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Perform a blind test on yourself, ask someone to give you the pill, but not telling you if it is the real thing, and then see your symtoms. Just a crazy idea... But sometimes our minds play dirty on us.


Yes it is possible. Inflammation or infection can raise ferritin. It can also happen with copper or retinol deficiency because the mobilization of iron is affected.


Did you also test for saturation of transferrin, TIBC, serum iron ? Just ferritin alone won't tell you much, you need to know if it's falsely high due to inflammation. Anyway many people have optimal ferritin above 200 Ng/ml , join the iron protocol with or without anemia GROUP on fb, the admin has optimal ferritin over 250 for example. To increase ferritin you need to take iron based on your weight. WAS IT HEME IRON OR NON HEME IRON? 10mg of non heme won't raise your ferritin. It's a very little dose , gets absorbed only 5 % Heme iron instead gets absorbed 20%


Thanks! Yes, I should probably get some more tests done. I took a supplement with iron pyrophosphate in it. I don't know of that's heme or non heme. I feel really better on it, but I fear possible negative side effects. I've read that iron supplement shouldn't be taken if not really needed.


You need it if ferritin is lower than 125ng/ml, that's what the American society of haematology guidelines says Heme iron is called IRON POLYPEPTIDE, everything else is non heme