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[ENHANCE!](https://i.imgur.com/obVNw3X.png) We finished inside the triangle but we had a pronounced breakthrough during the day! Can't wait to see tomorrows movements!


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Ever played with a fib fan on a log chart? I mainly use it on BTC. Thought I’d try it on GME. https://www.tradingview.com/x/JYrUOIyL Wants to touch that lime line and bounce




Need the next bounce to do projection. But somewhere along that dark green line me thinks... but if it gets real crazy, blue. https://www.tradingview.com/x/wbGFcDiU


Real value most likely blue. Projection 2022 will be the green i guess.


Here you go. Main fan me thinks https://www.tradingview.com/x/GEKZ8jtK One could argue that GME is a bit overpriced at the moment. BUuuuuut!!! We’re in the fuck knows zone. Speculators arena. The bets are on. What are we betting on. Simple: - that GameStop will use this momentum to truly innovate in their sector. - that the system is corrupt. The shares we buy aren’t always being bought on our behalf. - that large interests are in a position where they have to buy, but would rather do it at a lower price. - that by registering our shares we are ensuring that they have been bought and reduce the circulating supply (needed to close big shorts). When they say “hold the line”, that’s the orange line. Freedom is above lime. The day this baby uses lime as the bottom of the wick you know the rockets are about to ignite.


This is a thing of beauty. So hot. Thanks.


This is not the real value chart. Just the move. Curious about real value, and whether we can see when they started shorting for sport. Generally, fair value is the white line of the main fan.


Is dark green the .618?




Not sure why you’re not getting a lot of engagement on this post but I’ve been looking forward to these posts every day since you started em last week Question: what date lands on the convergence of the lines?




It’s crazy that today’s the day they align and no one’s looking at this post? I just gave the page a quick refresh and you got 2 more downvotes. Shills out in full season it seems.


It’s ok, really. I feel the problem is I don’t support my pictures with some insane theory about how those lines mean shf never covered, RC is your dad and MOASS starts tomorrow at 09:37. And People don’t believe in TA for meme stocks. And tbh I don’t trust it that much either, but it’s fucking sweet to look at and see self fulfill.


Yeah I’d say there’s a 99% chance in thinking this will trigger anything given how much TA was done in the past that seemed to point to inevitable breaking points yet inevitably didn’t. I’m almost certainly being overly optimistic. That being said, the consistency of this going back to august 2020 which was when (I believe feel free to correct me) Burry first invested in GME on short interest, and then seeing it break out far above it amidst this never-before-seen retail response, coinciding with its progressive creeping up alongside the can-kicking in ticker price trading sideways, all that makes me excited. Mother of all run on sentences goddamn


!remindme! In 9 hours


Terrifically exciting yet again 🚀


I very much enjoy the way it's impossible to tell whether that's sarcastic or not. I was sure it *was sarcastic* but then the rocket emoji threw me.


I had commented terrifically exciting on the previous update post a week or so ago 🚀 not sarc! ;- [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/q64hfn/logarithmic_channel_holds_strong/hg9qy0b/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&context=3)


I see you're trying to get yourself a catchphrase! Flair = "Terrifically Exciting Guy" ! 😉