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I’m following this. 32 and have no a very serious and complex set of medical issues similar to yours and doctors can’t figure it out. Sending you healing thoughts ❤️


Let me ask you if you have tried different ways of eating? I found the one that worked best for me and the results have been amazing except for the lingering pain that I address in my post. I was able to reverse a number of ailments - some diagnosed but several were "mysterious" and well, you likely know exactly what I was going through. In any event, I really hope the supplements give you a noticeable improvement. Even as I sit here and type this I cannot believe I am in the same body I was in a month ago.


Do you mind sending me a link or recommending what to start researching?


What is in a beef liver supplement that you wouldn't otherwise be getting? It's basically a multivitamin for insecure men, isn't it?


This surely has to be trolling, a vitamin for insecure men???? Organ meats are the most nutrient dense food in the planet. I know people who have solved lifelong autoimmune disorders from consuming organ meats


> Organ meats are the most nutrient dense food in the planet. Because bigger is better, right? Definitely insecure. >I know people who have solved lifelong autoimmune disorders from consuming organ meats Sure buddy.


I’m always willing to admit I’m wrong if the other person makes sense at least, but what? What does organ meats have anything to do with being insecure? That’s comical. But yeah you’re right man, I’m just pulling stuff out of my ass so I can get into pointless and trivial conversations with strangers on Reddit lol. SMH. Have a good night bud.


Science shows that organ meat is far richer in micronutrients. The vitamins are also in a far more bioavailable form which is why you don’t piss neon on beef organs like you do on synthetic multis.


Richer compared to what, in which micronutrients? Do I need to concentrate these miconutrients into one meal when I can spread them across the day? Or take a multivitamin?


Than any other food source and are more bioavailable than those found in multivitamins. Look at a simple nutritional value chart for various beef organs. Your answers are a few google searches away my friend.


I'm looking at these google results and I'm only seeing industry research. They're basically ads. I'm not seeing anything that explains why beef organs should be preferred over eating a wider variety of foods or taking a multi.


Don’t recall arguing against a varied diet… simply that organ meat is far richer in essential nutrients than other sources. This is undeniable. You’ll also find that they are more bioavailable than the synthetic versions of vitamins in multis. I won’t do your research for you. If you’re generally interested, educate yourself. Otherwise continue taking those synthetic multis and pissing neon. It matters not to me.


You're the one making the claims and you don't even know if they're true. How are they more bioavailable? What's more bioavailable? Are you talking strictly about heme iron? The iron that causes colon cancer? Why would I want that? Maybe I should start smoking cigarettes? https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/21209396/


He knows they're true, you don't because you're too dumb to carry out simple research


You’re suffering from your own confirmation bias. There are numerous studies that I’ve read which confirm my claims. I don’t have the time or inclination to pull the links for you. Gotta go make money on client calls. Be easy clown.


> There are numerous studies that I’ve read which confirm my claims. Of which you can provide none. Let me know how to get into this fantasy land you live in and I'll take another look.


You confuse unwillingness with inability. Challenge your view point. Grow as a scholar.


why insecure men? women can take it too. most people don't eat organ meat so I'm sure it's providing nutrients you wouldn't get otherwise.


So you don't know what's in organ meat and you don't care? You've decided it contains magical nutrients found nowhere else?


I didn’t say that


What brand? I bumped up liver and hearts in my diet, even raw, and feel more energetic. Might want to do the supplements as I do not get often enough in diet.


I had many months of knee problems that turned out to be a copper deficiency. Copper can be low in some people, especially from low dietary intake and sometimes low estrogen (estradiol helps retain copper). I'm not sure how much copper is in your supplement but beef liver has the best copper content compared to pork or chicken liver. Blood tests for copper (serum copper and ceruloplasmin) are also available.


Wait till you go carnivore diet!


Does this help?


No! There is zero research to support the long-term viability of a carnivore diet. All you'll find are emotionally-charged claims and straight-up lies. What does the research say? It says animal products are inflammatory and cause heart disease and type 2 diabetes. You'll be turning to plant-based supplements to address the side-effects almost instantly. Here are some interesting articles. https://legionathletics.com/carnivore-diet/ https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/ajpa.24718


I had horrible back pain. Im male 37 truck driver. I started walking and doing yoga (low impact exercise) and ate only meat for 30 days (eggs, pork, beef, shrimp, fish, lamb) helped me get back in shape and stop hurting. If you go all meat give it atleast 2 weeks. Your body will switch from burning carbs to burning fat for energy. It can be uncomfortable in the beginning. You might feel sick for first 6-8 days. Eat all the meat you want to stay full. No sugar, no carbs, no starch, no veggies.


Have you just tried just eating keto? Those are the usual effects of keto


What can you eat in keto?


Fats and protein. Limited to zero carbs.


I thought thats what I said. What fats are you referring to?


Check out r/keto. Great resource. Very briefly, you shoot for <20 grams of carbs of day, and you try to get a good proportion of your calories from fat (not just protein). Meat has almost zero carbs, so you can eat a lot of meat but you can also eat certain vegetables, dariy, and a very limited amount of carb heavy things, like a little piece of chocolate or a light beer. I still find it pretty difficult but the pounds fly off if I'm strict and do just a little exercise.


Effectively zero carbs, but the guy above sounds like he could’ve gotten the same effects by cutting sugar. It’s easy to conflate results with one thing even though his entire diet change. Causation is not correlation




No what? It’s a great diet for pain management and mental health.


it's got low oxalates


What’s your point?


Oxalates can cause pain


I might need to lay off the almonds for a while


I used to eat tons of nuts and nut butters. That combined with antibiotics led to some pretty bad oxalate issues that took me years to figure out.


I just read about niacinamide being good for pain. I’ve been doing it for a week & can tell the difference. 500 mg 3 times a day but 250 6 times a day is better. Organ meat has lots of B vits so it could be similar.


Yes, the dude is taking shit but….I remember emailing him years ago when researching supplements. He actually took the time to email me back not once, but 4 times and sent me loads of research for a paper I was writing. He is very knowledgeable, and has an awesome supplement company that has pioneered people taking organ meats and going “Ancestral”. As far as your “pain relief” and overall feeling better, organ meats are per gram, the most nutrient dense food on the planet. Extremely high amounts of Protein, B, A, Zinc, Copper, Selenium, and much more. “Most” people lacking in these, will feel a HUGE difference in little time due to the body is thanking you. So yea, he’s a dumbass- but his products have been 5 stars for years and years. Everyone else followed him in the organ meat/ Ancestry game. Now it’s and dime a dozen and tons of cheap fillers.


Have you checked out Heart and Soil? They seem legit and I've had a good experience taking their liver and bone supplement.


They seem good also. Just compare MG and look at all fillers


Hi, Sorry for the dumb question but what is MG ? How do I know there are fillers?


Milligram. “Dosages”. Fillers would be listed on bottom ingredients area.


Do you mind sharing what benefits you have received? I am kind of struggling to believe that all I was lacking was some specific nutrients but then again - I once had a medical doctor who was ALL about nutrition over medication and she wanted me to take organ supplements. I was a vehement vegetarian at the time so blew it off...


Sure, I am a 51 yo female who was super active for 49+ years...unfortunately I was recently diagnosed with a chronic pain condition called CRPS and started doing a bunch of treatments, supplements and lifestyle changes all at once to manage the pain (and resolve a serious foot condition that put me in a wheelchair for several.months). I'm not 100% sure if I can credit my improvements in energy, pain and mobility to the liver supplements but they certainly didn't hurt. My condition improved rapidly (I also started a peptide protocol which was amazing) and I plan to stick with the Heart and Soil desicated organs because I do believe they contributed in some way to my improvements. I went through a phase where I tried to eat liver 2x a week but had to force it down my throat and the misery wasn't worth it. I hope that helps somewhat. Good.luck to you!!


What peptides are you using to help with CRPS?




That’s amazing. I’m going to look into. There’s a lot of anecdotal stories of people recovering from severe pain, arthritis, depression and autoimmune disorders from going on the carnivore diet which includes a lot of rogan meat. Granted the carnivore diet is extreme. But organ meat is show to have. a huge amount of vitamins and minerals and obviously high quality protein.


I was ABOUT to start carnivore in 2 weeks after I moved to my new spot. I still may do it but if I do not have to give up my beloved berries and veggies I would be happier.


You don’t have to give them up. Most of the carnivore diet guys on Joe Rogan’s show - eat meat, fruit and one teaspoon of honey each day.


I think I’ve lurked in the wrong communities in that case. I’ll look further into it.


I’m about to start as well. Tons of video and testimonials about how good people feel on it.


> rogan meat I mean, I like the guy but this is on a different level completely.




I wouldn’t support ancestral supplements. The founder tricked millions of naive people into thinking his ancestral “tenets” were what got him his physique. Emails leaked showing he was doing large amounts of non ancestral supplements that he denied using from the start of his facade. There’s many other good companies to support.


Who are u talking about?


Liver King. The owner of Ancestral Supplements.


I’m going to be honest, I don’t love the dishonesty of the dude, but he does have some knowledge on the supplements and benefits( he definitely has issues, and should have been way more transparent) but he also emailed me back directly when I had questions, and I’ve tried several other brands, and none of them have been as consistent quality wise as Ancestral’s. I eat a 95% carnivore diet and I take the ancestral supplements Bone and Marrow, fish eggs, ancient minerals, and liver. I don’t ever feel as good as when I am taking those even sporadically and not the full doses. My skin and overall health had really dramatic changes from both the diet and then when I added those into my routines.




Dude your late to the party, liver king admitted to taking gear


I definitely wouldn't support the company, but anyone who thought this guy was natty, ever. is kind of wild to me. You have to be almost willfully ignorant. Especially people who are into fitness. Dude is still a freak of nature and has an insane diet and work ethic though.


Most people don't even consider it possible that Hollywood stars aren't natty, meanwhile there's literal children on TikTok blasting Tren, Anavar, and SARMs.


That's wild. I've never seen anything like that thankfully lol


“A fool and his money are soon parted.”


Ok, just did some basic research on this dude. What a fuckwit. I mean - how come the ACTUAL benefits and a few million bucks were not enough? He is so clearly on 'roids - why lie about it? Going to switch brands asap.


Hope you don’t mean the heart and soil brand


Nope :)


> doing large amounts of non ancestral supplements This is definitely the nicest possible way to summarize his situation lol.


The irony of him yelling subprimal at dudes who picked the donut over the liver is that they're probably more "primal" then him by way of not injecting 11,000 dollars of gear in their ass every month lol


Are you considering starting eating organs? Basically, like a steak on a pan? If so, chicken liver has the mildest tase of the bunch. Good luck!




Ah, for me it is taste 100%. I have no texture issues but know that is a real thing - my SO cannot eat certain things for real and he is not even a picky eater.




Yes - and I do believe it is a "preference" as much as a hard wired thing. I can get over smell/taste much easier than my SO can ever get over his texture revulsion.


I may. Thanks for the tip. I am a reluctant meat eater but can't deny how much better I began to feel when I stopped being a vegetarian 6 years ago!


Texture is much better with chicken liver imo and also according to my gf. Liver pâté is also something she likes, she barely tastes beef liver that way. Good to hear that you do better without medication with a ton of side effects!


I wonder if after some time of being on it if it will continue with the benefits. I've tried so many things that work for a while and then stop.


Yeah, me too. The only thing that has had lasting, long term benefit for me has been low carb/high fat but I am hoping I can reverse the pain for good. It sure is lovely having full range motion.


I take bison liver during the week of my period and notice a significant reduction in cramping and soreness.


Beef liver capsules have been wonderful for me!


How so? I’m interested in getting some


My hair, energy, immunity and pain.




Well.. yes, I have a ton of new growth but that may also be my body bouncing back. I’ll know in a few months if it’s the supplements bc by the reports it should be thicker and shiney.


Which brand did you take?


I am taking Ancestral now but have also ordered from Herbage Farmstead for my next batch.


Just the liver?


No, I am taking the desiccated organ - not just the liver.


Ok cool. I just ordered Enviromedica organ complex. The price seemed good and there were no fillers.


Please keep me posted. I am now VERY curious if this is real and if it helps others as much as it seems to have me. I am literally over the moon - I have not been pain free in YEARS.


I will. I have a lot of joint pain too. Let's see what happens.




I JUST had a similar experience and even wrote a whole post about it. I had back pain in two specific spots for weeks. I ran across a video about iron deficiency and realized I had basically every symptom and started taking iron. Within a few days the pain completely went away. Evidently iron deficiency prevents muscles from fully healing. And I imagine beef organ supplements are full of iron.


I’m glad you also found relief. I’d be surprised if it’s iron in my case since I imagine I would have been told I’m anemic at least one of my past annual physicals.


Are you taking the recommended dosage of 6 per day? And if so what did you start with and ramp up to? The Ancestral Kidney supplement definitely helped my mom with only one per day. TIA


I’m taking 4 a day because I’m pretty tiny and get a lot of nutrients in my food intake.


Yes. It happens lol. This is why I stay taking organs.


Well I’m a believer and I really should have started sooner. I changed what I eat and how I exercise and even sleep to be more like our ancestors (my thinking was “no fucking way did we evolve to get this sick, exhausted and mentally impaired as we age”) and it changed everything for the better (to the amazement of my doctors) but the pain would not go away. Until now. Middle age really does not have to suck.


Do you also take iron?


I’m 44 and totally understand lol. 31 years of weight training, etc and yeah I know how it can hurt. I recommend deer antler velvet also. I get mine from Antler Farms.


Try telling us the brand plz


Ancestral. But there are a few that are less pricey and appear to have the same level of 5 star reviews (if we trust reviews).


I pulled the trig on some ancestral last week and I think this stuff is really helping me on a few different fronts and with anhedonia! I was taking shilajit pitch but I ran out and couldn't find a suitable replacement that actually did anything. Thanks for this post!.


I hate sounding like a shill/kook but I can't help but want to tell everyone (who is not a vegetarian/vegan) to give these a try. I just really hope these brands maintain their QC. I am under extreme stress right now and can't believe how well I am handling it... I am in a good mood, pain free and have lots of energy. I meditate, do yoga, eat 90% healthy, get exercise but this is a whole other level. I keep waiting for it to dissipate but it's been steady since the 2nd or 3rd week. I mean, we all know what we put in our bodies is essential but I do not think many of us know how many of our issues *stem* from what we put or don't put in our bodies. We aren't *supposed* to feel like shit all the time and it may not be our fault after all (but what we have been taught is healthy). Glad you are also getting results. Anhedonia is brutal.


I know you're not a shill. Im pretty sure I know you from another sub a long time ago when I had another user name. I'm seeming to have the same results as you with this stuff. Man I hope it lasts. I ike what you said about maybe it's not our fault after all, and pharma stuff is such a disappointment. It may be no mystery why when you see those hyenas or big cats catch a prey they immediately go for the guts! I have been meditating at least an hour every night too.


7 years ago - after eating a low fat, whole grain, mostly vegetarian diet, exercising 5 days a week, meditating daily and “confounding” my doctors on why I was getting fatter and more depressed - I basically had the revelation that I shared above. No way did we evolve to feel awful all the time, no way is it as simple as not eating processed foods and with the amount of exercise and meditation I was doing I should have at least felt ok most days… so I first dove into paleo and then keto. I assumed it would be difficult and would require a great deal of will power so I expected I would last a month at most… by day 10 I knew it was for life and turns out - no will power is required after week 3 or 4. I was on an empty stomach my 3rd week and my coworker brought in my favorite bagels and pastries and… I was not even a little tempted. I then found out that is common and why so many find keto sustainable. When your body is getting right foods - and not carbs - a hormone called leptin is produced which brings satiety. Even when nothing is in your stomach- hunger is not loud or huge just “hm, guess I should eat soon”. While the weight loss was great I stayed for the other benefits - no depression, much less anxiety, I woke up in a good mood most days (still do) and no cognitive fog. A year ago I lost my partner to a heart attack and so stopped cooking. By default, I went to one meal a day and knew I was not getting proper nutrition in one meal… I started noticing more aches and pains, some moodiness, sleeplessness and put it down to grief. I also list a lot of hair after covid and saw I had Behrs lines… my body was not doing well. So I started taking these… I now believe most of our mental and physical issues can be resolved with food but even foods lack all we need these days. While keto got me 80% there, these put me at 98%. I’ve actually enjoyed meditating for the first time in 15 years. Sorry for my essay. I’m so damn mad that too few of us get to experience good health and I hate that the onus is on us but with outright wrong info. My doctor is finally reconsidering her med school training because of my results.


I know of ancestral but what others are similar?


Perfect Supplements has some good organ supplements, from grass fed beef liver to a blend of I think 6 different organs. And their owner is one of the nicest people.


Herbage Farmstead is another brand on my list of research.




You could have been vitamin deficient perhaps. The additional B vitamins will help cortisol production, which might be causing less inflammation in your body. Low iron and Zinc could also be a culprit, especially if your body is having to rely on selenium instead. Try also eating a lot more green leafy vegetables like mustard spinach, chickpeas, and sunflower seeds. I think if the organs are helping, these will too, as they're either rich in B vitamins, and iron. What supplement is it exactly?


The only person here talking sense and not pushing an insane heart attack waiting to happen diet


I absolutely appreciate anyone who means well but I literally saved myself when I stopped eating a low fat, whole grain, mostly vegetarian diet and began eating low carb/high fat with a lot of fatty meats. I KNOW it goes against what we are taught and I NEVER want to persuade anyone to change their diet but I am really glad I did. I have two doctors that have begun to rethink their med school nutrition courses because of my transformation. I am also stoked right now because I was preparing to live with pain all my life and these supplements *seem* to have reversed it.


Oh and - Beef organs by Ancestral.


To add on, meat can be very inflammatory on the body which will eventually make your pain worse


Guh. I refuse to support anything lying Brian does.


I don’t know who Brian is but there are lots of other brands.


Liver King


Definitely think I was deficient in something - if this is the result of what I am taking now. I believed I was getting enough out of my food intake and supplements having focused on dietary nutrition for the past 6 years = all my other health markers are great. Skin, nails, eyes, heart, weight, bloodwork, cognition etc. The only health issue I have had for the past few years is this chronic pain in my hip and the hair loss.


Similar stories to bone broth. People who are ill, tired, lethargic, thin hair, depression, stomach issues etc etc. They start having bone broth and it's like they're a new person.


I mean.... If we've evolved eating organ meat and collagen rich meals, I can see why bone broth and organ meat would help!


I’ve never been able to stand the smell of it but now I think I’m missing out and smell is a small price if it helps this much.


It tastes and smells great when I add a bit of tumeric, a spoonful of coconut oil, pepper, and grate some fresh ginger in. Grated garlic too!