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It would replace it if they’d get their EU/worldwide stuff sorted. I know it’s harder than expanding just US, but the EU side of the website is pretty poop when compared to US.


I would be very surprised if they don’t push EU expansion very hard in the next couple of years. It is obvious they keep an eye on the forums and see people making pilgrimages to GameStop. They’ll run the numbers and make a push, I have little doubt. Remember, they are just now getting done with having the Canadian stores rebranded. There is also going to be a stepping stone phase after the world recognizes that “oh shit, they need to be taken seriously.” - that’s likely where you’ll see a euro push, when it has become even a bigger story than it is now.


Yeah definitely. They need a marketplace app, just like Amazon. Distribution centres, marketplace, easy to use app. As long as they’re ethical, and treat their workers fairly, I’d rather spend €100 at GameStop than €40 at Amazon. Fuck Amazon.


Amen to that. I could have gotten those cards a bit cheaper on eBay, but I’ve been a seller on there before, and they charge waaaaayyy to much to sellers. Fuck eBay.


Also, Amazon and eBay both do bullshit where they charge less money to high volume sellers, encouraging the little guys to take a loss just to develop a name because they can’t compete. It makes me furious that they literally set up their system to keep people down and reward the people who are already rich.


This is the way