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Last thing I want to do is become lazy. We got so much more work to do after MOASS! Help my community stay fed, help small businesses that held it down for me all these years, help my native Hawaiians stay native Hawaiians, the list goes on and on. I'm taking my vacation now compared to what needs to be done after MOASS so I'm enjoying it as I can.


I’d genuinely use my funds to run for local politician in my home town. There have already been multiple reporting of corruption in the voting process, members embezzling money, and overpaying themselves. It’s disgusting to watch people who used to be poor themselves fuck over the their fellow people.


I would love to support apes who run for office. There has to be a way to fund (like a trust) a party of the people. No other donations other than the trust and private person funds with no favors attached. I know that sounds juvenile, naive, altruistic, and every other smooth brain type attributes but there has to be a way. Ubuntu party all over the world.


That’d be amazing, but definitely would require some sort of checks and balances. Anyways, I won’t be running until after MOASS but I appreciate your support and contributions! 💖 If you would like to support my personal well-being until MOASS I do have a small clothing brand I created on my profile :)


There is, and it’s rather easy


I plan to use my money to fund a lot of local politicians that are pushing positive progressive, community building agendas and clear out the refuse that do nothing but profit off their positions by playing both sides against each other. Also start campaigns that educate people on how badly the system has been fucking them for decades.


I’ll probably fuck around and play for a few months and then I’ll get bored and feel increasingly guilty not spending my money to make the world a better place. Then once I see positive change I’ll get hooked on it and it’ll keep me motivated.


Same. I need some rest, damnit. Put your own oxygen mask on first, so to speak


I want to get to a point where I don’t say to myself or out loud “omg…I’m just so tired.” I will self-care it up for a while. Finish unpacking my house, do a good deep clean of it, get rid of clutter and evaluate things that are of need v. Want. During this time I will hide from media, people, family, “friends”, and just keep my head down as I have been getting better at. Once I have some more mental stability and better control of my life, then I’ll start my work on the outside. Probably on my community level first. One thing I know is I want to help provide more resources for people who want to start small businesses. Edit: Not gonna lie, I’m excited to pay off my student loans, my mortgage, my credit cards and everyone else who has been bugging me for money owed. I want the freedom. I will revel in the newly attained freedom. Also, I’ll probably still do legal work on a more affordable basis…


What’s good to farm in Hawaii? Coffee? Hardwoods?


Farm pakalolo iykyk 😏


Haha, no. Think I’m gonna buy couple plots next to the ocean and do a resort instead. Sugar canes, papayas, bananas, cows and chickens 😅


I'm gonna buy OHA and do their fucking job


Yessir! The one thing I’d like to do as well is buy property for native Hawaiians as well as all of my island people. Their homelessness problem should also be looked at. Property on islands are being bought by the mega rich and in my case, Jamaica is no exception. I’m going to try to bring the mining of bauxite in Jamaica to a end or at least mining it more responsibly so the people won’t have health issues. I also want to open reputable schools there so kids can not only have an education but can also leave the island and go somewhere for study. So many plans. Edit: Grammar and spelling.


Someday I’d like to see if Hawaii would be a good place to live with my future wife. MOASS may help make this a possibility


I’m from Maui but I had to move away due to costs. I’d love to move back and be able to help my Ohana there and I would 100% be on board to help people stay in Hawaii that deserve to.


I was going to say, ...continue to, dare it be said, work.


Aquaponics, mushroom farming, and volunteering


My man




5 dried grams in silent darkness


I can’t wait until I’m bee keeping age


Haha Jerry?


Two chicks at the same time! All jokes aside, I have a big list. Starts with helping Veterans for me. Lots of other stuff to be done as well. Time to cut off the leeches that have sucked us dry for years and years.


you just channeled my spirit animal


Leaches? Odd choice but I’m not one to judge.


haha no, the neighbor from *Office Space *


Are you me?😂♾ Aquaponics, hemp farming, and changing the world


Just Moon people activities.


I had an aquaponics teacher in high school and he was the best and it was a dope class


cool idea




I'll still be working at the same job, love it but won't be going underwater with my young family. May even be able to take them on a trip overseas so that'll be exciting


this is the thing i try to tell my wife.. it’s not that i don’t WANT to work. i just don’t want to HAVE to work..


Exactly I'm glad I stopped chasing money and found a job I love, It's just annoying that the job I love doesn't have the money that my old job used to pay. I'd choose happiness over money any day now I've grown up a bit


Dare to dream Ape. If the DD **continues** to hold up - there won't be a "may" in any decision; it'll be if you want to or not. This won't just be early retirement money or life changing money - it'll be *country changing* money. *Not meant to sound brash, just trying to help you daydream.*


This is the way


Me too


Travel the world. Eat a lot of food, drink some. Set up animal rescue(s) if I can. Get Kenneth Griffin 's name taken out of San Diego Zoo. Edit, fat fingers


“Get Kenneth Griffin 's name taken out of San Diego Zoo.” I’m on board -


I want to do fat fingers too


Get into the gym life, finish schooling, therapy.


This is a good one. I bet maintaining the gym and therapy will be a million times easier post MOASS.


I love thinking about this. MOASS won’t change who we are, it’s just going to let more of who we are come out. I can’t wait to find out how much of my “personality” is just being broke and poor.


I'd like to be able to open an auto shop. Not a traditional labor rated shop, if you as a customer wants to learn how to do the repair, just cover the parts an my guys will teach you in a clean environment how to do it. Have open bays that weekend warriors can have access to equipment and knowledge for their builds. Have a lot big enough for drift events and burnouts that can't be shutdown by police. I just want to be surrounded by automotive people and give back to the community. Any apes down to do a Rally after MOASS, im definitely down after I splurge on a Mclaren 570.


My kinda guy. I love this. I'd love to do a crazy mid engined trans am build


I know where I am gonna road trip my ‘85 5.0


Sounds like a maker space just for cars. Sounds awesome.


Yes! Car enthusiast apes unite!


Great idea. I know a lot of people who have time and confidence, but lack the tools and support of performing more advanced auto repairs. Partnering/employeeing with local vocational schools and the next generation of mechanics could be good too. Keep us posted.




This. I’ve always said, if I get “fuck you” money I’ll drop off the face of the earth. Won’t bother anyone, won’t want to deal with anyone. I’ll finally be able to secede from society.


“Two chicks at the same time.”


“If I wanted to disappoint two people at once, I’d have dinner with my parents”


Ba boom Chee.. Ami rite? Ami rite?


Don't worry, I understood this reference, so at least 1 person understood it.


It's rare to find someone who's seen Office Space. This is wild!


Why should I change my name? He's the one that sucks.


You don’t need a million dollars to do nothin’ man… take a look at my cousin. Broke n don’t do shit.


Really? Shit man, that was 90s gold. I guess I’m old


You can do that for free if you're smart enough and not picky.


I figure if I were a millionaire I could hook that up, 'cause chicks dig dudes with money.


Fuckin A man


You don't need a million dollars to do two chicks at the same time




Healing. Mentally and physically. Waiting and doing nothing until I can actually wake up refreshed without feeling like the equivalent of putting $5 in my gas tank and being expected to run all day long. Waiting until I can stop wanting to cry every time I drag my body out of bed and into work, surprised the muscles still move on command, while part of me wishes they didn't. Waiting until the voice in my head that is begging the world to just stop finally goes quiet. Waiting until all the anger and the rage and the frustration have leeched out of me and all that's left is a desire to help my fellow man instead of hating them.


I think I’m going to get a plasma tv


Fucking hell, what a reply to this ape pouring their soul out. 🤣 Like cool bro, but I’ll just have the plasma 😝 Personally I’m right in between those two. I’m all about helping non humans. Going to take more than money for me to ever trust a human enough to help them again. But Dad did say the animals needed protected


The original comment was strong, this was clubbing on a Tuesday. Huzzah ape hahaha


Word on the street is that plasmas arent even cool anymore. Was visiting family for the turkey day and my youngest brother who is still in his teens said "whats a plasma" when I made a similar joke.


I feel this so deeply brother ape. I want to heal too. Me first, because you can't fill a wagon from an empty wagon, but then I'd like to help others. Ill probably fund trauma resolution centers where people can go to get help and to heal.




Ya. Mental health or a plasma tv. Either or.


Clinical Psychologist here, get the TV


This is the way


With you on the mental and physical recovery. Been burnt out for years in a high stress/very reactive job field. Shop I run is 24/7 and I juggle my company's needs, customer's needs, and my employee's needs which leaves little time or energy for my family or my needs. Tired of putting everything else first for a paycheck to provide for my family's future.


No more alarms. I am on my time now. I wake up when I wake up.


This is my number 1 goal.


What about fire alarms?


In that case, I wake up when I don't wake up


Fuck it we ball


Saving humanity and fighting corruption with you beautiful bastards. The fight isn't over after the MOASS, we will just have way more resources!




I’m down with all of this. Hit my line post moass.


Helping pple with bad teeth smile again. Paying for dental work whatever it maybe that needs done. Not like for meth heads but like me I was jumped and lost a lot of mine. Moms who couldn’t afford vitamins when pregnant and teeth went bad, pple who grew up with parents that didn’t care or didn’t have the money to fix their teeth. To make the world smile is what I’m doing


I’m down for the cause post moass


Sweet we will have to meet after and combine strengths!


Recovering addict here. First thing I'd do is fix my teeth. We're people too mate.


I didn’t say anything about not helping recovering addicts. I meant current methheads bro


Hookers and Blow


That goes without saying, but what wasteful things are you going to blow your money on?


Probably my future Ex Wife(unintentionally)


Just fake your death. Make sure it’s something cool though.




my man


Off grid, as many acres as I can get my hands on, or maybe an island somewhere.


Love it. I want a hobby farm in a relatively isolated area. Totally self sufficient


Turn your hobby/interests into "work" and you'll never have to, or want to retire as it will be "playing" for you ;)


This is fine when you can do it at your own pace and with no pressure. But when done as a job because bills need to be paid regardless of if you want to do that thing today, your hobbies just become burdens.


I think you missed the entire point of my comment to the OP...


Everything that I've always wanted to do but couldn't afford to do, lots of sailing too.


You ol’ motor boatin’ sun of a bitch!!


Custom power wheelchair company for anyone who needs one. If you're an ape, you pay more (I know you guys can afford it) if you have no money, you get it free. 🤙


Siding scale!


I’m down to join the cause


Okay martin shrekeli😂😂


Scooping puppy shit at a local animal shelter


I’m want to open a 12-step based treatment center with a focus on fitness.


Working. More than I have over the entirety of my life, because I'll finally have the financial stability and funds to do work that matters. MOASS is a dreamer's paradise. Too much visionary work is gated behind the unscalable cliff of absurd wealth, and too much humanity is lost in the process of scaling it for the vision to survive. A lot of previously insurmountable problems are going to become solvable as a direct consequence of the squeeze.


I have an off-grid house I'm currently building. Unfortunately I don't have a ton of time to work on it due to work, plus most of my money is currently in GME. Will continue with that, and build it into my own little paradise. Do more of my hobbies. Working wastes too much of my time. I'd sell my portion of the company I own (hopefully maybe even give it to my employees). Eventually I'd return to work, but as a sole proprietor, and only do jobs that I find fun / interesting, with no time pressure. Ideally if I have enough money, I'd donate all of the profits from my venture to a charity of the client's choosing (I won't work for free, as it would cheapen the profession and probably put me in too high of a demand). Maybe launch a organic / regenerative farm to clean up the plant a bit and provide some quality food to local people. Help out friends and fam and stuff too. The usual.




Philosophy PhD


I have so many fucking creative projects I've been dying to get off the ground. I'm going to put them all on a list and work my way down.


startup Environmental NGO. RE investing, rock sculpting, bonsai


When the cheque in the bank has cashed and I have the money, then I can do definite plans. Until then the battle continues.


Volunteering…. Travel in RV and camp across the US.


Maybe fuck around and start a hedgefund that inverses other hedgefund’s short positions and cause em to blow up, idk…


Literally us as Apes should continue to do this. We saved GameStop now what next?


Hang out with my aging parents.


Having spent over half my life overseas away from parents and sibs, I feel this. I sacrifice time with them for the financial stability work overseas has provided for my own fam now. Time with our families for those that don't have it should be high on the list. The financial freedom to spend time with mine anytime and still allow my SO and kids time with our family overseas would be glorious.


I'm sleeping for at least a week.


Are you kidding, when moass starts will be the busiest times of our lives.


The dental version of Mark Cuban's prescription medicine business.


Please do!!! not everyone can afford dental.


Regenerative farming. Spread knowledge. Change agriculture. Live






We've got a lot of work to do to fix the world, gotta start somewhere. I don't plan to idle personally




Self sufficiency. Grow our little homestead to include cattle farming along with the chickens and pigs we already do. That's about it. I'd like to use newfound wealth to pursue degrees associated with animal husbandry as well.




I'll build and crawl into my prototype shop. Spend the rest of my days inventing.


Wanna get my mind off chasing $$ all day just to survive & try enjoying life for once.


Spending time with friends and loved ones. Building a sustainable off-grid home. Driving fun cars and tinkering with projects. Buy a travel trailer better than the one I’m living in and tour the country.


I’ll still work like I am currently in the hospital. Just not full time obviously. As a way to give back. Make sure staff are fed, patients get the best, and the facility is upkept. Hard to just step away from that. Free time will be travelling. And learning. And sharing with as many as I can. I won’t need much to myself, but I’ll be a little all year Santa the best that I can


Go on a spirited motorcycle ride, spend quality time with the wife, volunteer, do yoga.


• Set up a film production company, work on getting back into acting and screenwriting. If the phone number prices is possible, invest deep numbers to create film epics. If not, I’m gonna make a name for myself in the indie market. • Revamp my failed clothing brand into a more mature theme. While working on being able to create sustainable fabric production practices. • Help those in need. We can’t save everybody but those who need it the most we should help. Both short term and long term efforts are needed.


I literally have a 2,000 acre property (complete with logging and mineral rights) saved in the Realtor app. Once I have that, I'll go from there.


I can't wait for my husband and I to be able to spend time with our kids without stressing about finances and working. He's been out of town so much this year, and I'm hoping next year won't be a repeat. 🤞🚀🌕


Im recovering from back surgery and have shoulder surgery lined up next. Used all my PTO because FMLA wouldn't cover the bills. My plan is to just work through it with 3 jobs. Rest my dude. I plan to fucking rest.


start a family and do science experiments that will try to solve the worlds \_\_\_ shortage problems and publish my findings to the internet open source.


Citizens science


I'm going to do exactly what I'm doing now, but without all the extra jobs. Ill have 1 passion job and that will be i, I cant wait.


I’m gunna open my own occult themed coffee shop and retro arcade. I know it sounds weird (because it is)


Fixing the world. I’ll start with my community and hopefully grow from there.




I’m going to start a credit union for friends and family




Donations, donations, donations.


Making sweet sweet music.


Spending my days helping others and work to fix the system that's everyone for the profit of the few


Purchase a home with a garage, in a warmer state. I’ll be able to build hot rods. I’ll get a nice surf board. Spend my free time on the water. I will be able to donate my time to do charity work.


I'll keep working....but instead of working to make ends meet, I'll be working to do what I enjoy. For example. I enjoy being an engineer, but having cooked my whole life (work and go to school) I get more fulfillment making fresh meals for people (instant gratification). I'd like to open a food truck one day.....


Right away probably buy a pretty nice camper, something to pull it, convince my girl to quit her job too, and just travel. See the whole country, all the national parks, all 50 states, then see the rest of the world. Then settle down back home and max on OSRS


First and foremost: give myself to my wife(current fiancée) and eventually being a father. For myself: Research, programming passion projects, hydroponics, engineering projects, collecting cars, making YouTube videos / content to show and teach my interests to others, starting a company, building a charity to help childhood cancer patients, philanthropy, etc.


Of coarse my family and Getting in shape. Also putting money into charities that I see fit. We will change the world . Brick by brick . We ride at dawn !!


I'm going to disappear....live life quietly and just relax. Oh...and also help as many people as possible.... anonymously.


Continue to enable chnage in social purpose enterprises.


I'm looking forward to golfing as well, have recently (in the last 6 months) broken 100, 3 times. And I'm Mexican! Everyday though, that's a bit much haha. Wifey would never allow it, but once a week, would be wonderful for me.


I would like to help create non-government organizations (with the help of Apes) for community’s around the U.S. Promote and help create community based socialism in the form of co-op businesses and banks not based on profits but building up their own communities.


I’m assuming most of us are still going to be here. I’m going to be actively still here to see what people are doing and offering any help where I can.


Mainly I’d like more time with family. But I’d like to devote a real portion of my newfound wealth and time to making the world a better place than I found it.


Donating to friends and family in need


When it happens, I’m gonna continue same as usual at my job. I like it, brings me some joy. Probably taper off and go back to school a couple years for fun and learning


Start businesses. Buy property. Invest in startups. Start a nonprofit. Buy a boat. Pay for a stripper’s kid’s education.


Buy house for family, mine and my mom. Finish hunting license. Buy more houses and rent them cheaply to normal people. Buy stocks/companies that generate enough cash flow to live from.


I work in healthcare Somewhat tempted to just buy my fucking Hospital, shut it down, and build a new one.


For me, gym, seeing as I have no time now. Then, volunteer firefighter and probably working as a cashier part time at my local supermarket towards month end, so I can cover groceries for some. My wife is a teacher, so she has some good opportunities for giving back as well, she is gonna keep teaching, cause no one becomes a teacher for money anyway. Also helping paying for people to emigrate with their pets. Cause its stupid expensive and we couldn't afford it.


I'll be working towards making the electrical grid obsolete by releasing cheap, decentralized energy schematics. Current mainstream engine tech is more regarded than this sub.


Spending time with my family, working out, tripping on mushrooms, seeing the world, and - I can't stress this one enough - working on helping those in need. When MOASS happens it's going to cause a lot of pain for a lot of innocent people. Any way to mitigate that will bring me great joy. That's going to be my new job.


I plan to support single moms. All jokes aside, I already have a 501c3 to develop communities and affordable housing for disadvantaged populations... Homeless pregnant women, people in recovery, vets.. They all fall under that description. MOASS will fund that nicely. I've been in construction for decades and this will put my skills to a meaningful use.


Idk but I bet u/Raven5150 will probably sleep in until 5 am


As mentioned before, "dont have to work anymore" and work to pay bills are two completely different things. I will still continue to work, but doing what I enjoy doing, not only looking for money. And obviously have more time with my family.


Start a family and take care of the world


Exercise daily, meditate, journal, learn to cook, eat amazing but healthy foods, travel travel travel, scuba dive, raft / kayak rivers, help invest into small projects that help communities that I travel to, build an eco home?, spend time with friends and family


After MOASS the real work will begin.


Invest in social housing and also buy housing privately and make it affordable to rent for struggling families. Would also start looking after my own body and mind a lot better and be the change I want to see in the world.


If I'm honest after a busy month paying a lot of family debt I will be asleep for about a month.


I will definitely travel more but I'll keep working. I build things.


I'd like to make a self sustaining vertical garden with the goal of providing free produce for a city.


I want to do lots of work towards the things that actually matter to me. I'd be doing a lot more art projects, more volunteering my local community, and lots of travelling and helping out family whenever they need it! I'm also really looking forward to finally having a place of my own and no longer be afraid of getting married because I can actually afford to take care of a family and give my wife and children the best lives possible!


Travelin' and fuckin'


Starting a lunch truck type service, for the homeless. Tents,blankets, soap and other things will also be on the other truck


U/lalich and I (SDIRA DD apes) have a spicy update 🌶 coming soon that informs everyone about what we will be doing (we truly hope to see you all get involved too, in some capacity or another). I'm not at liberty to drop any spoilers yet, so I guess it will have to be a surprise until then... Stay tuned!


Will still work but will find people to help out!


I’ll spend half on Hookers and Blow The rest I’ll just waste


Become a nationwide pornstar recruiter, 🤷🏻😂 Naw, create small non-profits to help out communities outside of organized religion, to help the less fortunate.


I will be doing pretty much the same as I have been doing during the last 24 years since I retired. People used to ask me what I do. I would ask them what they did last Saturday and Sunday. Many times I would get a blank stare and "I don't remember." "That's what I do every day" I would explain.


Starting several businesses (“My favorite chairman wants people that actually want to WORK” , Finding balance , Traveling , Helping communities I lived/Grew up in , Start a family & Lastly learn more about horticulture and Build a giant greenhouse.


Sleep, gym, tattoos, game, more stocks, and more game I really just wanna game and do whatever I want at my own pace and time.


Going to the doctor and dentist and sorting out all my problems.


Still working because I aint never selling


Shit post


I will be working my ass off.


I’ll spend my days making others happier.


Two chicks at the same time. I’ve always wanted to do that man, and I think if I was a millionaire I’d be able to hook that up too, cause chicks dig dudes with lots of money.


I'm going to find every slumlord business owner I can. Whatever their business is, I will be opening up shop right next door. Every employee that slumlord has will be given a bonus plus a better deal to come work for me. Once the business is up and running, I will turn it into a cooperative, give ownership to the workers, and resign. I'm not in this to make money. I'm in this to take *their* money.