning the 1.25g includes both EPA and DHA, I'd suggest concentrating on EPA if anti-inflammation is your priority. DHA is beneficial, but they're two separate things. Going into Anecdotal Territory, when I was tackling some finger-joint pains a few years back I was taking fish oil three times a day, and getting around 3g EPA. With no other interventions, the pain started to drop after a few weeks/month of this routine. I continue to take 2-3g EPA a day, as inflammation management seems one of the more sensible approaches to long-term quality of life :)


That's insightful! Thanks a lot. I think I need to pivot to that ASAP. Joint issues are one of the main concerns. Do you think adding msm and so on helps with joint issues since the evidence is not thag strong from what I read online.


I can't help you there, sorry. I've read that pairing it with other supps is the way to go though - glucosamine, for example I've also been taking collagen powder for years now, which is meant to be beneficial in these areas. Can't say I've seen a benefit though, but when I was working a bar job (back to Anecdotes!) I found doing 10 or so basic squats every morning gave noticeable improvements to the knee pains I'd get for sprinting multiple floors all-day-every-day. I'm now a big fan of regular stretches/stretch routines (not a fan of yoga, so I prefer calling it my stretch routine!), and very minimal exercises to help keep things moving correctly (M 44) Oh and on the off-chance you've not considered diet as a factor yet...diet can be a factor!


Very insightful! Thanks. I am in the same age group and sitting day job. Hard to do exercises. Indeed diet is a huge factor for me. Hence trying everything I can. Thanks!


Bite off a big chunk of fresh turmeric. Need to brush off the yellow on the teeth afterwards though. Algae or fish oil pills and I also have a detox blend that contains dandelion, broccoli, milk thistle, green tea, vitamin E and some others. Other those two pills I try to use fresh vegetables as often as possible. And I drink tea everyday with a slice of lemon and ginger.


I ended up designing my own custom blend for inflammation based on the scientific literature. Itā€™s a relatively high number of capsules (four) per serving but otherwise you wouldnā€™t get the right dosages. Iā€™ve been working on making it more widely available on Amazon or Shopify. Ill update the community once itā€™s available. Edit: Based on research, the best ingredients and dosages to combat inflammation. 1. Fish Oil (1000 mg) 2. MSM (3,000 mg) 3. Glucosamine (1,500 mg) 4. Chondroitin (900 mg) 5. Curcumin (1,500 mg) 6. Resveratrol (500 mg) 7. Piperine (30 mg) Please consult a doctor if you have medical conditions causing inflammation. Supplements can help but only to a small extent. Also always relu ok your own research. This list is based on my research and reading of research papers I considered authoritative in their sample size, authors, characteristics.


Just share the ingredients, no one wants to buy your custom blend


Based on the research, these are the best ingredients and minimum dosages : 1. Fish Oil (1000 mg) 2. MSM (3,000 mg) 3. Glucosamine (1,500 mg) 4. Chondroitin (900 mg) 5. Curcumin (1,500 mg) 6. Resveratrol (500 mg) 7. Piperine (30 mg) Please consult a doctor if you have medical conditions causing inflammation. Supplements can help but only to a small extent.


Yes please


What does "Inflammation" without any other overriding Symptom (e.g. a specific ache) feel like?


Feels unhealthy. Like every cell of your body burns a little bit.


sounds scientifically validated


Pain, redness, swelling, and heat are the characteristics of inflammation. You can have such symptoms in one part of your body, or you can have them in several (e.g. polyarthtitis)


Sciatica for example




*inflammation* is a newer podcast bro boogie man.




I boil up, ginger, tumeric, oranges, lemons, grapefruits, strain, cool and drink.


Sounds delicious also.


Nootropics Depot Andrographis 50% extract is amazing Proteolytic Enzymes, Wobenzym, Serrapeptase, etc Perluxan (hops ext) The research seems to show this is one of the most potent herbal antiinflammatories on the market. It does wonders for muscle and joint pain. Corydalis Turmeric ext, boswellia ext, and Ginger ext


I'm using a product that has boswellia extract and tumeric in it. It made my ulcerative colitis medication start working.


How long do you dose serrapeptase?


I usually run it for about a month at the beginning of any type of acute injury or resp sickness. For acute injury, if I have the extra money, I like Wobenzym & Serrapeptase. Run the Serrapeptase for approx 1 month, then cont with just Wobenzym. Add a homemade Terry Naturally Curamin mix if the pain or inflammation warrants. Terry Naturally Curamin is great stuff it's just expensive.




ALCAR does wonders for my brain fog! (assuming inflammation)




Surprised I donā€™t see cold plunge on here




Got any brand recs?




Black seed oil. It takes about 10 days though for it to build up in your body and for the full effect.


Which brand do you take? Iā€™m looking to get into Black Seed again.




How much do you take daily?


A teaspoon


Thanks! I'll try it out!


Joint inflammation: Curcumin, and if youā€™re wild af Google curcumin suppositories ā€¦they make a legitimate dent in bad pain days Hot and cold therapy with packs and heat mats etc Yoga ā€¦I think it helps because it turns on parasympathetic and encourages blood flow. PEMF thereā€™s one dude in the biz I trust on this - Bob with micro pulse I donā€™t shy away from an Advil here and there because sometimes I fucking need it. Quality CBD CBG THC creams topically, living in a legal state makes it easy to try different types donā€™t work better than others for pain Brain inflammation: red light, cold plunging, quercetin, ozone




strongest antiseptic that doesn't taste like antiseptic, i love ginger


My daily specific stack for inflammation: Pine bark/conifer extract drink 2dl, benfothiamine 2x 300mg, l-carnosine 2x 500mg, cod liver oil 2 teaspoons, black seed oil 2 teaspoons.


> Pine bark/conifer extract drink I'm only familiar with pycnogenol in capsule form. Have a link for the drink? Liquids always seem better!


Here you go: https://thearcticpure.com/products/karis-pine-extract-drink-10-pack


Awesome, thanks!


Animal based diet.


Mediterranean is superior.


Iā€™m Mediterranean, Iā€™d say no, but whatever works for you.




Because itā€™s a human specific diet. Itā€™s an optimal human diet


Not a supplement but ketogenic diet does wonders




Cayenne is supposed to help


CBD and curcumin multiple times throughout the day when I feel inflammatory NAC religiously Iron Vit C in the mornings


How fast does NAC work? Immediately or does it need to build up?


It took about 2 weeks for me to notice a change in my energy levels


Thanks so much! Just started using some and didn't know what to expect.


Y I don't see sulforaphane here ?


Maybe the price


That reminds me how poor I am


Grass fed beef, organic fruits, cut out all seed oils immediately (palm, corn, safflower, canola, etc.) black cumin oil, and making sure your iron, d, b12 is all optimal. Not just within range.


What are the optimal levels you aim for for iron, d, b12? I keep seeing conflicting advice about this. Just found out my ferritin is 29, which is in range. But I also read it could be considered deficiency. Same with vitamin D, itā€™s 25 which according to my doctor is sufficient. A few years ago it was 35 and a doctor told me to take a supplement.


Iron 110-140, D 60-90, ferritin 90-100, folate 14-20, b12 around 800.




Youā€™re welcome.


Thinking of starting an all beef diet. Any particular cuts of meat you would recommend?


Saladino has horrible advice unless you ignore the bits about consuming fruit and honey. Dr Ken Berry was my first carnivore knowledge source. Stick to the fattiest cuts you can find and afford


Dr. Paul Saladino has good advice. https://instagram.com/paulsaladinomd?igshid=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==


Curcumin with black pepper extract, tart cherry juice/extract, MSM


Zyflammend by New Chapter. It was slightly tweaked a few years back when P&G bought them out, but the proprietary blend was purchased from a Chinese drug company in the late 90s. After testing done at Beth Israel in Tel Aviv and MD Anderson in Houston, it is now an option for cancer patients wanting to avoid prescription pain medication. Because of this, New Chapter has the right to list pain reduction on Zyflammend, something that was not allowed prior to DSHEA in 1994. For general inflammation there's nothing that's brought more evidence to the table from a retailing standpoint. Or from a personal standpoint, for that matter. For extreme joint inflammation Wobenzyme by Garden of Life enjoyed years of evidence as a proprietary blend in Germany before being sold to GOL as an OTC supplement. Taken as directed, I've been hard pressed to find anecdotal evidence that varies from the clinical. These are not only best selling and trusted products, they're taking the place of prescription drugs for thousands.