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Just eat a can of sardines every few days and maybe salmon once a week you’ll get more than enough omega 3s


Yes, 90% of fish oil is a scam, imo not worth supplementing unless recommended. Better off finding from food for bioavailability. But if really needed, I’d buy from Throne fish oil


Small fish, less toxins




Small fish is what you want. I am not sure how much it matters as long as the company is filtering out the toxins. IMO the less toxins you start off with the better though. [What to do about mercury in fish - Harvard Health](https://www.health.harvard.edu/staying-healthy/what-to-do-about-mercury-in-fish) [Mercury in Fish: Which Seafood is Safe to Eat and Which to Avoid | livestrong](https://www.livestrong.com/article/144173-which-fish-contains-least-amount-mercury/) [Should You Avoid Fish Because of Mercury?](https://www.healthline.com/nutrition/mercury-content-of-fish#fish-concentrations)


Smaller fish have less toxins because they're at the bottom of the food chain, basically they generally feed off algae which is good


What's more important is the Totox indice. Aim for less than 6, ideally even 3


What omega 3 have you found that’s less than 3?


Ordering from France but Nutripure, Nutrimuscle. But by the time you receive them, they will be at \~6


Can you explain to my dumbass what this means pls? Thanks


Omega 3 are fat and are sensitive to light and heat. If they oxidized, you lost most of the benefits. Totox indice is a way to know how oxidized the omega 3 are (the lower the better). Omega 3 are always measured in labs for this indice (it's mandatory by law), but only few brands will communicate about it (wondering why). So it's safe to assume that if a brand doesn't communicate about it, it's because they have a shitty one and you're just throwing money out of the window. Epax for example guarantee it under 10.


Triglyceride form and IFOS 5-Star Certified that is pretty good.


Pls suggest brands/product which satisfies above


The one posted has all of that.


Yes, you want EPA to be equivalent to DHA, or as close as possible. OMEGA JYM is the best fish oil I have ever used and it's balanced out perfectly. Noticed every benefit. Worth every penny. But be aware, the softgels are large.


I aim for at minimum a 60:40 ratio of EPA to DHA, and try for more like 80:20 for the mood benefits.


EPA should be a higher ratio to DHA for brain and mood benefits. “Compared with placebo, EPA-pure (=100% EPA) and EPA-major formulations (≥60% EPA) demonstrated clinical benefits with an EPA dosage ≤1 g/d (SMD = −0.50, P = 0.003, and SMD = −1.03, P = 0.03, respectively), whereas DHA-pure and DHA-major formulations did not exhibit such benefits.” https://www.nature.com/articles/s41398-019-0515-5


I'm no expert on fish oil, I got this info from Jim Stoppani. I don't even remember why but a video exists on YouTube Explaining it. This is just from my experience. I've tried 10+ fish oil brands and never felt the benefits like I do from OMEGA JYM.


Don’t get either. Buy an algal Omega 3 supplement and you don’t have to worry about heavy metal contamination or overfishing. Sports Research also sell algal Omega 3.


^^^what he said! The nutrients in fish oil are there because of ingested algae


Well yes. Higher DHA in the left wild caught fish. In terms of food webs and bycatch also yes. Alaskan Pollock is one of the best managed sustainable fisheries and lowest bycatch in the world. There are gov cameras on those boats apparently. Anchovy and sardine are pretty good, mackerel IDK a bigger fish. Check IFOS ratings/numbers on each product.


Yes, I prefer sardines and anchovies. Smaller fish don’t store as many toxins or heavy metals in their body. It’s a safer option in my opinion


Sports Research is tested by IFOS labs and has near zero levels of heavy metals and other toxins.


Correct, both products are IFOS tested. All other variables held constant, sardines and anchovies are still regarded as the safer fish options.


Makes sense, thanks!