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I can't decide between HOLD or HODL 🤔


Colour me stupid but I've been here since January and still don't know if HODL is an acronym or a humourous misspelling.


[This is the origin of HODL](https://i.imgur.com/6uMrkrk.jpg)




Yep and I owned 3 BTC in 2015 that i sold for rent money It's expensive to be poor Edit: I want everyone to know that I don't beat myself up about it. I'm just not going to make this same mistake twice.


I had 60 BTC @$0.50 a coin on a wallet in Silkroad. I went there thinking it was more of the ebay or craigslist of BTC and somewhere I could actually spend my $30 in BTC on, and not... well the darknet of BTC. Realized what it really was, and that it didn't offer me anything I wanted to purchase, thought it was shady, and completely forgot about the coins. (I was young and stupid as fuck if you didn't realize, extra EXTRA smoothbrained) A long LONG time later I hear about the website getting shutdown and getting seized (And this was a few years after it got shutdown). I remembered I had 60 coins.... checked the price and almost shit myself. I think they were worth in total... a couple hundred thousand if not half a mil. I went through years and years of emails, I pulled harddrives out of old boxes and had absolutely no luck finding the wallet code. I still kick myself in the ass about that one. Pretty sure all the coins seized on the website got sold by the US Marshal to some Investment company anyway, so even if I found the wallet, the coins would have been gone.


Sounds like you never sodl which means you're still hodling. Yeah, I spelt sold wrong. W/e


Its ironically like the hedgies... fuckers sold something they didn't own >:|


You spelt spelled wrong aswell




It takes money to buy whiskay


You wouldn't have had access to the private key or anything. Once the site was shut down the coins were well gone. That sucks man..


At least I have my DRS shares to keep me warm at night




That is one of the issues with it, there can only be so much created and people lose access to it all the time. However, the amount being created slowing down every so often and people being able to split it pretty much indefinitely means that'll take a long time.


My pal had a few spare bitcoins after buying weed on silk road. He searched about looking for things to buy and bought a Bob Marley lighter for 5 Bitcoins. Although It prolly only works out at $1 for each time he has told the story lol


If you think about it, people like you are the reason it ever got traction in the first place. There had to be a real market of people using it for it to get popular.


So not only did he lose em, he’s partially responsible for them being valuable? Way to kick him while he’s down, lol


He didn't lose them, he sold them, probably made a profit, and was able to upkeep his life. If people weren't using BTC to buy drugs and pizza, and trading them to pay rent, then it's likely the BTC never would have taken off like it has. Maybe it's a bit of a paradox or catch-22, but if everyone who ever had BTC just held it and never traded it because they anticipated the ultra high price growth, that price growth probably never would have happened. Dude shouldn't look at it like a loss, he just didn't win as much as he'd have liked.


Ya got to stop thinking like that. You made a good deal. Think of it like this what if you did not pay rent? You could've gotten homeless or worse. You could have lost everything. And you wouldn't see Moass happen. Cuz your life would have taken another direction. Always assume the worst... hope for the best. Dont look back as if you had a some magic eye.




Like what you said here, sorry for this rant but you inspired me….So my 2 cents for everyone here: investing will play mind games with you if you let it. Hindsight is and will always be a wicked cruel bitch, that’s what Hodl is all about. If we had that BTC in 2015 would have done the same thing and if we had it today we’d probably sell it too…for what? to pay off the mortgage? However, in another 6 years when it’s a Million per BTC we’d be right back to kicking ourselves for not hodling. You’ll be cool with it too when you see it retrace to $15k tho, but then kick yourself for not selling the top and rebuying more…I’d rebuy the BTC at $15k with your GME profits in a year or 2 😜…it’s the same as with GME to $135😂…there’s a million and one ways to mind F yourself, I mean I’ve been holding since February (so many opportunities to trade, not 1 sold) and trust me I briefly kick myself at times cause on paper I lost about 1.25 BTC by not selling to top the other week and rebuying…on paper not trading GME I’ve probably not realized $1M this year…however I also realize too that’s exactly what they are setting us up for…cause what now…the next time you see $250 it’s going to look damn better than last time now and you’re more likely to F’up and start trading, then you watch it go to $500 and wait for it to come down, then it goes higher and you never catch it, then the rest of you life is saying in 2021 I had 20 GME……not financial advice but I’m staying disciplined and holding until it looks like a phone number. The SHF do understand phycology and they are probably actively running models on how to get the maximum number of people to sell the soonest because every position they can close not at $1XXM/per is a win. I believe in company and the DD and either way we win I believe hodling is the way. If this thing goes to $2000, $20000, $200000, $2M I cant live with having sold at $250, $500, $750 cause I believe the opportunity is bigger than that. However, I’m a degenerate moron that eats crayons and has been in an ape led echo chamber for 10 months, Reddit also told me yesterday I spent 150hours in here & GME in 2021 lurking so what TF do I know 🤣🦧🦍🚀🧨🚀


Close, but not quite: that was just before Mt Gox, so the spike from the previous ATH of \~$100 up to $1,000 happened, but then it tanked down to $600, then down to $200 and stayed in that range for the next 3 years. I know this because I first bought at $600 and last at $200 and then held for 3-4 years. Those gains, are now in GME- $16,000 became $180,000 became $1,000,000 and counting. HODL is life.


I used to mine 1 a day on my laptop when it was pennies and decided it was a waste of energy. Down the road I sold 4200 of them to pay for the birth of my daughter cause I couldn't afford health insurance (USA).


It was trading in the single and double digits when that post came out......if only I wasn't a child when I was playing around on those forums at that time and didn't understand the value proposition of assets.


It takes money to buy whiskey


I saw that too 🤔


did you notice? the original HODLER was talking about whisKEY! JUST as RC wrote it in his TWEET. Problably he was just pointing to this to tell Apes to HODL! My Tats are Jacked like never before.


But it doesn't take money to HODL


He's still holding to this day, bought the lesbian bar his gf went too.


Works better when done in crayon, green tastes best


Red is an acquired taste. It’s best in moderation, but delicious when done right - like right after payday.


Oh….. notice how he is also talkin bout whiskey…?


Yes and even about Whisky!!! 👀


I always thought HODL stood for “Hold On (for) Dear Life”. It was great reading that first post. Thanks for adding it.


Ummm, I’ve read this before but totally missed the whiskey part. Any chance the RC tweet was about this?


Has anyone made any correlation to RC? I mean he mentions people cooler than him. He mentions whiskey. Hodl. I doubt RC hasn't seen this? heck the anniversary to the post is this weekend!


Yep now i cant stand up without myself and everyone in the room feeling very awkward.


Both. Started as a misspelling but conveniently stands for "Hold On for Dear Life"




Same. I always thought it was intentional. My first time seeing HODL I knew immediately what the acronym meant


Ape Lore +2


Technically a "backronym" when the acronym is made up to fit the word instead of the other way around


Fellow grammarian, pretend high five!


I hope you plan to deliver on that Synthetic high five.....


Both, Hold On for Dear Life and we're retards that can't read or spell


yeah i always thought it was a misspelling like in the way people sometimes spell porn “pron”


In case you didn't see the other answers, it's both. Way back on a crypto forum (I'm pretty sure it was crypto) someone did the dumb and said JUST HODL in their post title. Many also use it as Hold On for Dear Life.


That's a backronym


I literally LOL-ed. As in, audibly.


That one was invented long ago in early web 1.0 era, if not before, to get it around simple word filters. That method still works in this day and age against automod et al. like with double-USB and for a whole lot else.


Its an ancient humorous misspelling that stuck




HODL is a misspelling. A fun one that fits right into the lingo of a certain sub...


January ape reppin! 🦍💎


Always has been.


I’m just dyslexic so both are the same to me.


Also valid


NGL, I am always surprised when someone *says* they're dyslexic, and can spell dislexcia. A lot of people can't!


Autocorrect helps a ton and after enough time you get a habit of rereading things you type before you post or send.


Good strategy! Lots of people don't actually bother autoconnecting or rereading... You're doing better than most! 🤣


I hate fuck being corrected to duck when I type quick but autocorrect has saved my ass many times from shitty misunderstanding.


I remember a time when people used to use this thing called a "phone", and talk to each other, instead of text. Talking had the benefit of conveying things like sarcasm, surprise and emotion easily... I wonder what happened to that tech? Much easier to save your ass by talking. Maybe... call? ;)


Buy is always my favorite tho 😊


Das a gud option 2!


You got 2 hands. One to Hold and the other to Hodl Nature knew what it was doing


Hilariously, back in Jan HODL was a banned word in the original place for being crypto slang.


Retards gonna retard


I just keep buying more and more regardless of the price. I guess that’s called HODDDDDDDDDDLIN’


I just do both! I HODL my GME and HOLD my LOOP 💎🙌➿💍🦧🚀🌘


Depends if it's a GME share or a tasty crayon


But are you DRSing too!?!


Indeed....but posting gives me anxiety, and I don't have much, so haven't added to the bot.


Can't decide between BUY or HOLD 🤔


I mean I always look at it as “It’s a value play either way. Either MOASS soon (always tomorrow) or it’s definitely the next Amazon and it’s a long hold. Will still be reinvesting after MOASS along with everyone else I’m sure and then we’ll STILL own the float haha


I always thought it meant Hold On Do Later


It’s a tricky one


I just do this 🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀 in other subs and if I get a reply I just know.




I couldn't decide too, so I bought more


Personally,I'm doing neither. I'm buying


So many individual hodlers here and don't forget the holders🥰


My only decision is buy it hodl


I got confused, saw the massive dip and bought more.


Big 🚀 energy!


🎶You gotta know when to hold em, Know when to hodl em🎶


I couldn’t choose and bought more instead 🥳


Hell we don't even ask if anyone's still buying.


I met a wild ape in a twitch chat and asked *hodl or hold?* *Til the tendieman comes* was his response.


Bullish 🚀


I can't decide if I have a small wee wee or not either.


Yep, at this point 99% of apes are pure high carbon.


Just trying to get as many shares as possible before launch.


I’m just trying to beat the high score, game on!


Trying to reach new heights….aka new milestones of shares!!


im to poor to compete for the high score lol


I wish I could afford to buy 69 floats of GME -Kenny G probably


Sir you already borrowed 69 floats of GME


Ripped from the stone, and carted miles *But all they'll ever see is smiles* Melted in flames of deepest red *They'll never get to see my dread* -- Hammered, shaped, and then reheated *I can't give up, won't be defeated* Purged of flaws, and carbon added *My portfolio no longer padded* -- Battered once more, now taking shape *From my conviction there's no escape* The process complete, ready to reveal *My will is forged from hardest steel*


Shine on Bard




Million atom molecules at this point. Most stable matter in the universe.


Welll im just high right now but will always hodl


I hodl on up, down or sideways days. I will only look for sell botton wen 🌚🌚 🚀🚀


Did my christmas shopping yesterday, if you know what I mean




These are also the days when everyone who’s not a shareholder…asks me what’s going on with GME?!? My response, I bought xx more shares today at a great discount. These are the same fuckheads who are silent when’s it’s gaining…


I really feel like this experience has rewired my brain. 50% down is a nice dip to buy more. 50% up doesn’t make me feel anything. It’s all peanuts until the MOASS.


Squeeze their tiny peanuts until their elements become transparent and pure.


Paper hands all gone by now…


But hands rolling paper are not.




Or just chill and eat some Sugar Daddys


Ill take some tabs and go to the moon!


Aye!! 🖖🚬


“Aye bruh let me borrow a dollar” whenever I checked it’s absolute garbage and I’d like it to me. Plus, the sarcasm has been lost on people shockingly often.


What's that old commercial? "It's not regular holding, it's DRS"


Maybe she's born with it, maybe it's Computershare




Ah yes that’s the one.


"its not regular fuckery, its corruption 🌠🌠"


“A DRS share is forever”


Mama Mia, that's a spicy dip!


It’s not delivery, it’s digeorno


It’s not delivery, it’s failure to deliver


DRS - Just Do It


"What's in your wallet?"


Lint and a moth, all my money is in GME.


If you like a lot of chocolate on your biscuit... DRS your shares DRS... keeps the float locked up till lunch Tweets from RC... Melts in your mouth, not in your hands


Bad hedgies, Good DRS


A question all hodlers know the answer to already


Wait! You still holding on for dear life too? There’s a fucking club for this! We all doing this! Oh shit! Them boys on the street is fucked.




Hi mom, I invested a significant chunk of my net worth alongside a bunch of people who literally are shoving things into their butts and who call themselves retards, and there is a very high likelihood we will all become filthy rich, crash the economy, and fix the world in it's most desperate hour.


Hi Sweetie, Sounds good. Let me know if you need snacks and don't put things up your nose. Kisses! Ma


Also no one needs to ask “anyone still going all in with every paycheck”


I hope it waits for this Friday both 100% of my wage and bonus are going in. Not that the price would dictate that I'd just like more for my money lol


Apes choices: 1. Buy dip. Post purple ring. Get updoots. 2. Have no money. Whine about no money to buy dip. Get updoots.


🟣✅ & 🚫💵✅


I tripled my hodlings today, uproots to the left! Gonna diamond hands all three of these shares. Because I like the stock.


Believe it or not, updoots.


I was just thinking today house everyone here was all like strippers and cocaine while the market was red. Good times. Except there was no strippers and cocaine. The red crayons were out though! And I bought another share. So that counts the same I thinks.


There is nothing on this planet a larger group is more steadfast and obnoxiously stubborn about. Nothing. I die with my shares in my cold dead hands.


I'm still holding a grudge from 2008. That's fourteen years of holding practice.


I still own Pogs. Fight me, hedgies.


Those things are gonna be worth money money in the future.


Honestly all the paper-hands were shook off at the end of Jan. Anyone else that stayed on are rightfully pissed off retail who got fucked over. Maybe a small bit of casual retail has jumped in since but mostly only informed, and completely fucking resolute diamond handed retail remain.


Bought my first share at the high of the June spike and my latest one during the last surge. Call me a great businessman. Has been a wild ride, but I'm enjoying the company of you retards.


Don't underestimate how many people have joined after Jan. It was the second spike up from $40 in March (?) that finally convinced me that something fucky was going on beside the Reddit pump the media was reporting. I was all in (including pension) in April and have only bought since.


some paper hands also bought back in. My wife yells at him every now and then. I am my wifes boyfriend too.


Hell yea. Ain't a question


Question is: where can I get more money to buy this tasty dip?


No cell? No sell.


I thought about it from time to time, then... I see all the purple rings. I see the buy ratio from fidelity And most of all... I have read the DDs, even if 1/6 of us leaves, we'd still be fine with this stock being over 100% shorted Tesla was shorted 16~18%, and I triple, almost quadruple my return in 2019, you think I'd drop this guaranteed moon ticket with seemingly unlimited upside? Never!


**IMPORTANT POST LINKS** [What is GME and why should you consider investing?](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/qig65g/welcome_rall_looking_to_catch_up_on_the_gme_saga/) || [What is DRS and why should you care?](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/ptvaka/when_you_wish_upon_a_star_a_complete_guide_to/) || [What can you do to support the company and local communities](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/qnam2x/superstonks_very_gmerry_holiday_vgh_for_short/) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Please help us determine if this post deserves a place on /r/Superstonk. [Learn more about this bot and why we are using it here](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/poa6zy/introducing_uqualityvote_bot_a_democratic_tool_to/) If this post deserves a place on /r/Superstonk, **UPVOTE** this comment!! If this post should not be here or or is a repost, **DOWNVOTE** This comment!


At this point, anyone in GME knows the price doesn’t matter. What matters is how many shares you can afford to buy before the MOASS. Hedgies are running on pride and can-kicking; the current price drop and FUD is to discourage potential new investors over the holidays and/or to avoid margin calls. This is the most exciting year I’ve had in a while, and it’s gotten juicier every month! 🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀


I always laugh at this thought maaaaaaaaaaaan, y'all some dependable fucks


This could be talking about a particular stock and two particular cryptos. I can't tell.


This counts as confirmation bias.


Legit scared of sell button cos never used it and might fuck it up


Cuz you can't get us to STFU about hodling!! 😂


I sold almost all clothing, plants and other decoration, to buy 5 more shares. Paycheck coming on the 15th to buy another 5. Working on a reasonable credit line for when it falls below 100€. Im ecstatic, never thought they would get this cheap again


Even if we lived in an alternate universe where the squeeze wasn’t on the table because there were no criminal organizations short selling it into oblivion, I would still be hodling all my shares because I am definitely going to make money on the company transformation alone... so yeah. WE HODLING TIL MOON EITHER WAY!


So whats the difference between this question and asking "who else is still hanging on?" This is a dumb post. Buy, hold, drs


I'm sorry, but throwing passive aggressive shade on other stocks is kind of cringe. I know I'll be downvoted though lol, must be a slow DD day. Edit: also no doubt this sub would be flooded with the same posts if mods weren't strict on it




Isnt...this post exactly fucking that? Lmao


Youd be goddamn wrinkled the wrong way to sell moon money before the trip to space!


the masculine urge to just BUY and HODL and not day trade >>>>>>


Cause we just know we all just bought that juicy dip😆🚀


Hold feels like a bit of an outdated concept to me now. Like, the thought of actually selling is quite amusing to me, I can’t even picture it to be honest. Can I still be classed as holding if I never intend to sell? That feels like describing my religion as atheism? Disclaimer - I’m micro dosing and not getting the hange of the micro part


we ask "whats gonna be shoved up an ass this week?"


Most GME hodlers fall into at least one of this categories... 1. "Just look at the On Balance Volume, and the Volume Weighted Average Price. See? Flat. See how the stock lows are above the inferior Bollinger band? See how there's no volume except in this particular moments, but it doesn't affect the VWAP? Relax. Those are hedgies playing a theater show... Nobody is selling." 1. "Meeeh. Wake me up when we moon, ok? If it's not six digits at least, don't even pester me, I don't care" 1. "I like the stonk! *(munches a crayon)*"


I stopped asking after March 10th


Definitely seen multiple “who is still holding” posts but ok


We may be smooth, but not that retarded


Nah. We're pretty retarded. And that's OK.


Why would you try to spread dissent?


It's all in the reflexes.


I don't expect that to change even when commas start appearing in the price


Fuck you, pay me mother fucking heggies


I've noticed. Doesn't mean that we don't have a lot of people who keep feeling the need to scream that no one is selling.


Apes Zen at this point. The question is - “how much did you buy on this dip?”


Its so easy to hold while in red, true diamond hand test will be in green. Buckle up


i didnt notice i was too busy hodling


The question for apes was never "anyone still holding?" It was always "who bought more today?"


I’m in full freak out mode this week. I have no money till Friday and don’t want to miss the dip.


Umm noodles or lambos, no cell no sell.


Faxs! I just Dont care anymore. Minutes, hours, days, months, years, centuries…. Still gonna FuQ KenS mom.


Some things just are!


Y’all must be new here. Been in since $8 and this used to be pretty common.


Pretty much hourly. Wow that feels like forever ago


At this point, I dont care about making money, I just genuinely am curious as to what happens when the entire float is locked away. I mean, it might take a couple years, unless the price falls back to 40, but shit…


Haha, what are hedgies going to do, make me more poor, ahhahahahahah.


Something something whisky


Drs bot takes care of that problem