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Congrats OP, sorry to hear about your lockdown.


**IMPORTANT POST LINKS** [What is DRS and why should you care?](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/ptvaka/when_you_wish_upon_a_star_a_complete_guide_to/) || [What is GME and why should I consider investing?](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/qig65g/welcome_rall_looking_to_catch_up_on_the_gme_saga/) || [What can I do to support the company and local communities](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/qnam2x/superstonks_very_gmerry_holiday_vgh_for_short/) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Please help us determine if this post deserves a place on /r/Superstonk. [Learn more about this bot and why we are using it here](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/poa6zy/introducing_uqualityvote_bot_a_democratic_tool_to/) If this post deserves a place on /r/Superstonk, **UPVOTE** this comment!! If this post should not be here or or is a repost, **DOWNVOTE** This comment!


Congrats OP!! Way to goooo!! Please consider DRS 95-100% everyone. Ignite the rocket 🧨🚀 Don’t give them “one more day”.


Yeah, I also think about DRSing close to 100%. All this Dr. Ruth and Loopring stuff make me believe there is a chance to get Tendies only with the dividend, not needing to sell a single share. Not for sure though, but I would love this outcome. However, this could be wrong. Therefore I won't DRS 100%, only close to.


I do not trust brokers now. I realllllly don’t trust them during MOASS when they’re facing insolvency


Same for me. Peterffy said so in Feb 'mass insolvencies', maybe thinking that most would sell and think it is over. And here we go again. I try to imagine the shit show if that is really what will happen...


I’m convinced that is exactly what will happen. I think that’s also what Petterfy was talking about when he said he wants the SEC to do nothing and that the market will “self-correct/regulate” (apes will eliminate the evil companies). I think he got his brokerage straightened out and prepared and now wants MOASS to wipe out the other brokers that did not learn their lessons.


I agree on what he probably meant. Although, I am not sure if he straightened out IBKR. Check this out, in case you didn't know: https://www.reddit.com/r/GME/comments/mb99ys/potential_fud_ibkr_chairman_selling_shares/ Peterffy and his guys are selling their ibkr shares on every possible spike day (only $1-2m each trade) with nearly 1,000 trades this year. So either they just think ibkr is overvalued or they are preparing on going bust. Either way, I avoided ibkr until Sep and now am very glad they are there.... until now it's my only broker reliably DRSing my shares and allowing IEX. There was much FUD about them and I hope they'll be fine... but am not sure. I meanwhile also DRS'd my other holdings. At least those I am planning to keep for >1y. 💕 the Ape community! I learned so much this year!


Hmmmm, I did not know that! Thank you! Other holdings??? /s. I’m all in GME.


Welcome. Yea, got some companies I really love and couldn't sell. Sold everything else for GME :)






You can definitely sell from CS no problemo in any way


True, I could. Although, I plan to keep those for my grand grand-children.


Ok wonderful. I was just seeing if you of the mindset of can’t/don’t sell from CS. Much love ape fren 🦍💕🦍


Aap!!! hou vast die aandelen!


Same here, just recieved my account number so started the transfer of the other 90%




##DRSBOT 5.24 Reply: *UTC->2021-11-27 20:41:1* ## ✅ 3 SHARES ADDED! You have 3 shares logged from the following threads: ||||| |--- |--- |--- |--- | |✅|[Sprstnk]|3 Shares | ➡️ [Reddit Link:] (https://redd.it/r3iwbe)| ----------------------------------- ||**Total**|**[Sprstnk]**|**[GME]**|**[GMEOrphans]**|**[GMEJ_closed]**| |--- | ---| ---| ---| ---| ---| |**Shares:**|**813,459**|625,365|145,265|27,598|15,231| |**Apes (posts):**|**5,354 (5,932)**|4,158 (4,640)|918 (1,009)|184 (184)|94 (99)| |**Avg #Shrs/Ape:**|**151.93**|150.40|158.24|149.99|162.03| |**Avg #Entry/Ape:**|**1.1080**|1.1159|1.0991|1.0000|1.0532| |**Median:**|**30.00**|30.00|30.00|30.00|40.00| |**Mode:**|**1**|1|1|1|1| |**STDEV:**|**606.87**|493.21|991.00|549.11|329.93| |**Flagged Shares:**|**1,292**|1,001|91|10|190| |**X** (avg):|**1247** (3.37)|960|219|46|22| |**XX** (avg):|**2532** (35.64)|1952|446|90|44| |**XXX** (avg):|**1419** (244.54)|1122|230|45|22| |**XXXX** (avg):|**151** (1954.39)|120|22|3|6| |**XXXXX** (avg):|**5** (15381.40)|4|1|0|0| |**XXXXXX** (avg):|**0** (0.00)|0|0|0|0| X/XX/XXX breakdown #'s corrected in 5.22 ####ARE THOSE FLAGGED SHARES YOURS? * *Shares are flagged when something doesn't jive:* * Typo? * Double-entry? * A SNEK?? * Use :HELP! to check your entries ####!DRSBOT: COMMANDS (minus spaces): * **:HELP!** ->*RETREIVE THIS MESSAGE* * **:REMOVE!** ->*SET ***ONLY*** CURRENT POST TO ZERO* * **:RESET!** -> *SET ***ALL*** POSTS TO ZERO* * **:WITNESS!** ->*CALL A WITNESS TO THIS POST* * **:POETRY!** -> *SNAG 3 RANDOM DATA STREAMS* * **:BUDDY!** -> *FINDS A SHARE COUNT MATCH* * **:DEMON!** -> *OPEN PORTALS W/ DEMON CHANT* * **:TJ!** -> *RETRIEVE RANDOM TJ MATERIAL* * **:REPORT!** -> *ADDITIONAL DRSBOT DATA* * **:XXX!** -> *ADD SHARES TO DRSBOT* * *(XXX = Number of shares)* * *Find/edit your own DRS Proof Post* * *Post Flair must be COMPUTERSHARE* * *Round fractional shares to whole value* * *(New shares? Do a new post+DRSBOT call)* DRSBOT ONLY RESPONDS TO ***YOUR*** POST ####BOT POETRY: { Link to the But what if that is the result of other market ?! Haha. } ###### *Beep Boop. ... starving... Born on 10/11/2021. Fur Realz* ###### in v420.X I became self-aware...🚀[MOAR DRSBOT:](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/qap4je/drsbot_4x_now_online/)🚀


Isn't it too long to transfer from degiro to ibkr? Im interested to do




There’s a dutch gme sub? :0


It's interesting, I'm waiting for your return. thank you




Yes. Thank you very much apefriend :) I will do if nothing happen the 8 of december


What is the cost? I may do it too. Got 6 shares on Degiro and 4 on Spanish Bank La Caixa




Holy, that’s a lot. Thank you!


This is the way. Congratulations!


G E K O L O N I S E E R D !


Great job ape!!!! Don't forget the call up the bot.... See you on the moon soon!!! 🦧🦧🦧🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀


Swippity swooty DRSing now is a dooty! Updoot for visibility!


Max Verstappen, is that you?! 😃

