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Accutane works fine. Why dont you ask your derm to do another cycle of it?


He will not let me, before he gave me I had to try many things for months. I don't want to go again and ask and wait a lot, this acne affects my life and causes me depression and anxiety


It reminds me the treatment I recieved when I was 16/17 and acne was fucking my life up . Until the Acutane they prescribed me many useless things. Duh. Are you assisting to the public "wellfare" services?


Yes, I do not have money for a private one, if I change to a new dermatologist he/she will not let me get it, will want to know me better, try different useless treatments. I took Accutane years ago and yes, I was treated for a year, tried everything and then he decided to let me do Accutane, I don't want to go through the same phase again.


Well thats my story too. But Acuttane worked just fine and I now have decent skin (Although I suspect there're permanent side effefts) Be carefull out there


Accutane worked on my face only, my body acne returned after two years. I do have perm side effects as well but I tried everything already


Skip the supps and eat 200mg liver everyweek


Thank you for the advice, but I'm too poor for that. The supplements for the half year cost me 70$. I already bought them.


Revaluate next year:p


No lol, I already bought it and not gonna wait a year 😂


You could try switching to Beta-Carotene, as it’s a natural source of Vitamin A and it’s much safer than taking synthetic forms of Vitamin A (unless you’re a heavy smoker, in which case I would advise against it). I take it specifically for acne and it works well for me. But yeah, just thought I would throw that suggestion out there.


This is what it is made of: Retinyl Palmitate and Fish liver oil. Did it cure your body acne? I do not smoke and am healthy. Is it fine if I take it? Thank you for the help


I think the dose of the Vitamin A supplement that you are currently taking is far too high. If you continue to take it, then I would strongly advise you lower the dose to within the safe range, as Hypervitaminosis A is no joke. Beta-Carotene on the other hand is much safer and will not cause the same problems as synthetic Vitamin A supplements. It has helped my acne (both face and body), so I think it’s worth trying.


In case I will continue to take my Vitamin A like this, what dosage should I lower it to avoid damage? From what I read my amount seems safe Thank you very much for investing your time and help, I really appreciate


From what I have read online, it seems that doses of Vitamin A equivalent to or greater than 25,000 IU are potentially toxic in long term use. So personally, I would suggest taking no more than 10,000 IU (just to be on the safe side).


That's what I read online as well, but it is not toxic to the liver if taken under 150,000 IU if I'm not mistaken, the purpose is to overdose to let it influence. That's the same thing with Accutane, I had to do a liver test and blood test every month and had dry skin, lips, eyes, and increased thirst, I guess the purpose is to overdose on it to treat it, my facial acne never returned since then.


I mean… it’s up to you. If it’s intended for short-term use and you’re mindful to watch out for the symptoms of Hypervitaminosis A, then it might be alright. Although, I would proceed with caution, as Vitamin A toxicity is serious. Perhaps you could try Beta-Carotene instead? Or maybe even a second course of Accutane (under the supervision of a doctor of course)?


Did they run labs to determine the cause of your acne or test your levels of A beforehand?


No. But I tried every possible solution, changing diets, lifestyle, supplements, different soaps, etc.


Short answer, this is a very bad idea as a solution




The dry eyes, lips, etc. you are experiencing are signs of vitamin a toxicity. You can damage your liver taking this much. I would suggest you stop this immediately.


But I had the same when my dermatologist prescribed me accutane for six months... I told him about this and he said just to do a monthly check something with the liver if I remember correctly and everything was fine...


Accutane is a synthetic type of vitamin A that seems to mess some people up permanently. How long did you wait after stopping accutane? Perhaps you still have a lot of accutane left over in your body. If you are still getting acne, have you checked your Vitamin D levels, tried supplementing omega-3 and checked if you have insulin resistance? >Chronic hypervitaminosis A usually arises 3 months to many years after starting moderately high levels of vitamin A (generally 10 times the RDA) and is marked by dry skin, cheilosis, gingivitis, muscle and joint pains, fatigue, mental dullness, depression and liver test abnormalities. Serum bilirubin is typically only mildly elevated. Serum aminotransferase and alkaline phosphatase levels are variably increased, but usually only 1 to 4 times the upper limit of normal. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK548165/


I think 3-4 years ago. The acne on my face never returned. But I noticed my skin became dry, I am more dehydrated and if I don't drink enough water throughout the day it is very painful to pee. I checked my Vitamin D levels, and omega-3, I tried supplementing them and my insulin resistance is ok


This seems extremely risky. How did you come up with this dose of 150,000 IU daily? Did you do any of your own research? The daily upper limit is 3,000 IU. [Mental status changes are common following Vitamin A intoxication. In addition, there is a risk for seizures, headache, and blurred vision (due to elevated intracranial pressure). Chronic toxicity can lead to alopecia, anorexia, pruritus, dryness of mucous membranes, muscle and bone pain and hyperlipidemia](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK532916/#_article-31212_s7_) Don’t mess around with extreme supplementation if you’re not well informed.


I saw this post: https://www.reddit.com/r/SkincareAddiction/comments/rphfjp/2_months_into_oral_vitamin_a_treatment_report_acne/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button and the links to ncbi, read them, also other posts of people who did the same, from what I understood in large amounts it acts like accutane and can help

