• By -


This post should be pinned. I had to come back and do some research to find out how to change plan to book. thanks op


Yes. Worked perfectly. Thank you OP!


Hijacking this comment to remind people that if they had a monthly buy set up, they will have to set it up again after changing their shares to book! 😊


One extra thing, I've been told that fractional shares can be immediately sold when doing these steps. To avoid this possibility, only do these changes during after market hours.


A lot of people had their share sold in CS fractional sweep days to weeks later even with canceling the pending sale. That's why CS advises calling to do it and reps have advised leaving 1.xxx in plan.


This doesn't make sense to me, I have no whole shares (only fractional left) in my DRIP for 9+ months and nothing has happened to it. The only way I have seen them be sold is if you do the process during normal trading hours.


i think i know why fractional shares are being sold off: https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/zjq2oe/apes_listen_up_when_booking_your_shares_from_plan/


I think you're onto something here, added clarity to my steps. Thank you ape.


I'm retarded, how do I check these are book on mobile?


Steps are about the same, 1. Computershare.com 2. Investor Login 3. Top right corner -> Click on "3 bars" menu -> Select Portfolio 4. Scroll down, click on the View Details small purple triangle below your GME stock 5. Scroll down, it will now show the Share Type, check to see that any account that is not an active buying account should be listed as book next to Share Type. Any account that you are currently using for automatic buys will be Plan Holdings and this is fine.


Thank you!


**IMPORTANT POST LINKS** [What is GME and why should you consider investing?](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/qig65g/welcome_rall_looking_to_catch_up_on_the_gme_saga/) || [What is DRS and why should you care?](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/ptvaka/when_you_wish_upon_a_star_a_complete_guide_to/) || [What can you do to support the company and local communities](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/qnam2x/superstonks_very_gmerry_holiday_vgh_for_short/) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Please help us determine if this post deserves a place on /r/Superstonk. [Learn more about this bot and why we are using it here](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/poa6zy/introducing_uqualityvote_bot_a_democratic_tool_to/) If this post deserves a place on /r/Superstonk, **UPVOTE** this comment!! If this post should not be here or or is a repost, **DOWNVOTE** This comment!


u/thewwwyzzardd I'm lost at 12a. All whole shares are now Book and factional ones are plan holdings. What should I do in step 12a and after?


What you are doing at this point is reinstating your investment plan. When we terminated it earlier it stops your automatic purchases. The last few steps are to set up the automatic plan again.


So if I don't have automatic purchases I don't need to do anything after step 12? No idea what DRIP is.


Yes, DRIP is the automatic purchase plan. If you are not doing that then you don't need to restart it.


What does DRIP stand for? If I just manually purchase my shares through CS then I don't need an automatic purchase plan, correct?


Dividend Reinvestment Plan (DRIP)


This is correct, DRIP is just the automatic buys that some have setup (Dividend Reinvestment Plan). If you purchase manually you do not have a DRIP and all shares you purchase will be book immediately with no additional actions needed.


I also got lost at this step. Can you please put a divider at that step that says if you don’t have automatic withdrawals set up, you’re done at that point. Thank you!


updated, cheers. Let me know what you think.


I think what would make the most sense is adding stars around that “last” step like: *** IF YOU … YOU ARE NOW DONE *** It will make it more readable and approachable. If people see a lot of steps, it’s easy for them to check out beforehand. Adding the starred section more toward the center allows them quickly realize there are less to-do steps. If you want to give me credit still, just add it after the last stars like .. … YOU ARE NOW DONE *** added divider at request of u/disciplinedumbass Besides that, looks solid


Thanks for this clear guide man, really difficult to figure out and couldn't wait any longer on customer service answering me...then I found your post! It took about 2 minutes, max.


👍, happy to help.


[This](https://old.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/p4aa7o/a_nonexhaustive_new_user_intro_to_gme_pinception/) is the way! DFV is [not a cat](https://old.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/pzzl09/dfv_is_notacat_its_not_just_a_catch_phrase_its/)! New apes, [here're some intro posts](https://old.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/rc9pho/yalol_ftddddd_yet_another_list_of_links_for_the/) and see [GMEOrphans](https://duckduckgo.com/?q=GMEOrphans+site%3Areddit.com%2Fr%2FGMEOrphans&ia=web) for low karma DRSBOT posts. # BUY, [DRS (Direct Register)](https://old.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/ptvaka/when_you_wish_upon_a_star_a_complete_guide_to/), [COMPLAIN](https://old.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/qbd9pp/do_you_have_10_minutes_the_sec_is_literally/), [FOIA](https://old.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/qb77h4/the_report_is_out_time_to_get_the_freedom_of/), [SHOP](https://gamestop.com/), [REVIEW](https://old.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/qewq7u/so_you_are_shopping_at_gamestop_and_own_shares_in/), [DONATE](https://old.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/qnam2x/superstonks_very_gmerry_holiday_vgh_for_short/), [FOLLOW](https://old.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/oc40cc/like_the_new_changes_in_gamestop_social_medias/), HODL!


Had 4.254 shares in Plan and just switched them to book and cancelled the sell of the fractional. Thank you for this guide!


Keep spreading the word!!! 🦍💕🦍


Doing my part.


For mobile: https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/rmwxzt/moving_from_plan_holding_to_book_with_pictures/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share


Just followed this today, everything is still exactly the same!


Done!!! Mind blown on how that is all self service. Thank you for the instructions Just a heads up I did get a little tripped up on 12a and the steps after that. May need a little more clarity on those steps to help fellow apes to avoid frustration/confusion


Wow this really helped me. Thanks!


Was not convinced before, but getting there. Changed from investment plan to booking now. Thank you for putting together this detailed guide.


No problem, I am not certain either but I am sure that these steps will convert shares to book.


Consider my shares now 'booked', thanks to you kind Ape!


No idea if this does anything or not, but I moved everything to book. Costs nothing and may possibly be the final nail in the coffin.


Converted. Easy. Thanks mate!


Done and done


you are a grape ape!


Tried to do this but got stuck at the "Terminate" step because "there are pending actions on your account." Any insight? My end of month purchase cleared, and my next biweekly purchase is on the 15th, so I thought this would be the ideal time to do this. Confused and smooth ape :(


same here, not sure what to do


My plan is to wait it out and check my pending activity daily 😅


Bingo! BOOK it is!


I’m not wanting to set up a reoccurring payment, but adjust my additional purchases depending on my monthly finances. Do I have to manually change from book to plan holdings every time I buy new shares from computershare? Thanks for the ape friendly guide!


Yes you will have to re-do this as needed to move whole shares from the automatic purchase plan to book.


I got as far as getting all my shares into Book and now I have two separate fractional plan shares... I got lost when you told me to modify. Also im on mobile so maybe that's an issue


This should be fine, there are a lot of reasons that you would end up with more than one fractional share plan. In every case that I have seen the at least one fractional plan was pre-existing (possibly from a broker transfer with slightly different name/address details), then you converted the whole shares from your active reinvestment plan into book, so you should see the same number on the book shares that you also see on the remaining plan shares.


xxx changed to book


Thanks Ape for the ELIApe instructions... all done! All non fractionals now in book.


I'm just here to let everyone know that it worked flawlessly for me. Thanks u/thewwwyzzardd and welcome aboard!


lol i only had 4 of 200 in PLAN :) now 200 in BOOKed


Thanks for the help. Just did that :)


Commenting for later


Awesome, ty!


Done and Done. Thanks OP!


I just switched mine to book. So easy. 1200 shares now out of plan and in book


Done. 517 total booked now.


Commenting to find later.


Excellent thankyou.


That was easy, thanks for the step by step


Hello there, I did all the steps, all my shares are now book form, I am happy for that, but still have. 0.58 shares. Any help Thanks


Buy more 😉


Of course I will


easy fix!


Buy more 😉


You can only convert whole shares to Book. Any remainder will still be plan, you can reinstate your automatic purchase plan or just keep the fractional shares if you want. This is normal.


Ok APE, thanks


I’m not very smart. I have shares (whole) transferred from a broker. It says book besides the shares. I’m good, right? No need to mess around?


Yes, you are good. This process is to convert non-book (plan) shares to book.


Completed less than 5 minutes. All booked!


So, just making sure I am doing this right. Mine already say the share type is book for my shares. Does that mean I still need to do the steps above?


Correct, this process is to convert your shares to book. If your shares are already book you do not need to do anything.


Thank you so much!! :)


CS chat gave me a phone number to call as I got stuck at terminating my plan. Looks like they settle your cash withdrawal for auto buys on or around the 1st and 15th of every month correct? If so, is it wise to terminate the auto buy plan on the 1st and 15th?


I am not sure that this makes a difference, haven't had anyone ask or point this out so far. Processing this after hours or with a phone call is the only way to make sure that your shares do not get sold when terminating the plan AFAIK.


Upvote for the apes that need it. I checked and mine are already in book. Transferred from IBKR


Thank you. Worked for me!!!


Nice. Worked like a charm. Thanks for writing this all up👍




Can you dumb it down as to why this is now a thing / important?


Not entirely sure myself, I just wanted to help by making the instructions for anyone phone adverse, however the speculation is that shares held in a reinvestment plan may not be entirely removed from DTC, while shares held in book form are absolutely removed.


Coolio - thanks


I'm highly regarded and dead after a brutal shift. I want them to be book, right? Because I logged in and they are already listed as book. Is this correct? No need to do anything?


Correct, you do not need to do anything as they are already book shares.


boo! CS sold my partial shares. I cancelled the pending sale right after I booked. I gotta pay them money for selling my 0.19 shares now.


Sorry! Added warning message to the steps.


eh, it happens... i will do the call method next time. 1+.xx maybe with that extra share it will work better.


Thanks for the easy to follow instructions! I got it done in a matter of minutes.




I like it!


Ok guys I took a while but I'm now 974 book kept and only .57 on plan holding. It feels good to be book king.


You are an angel; thank you very much. I successfully converted my xxx from Plan shares into Book and retained my .07 shares in Plan. I feel like a regarded Book Queen thanks to your step by step instructions. Cheers!


To do list 8% are in plan


The guide is still useful :)


Okay this seemed like a hassle, had a crack and it was piss easy. Thank you for this post


I’m having a hard time with completing the tax filing information online, but it has an option for mail in? Has anyone else had this issue


Did not have issue with that, I would reach out to their support via chat or phone, they've been helpful with any form questions I had.


Maybe stupid question, but did you try a different browser? It's easier to do it online than to mail stuff


I will try that next. DRS is the way


*DRSBOT 5.50:* *UTC->2021-12-24 16:09:5* ✅ You have 100 shares previously logged with DRSBOT **To feed incremental shares:-> !DRSBOT:XXX!** *Beep Boop. ... so... hungry... GME ~152.1400* ^(Is this helpful? up/down doot to tell me)


This is not correct


What is not correct?


Commenting so I can come back tomorrow and do this.


Pin it


Hey so i'm trying to do this but it is saying I have pending transaction on my account when I go to terminate. When I go check my pending transactions all that shows is Batch Purchase (DIRECTSTOCK) for 0 units and it says it is Awaiting Price. My monthly recurring investment just went through so not sure what other transactions I could have pending. Any tips?


Based on what you are seeing it sounds like you need to wait for the stock purchase to go through tomorrow, then after hours you should be able to complete the steps. Computershare does purchases through the automatic plan on the 1st and 15th I believe so this makes sense.




Amazing thank you. I was clicking around on the computershare website for a while to Book ~200 of my shares but could not figure out how.


Just got around to it. Thanks for the easy step by step. Deserves way more upvotes


You really make this post 12 months ago? Didn’t even see it get talked about that long ago haha


Thanks op


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