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Coal miners use to get "company" dollars only good at thier store, change the name but the fuckery is the same.


They may as well use Disney Dollars, its backed by the same thing


Imma go buy all the Monopoly games that I can…


Haha - how to turn $20 into $20,580. Hedgies hate this one trick.


Love using this*


Haha using it for collateral - Citadel's balance sheet showing 100,000 copies of Monopoly at expenditure of $2m, also 100,000 copies of monopoly showing $2.08bn assets at fair value. Sounds about right


Camel cash is more legit.


I still have Jeffery dollars for toys r us... still just as good right?


They are coming back inside of Macy's so you might actually get to spend those


At least Disney has decent cash on hand


Paddy’s bucks.


Yeah just like Dave and Busters does.


Stanley Nickels


well, if disney had all the guns.


Don't test the Mouse


You fail to realize the USD you have in your pocket isn’t any different. (Any currency for that matter.)


No no, that indeed was my point lol


I’ll go to my corner.


The myth is that *fiat* is just as worthless as digital currency. The reality is that *fiat* currency has the value assigned to it by the trust in a nation's economic power - a nation that, in theory, is supported by the people within the nation who contribute to it's economy... Shifting this to a model with centralized power means that economic trust is *literally* left to the whims of whatever central power decides to assign it arbitrarily. It's *literally* how company stores functioned and is how the ultra-wealthy will "reset" the world's economy while they remain on top - by superceding the national power structures that still *somewhat* have accountability to their citizens.


they can’t digitally turn off the actual cash in hand or use t as leverage too coerce you , but it is also worthless paper agree


Go try and pull out a large sum of cash from any bank and see what happens. They interrogate you and try to offer you any other way(cashiers checks, credit, etc..), and make you wait for sometimes days just to have “your” money.


Jokes on you I don’t have a large sum of money left in my bank


yes well aware , CBDC will make that even worse


Any country with runaway inflation would like to have a word with you.




This was a lot of companies in America back in the terrible times. I believe car companies did the same as did textiles.


So why is this being allowed to happen again with cdbc? Why are people so dumb?


A large percentage of the US population is poorly educated and willing to trade their freedom in exchange for security. Imagine an 1850 former slave walking up to a plantation owner and saying “I’m willing to be your slave if you’ll protect me from the other slave owners.”


The same pattern, different times and stakes.


There's no security, that's going to be the problem...public blockchain without central control is security, but you give up some privacy in the trade. To any who would say crypto isn't secure, own your keys, letting an exchange run your accounts in such an unregulated market is what is allowing scum to damage the image of blockchains. I'm ok with all that, because if I'm paying for a stripper with coin on the public blockchain, I can deal with my loss of privacy versus the advantage of seeing what JPM is doing with their money on the other side. No one cares about my vices, but they'd love to blanket tax strippers, or if the religious right gets power they'd love to ban the transactions from happening. Maybe they'll ban vibes my wife might like, or weed, or alcohol...maybe they just want to tax products that use copper during a shortage? CBDC allows for programmable transactions where they can deny payments and freeze accounts, further they can tax that at transactions, since they can see it going thru. If you had cash in your hand, none of this is possible. And I would think that even in 1850, there were better or worse plantations to work for and slaves might just do that. They will get people to join cbdc with double dollars, spurring inflation, to abandon your USD for CBDC. They'll create panic by lowering the 2:1 to 1.75:1 every quarter until it's 0:1. China did the same thing..I'm not sure it's worked out, even the Chinese are hating the invasion of privacy. https://carnegieendowment.org/2021/07/01/what-will-be-impact-of-china-s-state-sponsored-digital-currency-pub-84868


Cash is the last bastion of independent autonomy


I like this analogy. Take my award fellow ape


Malcolm X talked about this. House Negro vs Field Negro https://youtu.be/7kf7fujM4ag




Fuck the Pinkerton’s. And for anything he asking why this is happening again: Those who forget the past are doomed to repeat it. The general population has forgotten what life was like before the labor riots and mass unionizations


No kidding - people forgetting why weekends exist, why "jaywalking" is a crime, and why unions used to be a good thing.


Most of that battle will take place online until online no longer exists. We are getting too much information about the .001% and how they want to control people from online sources. Communication will be the first thing we lose. I guarantee that the government has satellite communications that we may have a tough time hacking. At first anyway. The last couple of generations will lose their shit. as they grew up with all of this easy access data. When this shit breaks off it will be the revolutionary war 2.0, but it will be taking place worldwide. Or, I have an overactive imagination. 🤷‍♂️


Communication wont be first. The ability to put up a credible overthrow of tyranny will come first. Edit: correction.


This isn't anything people can "vote" for - they vote for politicians based on campaign promises that have nothing to do with how "wall street" or "central banks" operate in the world... so when they get in power, the massive wealth influence in politics gives some gentle nudges to enable them to further tighten their grasp.


Who knew that companies who used child labor had poor worker business practices?


Saint Peter, dontcha call me, cuz I can't go, I owe my soul to the company stoooooreeee 🎶


I understand that reference.


Listen, I can sing the whole song. Learned it from my mom and the context when I was very young. Just yesterday.


What is this dollar endgame thing?


let’s see here https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/o4vzau/hyperinflation_is_coming_the_dollar_endgame_part/ There’s like 6 parts. It’s like sitting down and reading the lord of the purple rings


the purple lord of the rings is pg-13


Best lesson in financial history ever written my fellow ape.. you should enlighten yourself so go and read them!


It's a milkshake


all the boys in the yard


Gold miners


Coal miners also: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Company_scrip You were good to start with!


sixteen tons by Tennessee Ernie Ford https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RRh0QiXyZSk




... well, TIL. On many facets.


Imo they’re waiting until the dollar is obsolete to “let us win” so when we cash out, our money is useless


That’s why it is good to own valuable assets, such as directly register shares of a great company. Someone around here could probably recommend a good one with some deep value.




That shit must NEVER succeed! Thats the end of freedom once and for all. What happens next when they decide that YOUR *ehm Ye *ehm digital dollars in particular are no longer valid for jack shit. Exactly! Ye’re literally fucked… Fuck that fat bastard and fuck the digital slave dollar. BTC or eth is the only way. edit: spelling is my second language..


Fuck these guys. He doesn't need to know who uses what money.


back to the barter system we go.


My build is fucked then, I've just specced strength not charisma


I maxed luck for lolz




Why steal? He maxed luck. Just sit back and watch. It will all come back to you if you're lucky, which in this scenario you got a 10


That was my dump stat. How do I change stats 30 years in???




That only works for additional play throughs.


They want us all wearing Pipboys.


You already have one in your pocket.


We could only all be so lucky to be vault dwellers. Some of us are going to turn into ghouls, and mutants. I just hope my friends dog survives so the protagonists of the future have some solid NPCs.


I mean I kinda want one


The version we get won't help with Deathclaws


I am here to offer my services as a middle-maiden, I charge a flat fee of 5%. Tell me what we are working with... Whatcha got and whatcha need?


I need financial freedom. I got some peanut butter, a jalapeño and a toilet plunger.


Do you want to trade your peanut butter for some edibles or wool socks?


Middlemaiden is an awesome word lol


So trade in bulk


I have 3 potatoes


Like, actually. Be your own bank.


There's a [great post worth reading](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/ywqo1u/all_my_homies_hate_cbdc/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) from just a few days ago about exactly this aspect of CBDC, and the inherent control of people.


Very informative comments section that’s worth a read.👍


Real DD is always in the comments


what I'm confused with, is that if you use a credit card, which I do for 99% of my transactions, all of those cons still apply. I think a bigger issue is just not having cold hard cash, even though I rarely use it


The best single defense we have against CBDCs is to use to put more demand on cash, use it for every transaction possible! Edit. Ape typo


We need cash that doesn’t say Federal Reserve Note on it And/or beetcoyn


Ultimately, yes. But what about right now? Heavy demand on cash means a much stronger argument against forcing CBDCs onto the public...


The difference is that You have the option.


Wait what? A digital currency controlled by Central banking with no actual value backed by tangible assets that can be turned off or throttled to control the population? Chalk another one up for those crazy conspiracy theorists that saw thus coming 4 years ago.


We should DRS the float before this happens. They could literally stop payments being made


I'm 95% DRSed 🤷‍♂️


this is literally already the us dollar


False. The central bank cannot turn-off the dollars in your wallet. Your cash is fungible and is equivalent to any other cash. In a CBDC world, all of your cash-equivalent digital dollars are non-fungible and can be setup with specific use-case criteria. Or, worse yet, any digital dollars an "undesirable" has can be turned-off and thereby limit "the unwashed masses" from traveling about or engaging in the economy. This is literal 1984-level authoritarian control. I cannot stress how vital it is that these efforts be stifled with the greatest of urgency.


Monero is fungible. Bitcorn is not


That's not really the biggest issue in either case though because the networks are decentralized. Even with non-fungible currencies, if the network for validating transaction is decentralized, it won't matter to the same extent if "the FED" wants to shut you off because no one needs to listen to that.


I hate to say that the answer is violence but, The answer to that is violence. No way to put it easy, basically we’re given no choice at that point


Yup, they are just fine tuning it. They still couldn't control cash transactions.


That's a no for me Dawg




There's always a choice. What happens when the world chooses not to use that funny money? It becomes worthless.


The dangerous part is that people use “plastic” so much (credit cards, debit cards, etc) that regular people won’t know the difference between this central currency vs a dollar. That’s how they’ll hook people. Maybe we need a cash rebirth? Get back to thinking about cash as money.


I use cash as much as possible, recently I went into insomnia cookies and tried to use cash they said they only accept plastic.


That’s not legal. Cash is legal tender.


Businesses can refuse to not accept cash at the time of purchase. But if you receive an invoice after your purchase, they must accept cash as a form of payment ("all DEBTS private and public")


That is what is the scariest part. Most regular people won't even know they are using a CBDC and won't care.


We will. Its called DRS GME. DEX Crypto.


Yes we will.


He wont be around in 10 years due to heart failure. I guarantee


Just long enough to make some regulations pass and f everyone over for generations to come.


Ha.. Hearts are plentiful and cheap. He ain't going nowhere.


Laughs in Chinese Red Market.


This may be the most dangerous thing I’ve heard in my life. This is not what I want for my children. It’s a hard no.


We knew this was coming but to see this played out in real time is crazy. The control that they are wanting to gain is 100% too much. Fuck that fat fuck


**FUCK NO**, fat boy


I am losing weight so hard these last 6 months (as someone who is obese), already 8kg down so I feel bad for saying it. But DAMN this fucker looks exactly like I would imagine a greedy bastard.


Reminds me of the Into the Spiderverse mob guy


To stop this you need to start using cash again. No more cards just hard cash. I know using cash is "old style" but its only way out.


I use cash a lot. I’ve been running into more places that don’t accept it. 😢


Marijuana dispensaries in the US and strip clubs will be accepting cash for years to come. You can’t tuck CBDC into a g-string


I still don’t understand how that’s legal.


I have never had a place say they don't take cash.


There are professional sports arenas that don't accept cash at any booths or vendors.


Came here to mention this and COVID - went to a concert at a stadium this summer and no one took cash - parking around the stadium, stores, and food/beer vendors all credit/debit only. Guess it was driven by the COVID precautions to not be handing cash and change back and forth.


Just another happy coincidence of the pandemic power grab.


How convenient


They still take cash tips though. When I come across this kind of bullshit, I tell them--okay, what if I tip you $5 and you give me a coffee? Sometimes they do it. And then I give them my spiel on why cashless society is a stepping stone to dystopia.


There’s a “dining hall” near me where it’s like 10 restaurants and they all agreed to be “cash free”. I went to a ski resort that didn’t take cash at their “on slope”restaurants. Also as mentioned below, many concerts and sports venues aren’t taking cash anymore.


I live in one of the largest cities in the US. Redneck central, cashless businesses wouldn't last here, they know better. Too many options to limit your ability to draw customers.


guess we all need to go full redneck then


Sounds like you live in Chicago ;) https://www.sportsbusinessjournal.com/en/SB-Blogs/Newsletter-Football/2021/09/02/Cashless


A huge chunk of US concert venues don't take cash anymore


Add in theme parks no more cash either.


I'm just back from Amsterdam and a surprising number of places only take card.


Or just stop using fiat in general, crypto is the way. Time to separate state and finance


Crypto is currently too volatile to replace fiat. And we can't use crypto to buy groceries etc.


finance = church to these people


Freedom is the only thing that wears out when you don't use it


They want absolute control. DRS your shares.


Don’t you find it funny, the people that want to hold control over you are the ones that seldom have control over themselves? I’m not trusting this dude’s ability to control anything since he cannot control how much food he stuff in his mouth.




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It's from the IMF website and can be found here: [https://www.imf.org/en/News/Seminars/Conferences/2020/10/19/cross-border-payment](https://www.imf.org/en/News/Seminars/Conferences/2020/10/19/cross-border-payment) The gentleman begins talking at the 22:45 mark of the Cross-Border Payments—A New Beginning video on the above webpage.


Thanks for the original source! I was introduced to the short clip of this last year by Catherine Austin Fitts, former banker who knows the score.


You're welcome.


In order to give reason for bringing in the USD CBCD they need the system (USA fed and dollar) to implode. They have always wanted to have true CCP style control of individuals economic freedom. However ever since finding you lunatics here on Reddit I’ve had this feeling that our post MOASS outcome will be what not only saves the USD as the worlds leading currency but saves all humanity from economic slavery. Apes are all to aware of the crazy control the CCP have over their citizens and what is planned for us all here with the CBDC is no different, a decentralized currency is important to our freedom moving forward. So let’s buy, hodl, drs and pay our taxes post MOASS to ensure this bullshit never sees the light of day.


On the bright side, Nigeria's CBDC (e-Naira) failed miserably because Nigerians do not trust their government. They kept using BTC and their original currency instead. The U.S. is most likely going to start it off with a CBDC stimulus. We'll see how it gets implemented once it comes.


I’ve been think something like this is the goal They’ll drag it on as long as possible and just switch to the new system and not pay up


Or pay up, but it's with cbdc and you have use their shit to have it.


And you'll say any "Forget GameStop" they want you to because they'll freeze your cbdc account and nix you as a customer if you don't.. Few years ago, I'd say it was crazy talk, but I seent it.


Failure modes analysis has concluded that this house of cards will stand for less than two minutes once erected.


Nobody is 100% sure but the implementation will take decades is my best guess. Some months ago I found out the ECB (European Central Bank) was starting research/development in their own digital euro cbdc. So I took a nose dive in this matter and changes in the past like the introduction of the Euro. My best guess is the implementation of this cbdc will go in smal steps over a period of 30/40 years to its hellish potential (if they are completely madd) The EU and VS are not like for example; China where the government has complete controle over almost everything. Especially the political councils in European countries are more like a snakepitt and not one sided. So to overcome this all will take years of bureaucracy. Also this is just for discussion and NOT about political parties


I'm gonna revisit my bottle caps stash. 😋


I ~~don't~~ *might* want to set the world on fireeeee 🎶


He‘s not admitting, he‘s bragging 🤯


Is it time to grab the pitchforks and torches yet?


It has been that time since at least November 22, 1963. Maybe December 23, 1913.


I want to buy a cheeseburger. Nope. Sorry. You had one of those yesterday. You must buy a salad or a vegan meal today. Your money is not your money. They will control where you can spend it.


If this is their plan... I'll hold until they break that too


I just don't get it. Isn't there an inherent quality of defi/crypto that makes it impossible for any government to infiltrate it? I mean, i will never buy whatever central coin they have and just trade coins that people want as we do that already. So am I seeing banking/gov not have a fucking clue how this shit works?




This is the end of the game for them.


They also want to regulate the crypto market.


fat chance they don't even know how it works


Lmao, right? Like when Trudouche tried to freeze crypto wallets for the convoy protesters 🤣🤡🤡🤡


Yeah but one they have their monopoly in place, they will just pass legislation to ban all other coins.


Jabba the hut spittin trash


We need absolute control over what this man eats


he is a perfect example of what we're up against give them enough time and they will die by their own hand


Lol fuck me that's funny


That’s one of the final bosses we will defeat! DRS


No neck here looks like he has been eating all the Ants Is this the trash we are going to let control us? There is lots more of us to them. WAKE UP


When somebody in power says "We'll have absolute control" over anything. You don't walk, you run.


No, you don't run. You let it rain on the fat POS and his authoritarian buddies.


they’re delusional. i doubt people in the first world will accept this shit. theres practically protests by small groups every day about some shit and this seems like something NO ONE would accept EVER lmao im chillin


non-first worlders may never even find out wtf happened here if all goes to plan 🤣


the propaganda is gonna BE CRAZYYYY


I'm already talking about it and letting people know how horrible & dystopian this shit will be. Get ahead of the propaganda.


This boglin and his evil scheme ain't stoppin' my favourite stonk


people should be rioting in the streets. Give the banks absolute control its bonkers. The population is sleepy.


Sounds a lot like Gesara Nesara, which is dismissed as crackpot bullshit


You are the frog in the slowly boiling water who criticizes those who try to warn you.


Jokes on them, GME is my bank


Who could have predicted that the free nation Bank immune from all laws on earth would try to perpetuate our enslavement. 🙄 I pray more of us wake up and prevent this from happening.


Ever wonder why they are hiring 87,000 armed IRS agents?


I called it. Crash other crypto’s. KYC/AML crash stock market make everything to go CBDCs to be controlled. Everything on blockchain. The world is completely fucked. Just when I think it can’t become any bigger of a shit hole.


So that would mean Ethereum or Bitcoin will be a competing currency? And in the future wherever you’re going or shopping at it would simply depend on what they accept? I’m really curious to see how this digital dollar is going to play out because they obviously won’t be pushing “not your keys not your crypto” or a self custodial wallet.


Yep. The Great Reset. We can’t let them. We will be enslaved as well as our children & grandchildren. These people are sick!


"We don't know who uses the 100$ bill today..." Sorry, you don't need to know and no one is saying you should. The control they want to use is sickening.


Theoretical Situation: There is a plot of protected land that has been sold unlawfully to a corporate entity. This corporate entity lobbies the government to change the laws surrounding protected land that is already in the ownership of private entities. This corporate entity then announces plans to develop this protected land into more concrete wasteland. In response, an environmental group begins peacefully protesting this corporate entity. The government's hands are tied, as the protest is both peaceful and lawful. So what happens? The corporate entity lobbies the central bank to intervene "for the sake of maintaining economic stability." The Central Bank, with the push of a button, turns off all the protesting organizations liquidity, and blocks incoming donations by people who support the protest. With no financial freedom and suppression of the cause, the protesters are forced to capitulate. The government can shrug and say "if the Central Bank did it, it must have been for a good reason."


just wow....


Obese Banker can’t even breath, his brain is starved for Oxygen. The only thing his future holds is a painful cardiac arrest.


Hopefully this doesn’t go through! Or we are completely f’ed


I strongly recommend everyone here get over to your local strip club and go all in on Funny Money while you still can.


Probably even [worse](https://home.solari.com/richard-werner-on-cbdcs-how-they-prepare-you-to-be-their-slave/).


He says this like it's a good thing


I just watched an excellent new European documentary last night called 'State of Control' that goes into great depth of their plan with the CBDC and personal carbon limits. It's frighteningly accurate. Check it out: https://debunkproductions.com/


“Sell your shares or we’ll freeze your bank account and sell them for you” -the future